Sun Tzu, from "The Art Of War."
Because I sense that there may be a lot of government personnel (especially U.S. based) bulging their eyes out after reading this writing at this time, the following photos are dedicated to those individuals:

Graves Disease

Graves Disease

Graves Disease

Okay, so much for my lousy and distasteful humor.

Basic Astrology Interpretation

The Luminaries (Sun and Moon)

Vladimir Putin is a Libra, and one of the aspects of Libra that a lot of astrologers get wrong per interpretation is related to the fact that Libra is the predominant Sun sign found in the military. I call this the "Aries Challenge" aspect of Libra, since Libra is the 180 degree opposite sign on the zodiac relative to the firey and action-seeking sign of Aries. In other words, this aspect of Libra can motivate Libra Sun signs to enjoy and desire to be involved with intense one-on-one challenges, especially those in Aries-type organizations such as the military or related to the military in some way.

But yes, Libras can also be the type we read so much about in terms of "seeking harmony and balance" and "desiring to make ugly situations harmonious and pleasant." Putin may have been disgusted with the state of the old Soviet Union, and really wanted to make the place a lot more pleasant and harmonious once he ascended to power. My parents traveled to an allowed travel area in the old Soviet Union in the 1980's, and their response was one of horror and disgust. And Putin may now be showing the Libra side that most of us are familiar with, trying to "balance out" conflict and make the area harmonious in some way.

The combination of the Sun and Saturn in Libra allows Putin to think over situations for a long time before making a decision. Also note that with this duo placed on the twelfth house cusp (with the stars of Algorab (destructiveness, repulsiveness, fiendishness) and Seginus (involvement with business and law)) conjuncting this combination defines Putin as an incredible decision-maker. This is because this placement acts as a "guardian angel" that "restricts or disallows" transiting planets (about to enter the twelfth house) from manifesting  twelfth house deceptions and disappointments due to the restrictive nature of Saturn and the focus-of-attention-aspect of the Sun "guarding" the twelfth house cusp. The big problem with Sun conjunct Saturn is that success is often obtained at the price of loneliness or isolation.

The Moon sesquiquadrate Saturn placement is sharp, and this placement may further exacerbate the probability for isolation from loved ones or those Putin considers "family" due to work with the public. With the Moon conjunct the star of Mirfak (involvement with the masses) and in the secretive eighth house, Putin may be forced to spend a majority of time in this lifetime dedicated to secretive work involved in helping his people, and less time toward family, the company of women, or involvement with secretive affairs relished by similar men in positions of great power.        


All war is based on deception. - Sun Tzu

Learning To Work With A Packed Twelfth House: The Secret Of Much Success In War And Chess

In a recent statistics class required for advanced nursing school, a survey revealed that those with the Sun sign of Pisces tended to be the best chess players of the twelve Sun signs in the survey. I didn't quite understand why this was possible. until I thought about the other meaning of Pisces, i.e. the Hindu Goddess Maya (or Goddess of Deception). The twelfth house is notorious for bringing out deceptive qualities as planets transit through it (and conjunct planets or luminaries in the twelfth house), and learning to work with, understand, and utilize such twelfth house deception may be necessary for success in war-like activities or great challenges similar to war (i.e. chess).

Putin AND two chess players whose horoscope charts I did many years ago all had twelfth houses packed with more than two planets/luminaries, and the twelfth house of the basic horoscope is the Pisces placement of the horoscope per description and nature. This defines Putin to not only be formidable in chess and war-like activities, but he is probably also formidable in challenges of a higher complex nature outside of war and such.

Mercury Conjunct The Star Of Spica And Neptune: "The Fortunate One?"

Spica is a very important binary star of the zodiac, often called "the ear of corn held by Virgo." It is the brightest star in Virgo, and is a pretty blue color. This is what my notes say about it:

Spica * Behenian Star

Wealth, fame, honour, glamour, the "Fortunate One".Spica looks like one star, but is actually two, an eclipsing binary in a tight orbit of 4 days. A planet in close conjunction to Spica is protected from the heat of the Via Combusta


23° Lib 58

   Very    Fortunate 


    α (Alpha) Virginis    B1 (brilliant bluish white)
   Mg.0.98 var.

