heart.jpg?width=300Do you believe, dear one, that we Andromedans have many deities, gods, angels, and other beings that we associate with? Yes, we do, but always as equals, co-creators in the experience, loving expressions of the Divinity that is Prime Creator, never as tools or weapons, to be used against the whole, for, in the understanding that all are One, what would we need to protect ourselves from?~Andromeda


Andromeda, I am going to step out of the way during this conversation, and let you decide what needs to come forth, so I am here
Dear one, thank you for coming forth, lets discuss this, in this moment, for the brightening of all, in Gaia.
Where would you like this posted Andromeda?
For this specific one, dear one, we will let you decide where it is posted. It is your choice. And that is a grand idea we would like to discuss with you: choice.
Thank you, okay, great, let us begin. *smiles*
Dear one, what is choice? Can a human being, or any being on Gaia, or in the Galaxy, on any planetary system, ever make a choice that is not an informed choice? Yes, dear one, they can, they can make choice as a result of other events that have transpired before the choice, from existing circumstances, we call that a result-reaction, and when a result-reaction occurs, due to a choice that was based upon others choices, we call that an event horizon, but let us choose another examination, of the event horizon, and step into a new horizon, the non-predetermined choice.
What is the non-predetermined choice? It is a choice made from the innate, where no previous choices led to the consequence at hand, in some ways, dear one, it is a choice made from the Heart, there are moments when there is silence, it is in those deep moments of reflection that inspiration is made, there is no reaction to outside sources, but it is a pure innate choice, with inspiration directly from Prime Creator, dear one!
That is a Heart choice, and that always issues forth from Love. Do you understand this concept?
Yes, to a degree, but it is so hard sometimes to not re-act.
Yes, it is difficult at times to not re-act, but to act, in the face of tremendous action-reaction-consequences, the Truth is dear one, that it is not the Archangels, Angels, or other Ascended beings that create your “event horizon”, but you who create, the Horizon of your Event, do you understand, dear one?
I do believe so.
Now, let us not become a counter-thought, saying that those who assist planetary Earth, and Gaia are not facilitators in the communication, direction, and inspiration, on your planet, but that you are the initiator, remember, that it is always in the asking that you receive, and so you ask your Ascended Guides, and other Beings of Light, for assistance, do you not?
We do. In fact, some would say that is the only way they can assist, and in a way, I agree.
In this way, we also view choice, yet, there is a grander choice, and a grander experience, that which you are responsible for the actions you create, not from a reaction, as in calling upon Archangel Michael for Protection for an event that you did not create, but that you enter a space where there is realization that you never created the event in the first place.
Is energy not cyclical, dear one?
I know where you are going, and it is some very high concepts, but I am willing to go there, people need to hear this.
Dearest ONE, there is nothing that is on Gaia that human beings have not at some level created, even those beings whom you choose to associate as Ascended, in a moment, you too could be one of the Ascended ones, if, you understood the process, behind what it is to be Ascended
Those whom you have termed as Masters never meant for religions, belief systems, or any system, that relied upon calling them into place, they were there as Divine Examples, so that others could follow a similar path, never, to call them in to replace personal responsibility, and this is where Andromeda sits, in relationship to these events.
If, dearest Ones, and we speak to the whole, you embody a consciousness that is less than sentience, less than Prime Creator, than you have limited yourself in relationship to the whole, and so, you have limited yourself, and your energy, why, we would ask you, do you not call Prime Creator directly? Do you believe, in your Heart, that the energy of Prime Creator, is less? Or do you view yourself as less, in calling Prime Creator forth?
Yet, even then it would become another disassociation of personal Truth, if you viewed Prime Creator as the energy to solve all your problems.
In fact, dear one, we would suggest that all problems originate in the first false belief, and that is that you are less than who you are, and that is Divine.
Do you believe, dear one, that we Andromedans have many deities, gods, angels, and other beings that we associate with? Yes, we do, but always as equals, co-creators in the experience, loving expressions of the Divinity that is Prime Creator, never as tools or weapons, to be used against the whole, for, in the understanding that all are One, what would we need to protect ourselves from?
We, Andromeda, do not attack, nor confine, nor control, the events upon Gaia, but facilitate an energy that is always of Love, and all that is in the presence of Divine Love, dear Heart of our Hearts, cannot stand in form within the radiance of Prime Creator. The Light Within, but especially, the Light as One.

