
Greetings all you beautiful, assorted ministers of Love.

I greet you today with much anticipation and acknowledgement of the beautiful metamorphosis you are instrumental in creating for yourselves, your communities, all of humanity and beautiful Gaia.

For you are so instrumental in fostering this Love Awakening for all to benefit from.

It is indeed my honor to greet you today and always with so much love in my heart for you all, with so much gratitude and appreciation for you all.

You may not yet fully realize it, but you are in the midst of awakening so many aspects of yourself not yet touched on, not yet fully utilized, and not yet fully appreciated.

And in that awakening comes responsibility to integrate all those aspects of yourself, and this you are doing presently for the full realization of your true selves and for the benefit of all those still coming online.

However, it is becoming epidemic now.

You have touched so many and now you are sparking within them all the deep knowing of their true nature.

This you know and have heard before, but the magnitude of this process is only growing and deepening to such a large extent, to such a larger extent than you were capable of only a year ago.

As you accept those deep loving ancient parts of yourselves that have always been there, you acknowledge their presence in every aspect of your lives and so you become that presence for all to see, radiating out as a prime example of your capabilities and essence that is not always easy for you to see.

However, as you allow more light to enter from these ever-present energetic offerings that are pounding you with so much love and intensity, you become conditioned to accept even more.

It is much like the grounding down of substances and rocks by the pounding waves of the deep, deep ocean, relentless but sure and steady, eventually producing out of those rough-edged substances and rocks beautiful shining shimmering glistening sand and gems emitting such warmth and light unequalled in your experience, appearing like stars in the beautiful immense sky.

You are entering a period where you may not always recognize yourselves.

You are going through such metamorphosis that it is not always clear what will emerge.

Looking inward and within, however, you can glimpse the form and essence of who you really are, as If you have merely turned over or cut through a stone to reveal the beautiful matrix of colors and patterns of unique delineation special each among yourselves.

And for the purpose of clarification, you must only look more closely to see what is really there. That should be your everyday task now, delving into the recesses of your heart and soul to ferret out the uniqueness of you, to tap into the Love reservoir that is your true makeup, and to accept the true nature of your Being.

You don’t need to make it harder than it is. With all the energetic downloads of late, there has been immense clearing and wearing away of all the extractions and outer shells of your true being and in the same manner of the elements wearing away the outer layers of rocks and natural substances of earth, inside is revealed many surprises.

That is where you are now.

And so now you are invited to explore those surprises, in quiet contemplation and wonderment. Don’t deny they are there any longer.

Relish and enjoy them. That is the true you, minus all the trappings that kept you in check for eons.

You are emerging, dear ones, waking up to your magnificence, and in doing so you will be catalyzing other such emergences from others, in an ever-increasing cadence and speed unequalled ever.

It is like the proverbial snowball effect, but think of it instead as a ball of light within that is taking over your physical presence and from which all will be catalyzed and created.

Feel this, dear ones. You don’t need to think it to know it. You just have to Be it.

Do you feel an inkling of what I am trying to portray to you? You don’t need to look elsewhere anymore. It is all there. Let it unfold.

The beautiful pearl that is you is being polished by the unending stream of energetic bombardments that cannot help but lift you higher and higher into lighter energies all the while conditioning you to stay grounded and centered for the sake of your equilibrium and others’.

So everywhere, within you and within so many, are being lit the lanterns of your and their God-Sparks, blinding bursts of light and unconditional love.

It is becoming the life-blood of what will sustain you and what will sustain New Earth. It is beyond comprehension how much you are becoming illuminated and refined into your true core being.

Looking outside yourself for your essence is a thing of the past and no longer takes precedence. However shaky and vulnerable you may feel now, just allow your deep underbelly of Divine Essence to show. Allow it to be so, dear ones.

Allow it to be so.

And so we know you are ready for more intense energetic offerings because you have accepted and allowed so much in increments so far, that you can take more and more as time goes on, and soon you will find it just energizes and fortifies you rather than the feeling that it is wearing you down. For that is just an illusion.

Excavating for the true you is really what is going on and it has no bounds and it needn’t be viewed as harsh or violent. Welcome it and love it, dear ones, just as you are encouraged to love every obstacle in your path, every part of you that you unearth, every aspect of your Being.

Perspective is the key here. Love each change, love each happening, love each seeming obstacle, as a part of your awakening, as a part of your unearthing of your true divine selves – not as if anything is wrong, but that everything that occurs from here on out has a deep divine purpose and method to your overall wholeness.

