Hamas Hammers

Again we see the usual, monotonous rise in hostilities between the Palestinians and Israelis. As usual many people (maybe absorbed in western msm propaganda) rush to condemn the Palestinians. Too many others are so much bamboozled by the bible's narration of 'Israelites' as 'the people of God' selected to 'punish the wicked neighbours' . So unfortunately many people are blinded by the 'Israel' misnomer and the palestinians become the easier target of condemnation as the memory of the bible's 'wicked Israel neighbours', sometimes who 'needs to be exterminated' comes to minds! 

Whether or not leaders are driven by religion is irrelevant. The relevant thing is that leaders do indeed tacitly use these Bible stories to mesmerize people into a blind support for Israel! Without the bible stories, so many people would condemn Israel that it becomes politically untenable for leaders to support Israel. So yes, demystifying the bible is necessary.

We leave in a dangerous times, where even the illusion that media is a reliable source of 'truth' is being shattered before our eyes! In the west, their rush to label everything that Russia says as 'propaganda' has backfired! Ironically, people have ended up doubting the western media for this, instead! What makes the western MSM so sure that Russia is using 'propaganda' in the war with Ukraine exept that this is what the MSM itself usually uses in the US etc wars? If you are so sure that your neighbour's husband is battering his wife when she does xyz, then it can most likely be due to the fact that you yourself batters your wife when she does xyz, and you think that 'everyone is like you'. So the things we accuse others of normally reveals something about ourselves! This is the situation that the western MSM has found itself! That is why leaders that are against the fuelling money and weapons to the 'bottomless bit' of Ukraine are being elected!

It is in such a toxic media environment that we must judge the acts now in middle east! We must be careful not to be unwittingly led by propaganda into seeming to think that one thing is right as done by one person, and the same thing is wrong as done by another person! That, for instance, it is right for Russia to fire missiles to Ukraine but wrong for Hamas to do the same thing on Israel! That it was right for US to invade Iraq but wrong for Russia to 'do the same'. That is was right for Kosovo to unilaterally secede from Serbia but is wrong for Zaphorozhye to do the same from Ukraine. That it is right for Israelis to kidnap the Palestinians, but it is wrong for vice-versa to happen! People end up getting this wrong because it all depends on their favourite propaganda outlet! The propaganda outlet itself tells you not the 'truth' but what they want you to believe in order to advance their interests, or the interests of their patrons. Of course is such a situation, consistency will be hard to achieve! It will only happen when being consistent serves their interests, then they tell you consistent things, then they form a consistent so called 'laws', be they international ones etc

Now so many countries, including Britain and US advances the so called 'two state solution' to Israeli-Palestinian conflict. What this one means is that these 'patron' countries do claim to acknowledge that both the Palestinians and the Israelis have a right to form a country, each of their own. So it is a 'neutral' solution where the end result doesnt (at least much) favour any group. However, in a stunning hypocrisy, they favour one side, arming it tooth and nail! How can you seek for a neutral solution via a biased procedure? If you do acknowledge that both the Palestinian and the Israeli equaly deserves to form a country, how does this translates into arming only one side in the conflict? Why doesn't the same logic for arming Israel apply to arming the Palestine?? Anyone genuinely advancing for a solution that creates two equal states MUST be neutral! Any one arming only one side actually either persues a 'one state solution' where the group he is arming completely overrules the other, or simply exterminates them in a genocide! There is no other option! The words speaks one thing, and the actions loudly speaks another thing!

It is not like they don't know how such 'arming' actually puts a spanner on the work. In the Russo-Ukrainian war, they say that 'they will negotiate latter'. Clearly, they are first waiting for the what happens in the battlefield to 'tilt in favour of Ukraine' before they can negotiate, and they think (maybe erroneiusly) that a flux of weapons delivered to Ukraine will help this! If we keep supplying weapons to Ukraine, they reason, then Russia might be led to believe that it cannot 'win the war'. This might lead Russia to be more interest with a negotiation. Since it will be Russia that desperately needs a negotiation, it will allow Ukrainian to dictate more on the terms, hence bringing obout an outcome that favours Ukraine more.

So pay a close look at the logic: If we arm the Ukraine, they admit, then the outcome of the conflict will be in favour of the Ukraine, against Russia. In other words Russia will lose as much as Ukraine think it can force Russia to lose, given the weapons it has! Apply the same logic to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and we clearly see the un-stated mission! We seek a 'two-state solution', yes, but only through a negotiation that Israel dictates as much as it wishes! Combine this with the Jewish claim of the entire 'promised' land, and you can only guess that the unstated mission is actually to annihilate the Palestinians! What they want, actually is an unconditional surrender! No one can accept such, and the weapons are not as 'magical' as they believe. So the war simply becomes endless! 

Think about trying to help Israel dictate as much as it wishes, having in mind that many in the west believe that Israel is already occupying some of the Palestinian land! You find masses who don't know what they are doing! You have many people in the west who actually believe that Israel is just like 'Russia' in that it is in 'occupation' of another land. However, they suggest opposite solutions for this same problem! 'Since Russia is the aggressor', they are convinced, 'we must leverage Ukraine so that the latter might dictate more in a future negotiation'. But in Palestine, they advocate arming the aggressor in a bid to achieve the same results as arming the 'victim' in Ukraine! If 'insanity' is 'doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results', then doing different things over and expecting the same results must be a square of insanity!

