I: Study the seven celestial caves, talks about the powerful Montezuma, who make conceited the glory and power he wanted to contact their divine predecessors.


As we see, from remotest ages talking about the earthly paradise, of different religions, similar to our well-known through the Bible and many other holy books. Returning to point It is said there that the mighty King gathered all the elders and wise men of his time to learn about THAT PARADISE; as he formed an expedition endowed with all the comforts and sent in search of the PARADISE LOST; then as the Magicians invoked the DIVINE DAIMON and to invoke it turned them into animals of various kinds who traveled in the Fourth Dimension and found the Promised Land. Before entering this paradise were again turned into men.


They talked about the mighty Montezuma, their King, but none of his ancestors knew what it was. Clarified traditions, there were told that the drinks, meals, passions, etc., were kept away from the Paradise; There found the commission of Wise Men, a shaggy beings, dirty, neglected and expressed her visitors that luxury, wealth and food was what kept hampered.









For the good of the Great Cause is not more start this by transcribing something marvelous.


We want to emphatically refer to a story recorded by Fray Diego Duran in his very remarkable work entitled "HISTORY OF MEXICO" (See the text of Don Mario Roso de Luna: "THE BOOK THAT KILLS DEATH" Pages 126 a. 134).




"Tells such history of the Indies of New Spain and Mainland Islands, Fray Diego Duran - beautiful book written following the Spanish colonization of vast Empire-that seeing the emperor Montezuma in the fullness of his riches and glory, is he believed nothing short of a God. Magicians or priests of the kingdom, much wiser than himself and richer since dominated all his lower desires, had to say ":" Oh, our king and lord Do not conceited by nothing that obeys your orders! Your ancestors, the emperors you believe dead, overcome you there in their world as much as the sunlight surpasses any firefly ... "


"Then the emperor Montezuma, more curious still that pride, determined to send splendid embassy loaded by gifts to the land of his ancestors, that is, to the blessed House of Dawn, beyond the seven caves of Pacaritambo, where was fame came the Aztecs people from which laudatory references make their old traditions. The difficulty, however, was to achieve the means and the right way to get happily as so dark and mysterious region, really no way that no body seemed to know. "


"Then the Emperor made ​​his minister Tlacaelel appear before him, saying"


"'Do you know, Oh Tlacaelel!, I have determined  together a host consists of my most heroic leaders, and send very seasoned and ready with much of the wealth that the great Huitzilopochtli has served yield for His glory, and make reverently going to put in his august feet. As we also have credible reports that the same mother of our God still lives, may find it pleasing also the knowledge of these our greatness and splendors won by their offspring with their arms and their heads. "


"Tlacaelel responded"


"Mighty Lord, speaking as have spoken, is not moved, no, your Royal chest by worldly business, nor by your own determination of so august heart, but because some exalted deity moves you to take adventure as unprecedented as you intend. But you should not ignore, Lord, that what so decision has determined is not a matter of mere force or skill or courage, or any apparatus of war, or of shrewd politics, but things of witches and charming, able to previously discover their arts the way that can lead to such places. Because you must know, O mighty Prince!, which according to our old stories, such like road is cut from long years and its part of this side, blind with great brambles and thickets populated by invincible monsters, dunes and lagoons bottomless and very dense reeds and reeds where life will lose anyone foolhardy attempt such an undertaking. Looking, then, Lord, as the only remedy against impossible sizes that wise people who tell you that they, by their magic arts, can perhaps save all those human impossible and go there after bringing you the news that we are precise about such region, the region is said by quite true that when our grandparents and parents lived here long before came on pilgrimage to the lagoons of Mexico, which saw the prodigy of cactus or burning bush was a pleasant and so marvel Mansion and where enjoying peace and rest, where everything was happier than the most beautiful of dreams, and they lived centuries without becoming old and without knowing what were diseases, fatigue or pain, or have, in short, none of those physical slavering suffering needs here, but after they our Seniors came out of such Paradise , all were returned thorns and thistles; herbs prodded them, stones and trees hurt them the way they turned hard, thorny and barren, conjuring everything against them so they could not return there and so fulfilled his mission in our world. "


"Montezuma, listening to the good advice of the wise Tlacaelel, remembered the royal historian Cuauhcoatl literally the 'Dragon of Wisdom', constant name of the adepts of the 'right hand' or whites magicians, venerable old that no one knew to tell their years, and immediately he brought to his mountain retreat, saying, after having reverently greeted"


My Father, old noble man and glory of your people much want to hear from you, if you deign to tell me, do you keep your holy memory in old age you about the history of the Seven Celestial Caves inhabited by our venerable ancestors, and what place is that holy place where God dwells our Huitzilopochtli, and which came until here our fathers"


