Emotional Lady threatens to go into her Ultimate Form over chicken nuggets. In the Video it was mentioned that she was hissing.
Can it be she is an awakened being or maybe Reptilian? Watch and give your opinion.
Hi ruc, this video appears to be from 2010 and one said the audio was dubbed in later, not sure about the audio dub in as it seemed rather well done for that.
Though, if you download the video and use a media player to play it frame by frame, it can be seen that either she is not human, or she is shape shifting, at one fram right before she throws the first punch, we can see her eyes go very black and dark lines go vertically at the center of her eyes in both directions, much like how clowns where makeup sometimes there.
It may also be that she is possessed by one or more entities, as things can be seen coming in and out of her.
Have had much first hand experience with possessions or whatever it is, the eyes become very black and enlarged and when that happens, it is usually followed by rage or anger. (hulk comes to mind)
peace love light