

Selamat balik (greetings in Sirian,)

The Sirians have been working on multiple planes, re-calibrating the Sun's corona, so as to lessen the very dangerous solar minimum plasma discharges, hitting Earth. These wonderful space brothers and sisters, have had to focus all attention on this important work, which started in 2020, when the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM process began. These cycles of solar phases, usually pulse every 200-years, approximately. The difference in these times, is that mankind has become dependent upon highly sensitive satellites, to enable global communications....
Solar flares can knock out satellite equipment, as well as terrestrial power stations..

The last Grand Solar Minimum was historically noted as the Dalton Minimum; between 1790 & 1820...It did effect crops and food production, then, so another factor to prepare for...

These cycles cause GLOBAL COOLING, rather than global warming, as the "man-made climate" hoax, is erroneously suggesting...
Also, due to the lessening of the Solaris magnetic field, more cosmic radiation passes through to reach the surface of the planets.....including this one.
The result is an increase in solar flares, hurricanes, volcanoes, storms, heavy rains, earthquakes and lightning strikes...

Note the volcanic eruptions that have struck the Canary Islands for a long period and are still active in La Palma, causing absolute mayhem there...
If the ETs had not made corrections to the effects of the solar magnetic field, enabling some strength to return to it, the whole of the chain of islands in that region would have been wiped off the map, by now.

This is just one example of worldwide chaos caused by this Grand Solar Minimum...The elites are pretending that every event can be blamed on man-made carbon dioxide, but they are absolute idiots, in truth...

So that people reading this know that these events are truly solar related, I shall place an item of news which relates to AURORA BOREALIS extending as far south as England.
The ITV interviewee, an "astronomer," mentions the standard 11-years sunspot activity, but does not mention the even greater cycle, which is having a far more powerful effect on weather, than she can imagine...

Also, a general observation has been made of recent Earth human attempts, at confident space travel I share these sentiments held by the Arcturian M'Zupa and the Sirian, Sandara:

Note that true space faring peoples view complete space, as inter-planar. An energetic medium to travel through, not just a black, foreboding vacuum..."Out there."
When Jeff Bezos and his "astronauts," (lol) described how they felt, they reminded me of swimmers preparing to dive into blue waters, from a cliff, before suffering vertigo, and stepping away from the dizzy heights and thinking; "phew, close shave..!!"

The true space farer looks upon space with different eyes. Actually, upon the physical plane, space is foreboding, being inky black in appearance. On the sub-planes above plasma, space takes on a dark purple hue and is rich and deep...It's actually very beautiful..Upon the official transit-plane, for true space faring, which is the buddhic plane, space has a golden aura of such splendor...And of course, the speed of light is multiple times greater...But certainly, a "gold-vault" of Heaven....Utterly blissful.

A ship's sailor, captain, mate, etc, on Earth, looks at the sea, with eyes of fondness, not of revulsion. The beauty of the oceans, with their deep blue colours, or aquamarines, is very attractive...Mariners know of the dangers, yet still love the seas and oceans...and willingly risk life and limb, to explore and work..

That bold, confident spirit, has not been captured yet, among earth's astronauts....It must start with a love of cosmos, not a fear of space.



Selamat kasijaram zau.. (Sirian for “be blessed in the love and joy of spirit…!”) 🙏


Col. Drekx Omega

Image result for Drekx Omega

 The link below takes you to the ITV broadcast. 


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  • A rather general, offworld languages commentary, not topic related, anent the Sirian word "zau."

    Have readers noticed that this often used, Sirian word "zau," means both "light" and "spirit.....?" A double meaning, for sure...

    In the Sirian's language, the two are interchangeable concepts, in spite of Earth's theosophical truism, that the light body, which exists upon the manasic plane, is of a lower vibration to the divine monad of spirit, upon the monadic plane...

