"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results."
~ Albert Einstein
Outward things can accentuate our happiness, but should not be reliedon as a primary source. Lasting happiness comes from within, from ourattitudes towards ourself and self love and acceptance.
"You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with."
~ Wayne W. Dyer
We are generally our own worst critic. Our fears sometimes areself fulfilling, created by our own downward spirals. What we see inothers is often a mirror of what we do or don't like about ourselves.Forgiveness of self and others is key to moving past what we see as ourdeficiencies.
"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness."
~ James Thurber
Looking at ourselves from a 3rd party perspective can help us be morecompassionate and loving towards ourself. The only real mistakes arewhere we fail to learn the lesson it presents. If you try something newand didn't like the outcome, realize it, and change the approach.
Self affirmations, visualizations and practice can be very empowering.Love and completely accept yourself the way that you are. Creating ascript of self affirmations (written or memorized) to repeat daily willincrease love of self, confidence and happiness. Your own opinion ofyourself matters more than anyone else's.
"Everything that happens to you is self-created.
Whenever you're responding to any situation, whether it's a sip of coffee,
or a traffic jam, or a love note, or criticism from a boss, or rainy weather,
you're in fact responding to a signal that you generated within yourself."
~ Deepak Chopra
Take responsibility for your happiness. Don't wait for others tocontribute or get you there. There is no right or wrong way to be yourhappiness. There is just your way.
"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
~ Anais Nin
When you see yourself heading toward a familiar downward spiral, lookfor the trigger, recognize it for what it is, be grateful for thelesson learned, and move on. Stop beating yourself up and saying no toyourself. Instead become your own greatest fan and cheerleader.Celebrate your successes with yourself. Be your own party. Enjoyyourself in all of your colors. Be grateful for each experience, goodor bad, for what they teach and for how they let you know that you'realive, which is a miracle in itself.
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Accomplishment and acquisitions may give us moment of excitement, satisfaction, or justification. But happiness resides within. It can only be experienced when we are consciously connected with our true inner essence. That is the domain of true happiness, true passion and true love. When we can experience that connection consequently, those states of Being, then other emotions are just waves or ripples on the surface. They are just passing experiences because we are anchored in our Being, a deep ocean of peace, joy and enthusiasm for life.
I have had brief visits to that place. My goal is to learn to live there.
I especially agree with what you said about "Accomplishment and acquisitions may give us moment of excitement, satisfaction, or justification." Yes, indeed, any temporary satisfaction from externals is just that.....temporary. I long for the eternal joy that I somehow KNOW is resident inside us all, or rather, should I say who we all are?
think that happiness is something outside of ourselves and outside of
now, we will likely continue in disappointment and frustration."
This is the truest lesson I think I have learned to date in my entire life. I ALWAYS used to operate on that principle.....when this or this or this happens, THEN I will be happy. I spent so much time just waiting for another time, another life situation such as I will be happy when I stop getting abducted, I will be happy only when I find my perfect soulmate, when my kids no longer have troubles, when I no longer feel crappy all the time (you get the drift....). So much time I wasted in my life wallowing in the "if only" then I will be happy. One day someone said something to me that changed it all. Can't even remember the exact thing that was said, but all of a sudden I realized it is ok to be content and happy with the now, that I did not HAVE to wait for different experiences, possessions, life situations to be happy, and that I alone held the key to being in and feeling happiness......Since then my life has been transformed. Happiness is a state of mind you allow yourself because you love yourself and wish it for yourself and because it feels good; and it is something that you can share with others because you love them....that is my little quote to add to this topic.
And, I've always loved that quote by Anais Nin. Aaaaaaah, so True.
You seek ascendence
Where there is only transcendence.
Yet there is hope.
You may be so busy
Looking at the heavens
You'll stumble over the edge.
-- Ram Tzu, from NO WAY - for the Spiritually Advanced
with intent,
much love, light and laughter,