The Andromedan Council comes dates 4/20/12.
We the Andromedan Council, as beings of various Galactic Star Systems, Nebulas, Planetary Bodies, and locations within the Galaxy, state that we will never support any system that suppresses information from the public, be aware, that the implications of suppression, in any form, is not part of the Galactic Federation of Light, we will never suppress, confine, harm, or seek violence, against any group of beings, if such an action occurs, it is not of us, but is of your own planetary associations that surround the groups that you inhabit in this embodiment.
Suppression of information will never be supported by the Council, and so, to us, if information is requested, it will be received.
There is nothing hidden in Love.
You have asked for our assistance, for our help, and this is the help we give, free flowing information, lovingly expressed at all times
Love infinite, joy infinite, and the expression of the Truth that all are, Prime Creator manifest in form.
Dearest beings of Gaia, we implore you, to put down your arms, and your words of violence, and seek the Light within each Heart. For you are our Brothers and Sisters too, we can do no more than this, but seek to implore upon you, the Truth apparent.
The Andromedan Council leaves…

Dear one, all on Gaia are blessed, the Galactic Federation of Light will never seek to bring any energy to Gaia that is not of Unconditional Love, and Unconditional Love is more vast than you may know. We are all One, yet, we are all unique.
Dearest members of Ashtar Command Crew, we ask that you Love each other Unconditionally. Before first contact, before we assist you by landing our star ships, before any other action is to be taken, we Andromeda, ask you to Love, for, dearest Ones, if you cannot Love each other, how can you Love us? If you cannot love your own family, what too will you do if we do not meet your demands? What too will you do if we do not express ourselves as you would have us? We ask you these questions in Love. We ask you these things in Light.
Dearest one, Andromeda respects that you now must get back to your life, and so will state on Ashtar Command today that no more channelings shall come from this source for some time, so she, invariably, may seek the inner Light within, but we had to push her through this moment, so that we could communicate with you, at this moment, and this time
You know not, dear ones, how important this now is. Treasure the moment, treasure your life, and treasure those you Love. For this too shall be gone tomorrow, build a world where you children have not to fear.
With so much Love.
Andromeda leaves.
Thank you Andromeda.

Andromeda, I am going to step out of the way during this conversation, and let you decide what needs to come forth, so I am here

Dear one, thank you for coming forth, lets discuss this, in this moment, for the brightening of all, in Gaia.

Where would you like this posted Andromeda?

For this specific one, dear one, we will let you decide where it is posted. It is your choice. And that is a grand idea we would like to discuss with you: choice.

Thank you, okay, great, let us begin. *smiles*

Dear one, what is choice? Can a human being, or any being on Gaia, or in the Galaxy, on any planetary system, ever make a choice that is not an informed choice? Yes, dear one, they can, they can make choice as a result of other events that have transpired before the choice, from existing circumstances, we call that a result-reaction, and when a result-reaction occurs, due to a choice that was based upon others choices, we call that an event horizon, but let us choose another examination, of the event horizon, and step into a new horizon, the non-predetermined choice.

What is the non-predetermined choice? It is a choice made from the innate, where no previous choices led to the consequence at hand, in some ways, dear one, it is a choice made from the Heart, there are moments when there is silence, it is in those deep moments of reflection that inspiration is made, there is no reaction to outside sources, but it is a pure innate choice, with inspiration directly from Prime Creator, dear one!

That is a Heart choice, and that always issues forth from Love. Do you understand this concept?

Yes, to a degree, but it is so hard sometimes to not re-act.

Yes, it is difficult at times to not re-act, but to act, in the face of tremendous action-reaction-consequences, the Truth is dear one, that it is not the Archangels, Angels, or other Ascended beings that create your “event horizon”, but you who create, the Horizon of your Event, do you understand, dear one?

I do believe so.

Now, let us not become a counter-thought, saying that those who assist planetary Earth, and Gaia are not facilitators in the communication, direction, and inspiration, on your planet, but that you are the initiator, remember, that it is always in the asking that you receive, and so you ask your Ascended Guides, and other Beings of Light, for assistance, do you not?

We do. In fact, some would say that is the only way they can assist, and in a way, I agree.