    The reason for this apparent dichotomy, is that due to evolution, Sirians no longer simply project their souls into matter, as a manasic standing wave energy, but the soul itself is simply replaced and bypassed, at spirit levels and so the energies of the divine spiritual monad flow directly into matter, when needed to form bodies of expression....The former causal body of manas (light body,) becomes a fuller causation, at monadic levels of expression.....Spirit becomes a greater light, in effect...
    And so they say the word "zau," meaning both light and spirit.....Interesting, no...?? 🤔

    Selamat kasijaram zau.. (Sirian for “be blessed in the love and joy of spirit…!”) 🙏
  • Ara said: "Did you know: that Earth has a third radiation belt along with the magnificent auroras that grace the night sky around the world, a powerful solar storm in May of this year left behind another important phenomenon: a new Van Allen belt that wraps around our planet. The Van Allen belts are two doughnut-shaped radiation belts surrounded Earth, made up of high-energy charged particles trapped by our planet's magnetic field. A third belt emerged around Earth as a result of intense solar storms in May 2024."

    Drekx reply: What you say here is absolutely correct and a result of the solar re-calibration efforts, started in late 2021, by the Sirian S&E fleet. This has mitigated against the more extreme potential weather patterns, on Earth, as well as plate tectonic pressures and volcanism...The solar storms could have been a lot more severe than those that transpired, since then, thanks to van allen enhancements, as well...Adjustments to the solar corona cause a direct alteration to Earth's solar storm activities, radiation belts...and magnetosphere...

    In 2021 I was provided with a massive download of data, pertaining to these adjustements, which are becoming more consciously appreciated...and thankyou for your statements, which are a useful reminder...and corroboration...
  • In the UK, as early as this Month, we are experiencing winter conditions, as the ICE AGE begins, as predicted...Not "global climate warming," but a colder weather....
    And the old age pensioners are suffering, which is a real shame..Shame on the Starmer regime for cutting their winter fuel allowance....Sad and I truly wish I could teach them some meditation techniques to keep warm, without the heating on...Such as visualising fire around the body, which really does work, as Tibetan monks have proven, under strict scientific study...This "government" is as useful to Britons, as a chocolate teapot...

    God watches all this evil, directed at good people....Starmer karma on the way....

  • Severe geomagnetic storm hits Earth, sends Northern Lights to Florida....Event recorded as significant development....

  • This event is not "normal" and demonstrates the continuing solar changes, which are energizing Earth's central sun, also...More proof to verify this blog's pronouncements, as the aurora borealis, or "northern lights," become ever more active and present, at lower latitudes. Seen last night over areas of England, including Suffolk....See this video...

  • GFL also monitoring these, as well as Earth scientists: An update on the Icelandic volcanism and earthquakes, which are becoming even more serious...Also, earthquakes, causing loss of life in northern China....118 dead, 500+ injured...

    Both caused by the solar activities, mentioned in this blog...

  • Icelandic volcano: An increased eruptive rate of 2100%.......

  • Since 2021 (note the year) there have been three volcanic eruptions along that Icelandic peninsular zone of volcanism.....Another may well commence shortly, this year......

    This eruption could also cause flight chaos, as jet engines are unable to function when sucking in pumice and volcanic ash....

    "Magma 800m Below Surface' Iceland Declares State Of Emergency Over Volcanic Eruption Fears."

  • I hope everyone is noticing the volcanism in Hawaii's mount Kilauea....?? This geographical location is a SIGNIFICANT planetary node, which lies upon the tetrahedral latitude of 19.5 degrees, north of the equator........And a preparation for tectonic plate changes, in the pacific ocean sea bed....which will ultimately lead to a returned Lemurian continent......Tetrahedral energy is tellurian and exists within all planets and suns, at the 19.5 degrees of latitude, north and south of the equatorial line...

  • Observe the anomalies in Red China, recently and currently....July/August 2023: Floods, earth quakes, blood red skies and moon, plagues of bats, swallows, worms, ants, locusts, typhoons, hail, sprouting stones, sink holes, boiling hot springs, cloud anomalies, et al.....
    The signs are there for all to see........Red China (PRC) is over.....The rainfall has destroyed their agriculture, which could lead to starvation..

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