And accepting and welcoming the unknown is key here – not attaching any preconceived meaning to anything, but allowing it to just BE what it is in each moment.

You are learning to let go in ways you have never allowed yourself before. It is a whole new ball game, dear ones.

No set rules, but a complete re-making of reality. Welcome any new idea, any new sensation, any new notion, and consider it, using the lens of love to ponder its usefulness.

The sky is indeed the limit here, dear ones, and even beyond that. Open fully to the truth within you, with unlimited acceptance, and you shall be rewarded with an inner and thus outer world of such magnificent possibilities.

You are in the midst of a culmination of such immense individual unfoldment, that by looking at it all as a whole, it resembles a huge mushroom cloud of Deep and Abiding Love encompassing all of humanity.

I bid you farewell for now with a final plea for you to open yourselves up wholly to whatever comes from you deep inside and to welcome the pounding waves of Love and Light with gratitude and complete attention and observance.

I AM Sananda, here for all in deep support.

©2013 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.



(picture credit:earthangels-angeliclightworkers.com)

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  • This is beautiful.  Thank and Bless You!

  • Many thanks for this encouraging and uplifting message. It's making more and more sense each day now, and so very therapeutic for all. Aroha for all always.

  • this is not Jesus-these are posts from propagandists in 4d-egergy this energetic that-these are herding propagandists for their spirit being cohorts in the shadows that feed on us -

  • Thank you Sananda and Ashtar crews
  • Thank you for this, and for the comments below Bonnie and Meindert XXX

    This is really empowering :)

    Love and bliss!


  • Hello Bonnie,

    About the question of Karma you asked.

    I have some info for you about this matter, here it comes:

    The 12 Laws of Karma

    AA URIEL ~ The End of Karma & The New Era of Creation


    a message from Archangel Uriel

    channeled by Jennifer Hoffman

    Karma has been the path of the earth and of its human family since the beginning of this ascension cycle. This is the foundation of the third dimensional paradigm and it contains the promise of evolution from fear to love, from limitation to expansion, and from suffering to joy and ascension into higher dimensions of being.

    To attain the promise of ascension humanity must complete its karmic path through forgiveness, which is required to end karma. These lessons are both your blessing and your greatest challenges, as you have experienced in the many lifetimes and struggles that have defined your karmic path. You have seen this is as path from karma to redemption but it is really simply moving from karma, the path of destiny and healing, to creation, the path of the divine human, one-ness, connection and of intentional energy flow. The karmic path has come to an end, if you choose to allow it to.

    The new era of creation is now one small step away from you and forgiveness is the bridge you cross to reach it. This is not a small matter, for once you cross the bridge into the era of creation, you can never return to the dimensions of karma. For some of you this is a difficult choice because you walk on two karmic paths, the one of your lifetimes and the one of humanity’s karma. As light workers, teachers, and multi-aspected healers, you have held the healing potential for collective karma.

    Part of your karmic journey is the responsibility you have accepted for the pain and suffering, created by others, that has impacted much of humanity. While you were powerless to prevent it and it was part of the collective karmic path, you have chosen to remain in karmic cycles until the collective karma is healed. Through this responsibility you have delayed the closure you need to complete your karmic cycles and you have done this willingly but even so, it is no longer necessary.

    By remaining in this aspect of your karmic cycles you do not complete the other potential of your healing and that is to empower the creation paradigms for the new earth, which are karma-free. Your fear that karma will not be released, that you will not be successful in this aspect of your soul promise and soul contracts, that you will not honor your obligations to Source, that this will be another failed attempt at moving from karma to creation keeps you in karmic cycles that you do not belong in.

    Can you accept the healing gift of grace, the forgiveness that Source has for you, which releases you from the collective karma you are holding healing energy for? This is your opportunity to do the work that your soul has longed for since the beginning of this very long journey, and that is to create the new era for the earth, the era of creation and the end of karma. There are aspects of this healing that you cannot complete, that must be done through the collective intention to release karma.

    While you can hold energy and intention for this outcome, this is no longer needed. What is needed is the fulfillment of karma’s healing, new paradigms for peace, joy and love that exist beyond karma. This is your evolution and ascension into higher dimensions of being and this is your gift to the world. Be complete with your healing, accept the gift of grace which are your release from your individual and collective karmic obligations and step into the joy, freedom, peace and unconditional love that are the blessings of the new era of creation.

    Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to http://enlighteninglife.com

    Love,light and laughter,

    Meindert Arends

  • I would like to comment on how individuals are changing so fast. Many lives have come to an abrupt halt. This is their karma. What I'm wondering is; are some of us individuals already freed of karma?

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