While Mercury is in the twelfth house and in strong conjunction with Neptune, Mercury's placement with Spica may protect it from the deceptive nature of Neptune, or allow Putin to understand, work with, and utilize Neptune's deceptive energy (but probably after much trial and error!)

This is especially probable since Neptune is in the twelfth house, which is Neptune's natural home placement (i.e. house of Pisces) and may facilitate the learning of what Neptune's deceptive nature is really like due to lifetime experiences. 

Saturn Square Uranus: A Lifetime Of Dealing With Conflict (And Learning To Prevent Such)

Saturn and Uranus are big time "enemies" of the zodiac, and whenever these two form fourth harmonic aspects to each other in the sky (i.e. conjunction, square, or opposition), watch out for the probability of earthquakes (1989 San Francisco earthquake), tsunamies, tornadoes, explosions, military attacks (i.e. Pearl Harbor), and even riots. While this doesn't define Putin as being a person prone to being violent, having to deal with intense conflict for a great deal of his time may be a reality, be it on the chess board or in the secret room where those concealed computers and special brass keys are kept.

This placement can either help Putin manage internal turmoil or be his "Achilles Heel" via refusing important changes that may manifest.

The Saturn/Uranus square can definitely define Putin as dangerous if he is provoked enough. The conjunction of Uranus with the star of Wasat (destructiveness, prominence in public affairs, violence) may define Putin as someone that you don't want to provoke. Putin reportedly has the equivalent of a blackbelt in judo and is a master chessplayer, but he also appears to be more interested in expansion of social freedoms than one-on-one confrontations.

Putin would not have experienced this many times of being re-elected if he had a greater tendency for violent trends than for social harmony. And yes, the desire for social harmony is more of Libra trait than the desire for one-on-one confrontations.

Venus In Scorpio And Conjunct The Star Of Acrux: Success In Occult/Metaphysical Studies

Venus is conjunct the star of Acrux, and this is the original "Halloween Star." Strongly associated with the occult and with fame ("Death Wish" actor/star Charles Bronson has his Sun position conjunct Acrux), people with this placement usually have some interest in readings or practices related to metaphysics and the occult, or philosophy of a unique character and origin.

I could not find anything about Putin and involvement with the occult, but since he worked for the KGB, it is highly probable that he studied it or had to learn some aspects of it for KGB assignments.

Here's what my notes say about Acrux:



Interest in astrology and spirituality, metaphysics,


11° Sco 52




  α (Alpha) Crucis a.k.a.   ζ (Zeta) Centauri
  B1 (blue) Mg.0.76

The involvement with the KGB and similar secret organizations or "cliques" may be the real definition of Venus in the secretive sign of Scorpio, and not the extreme jealousy or sexually possessive nature that so many astrology books use for defining Venus in Scorpio.

It is my opinion that while Putin may be able to relish much sexual action due to his position in power, but his job and drive for government power may prevent him from having the many sexual affairs that so many men in his position of power waste their time with. I really sense that Putin is not just a man driven for power, but a man dedicated to a mission of some kind that allows social harmony and disallows the transfer of his brains to the organs that manufacture testosterone.

Mars At The Galactic Center: Involvement With Extraterrestrial Activity?

The galactic center is strongly related to UFO activity and involvement with extraterrestrials. I have an important planet placed at this station (26 to 27 degrees Sagittarius). I can concur with the interpretation of ET involvement and experiences from my own history and notes I have published on AshtarCommandCrew.

Russia has much history in terms of involvement with extraterrestrials (especially with the Zeta Greys), and while I can't prove it, I am certain that Putin may have been involved with some ET-based activity while with the KGB. Here's how the Galactic Center is interpreted:


Galactic  Centre  Galactic Core

 Vast supermassive Black Hole at the centre of our galaxy,  discovered 1932; source of energy, motivation, aspiration; alien  consciousness; crisis of faith; travel; education; philosophy; spiritual urges; single-minded dedication

26° Sag 52



  "A" radio source   black hole at centre
  Milky Way galaxy

Mars is the planet of action, and aspects of it's house placement are usually where one will find their biggest personal challenges and confrontations. Because Mars is in the second house and the second house rules ones' savings, possessions, or how one uses money or invests it, it is fair to say that Putin's major challenge may be how he will define and utilize money, and not by someone else whose military weapons are manned by video game experts who love their work (and are probably addicted to Ritalin). 

