Who is Barack Obama? Is he an honest and sincere man, working hard to change things for the better? Is he a real light worker? Or is he a tool of the dark side, a great con man, somebody whos fancy words and great smile hide his true agenda to take down America and usher in the New World Order? I've come to share my thoughts, and I ask you all to share yours.


I've been following Barack, since he first announced his candidacy for the presidency back in 2007. I remember watching that speech and seeing a tall, young, ambitious politician express his desire to continue the work of the founding fathers, and create a more perfect union. I saw him express his desire to see people once again take interest in politics and actively engage in their government. I saw him call for change, a change in Washington, change in government, change in how people everywhere viewed citizenship and service. I saw him remind people that no matter what color or creed, region or station, out of many, we are one. Of course I was very impressed lol


Almost immediately, I came across information which suggested, predictably, that this was all a big con, and Obama was really a tool of the Illuminati, like everyone else in the election, with the old idea that ''Every candidate is a puppet on a string, giving the illusion of choice.'' And while that may have been true in the past, I still couldn't help but feel this time, it was different. But maybe not. So I took it upon myself to learn as much as I could about this man, and see if he was the real deal, or ''just another puppet.''


I read his book, Dreams From My Father. There I came to learn his life story, and, he really has led an incredible life. I read about a young man trying to find himself. I was impressed by his desire to seek to be of service, from a very young age. Right after he finished school, both at Columbia University and Harvard, he could've chose to work at any job he wanted. He was getting requests to go work on Wall Street and make millions of dollars a year. Most people would've jumped at that, but he, instead, chose to take a job on the south side of Chicago, being a community organizer to help uplift the ghetto sections and crime ridden neighborhoods. That, right there, gives you a glimpse into his character. That's what sticks out most about that book for me.


I also read his book The Audacity of Hope. And I really want people to go read that book, it not only shows the true ideals of Barack, but it's a great discourse on what it means to be good citizens, what are the biggest problems facing us, and what we all can do collectively to change not just our own countries, but the entire world! It all begins with having HOPE! Then taking action and making our lives into instruments of service!


I admit, I was convinced of his goodness after reading his books. I've never backed from that view since. It's hard to get a good sense of someone from just news clips, if you really want to get to know someone, you have to listen to their life story, in their own words, and listen to them about what they say they are all about.


Since he took office, I've followed his every move. I guess like everyone, I was expecting big changes right away. I've since come to learn alot about government, and it really is not easy to change things, especially in a democratic system where your opponents stifle everything you try to do. I applaud him for getting universal health care passed, even if it took a bitter fight. I believe the republicans are heavily influenced by lobbyists and ''special interests'' which are serving the dark agenda. Not that they necessarily know it, I'm sure some do, but like most of us, the people in government are being manipulated. Most people in government, I think, are genuinely good people, and if their ideas can benefit the dark agenda somehow, they are supported.


I understand peoples concerns about, the fact that he has Kissinger and Brzezinski, and many others from old time politics who serve the dark agenda, directly around him. But, did we expect different? Of course these people are going to surround Barack, and try to influence him to do this or that, or make anything he does somehow advance their agenda. Kennedy had many ''NWO'' people around him too. And I think Barack is smart enough and wise enough to know how to, make these people happy, and still try and change things for the better.


People expect big fat changes, huge reforms which will solve everything immediately. Unfortunately, like with every quick fix, it just isn't that simple. To make real change in life, it takes hard work and little changes in many areas. Not one big swooping change, that never works. It's not realistic, and it wasn't realistic to expect Barack to come in and save the world and make swooping changes in 2 years. He said it himself, he couldn't make the change himself, it required everybody to make changes, but sadly, nobody wanted to. They were content to blame Obama for lying to them, and whine about how change comes so slow. They expected change to be handed to them, and, I mean..it's just not realistic.


It's clear, and the channeled messages also make it clear, it is up to US to make that change! Change doesn't come from the top down, and last. Change from the bottom up, is what really works! It's up to each of us, in our own way, to make the changes in our lives, to help make this world a better place. Like Barack says, it takes empathy, the ability to see ourselves in others, to really initiate real change. The change comes in how humanity views itself, and views one another.


Are we going to continue to be divided and lazy, or will be unite and choose to work hard to make the changes we want necessary! I've made my choice. But as Barack has found out, you can't change the world by yourself. My goodness you can't lol


So my view on Obama, from reading his books, listening to all his speeches, reading his body language and energy, following his presidency and the actions taken since day 1, I will say with firm conviction, OBAMA IS A GREAT MAN! His wisdom, intelligence, maturity, patience and persistence is so admirable. The responsibility placed on his shoulders is so enormous, and he has handled it all as well as it could be handled. He's mature, confident, and he's a cool guy too! lol He has taught me so much, and I respect the man to the fullest! He really is the definition of a public servant, and will go down as one of the great Presidents to ever hold office.