"Mighty Montezuma solemnly replied the old man than this, your server knows about your question is that our elders, in effect, that dwelt in indescribably happy place called AZCLAN, synonymous with purity and whiteness. There is preserved still a large hill surrounded by water they call CULHUA-CAN, which means "crooked or snakes hill." In this hill is where the caves are and where, before coming here, lived our greatest dilated years. There under the names of MEDJINAS and AZTECS had great rest. There were enjoying lots of ducks of all kinds, herons, cormorants, coots, moorhens and many different kinds of beautiful fish, very fresh groves studded with fruit and adorned with birds of colorful and yellow heads, surrounded by willows, junipers and huge alders. They walked those people in canoes and were ridges where they planted corn, peppers, tomatoes, nahutlis, beans and other kinds of seeds from here We eat, and they brought from there, missing a few. But after they left this land there and lost sight of as delightful place, everything, everything turned against them. Herbs biting them, stones cut to them, the fields were full of thorns and brambles and thorns found large that they could not move or settle down and rest in them. Everything they found also studded with snakes, poisonous snakes and other critters, tigers and lions and other wild animals disputing them down and made ​​them impossible life. That's all that our ancestors left and this is what we can tell our stories under, O mighty Lord! "


"The King answered the Elder that this was the truth, because Tlacaelel gave that same relationship. So he commanded the point they were throughout the provinces of the empire to find and call charmers and sorcerers few could find. They were thus brought to Montezuma to amount of sixty men, all elderly people, aware of the magic art, and once assembled the sixties, the Emperor told them ":


"-Parent And the elderly, I have determined to know where is the place of that old Mexican left, and promptly know what land is the one who lives there and if the mother of our Huitzilopochtli our God is still alive. Therefore, gird to go up there with the best shape possible and will be back here shortly. "


"He further commanded get lots of blankets of all kinds, plush robes, gold and valuable jewels. Much cocoa, cotton, teonacaztli, roses of black vanilla and feathers of great beauty, the most beautiful, in short, of his treasure, and He handed it to those sorcerers, giving them also to them their pay and plenty of food for the road, so as carefully fulfilled its purpose. "


"They left, then, sorcerers, and arrived at a hill Coatepec, which is in Tula is said, made ​​their invocations and magic circles painting themself with those ointments that are still used in such operations ..."


"Once in that place, invoked the Devil –to their respective family Daimons, to each LUCIFER particular, want to say-and begged that they would show the real place where their ancestors lived. The devil, forced by those spells, He transformed to some, about birds, others in wild beasts, lions, tigers, jackals and frightening cats and brought them and all that led them to the place inhabited by the ancestors. "


"So At a large lagoon they arrived in the middle of which was the hill of Culhuacan, and posts and on the shore, returned to take the form of men who previously had, and tells the story, watching them some people fishing on the other side, they called. People of ground came in canoes, asking where they were from and why they came They then answered "..:


"We, gentlemen, are subjects of the great Emperor Montezuma of Mexico, and we have been sent by him to look for the place where our ancestors lived."


"Then people of the ground asked to which God worshiped, and answered travelers":


"-We worship the great Huitzilopochtli, and both Montezuma and his adviser Tlacaelel, order us to look for the mother of Huitzilopochtli, because for her and her whole family we bring rich gifts."


"The old man told them":


"That they are welcome and bring them to me here."


"At once they returned to their canoes, and putting travelers at them, they were moved to the hill of Culhuacan, which hill say it is a very fine sand, the feet of travelers sank into her hardly able to advance almost, thus reaching barely to the little house that the old man had at the foot of the hill They saluted the old man with the greatest reverence and said:


"Venerable Master, here we are your servants in the place where your word is obeyed and revered your protector habit."


"The old man, with great love, answered them"


"'Welcome ye my children. Who is the one who sent you here? Who is Montezuma and who Tlacaelel Cuauhcoatl? Never heard such names were here, because the lords of this land are called Texacatetl, Acactli, Ahatl, Xocchimil, Auxeotl, Tenoch and Victon, and these are seven men, leaders of many people. The more of them there are four wonderful tutors, or guardians of the great Huitzilopochtli, two of them are called Cuautloquetzqui and Axolona. "


"The travelers said amazed"

"Sir, all these names sound to us as very ancient beings, of which we have hardly memory in our sacred rites, because long years ago they have all been forgotten or dead."


"The old man, terrified of what he heard, he exclaimed"

"Oh Lord of all creation! For who killed them if they are alive here? Because nobody in this place not die, but live forever. Who, then, those living now?


"The envoys responded confusing"

"No living Lord, but their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and all of them very old. One of these is the high priest of Huitzilopochtli called Cuauhcoatl."