Jupiter Conjunct Star of Rana and Square North Node: A Position Of Power At Home For Some Time   

Lucky Jupiter is well placed in the seventh house (relationships) and squares the North Node (connections) in the fourth house (the home or one's "roots"). Because the star of Rana represents "a position of authority," Putin may be an important leader for Russia for many years to come. Also note that the placement of Jupiter in the money sign of Taurus (and squaring the connective apparatus of the North Node (in the sign of technology-related Aquarius)), may indicate success with establishing some sort of financial system involving money-related connections.

Pluto Conjunct Midheaven: Position Of Power Attained With Peed-Off People On The Sidelines

I have done three charts on people with Pluto conjunct Midheaven, and Putin is the fourth. This placement is notorious for individuals who usually drive for and attain positions of power or jumps in financial status, and they either fall big time due to "cheating" to get such power or status or they really pee off certain people (ESPECIALLY IF MONEY IS INVOLVED) and those who may not want such people to attain power or status will "pull the stops" against people with this Pluto placement for personal or business reasons (or both).

Putin has Pluto and the Midheaven conjunct two stars: Algenubi and Tania Australis. Both of these stars are highly martial in nature, and can define one to display extreme ruthlessness if provoked. Again, I reiterate to the government personnel that may be reading this (and the fraudsters and pick-pockets involved in banking that may also be reading this) that this placement defines a dangerous individual who can cause much havoc if provoked in the wrong way, regardless of how important it is to keep your scam going.

There is the possibility for Putin to"fall from power." The problem is that he is immensely popular with his voters, and Russia won't allow use of Diebold electronic voting machines (which allow outside users to easily change the number of votes before the votes are counted, as was the case in the U.S.) Unless Putin screws up big time, the western-based offshore banking conglomerates may be forced to reason and deal with Putin in some way. Otherwise they have to admit to having a psychological problem with money that is similar to a problem that many people in Hollywood (and D.C.) have with Marching Band Dust from Columbia and Peru.

And yes, this same Hollywood and D.C. cocktail club may face living underground with reptiles and survivors that will not honor pretty pieces of paper for food, no matter how persuasive the argument with nuclear weapons may be.   


Advanced Uranian Astrology Section (With Interpretations)


8110751270?profile=originalInterpretation of the Midheaven

"The reputation of the individual will be known for incredible success as a result of deception in a big way via international impact or via financial impact, as well as success with local populations and local public works due to being steadfast with the money supply and capital investment."

8110751065?profile=originalInterpretation of Zero Degrees Aries

" What the world holds for the individual involves successful relationships with government areas or bureaucracies that may feature individuals involved in secret services or espionage, as well as involvement with politics or community works as a result of grief or disgust over poverty, bad neighborhoods, and disgusting conditions."  


Interpretation of the Ascendant

"The environment of the individual will feature many separations from cultures, religious pursuits, and important relationships due to connections and involvements with people who are deceptive, secret, dangerous, criminal-minded, and involved with other "outsider" people on an international or local basis (or both)." 


Interpretation of the Sun

"The individual will be involved with secret organizations that may be involved with danger or high level crime and also be involved with use of advanced technology having an effect on populations, war, defense, and also the promotion of harmony or relationships with others on the planet." 


Interpretation of The Moon:

"The individuals or "family members" (either from younger years or the present) who are close to the individual may have experienced much conflict or dissonance within the individual's "family circle" as a result of highly secret involvement (directly or indirectly) with a criminal government or a criminal organization and involvement with high-level secretive technology used in deception or criminal activities."


Interpretation of North Node:

"The individual will have great success with connections that involve government relations and powerful government personnel involved with fostering changes either for a criminal government or a legitimate organization deriving from a criminal government."

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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  • that looks like a lot of work Malcolm-thanks -it's interesting-I especially like the final quote-the soviets were not initially elected into office

    • Thanks. I am selective about who I will do extensive research on, and Putin is fascinating as he is an important part of the important changes that are taking place on a galactic basis relative to mother Earth. I envy Putin because we both have a lot in common astrologically, and I feel that he is doing better than me in terms of having an impact on the great transformation that is going on. But then again, God works in mysterious ways. I will leave it at that.

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