Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement

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  • and Damien Wynne
  • Jason Shukra
  • Source?
  • People who see auras see a massive reduction in color and brightness after the vaccine. It is similar to that of a heroin junkie
  • San, I visualize a Violet Flame in my heart centre (or for anyone who's not so visual, just holding the intention works)...then let it radiate out through my body and subtle bodies/aura field, with the intention of any lower vibrations in or around my field (or this could be unhelpful energy imprints, entities etc) clearing and transforming back to pure Love in the Violet Flame...
    Then I send this out around the planet, through the light-grids, for the Earth and all life here...
    The Violet Flame's a powerful clearer and transformer of any energies non-aligned to our highest potential, highest well-being...
    Violet is an aspect of the Purple Ray, it doesn't come from just one place, it's Universal...and when focused upon in Flame form, the frequencies of that Ray, that colour specturm, are amplified and energized... 💜🌏
  • Unplugging and going to nature are my go-to as well, 1godoflove...the beautiful presence on so many levels, of this planet, and tuning in with the Love vibrating through the whole planetary/collective field...behind and beyond all the noise...simplest way to stay centered, I my experience, just tuning into the wondrous... 🌺

    Thank you Papa Fred, feeling the Violet Flame and awesome energies through your words..💜😊
  • Love the tattoo Papa Fred
  • "Hello Roaring Lovely, on your last comment, curious as to where you stand then on things when you state "you see a problem with Christianity then you swing to Buddhism, Islam or atheism like a numbskull." So what are exactly your beliefs then?"

    We should spend some times being uncertain, so we may be dispassionate in our search, thats what I mean.
  • It is needed to ground yourself with Gaia and to invoke the Violet Flame as you are grounded - Great Positive Energies lay waiting for a person to call upon them - the feeling is amazing
  • Totally agree with you Joanna, I think just being grounded with nature helps and de plugging from all the noise of the internet helps.
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