He might have some dark ones around him, he might be doing a few things to make them happy and not end up like Kennedy, but given the chance, I think he would do so much more to help the world, and when first contact comes around, I think he will be instrumental in leading us into the Golden Age! An amazing soul he is, and my support for him will never waiver. It is my great desire to, one day, follow in his footsteps as a great world leader, and great shining light for humanity! God bless Barack Obama, and God bless you, thank you for reading!

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  • Well sure, but you missed my point. My point was that, Ringos heart and intuition gave him negative vibes about Obama. My heart and intuition gave me positive vibes. Ringo felt he was lying and was another self serving corrupt politician, I felt he was being sincere in his desire to be of service and change things for the better.

    Now, obviously, one is true and one isn't. He couldn't be both lol One of our vibes was wrong. I understand this whole idea that, oh there is no right or wrong, only different perspectives, and I agree, to an extent. But there is such thing as truth, and one of us was aligned to the truth about Obamas intentions, and one was off. Who was off? I say Ringo was. Am I wrong? Maybe...but I doubt it lol And if that appears dualistic, well..so be it. I'm just being real.

  • I really enjoyed reading this, thank you for sharing. I hope to read more from you in the future.
  • Hi John,


    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It is really a great article and sets me thinking and the reply threads are helpful,too.




  • I know, it is hard lol But, in my heart, I feel he's a good man, I feel he is of the light. I've always gotten that vibe from him. With Bush, it was so different, it was clear Bush was only mouthing, he wasn't sincere at all. Obama, is sincere. And I've read his books and watched his speeches, follow every move he's made as President, and I've become convinced that he is of the light. I hope I'm right, because I respect the man so much and it would be a shame to realize he was actually working against us all along. I can't help but feel...that isn't going to happen lol I think history will show his pure intentions, and we will be thankful to have had such a wise and intelligent leader in the White House, leading us into the new age!
  • I'll read his book, it sounds really cool :-)

    I think he is a good man, that is the real deal.  I can tell who is real and who is not, that's why I am here at Ashtar Command, because Ben is also the real thing.  It's something you can see in a person, you can feel it too.  Of coarse not everyone is going to agree with me, we all have our personal realities we are working inside of. 

    The thing that is concerning, is that some people who become so disconnected with the good in this world, and the people who are REALLY on our side!!!

    I think if people are really going to be honest with themselves, they need to look at all perspectives, consider that this reality may not be the way they think it is. (me included)

    Maybe that's what 2012 is about, true intense awakening.  I know when I was going through some intense spiritual transformations in the 90's I pretty much had to shed layers of myself to get to the core of the person I was underneath.


    We will all shed our skins, we will blossom.

    Obama is a wonderful man, I can see that, and in time, I hope others can too! :)

    There are more GOOD people in this world than bad, and we are all more powerful than we can fathom.  

    Love will Prevail.  It's the most powerful energy in the Universe and beyond.
    • Hi.

      If you wish to read one of Obama's ghost written books, be sure to read this one too so that you have balance:

      Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography

      by Webster Tarpley-

      Written by the author of the legendary 1992 expose of Bush the elder, this book works from a New Deal point of view. Obama is exposed as a foundation operative and agent of Wall Street finance capital, controlled by Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Soros, and Goldman Sachs. Obama's mother was an official of the Ford Foundation, the World Bank, and US AID. By all indications, Obama was identified for future political use by Brzezinski at Columbia in 1981-1983, during Obama's secret lost years. Obama has worked for the Gamaliel Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the Woods Fund, and the Annenberg Foundation as a community organizer - a poverty pimp, a cynical opportunist who uses suffering people as a political commodity. The foundation strategy is divide and conquer, pitting blacks against whites against Hispanics against Asians, to prevent any challenge to Wall Street. Racist provocateurs like Wright and Pfleger, along with Weatherman terrorist bombers Ayers and Dohrn, Obama's best friends, are cast in this mold. Rezko, Auchi, and Al-Sammarae represent the cesspool of Chicago graft and corruption in which Obama cavorts. Schooled in Nietzsche and Fanon, Obama qualifies as a postmodern fascist. An Obama administration would strive for brutal economic sacrifice and austerity to finance Wall Street bailouts, and for imperialist confrontation with Russia and China.


      As for "Ben being the real thing" - his name is actually Alex.  :-)

      • I know..... :)
      • Well....you should read the books before you make a judgment on them. And I respect Mr. Harpley, but I think he's being entirely unfair and biased towards Barack. Just from this summary, it's clear he is just grasping at any and all things to paint Barack in a negative like, that's not pure objective journalism. And this whole idea that just because Barack was a member of this and that foundation, which may or may not be true, means he must be in league with the dark side, is just completely off base. It's this type of generalization that throws people off track. It's like saying everybody who works for the Council on Foreign Relations is a bad guy, or everyone whos in the CIA is a bad guy, then you guys go and quote former CIA people when trying to prove your point.

