Who really knows? Somebody does-these guys put out disinfo for us, the fringe, to confuse and smoke screen the truth-when we talk about this info we are discredited by our peers and we remain harmless to the players-real cabal whistle blowers end up in 'accidents, suicides, robberies gone wrong'


Synchronicity And Cobra Posted on June 25, 2014 by Ines Radman Man, the last month has been full of these events, where I start with a thought, go seeking and the first look or entry is already there, either written or existing. I shared a story with you about synchronicity last week I believe titled “A New Friend”, here I am referring my daughter to an individual that I am acquainted with to do Soul Regression work and at the same time, she’s sending me a link to his book yet neither one of us are aware that we are doing this and that it’s the same person. In fact, I had no idea that this person even wrote a book! I’m sitting here at my desk thinking about who I am going to research for the goal of exposing another “false light” disinfo agent. Kathryn E. May got boring, she’s simple and her work is open and clean, so that story was history for now, and I needed a challenge. I had 2 people on my mind that I wanted to work on and they used to work together actually. Alexandra Meadors interviewed Cobra for a year or so and I was not sure who to start researching. So, I remembered one of my readers sending me a link of where he found one of my posts and when I went to the website, I clicked on the link for older posts and guess what the first old post was? Cobra! So, Ken has done such an excellent job on exposing Cobra or better be honest and just say that this is Ken’s opinion which I very much support. In fact, I would have probably written it word for word so I am sharing this with you dear reader and as always, I welcome your thoughts! My notes are in red bold. I came across a recent Cobra article today, and it contains a passage that brought a smile to my face…The energies of the cardinal Grand Cross have triggered all kinds of suppressed dysfunctional behavior and ideas which needed to be cleared before the activation could take place. Here I would just like to mention some Archon-induced strange ideas floating around that the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Egyptian Gods and Goddesses are »part of the false light«, are »there to deceive you« and are »part of the hierarchy that is there to enslave you«. Nothing could be further from the truth. All these beings are true beings of Light and are our friends, brothers and sisters. Without their continuous help and assistance, humanity would not survive the last few hundred years and would be extinct by now. Normally, Cabal propagandists will ignore damaging ideas out of fear of bringing more attention to them by mentioning them. So the fact that Cobra is bringing up humanity’s dawning realization of the false-light is a sign that it has become so damaging to their plans that they are forced to bring it up and attempt to combat it. Unfortunately for them, there is no way to put the genie back in the bottle. Their legion of “ascended masters,” “angels and archangels,” and “benevolent ETs” are now being seen as the dressed-up demons they are, and there is no going back. As for the suggestion that humanity wouldn’t survive without the false-light demons, he is right; we would thrive without them. The beings at the top of the control pyramid contrive the existential threats against us through their “dark hats,” then leak those plans to their “white hats” so they can save the day. This creates the illusion that we are being protected by the false-light. Needless to say, it’s just another form of false-flag theatrics, and humanity is now seeing it for what it is. The dark hats have the Left Hand of the Hierarchy working them like puppets, and the white hats have the Right Hand working them. In closing, I’ll say to the Hierarchy and their dark/white hat puppets what I said to one of their web trolls the other day… “You PSYWAR guys are losing this war. Savor the flavor, bi*ches….” [Update 111 - 25 April 2014] Someone contacted me and made an inquiry related to this entry, so I thought I’d share my response so others might benefit from it…. Allow me to preface my response to your inquiry by saying that I’ve had no clear-cut experience with aliens or UFOs, so I cannot attest to their reality. But I do provisionally accept their existence here because such a presence would explain a lot of what I’m seeing in this world, and also because it represents the most dangerous scenario for us. I think it’s better to assume that one’s adversary is strong; that way, one doesn’t fatally under-react to their agendas. To address your question about Cobra, yes, it is my strongly held view that he is most definitely part of the false-light propaganda crew. These are some of the more prominent reasons for my opinion: 1) He is one of those who has called for people to enter the “living light transformation chambers” to have their DNA adjusted by the aliens (see this entry: ETs and their Transformation Chambers). This is something that has also been called for by the “Galactic Federation of Light” and other similarly shady sources. I’m sure you’ve heard what George Kavassillas has to say about the GFL. 2) He displays behavior characteristic of con artistry. For instance, he has a tendency to add a new layer to his plot line every time a window of opportunity for the “Event” has passed “uneventfully.” There is always some new program they need to crack on the “etheric mainframe” or some new “Archon implant” they need to dig out of people’s heads. But I think the real reason they haven’t been able to pull off a big-e Event is that our awareness of their plans is forestalling them.Yes, I totally agree with this. It’s always something illusive without any details and when asked he always says “I cannot answer that at this time”. He wants our help, but never gives out information we want. I often make my first judgement when I hear people like him stating we don’t need to know or can’t know. It’s like the USG saying they can’t talk about it for National Security Reasons. Additionally, there is the ridiculous theater of his disguising of his voice. He does this even though any intelligence agent on the planet can buy a ticket to one of his seminars and record his voice. This leads me to conclude that he is either attempting to create a mystique about himself to impress the rubes, or he is hiding something, such as the possibility that the person giving the interviews and the person giving the seminars aren’t the same person. I write about this all the time. I have little faith in anyone that is disguising themselves. Why? These people claim they need to because their families are threatened or they are in danger, blah, blah, but here is a prime example of honesty and integrity. Edward Snowden “knew” he would be threatened possibly even killed yet he didn’t hide his identity and he feared nobody. There are many brave souls out there doing the same dangerous work and don’t hide their identity. 