Simple Melchizedek Initiation

I hope this brings u great happiness and clarity*================================================================Dear, Aspirants of Truth , by reading what follows, you will receive full attunement and activation to the Melchizedek Synthesis Ray and the related activations.The Melchizedek Synthesis Ray is a fourfold cosmic ray. This energy stream is called the ray of creation and and impetus to spiritual freedom. It is directly overlit by Lord Melchizedek, the Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and the Shekinah.In the attunement / initiation you receive the Ray of Being and Becoming, which holds your original DNA activation keycodes and fire letters, healing symbols, immortality and cellular rejuvenation fire letters from the Torah, which includes all personal and planetary karmic clearings. Melchizedek is also known as the educator of the soul, the one responsible for awakening us to who we really are and to Unity ConsciousnessLet us proceed with the initiation / attunement now.I AM THAT I AMIN THE NAME OF THE, I AM THAT I AM, I ANCHOR INTO THIS INVOCATION THE FULL INITIATION, ATTUNEMENT AND ACTIVATION OF THE MELCHIZEDEK SYNTHESIS RAY FOR ALL WHO NOW CHOOSE TO RECEIVE IT.IT IS DONE.I AM THAT I AM....SO HAM...SELAH.To receive the attunement, please answer the following questions. An honest willingness and heartfelt affirmative answer allows you to pass each level of initiation.1. Do you choose to master your physical body and lower appetites?2. Do you choose to master your emotional/astral and lower desire bodies?3. Do you choose to master your lower self and negative ego mind?4. Do you choose to release all attachments to people, places and things and have only preferences from now on?5. Do you choose now to fully merge with your Monad and the Mighty I AM presence and to be free from all spiritual blindness?6. Do you choose to take the responsibility and spiritual leadership that is part of passing this ascension initiation?7. Do you choose to live on earth as the Mighty I AM presence in a totally integrated manner to serve all sentient beings?I invoke a golden dome of protection from the highest levels of the Godhead for this initiation. I invoke the Divine Presence of the Lord Melchizedek, the Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and Shekinah. I ask that we be clothed now in the radiant white, golden, platinum and opalescent robes of the Melchizedek Synthesis Ray forever.I invoke the platinum net to now sweep through us, releasing all that is less than Light and not in our Highest Good. I affirm that we are totally connected to all the Melchizedek Synthesis Guides, Archangels and Mighty Elohim. I now invoke total brain illumination and full activation of the 72 chambers of the mind for Myself and Soul Extensions. I invoke the rods of power and wands of healing of Lord Melchizedek, the Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and Shekinah and ask that these be placed in our crown chakras to bring total illumination. I invoke the anchoring and activation of the 72 sacred fire letter power names of God for both of us. I now invoke the sacred conjunctio between the pineal and pituitary gland for Myself and Soul Extensions.BE STILL and receive these blessings now.I invoke the Pleiadian Light Emissaries, ISIS, OSIRIS, RA , HORUS and THOTH and ask for the anchoring and activation of the harmonic Christ Consciousness tuning forks in each of our chakras now. I invoke the total anchoring and activation of the 12 Light Body system for Myself and Soul Extensions. I specifically invoke the Christ Overself Body, The Perfect Etheric Blueprint Body, the Zohar Body of Light and the Perfect Monadic Blueprint Body.BE STILL and receive these blessings now.I invoke the Colourless and Aquamarine Ray of Clarity to fully anchor and activate for Myself and Soul Extensions. I invoke the full anchoring of the heart chalice circuitry for Myself and Soul Extensions, fully empowering the heart chakra and higher heart center.BE STILL and receive these blessings now.I now ask that the Lord Melchizedek, the Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and Shekinah approach us and place their hands on our left shoulders. I now invoke a deep and permanent connection to the Melchizedek Synthesis Ray for Myself and Soul Extensions. I ask that the Lord Melchizedek, the Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and Shekinah now beam these powerful energies of Being and Becoming, of Spiritual Freedom into our entire energy matrices and initiate us into the full use of these energies. Feel the powerful transmission of these energies NOW. It is done.I invoke the Pleiadian Light Emissaries to seal this initiation with a seal of divine protection, power, blessings and love. In the name of Atum, Mother/Father God you are now crowned in the Halls of Renunciation that hereafter you may wear a crown of Light that never fades away.....Open your heart and receive this blessing now. Awaken daughter/son of Melchizedek and know that the Cathar prophecy is fulfilled. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I AM that I AM...So Ham ...Selah.Dear friends, may these activations bring you the Greatest of Blessings. Your gifts to humanity are many and may the gifts you receive, in turn, be many. Now announce who you are :"La Eloah, El Shaddai, Elohim, Ain - Ain Soph - Ain Soph Ur, Ateh Gibor Leolam Adonai, Ribono Shel Olam, I Am That I Am, I Am That I AM, I Am That I am, So Ham - So Ham - So Ham..... Selah".Credits: Unknown~Universal blessings and thanks to the author*
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  • And so it is, my dear. Namaste*
  • this is perfect. I open my heart and welcome all masters of mastery to enjoy with me the party of our life. Now.
    Love and Respect.
  • Hehehe Elder.. :D

    Love and hugs for you too Claudia <3
  • I'm not sure we deserve this wisdom

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