The same reasoning can also be applied to disarming and blockading Palestine. There are only three reasons for trying to prevent your neighbour from arming. One is cowardice, the other is genuine concern for your security, and the other one is seeking to maintain your own tyranny! Only the second is unshameful enough, but it demand some de-humanizing your neighbour! In order for Israel to convince the world that it is for the second reason that they, for instance, blockade Gaza, they must present the Palestinians as to be fundamentally different from them! The latter must be barbaric, blood thirsty etc. They must be totally irresponsible with arms! This is the usual colonialists narrative to justify trying to infringe on the native's right to bear arms! (Everyone and every group in this world have a right to arm themselves, and blockades done to deny that is unjustifiable).

In reality, a blockade to deny arms (even as you yourself are on arming spree), is as justifiable as storing the military equipments in civilian areas and then blaming the other side for 'bombing civilians' in a war! The thing is that the other side must be allowed to obtain proper arms that can properly target the military, rather than the civilians, before we blame them on civilian casualties actually due to usage of bad arms! Both cases involves risking leveraging the other side, but for the sake of safety of the civilians.

All this shows that it is not the second option that drives Israel to blockade Gaza. Rather, it is the mixture of the two other more shameful ones! Israelis are both coward and tyrannical! The Hezbollah never went into a runaway attacking of Israel and there is no blockade there! Hamas, on the other hand draws from the same script as Hezbollah, and so there is no more need to feer Hamas than to fear Hezbollah. What we see in Hezbollah case is that an armed Israeli adversary is realy not 'barbaric' against Israel. It just is capable of deterring Israel from anyhow aggression, and this is all what Israel don't like! Israel wants impunity, and this is their whole point. They want to enter any air space they wish, when they so wish, and bomb them as they wish! Against doing such, they don't want any deterrence from any group! This is their true intent in blockades etc! The other is cowardice! They can't handle a peer-to-peer competitor! For Israel to fight you, for it to keep entering your space with jets etc, you must first be armed with stones, otherwise, it seeks negotiations and friendships! So they dare not rub such giants as Russians etc the wrong way!

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  • So indeed one cannot refute the statement that Israel is a colonialistic, apartheid regime! To continue support ING Israel despite this fact, one can only sugar-coat arpatheid itself!! Guess what? 'apartheid is not that bad as it is good for civilizing the world'. I bet you will find hard time to convince even the Jews that they are infact the 'good colonists' imposing 'civilization' on Palestinians!

    As usual, arpatheid regimes rely on such ridiculous arguments! To disperately justify oppression of Palestinians, simply depict them as sub-humans who need someone else to 'civilize' them! That is how Hitler argued against the Jews!

    I can't believe someone can make such a fascist argument here! To me, only Nazis and neo-nazis can support colonialism using the 'civilizing' argument. Essentially, it divides the world into the 'civilizers' and 'civilized'. This is a Nazi doctrine!
  • Colonialism is and will always be an evil and immoral act since its best 'argument' for it is as an attempt to impose your own version of what is 'civilized' on other ppl. It does not fit the modern world were people are free to make their own choices! Leave Palestinians alone to decide their own lives, even if to you, it is 'uncivilized'.

    Even then, 'civilized' in a meaningless word! Doing the barbaric things done by colonists is regarded as 'uncivilized' even by the colonizers themselves! When you point to the all wrongs about colonialism, some say 'it was good for civilizing the world'! They unwittingly admit that they 'civilized' the world via babaric and uncivilized means and that this means 'barbarism is not that bad'.

    But that is totally mistaken! Uncivilized ppl cannot civilize anyone!

    But now you have admitted that Israel is a colonists and arpatheid regime. That is what they said is South Africa! We cannot leave SA because the natives are not 'civilized'. So yes, you agree that Israel is a colonist! It is time to end this colonial regime like all the others!

    I kept hearing pple say that it is no wonder Israel has support from former colonialists and genocidal regimes such as US! These nations are yet to truely relinquish their colonialistic tendencies as expressed by some like you!. So they resonate with Israel! Also Israel is very much like US! Their mission is really not to 'civilize' Palestine! Their mission is a genocide against the natives followed by a stealing of their land!

    So you get the point! Colonialism was never about 'civilizing' the world. It was all about genocide and land stealing! Wherever they succeed, in Ausi and US, that is what they did! Else where, they were simply chased before their mission was completed!
  • Colonialism has civilised the world....So unlike you, I do not hate that word, nor the word "empire"...Maybe if you were having a conversation with a woke and guilt-ridden, self-hater, you would make more sense to such a person....?

    Just as England civilised large continents, across Earth, (not unlike the Lyrans, across the galaxy,) so too did European jews, turn desert into garden, to make a great nation in the middle east, and one that will never be destroyed by Hamas, nor Iran...