3) He just smells funny. In my core, I sense slickness and smarminess in him, and I trust my instincts. Also, someone I trust has told me something about Cobra that reflects very poorly on his character. But since my personal gut feeling is strictly my own, and since I can’t reveal the exact nature of what I was told, I don’t present these as public reasons to not trust him. I present them only as some of my personal reasons for holding the opinion I do. Many people I am in contact with through my blog know that I have had serious doubts about this guy. No, I’m not sure that he’s not what he says he is, but he’s starting to sound like all the galactics and Sheldon Nidle, we’re getting things done but they are not done yet, and we’re almost there, but we still have a way to go yet. Things are not in order, but they will be soon. This is what Cobra sounds like and has been for months. From my perspective, Cobra comes across as a (spiritual guru-style) con man, and I see him selling the false-light spiritual paradigm in much the same way that Benjamin Fulford sells the false-light economic and political paradigm.Forgive me for saying this, but “Show me the money Cobra”. Show me something tangible, something real, something I can smell, something I can touch or see because at this moment, I see nothing that I can relate to your so called “work”. I respect what you do, and maybe I’m wrong, but I need a bit more evidence that something is being done, cause I sure as hell don’t feel it! As for the question about the many galactic federations stemming from the same false-light source, I would elucidate as follows…. I’ve heard the aliens called by many different names, and one of the more notable of them is “the Archons.” And according to one of the common Archon narratives, these beings have the ability to influence our perceptions and make us see what they want us to see. Due to this ability, they can influence us to see them in any form they choose, including the forms of various types of “ETs,” the forms of Earth humans, or the forms of an “angel” or a “devil.” I really respect Alex Collier and his work, he started way back in the 70′s and this man has been through the wringer so many times. I tend to trust what he said and that is that there are NO bad ET’s out there. If there were, we would have been toast long ago and somehow it resonates with me. If this is truly the case, it follows that the specific form they’d choose to take in any encounter with a human would depend on their agenda for that encounter: if they want a quick energy snack of fear, they’ll show themselves as terrifying demons; if they want to sell someone a sweet-sounding spiritual lie, they’ll show up as angels; and if they want to pit two nations against each other, they’ll show up as reptilian aliens in one place and human aliens in another. Only their highest minions at the top of the earthly control pyramid would know any better. With the possibility that we are dealing with “shapeshifter” entities, one can see that all the different types of ETs and federations that some believe exist could be nothing more than different costumes and fronts used by the same cast of actors. In previous writings, I’ve likened the different federations and confederations to different brands under GM. Each brand/federation has different features and a different style, and each appeals to a different demographic. But if they’re all telling you to hop into the DNA ovens after they’ve earned your trust, are they really any different? All this being said, do I completely discount the possibility that there are benevolent ET’s who are “here or near” to help humanity? No, of course not, but I am quite certain that such ETs aren’t the ones behind the East/BRICS versus West/NATO dialectic that is being played out before our eyes. I’m also quite certain that they aren’t associated with any “hierarchies,” “masters,” “lords,” or “commanders.” Such things are the calling cards of regressions. On a final note I need to add one very important aspect of this whole post and that is the “archons”. Cobra uses this term often and he’s never as far as I can remember, defined who they are, where they came from and or how they became to be. I’m pretty well versed in Gnostics, John Lamb Lash is a friend of mine and he’s one of the utmost respected scholars and an expert in the Archons because they are written about in the Ancient Gnostic texts, there is a lot of information on my blog about them. Archons are inorganic beings, they use mind control to access humans, they are not able to get close to Earth as they are not able to do so due to their inorganic nature. I get the feeling that Cobra really does not know about who the true Archons are, yet he claims to have higher dimensional contacts, and this is where I started to doubt his knowledge and true mission. I can say with certainty that John Lash has the correct information and interpretation about the Archons. In fact, nobody out there who use the term “Archons” say much about them, how they came to be and where they are from. The Gnostics knew about the Archons and how they came to be, through a celestial error. There is plenty of information about that on metahistory.org or gnosis.org. If anyone has proof that Cobra is real, I would love to see it, but not any “someone told me or I read it somewhere”. And, no, I do not want to hear that you saw him at some event because it’s not him. He’s got a Russian accent, that I am sure of. http://blog.redefininggod.com/page/2.aspx

