Form a circle of Light around your entire being to shield your entire being against all unwanted energies. Be aware of this shining orb wherever you go and strengthen it with thoughts of love, peace and forgiveness in all situations. The intensity of
empowerment (19)
The Light of Truth will free you from all entrapments of falsehoods and will restore perfect alignment within your four lower bodies and with your I Am Presence. When your body is in perfect alignment you will begin to vibrate at a much higher freque
Respond to all with Love. Anger and hatred lower your vibrations and make your mental body ugly. Accept people’s behaviour in the Light of Love. Their hatred and resentment against you will change in time. Love is the key to all problems and ill-will
This exercise is useful when you have mixed and mingled around with a lot of people in parties, while travelling or in crowded public places. When you are surrounded with people your etheric body picks up energies from all kinds of people; these then
There's so much that can be said about taking one's power back concerning health.
And, having discovered in recent years that I AM indeed a Starseed and an Indigo with a certain mission here on Earth, my perspective on health has changed immensely.
His website is
Here he described in detail why our angry reaction to bullying will never end it, because becoming
There is some wonderful and powerful information in here, based on what people have told Dolores over her 45 years of research. Feeling Back On Track after watching it and inspired to create! create! create!
Are you one who can't stop thinking? Are you tired of thinking negative thoughts that just drag you down? Have you had enough of constantly reliving the past and fearing the future through your thoughts? If you’ve tried everything but still can't
Go to Parts 1 & 2 of this Article
PART 3: 4 Easy Ways to Release Needless Thinking
Are your thoughts having their way with you?
In Parts 1 and 2, we discussed remembering that the process for releasing needless thinking will vary by individual, but ba
Received February 25, 2010
The darkness has been an ever-present aspect of your current and previous realities. The dark cannot exist without the light. Darkness is the absence of light, the absence of energy, the absence of vibration, the absence of