"The old, no less surprised they cried with voice magna"

"Is it possible that have not returned here this man, when here came  from here out to go among you is waiting inconsolable, and day after day, his holy mother?


"With that the old man gave the order of departure for the Royal Palace of the hill emissaries laden with presents they had brought, tried to follow, but it was impossible almost a single step;. Rather, sank more and more in the sand as if set foot in a slough as the good old man they saw in such trouble and sorrow, seeing that they could not walk as he did with such alacrity that almost seemed to touch not the ground, asked loving them:

"What you have, oh! Mexicans that so clumsy and heavies makes you? to be like ? What you eat in your land?"


'Sir,' answered the worried- there we can eat meats few animals that are raised there and drink pulque. "


"To which the old man replied compassionate":

"'Those foods and drinks, the pair of burning passions of yours, they are so keep you like that sons, so clumsy and heavy. They are the ones that do not allow you get to see the place where our ancestors live and will carry a premature death, anyway. Know also that all these riches are useless there you bring us here, where only around us poverty and simplicity. "


"So he is saying, the old man took with great power loads all and climbed the slope of the hill as if they were a feather ..."


Chapter XXVII of Father Duran Ibid, -commentary by Don Mario Roso de Luna here paraphrased, says then extends- in a story about the meeting of ambassadors with the mother of Huitzilopochtli, from which we selected the following:


"Once they came up a woman, and of great age, so dirty and black that looked like something from hell, and crying bitterly told the Mexicans"

"'Welcome ye, my children, because you know that after your God and my son Huitzilopochtli of this place gone, I'm in tears and sadness waiting his turn, and since that day I have not washed my face or hair, nor changed clothes, and this grief and sadness will last me until he return. "


"Viewing the messengers so absolutely careless woman, full of fear told"

"-The Who sent us here is your servant, King Montezuma and his coadjutor Tlacaelel Cuauhcoatl, and knows that he is not the first our king but the fifth. These four kings, his predecessors, spent much hunger and poverty and were tributaries other provinces, but is now thriving and free city, and have opened the way by land and sea, and is the head of all the others, and have discovered mines of gold, silver and precious stones, all of which We bring presents. "


"She answered them and appeased her crying"

'' I thank you for all your news, but I wonder if the old guardians live (priests) that my son took from here. "


"'Dead are, lady, and we do not met them or left of them nothing but his shadow and almost erased memory."


"She then, turning to her crying, he asked them":


"Who was it who killed them, because here all his companions are living, then she said: What is this that you bring you eating That is that has hampered and attached to the land, and this is the reason that you could not climb up here."

"And giving embassy to his son, she finished telling visitors"


"-Warn My son that time of his pilgrimage is fulfilled, as it has grazed his people and held all his service, and for the same order strange people will remove everything from you, and he has to return to this, our lap, once he have fulfilled his mission down there. "


"And giving a blanket and a truss symbol of chastity for his son, he sent them away."


"But as soon as the emissaries began to descend the hill, the old woman came to call, saying"


"Wait, you're going to see how on this land men never grow old. Do you see this my old schoolmaster? As soon as he descend down where you are will see that young man comes."

"The old, indeed, began to decline, and the more down was becoming more handsome, and no sooner went up again he turned to be as old as before, saying"


"-You have the Know, my children,  that this hill has the power to turn from the age we want, as for him go up or go down it. You cannot understand this because you are brutalized and depraved with meals and drinks and the luxury and wealth. "


"And for that they should not go unrewarded what they had brought, did they bring all kinds of seabirds in that lake are raised, all kinds of fish, vegetables and roses, blankets sisal and braces, one for Montezuma and other for Tlacaelel. "


"The emissaries, painting themself as on the way, they returned the same fierce animals prior to passing through the intermediate country, they returned to the hill of Coatepec, and there becoming rational figure, walked to the Court is not unaware that among them were missing twenty at least, because the devil undoubtedly decimated them in payment for their work, for having walked more than three hundred leagues in eight days, and even more briefly could bring as that other who brought in three days from Guatemala by his desire to see some old lady the  beautiful face thereof, as was reported in the first self of faith celebrated Holy Inquisition in Mexico ... "


"Amazed was Montezuma of all that, and calling Tlacaelel between both weighted fertility of that holy land of his ancestors, the freshness of the trees, abundance unsurpassed everything, for all the crops were given at once, and while some are peppered, others were in milk, other budding and others were born, so he could never know the misery there. At the remembrance of such land of happiness, King and Minister began to mourn bitterly, feeling homesick for her and boundless longing to someday return to inhabit, upon completion of their human mission down here. "


So far the reference delicious Fray Diego Duran, transcribed by Don Mario Roso de Luna, the illustrious Theosophical writer.

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