    And it was the Anglo-French accords that established middle east borders, after defeating the Ottomans...Maybe Israel should extend it's borders further, now...?? Leaving Gaza unoccupied, makes security less viable for them...
  • Israeli are colonists, and this should be obvious! They never translate their military gains into political victories that often lead to a permanent peace in every normal expansion and conguest simply because this is a normal 'empire'!

    Take a good example of Russia. They wage both the war in Zaporozhye etc, they wage the peace there, and they wage the politics there! The result is that immediately after the military gain, there comes a political gain in the region. Russia is not like US in Afghanistan. In the latter, the military gain is followed by endless insurgencies and 'endless wars'!

    Israel claims the west bank and reject s it's inhabitants! Israel's mission requires a genocide to accomplish! They could have ended the war long time ago by simply in cooperating the ppl in the captured territories as legitimate Israeli citizens with equal rights etc, just like Russians did immediately they captured Zaporozhye etc. But Israel is an aphatheid regime established of 'jewish supremacy' premise. They can't leave in a system where a Jew and any other ethnic group is treated equaly.

    Now supporting yet another apartheid regime, you will be in the wrong side of history!!
  • ... maybe just as an example to show you how pointless the claim 'these are barbarians' is, consider how Britain bashed the freedom fighters in their colonies. Everyone at then, including native Kenyans, were sure that May Mau were barbarians! Even Dedan Kimathi, the leader of the movement, was sentenced to death! You can search for it! But now Dedan Kimathi is a national hero, with a monument built for his honor! Then Britain latter apologized and acknowledged that indeed mau Mau were not barbarian!

    The 'barbarians' of today are heroes of tomorrow, when in 'tommorrow' their opponent no longer has the monopoly of information war! Remember though that the designation of Mail Mau as heroes does not mean that they never engaged in crimes and atrocities, nonono! It only means that atrocities was not their primary agenda. They were not 'blood Thirsty' and they were not, in anyway different from their foes when it comes to doing heinous acts. It is just that pple heard only from the side of their then powerful foe, who then mislead them by cherry picking facts. The exact same reason ING applies in the Palestinian struggle!
  • Whenever you make a claim, I find it good to be different from how the western MSM etc, which you claim are propaganda outlets makes them! It is just so because I say so! Whenever someone says that Putin is a 'war criminal', and 'even the Hague is after him', what difference is there between that and asserting that 'hamas are barbarians' or 'they are killing civilians ' etc? There is no difference! That is just like a zelensky making some bashing against Russia, or blaming them for the latest immoral act! Why should I believe you and never zelensky, or Biden, or scholz? The Russian war has taught us more clearly that trying to paint the opponent as 'evl' or 'barbaric' etc is just war propaganda! It is a strategy in 'war of information'.

    When it comes to Iran, just like in Russia, we see exactly the same kind of 'hurl everything at your disposal against the opponent', a behavior prevalent in politics, which often indicates (to the reasonable ppl) that the allegations are simply baseless! How did someone sitted squarely in Washington immediately know that Nordstrom pipeline attack was done by Russia? The same reasoning goes: how did they immediately know that the Hamas attack was planned by Iran? Do you, per chance, become somehow 'omnisceient' when you become a politician? Remember that these are the same same people who were 100% sure that 'iraq had weapons of mass destruction' etc.

    And that's the point! The west is now bashing Iran and Hamas etc with the exact same mentality they were doing to Russia. To anyone with eyes, it is evident that both are works of the same mind set just directed to different foes. We even see them send weapons to Israel, indicating the same same cabal that seeks to profit from conflicts by selling weapons and using the western tax payer! How comes you are not discerning this?

    Finally, your claim that 'even the neo-liberal Europe...' is jarring because one can make the same statement with regard to. Europe's supporting Ukraine! Why not say 'even the neo-liberal Europe has seen the Russian barbarity'... Since when has Europe became the yardstick to determine who is 'barbaric'? They are just the puppets of US and so there is no difference between how they act now against Palestinians and how they act against Russians.

    Then thinking that Palestinian is in support of western 'neo-liberals' is erroneous, as erroneous as thinking that Russia is in such support! If this were true, Palestinians would have long been armed tooth to nail when the 'liberals' are in power. After all they claim that Israel is in occupation of Palestine. So they should have all the reason to treat Israel like they do Russia! The petty domestic politic in Us etc prevents you from seeing that these political divide in the west have little and pointless differences when it comes to foreign policy. It is just a question of how to exercise enemity, but not who the enemy should be. The 'enemy' is decided by the cabal!

    Then as for the assertion that Iran planned the Hamas attack, if they can confidently know who did it, then they will have known before it happened! The fact that it was a total surprise shows that they have no clue as to who planned it! It must be just a speculation!
  • In ancient times, the tribe of Dan had Samson....In modern (end) times, Israel has the IDF...

  • And when it comes to the odious islamic republic of Iran, I prefer to glean the opinions of genuine Iranian refugees to Britain...Such as Mahyar Tousi...

  • Hamas barbarity against innocent civilians, including women and children, has caused, even the neo-liberal European Union, to suspend funding for Palestine...

    Israel has the moral high ground, now....The Philistines are finished..

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