        Look, here's the deal. It's clear Barack has some dark side people around him. I mean, they're there, there's no doubt about it. But did you honestly expect them not to be there? They flock towards everybody, whether of the light or not, who gets into a position of power and influence. Especially for a president, they will swarm on them like bees. Trying to get in their good graces, telling them what they want to hear, trying to manipulate them into supporting things that will further the agenda. It's like that for every president. That doesn't mean that every president or prime minister is some puppet on a string, saying ''Okay, how am I going to lie to the people today?" That just is too simplistic and doesn't represent the complex reality of how the dark side manipulate the political world.

        Are there some people in the political arenas who are agents who knowingly lie, sure. Not many of them, I wouldn't think. Most seem to be doing what they feel is right, and if they believe it's good to ban guns to make streets safer for instance, those people will receive support by the special interests and lobbyists who represent the dark agenda. They believe they're doing the right thing, they don't understand how they're being used. When they do realize they're being used and rebel, then they are taken down, either through smear campaigns in the media, or outright threats of death, and as in the case of Kennedy, death itself. Some others might be aware, but succumb to the threats out of fear. Again, most politicians are being manipulated just like the rest of us. It's not realistic to say ''Oh they are all corrupt puppets lying to us'', life is never that simple.

        Now, the idea that Barack was groomed and polished by the dark and manipulated into presidency, that I don't believe. The idea that Barack is some wolf in sheeps clothing, who smiles and says nice things in public, then behind closed doors, is some evil man plotting our doom, I don't believe that either. That's from my own research and intuition.

        See, I'm an independent researcher. I don't just take a summary from someone who I view as more smarter than me, and form my opinions on it. I would suggest studying Obama himself, reading his books, watching his interviews and speeches, use your intuition to read him and his words, instead of just taking the word of Webster Tarpley, or Alex Jones. I've done that, and I've concluded Barack Obama is a lighted soul, trying to do good things. So there.

    • Me too, Dellilah. I admit I am constantly disappointed with his perpetuation of the al-Qaeda myth, and other things he's done which make him seem aligned with the dark agenda. But, I can't help but feel, deep down in my heart, that he is a good man, and is only doing that so he can stay in his position as President. I see how he is with people, I feel his vibe when he's with the public and talking with them, and with the speeches he gives, it really seems that in his heart he really cares about people, and that his motivation is to help. It's clear too, when reading his books, why he cares so much, and he always stresses the importance of empathy and seeing ourselves in others. If he is a con man, he is a damn good one lol I don't think he is though, I think he's an intelligent, wise man..who is sincere and doing the best he can to change things, against massive opposition.
      • I understand where you're at friend.  However, there has not been a real president since JFK.  And even then JFK was put into power by the people who control everything.  He just turned out to have a soul and went against them.


        I was once where you're at.  Heck i went door to door for obama campaigning for him.  I wanted to believe that it was possible for an honest and good man to still be in office in this country.  I too believed so strongly he was different.  However, it is not so.  Obama has been raised by the controllers to occupy this position.  Disconnecting from the two party system was the very last realization I myself had to have in order to begin my awakening process.


        You really need to look no further than the gaza strip, libya, or the banking bailout to grasp the agenda he's pushing and understand he's part of the same control group that's been running this country/the world for many many years.  


        No lightworker would ever allow what happened at the gaza strip or libya to be a reality.  He's broken international laws on several occasions.  He doesn't have to tip toe lines.. he just makes it seem like he has to tip toe lines.  What lines did Bush ever have to tip toe?  He did whatever he wanted because the agenda demanded it.  Obama has the same power to veto and execute anything he wants, but that would be too simple in the name of progress.  Progress is not what they want so he likes to constantly point out that he has to tip toe those lines and fight against a republican house.  Which is also no accident.  The real agenda is more meticulous and planned than you can imagine.  It takes much research to understand the full picture.  I strongly suggest reading David Icke's Human Race Get Off Your Knees.  An excellent book covering much info on this topic and the history behind these people in power.


        And I would just like to add this.  If there ever were a truly honest man/lightworker in the oval office again.  The very first thing he would do and the most important thing on his mind would be to abolish the federal reserve.  It's illegal and it is the cause of soo many of this country's problems.  It keeps the people as indentured slaves while the government continues to erode freedoms.  

        JFK was killed for several different reasons but two of the biggest were 1) He was going to abolish the federal reserve and give the people of this country freedom from debt. 2) He was warning people about the danger of secret societies and the very real threat of the hidden hand.  Check out the speech of him warning the american people about the secret control network and their agenda.  You can youtube it.

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