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  • So, what is the problem here? Cobra is maybe from Slovenia? If he is not American, British, etc - does it mean that he has to be stupid, con artist or something similar? The prejudices about people from Eastern Europe are constructed by same forces that constructed all other prejudices, and we have seen many. As for Balkan region, from where Cobra allegedly comes, if that is truth, many greatest scientists and artists originate from that region, For example, Tesla, and Tesla was born in Croatia, that was one of Yugoslav's republics, together with Slovenia (Cobra's place of birth?), Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia etc. Tesla's birth place is actually quite close to Slovenia. Western world is led to believe that they are the only ones that are smart and capable, and everyone else is stupid, but facts and archaeological evidence shows us something different, like this:

    New Evidence: Balkan Peninsula And Not Mesopotamia Was The Cradle Of Civilization - Researchers Say

    Read more: http://www.messagetoeagle.com/earlierthansumer.php#ixzz3Qa6jvHfM,

    or this:http://www.human-resonance.org/balkans.html

    or this:

    30,000 Year Old Bosnian Pyramids Built With Man Made Cement 


    Paleo sanscrit: http://www.human-resonance.org/visoko.html

    Pyramids in Slovenia: http://www.european-pyramids.eu/wb/pages/european-pyramids/slovenia...

    These are pictures of some of artifacts from Serbia, near capital Belgrade, location called Vinca: 

    https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CWt5JKLDRSrJIjj...  (don't they look a lot like sumerian)

    As for asking for donations - isn't that what most people that run web sites or blogs do, on regular basis, and Cobra did that only once. We all need to have some funds, especially people that devote great deal of their time and effort for doing their best in order to liberate the planet. From the text you posted, it looks as though Cobra is actually very consistent, he has been saying and doing same things for a long period of time.

    As for our suspicions as to who is telling the truth and who is lying - that is something that we all need to discern for ourselves.

    I have followed Cobra's blog since the beginning, and I think that the great value of his activity is that he mobilized huge number of people worldwide in  engagement regarding joining the forces in different ways. His efforts are turned to unification of people, regardless of their races, religions or skin color, and that is huge success, as we finally start realizing that we are all one, and only together we can change this world.

    • cobra is another one propagating this new banking system-all nonsense-during the American colonial days there was not enough gold an silver to go around -most of it in England-US silver and gold mines are out west so we the people ,or as the lefties like to say 'the masses' had to barter a lot to do business and use promissory notes-each colony had it's own notes printed and they were not backed by gold or silver but tavern owners, carpenters, farmers, etc could do business and prosper-of course the govs taxed the industiousnous of 'the masses' and there was a lot of counterfeiting, and quite a few cropped ears and the letter C carved into faces-at one point 'the landed; decided, in Boston' that business would be done only by coin -rumblings of the same in other colonies-and as the law went into action people were driven out of work-small business owners had to barter and use black market paper notes or iou's to buy supplies and suddenly there was an uprising and buildings burned in Boston and 'the landed' quickly changed their minds and went back to notes-obviously there needs to be gold backing-how about Jonathan May's idea? Take known gold, oil, gas etc. ares that have not been mined and back the dollar with the value of those public lands?  Print less cash-bama loves to print money-my point is this cobra guy is shilling for the same 'landed' who want everything and cut credit to 'the masses' that is what the new banking system is going to be with soviet style propaganda and enforcement worldwide- the more credit I can get and put it into my business and increase my wealth the more of a threat I become to 'them'-this cabal also believe they are the stewards of the earth and want to de-populate-starting with the 3rd world

      • I would not say so, Cobra is not propagating new financial system, he only said that new system that will be used will be backed by precious metals and banks that remain opened will not be able to do financial manipulations and take big charges,  and all that will be temporary solution as we will base our new society on a system without money. 

        Together with Rob Potter, Cobra organized web page where everybody can get  information about the event and the changes that should happen, and where people can connect with others, and contribute with their ideas and engagements:  http://prepareforchange.net/the-event-intro-page/

        • there you go -a system without money is an illuminati dream come true-this has been a dream of the far left for years-total, centralized control of currency/credit-death knell to any dynamic economy, what we used to have in the US. 

          • first you say Cobra wants new financial system (illuminati plan), then you say that system without money is illuminaty dream....?

            I understand that he wanted to say that we will not need money, as all will work for the benefit of all, people will do what they love to do, as their contribution to the society, and in exchange they will be able to get whatever they need (that was produced by other members of the society). Of course, that means that we, as society, need to overcome greed and other not so nice human characteristics, to evolve in our understandings as other, more advanced societies out there did. it will not come overnight, it will probably take some time, and that is when new, fair financial system would get in, as a transitional solution.

  • Thank you for sharing.  I do however have a very hard time reading this because of my tunnel vision.  I think I am going to cut and past this info into my word program using paragraphs so I can get a better grip on what is being said.  If any one else is having a hard time reading this due to it being one long run-on, let me know and I will add it with paragraphs for easier reading.  It may take me a day but am willing to do this if anyone is interested and are having a hard time making through this.....let me know here if anyone else wants a cleaned up edition.

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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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Ashtar, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS  Sunday Call 3/20/2022 (Ashtar, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY Ashtar and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages were given during…

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