In this way, we also view choice, yet, there is a grander choice, and a grander experience, that which you are responsible for the actions you create, not from a reaction, as in calling upon Archangel Michael for Protection for an event that you did not create, but that you enter a space where there is realization that you never created the event in the first place.

Is energy not cyclical, dear one?

I know where you are going, and it is some very high concepts, but I am willing to go there, people need to hear this.

Dearest ONE, there is nothing that is on Gaia that human beings have not at some level created, even those beings whom you choose to associate as Ascended, in a moment, you too could be one of the Ascended ones, if, you understood the process, behind what it is to be Ascended

Those whom you have termed as Masters never meant for religions, belief systems, or any system, that relied upon calling them into place, they were there as Divine Examples, so that others could follow a similar path, never, to call them in to replace personal responsibility, and this is where Andromeda sits, in relationship to these events.

If, dearest Ones, and we speak to the whole, you embody a consciousness that is less than sentience, less than Prime Creator, than you have limited yourself in relationship to the whole, and so, you have limited yourself, and your energy, why, we would ask you, do you not call Prime Creator directly? Do you believe, in your Heart, that the energy of Prime Creator, is less? Or do you view yourself as less, in calling Prime Creator forth?

Yet, even then it would become another disassociation of personal Truth, if you viewed Prime Creator as the energy to solve all your problems.

In fact, dear one, we would suggest that all problems originate in the first false belief, and that is that you are less than who you are, and that is Divine.

Do you believe, dear one, that we Andromedans have many deities, gods, angels, and other beings that we associate with? Yes, we do, but always as equals, co-creators in the experience, loving expressions of the Divinity that is Prime Creator, never as tools or weapons, to be used against the whole, for, in the understanding that all are One, what would we need to protect ourselves from?

We, Andromeda, do not attack, nor confine, nor control, the events upon Gaia, but facilitate an energy that is always of Love, and all that is in the presence of Divine Love, dear Heart of our Hearts, cannot stand in form within the radiance of Prime Creator. The Light Within, but especially, the Light as One.

The Andromedan Council comes dates 4/20/12.

We the Andromedan Council, as beings of various Galactic Star Systems, Nebulas, Planetary Bodies, and locations within the Galaxy, state that we will never support any system that suppresses information from the public, be aware, that the implications of suppression, in any form, is not part of the Galactic Federation of Light, we will never suppress, confine, harm, or seek violence, against any group of beings, if such an action occurs, it is not of us, but is of your own planetary associations that surround the groups that you inhabit in this embodiment.

Suppression of information will never be supported by the Council, and so, to us, if information is requested, it will be received.

There is nothing hidden in Love.

You have asked for our assistance, for our help, and this is the help we give, free flowing information, lovingly expressed at all times

Love infinite, joy infinite, and the expression of the Truth that all are, Prime Creator manifest in form.

Dearest beings of Gaia, we implore you, to put down your arms, and your words of violence, and seek the Light within each Heart. For you are our Brothers and Sisters too, we can do no more than this, but seek to implore upon you, the Truth apparent.

The Andromedan Council leaves…

Dear one, all on Gaia are blessed, the Galactic Federation of Light will never seek to bring any energy to Gaia that is not of Unconditional Love, and Unconditional Love is more vast than you may know. We are all One, yet, we are all unique.

Dearest members of Ashtar Command Crew, we ask that you Love each other Unconditionally. Before first contact, before we assist you by landing our star ships, before any other action is to be taken, we Andromeda, ask you to Love, for, dearest Ones, if you cannot Love each other, how can you Love us? If you cannot love your own family, what too will you do if we do not meet your demands? What too will you do if we do not express ourselves as you would have us? We ask you these questions in Love. We ask you these things in Light.

Dearest one, Andromeda respects that you now must get back to your life, and so will state on Ashtar Command today that no more channelings shall come from this source for some time, so she, invariably, may seek the inner Light within, but we had to push her through this moment, so that we could communicate with you, at this moment, and this time

You know not, dear ones, how important this now is. Treasure the moment, treasure your life, and treasure those you Love. For this too shall be gone tomorrow, build a world where you children have not to fear.

With so much Love.

Andromeda leaves.

Thank you Andromeda.

Copyright @ Andraste 2012

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