Cause and Effect — Sixth of the Seven Hermetic Lawsby Bruce Rawles(This article was excerpted and adapted from the upcoming book, "The Geometry Code: Symbolic Wisdom of Natural Laws Within Us" by Bruce Rawles, available soon from Elysian Publishing. This is the fourth of eight articles; you might want to first read the initial article in the series and the prior article on the Law of Mentalism and Law of Correspondence, Law of Vibration and the Law of Rhythm to get the context for this one. The remaining article will cover the Law of Gender or Generation.The secret of true prayer is to forget the things you think you need. To ask for the specific is much the same as to look on sin and then forgive it. Also in the same way, in prayer you overlook your specific needs as you see them, and let them go into God's Hands." — from The Song of Prayer supplement to A Course In MiraclesThe Law of Cause & Effect(We reap what we sow)— Keyword: PerfectionThe sixth of the seven laws or principles is given the name Cause and Effect in the Kybalion, along with the phrase "Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law." — The Kybalion.Preoccupation with Effect (Focusing on the Screen)"People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them." — George Bernard ShawThe law of Cause and Effect, like the other Hermetic Laws, applies equally to everyone; we all have the same opportunity to recognize that we have charge of the realm of cause, and are merely spectators to the realm of effect. How fortunate that the law works this way and not in reverse! Yet most of the world appears to be caught in the folly of ceaselessly chasing after desired effects, mindless of the golden opportunity that exquisite cause is within us, awaiting our invocation through the realm of how we feel. We can always — and do always — choose how we want to feel inwardly every moment (cause) despite how appearances (effect) may be presented to us outwardly (including the vast spectra of sensory, bodily, and material concerns.)Shaw's quote above provides part of the solution to life's apparent dilemmas — Circumstances (all the spacey, timey stuff we've gotten so hung up on as humans) are not an effective emphasis for our thoughts and feelings. If there is an outcome (or outcomes) that you are invested in within the realm of space and time, you immediately make an enemy (or at least a fearful projection) of the vast holographic machine of the Universe. Sometimes what appears on the screen of our material lives seems to be a pleasant, sunny jaunt through the pastoral countryside, abloom with fragrance from spring blossoms and sweetly accented with gentle bird songs (insert Hollywood's best here :-). Other times the screen shows us horror films that would make Alfred Hitchcock run screaming from the theater in stark terror. And then there's the bulk of our lives that range somewhere in between these extremes. This is all part of the rhythm of life in 3D that we signed up for, and then conveniently forgot about all the fine print in the boilerplate.We're dreamers, and instead of choosing total recall of the arrangements we made (to attempt to forget our origins by being obsessed with externals), we have been (almost) total sleepwalkers. Occasionally we have bursts of lucidity and remember that it is our mind that is the projector and that we are the projectionists, but most of the time (by design) we zombies operate in knee-jerk trance mode, oblivious to our birthright of choice, freedom and unimaginable happiness. It matters not whether our or not our bodies appear to be asleep physically — if we are preoccupied with results in the "world" we appear to be living in, we're forgetting about the movie — the dream — that we wrote, produced, directed and appear to be starring in…Fortunately, written into the script is a plot about waking up from the dream, which is basically unlearning the convenient and socially universal excuse of blaming what is going on around us (or what appears to have happened in our past) for our current well being. Eventually, our spiritual nature gets bored with having "been there, done that" with the various distractions, diversions and delays that in one form or another (the specific form really doesn't matter) keep us from finding the peace that exists within ourselves INDEPENDENT of any thing, any condition, any situation, regardless of who is or isn't currently showing on the screen of our lives, regardless of whether or not our inner cinematic broadcasting equipment is screening a comedy, a drama, a romance, a horror film, or an avant-garde experimental flick.In prior installments, we've explored how modern physics is leading us toward the conclusion that what our senses show us only has the reality we ascribe to it. If we want to be free, then we need to shift our attention from the screen of our senses (our interpretations of incoming data) and pay attention to the 'wizard behind the curtain', the lucid dreamer of the dream. This also has the benefit of showing us where the buttons are that make the thunder, lightning and all the other "special effects" that we've gotten so swept up by. If we realize that the buttons are in our control room, then we might just learn to stop pressing them unconsciously! :-) When we discover, like Jim Carrey's character in the Truman Show movie did, that we're on a gigantic movie set (except ours appears to encompass a gigantic universe filled with galaxies), we learn that we don't have to get too upset about what is, after all, just a movie. At some point, the script will be over and we get to go home. This, of course, requires trust in our transpersonal selves (our true non-dualistic spiritual nature), a willingness to consistently practice being aware that we're actors on the set and the lines that we've been given don't need our personal re-write (letting go of our finite agendas), and to forgive the other actors and props that seem to appear in the script of our lives.This doesn't mean that our theatrical performance doesn't count; it just means that we realize that our ephemeral lives aren't as important as our eternal lives. Then we're freed up to respond to the voice for our infinite nature rather than our finite nature. In fact, when we remember to laugh — just a little more each day — about our follies and loosen our grip on the drama, we start to see the backdrop dissolve a bit and the quiet light of cosmic serenity behind all the props begins to seep through the cracks. To use another analogy from a favorite Monty Python skit, we're like the tenants in an apartment building put up by hypnosis, and when we question the premise, the building wavers a bit! Or to mix another metaphor, it would be like an animal-rights activist who has been feeling terrible about sitting on a Naugahyde couch, who suddenly is relieved to learn that no naugas were harmed (let alone killed) in the making of his couch (or in our case, the virtual reality film we call our life.)"If there's no world 'out there' what are you reacting to? Ask yourself that question every moment of every day when your peace is disturbed." — Kenneth Wapnick (from the audio The Body An Engine Of Destruction.)"Everyone in this world has a 'victim script'". — Kenneth Wapnick (from the audio Climbing The Ladder Home.)Perception ultimately occurs in our minds, and therefore is subject to our interpretation. Here is where we liberate ourselves. Perception is inherently limited. As explored a bit in the article on "Take Home Lessons From Modern Physics", we have such a tiny window to the Universe, even in the few dimensions that we generally focus on! Our perceptions are fixated on the most infinitesimal fragment of all that is, even on the scale of this little planet spinning around the Milky Way, let alone the greater cosmos, and that's just with all undue respect to the familiar 3 axes of space and 1 axis of time (so we've been trained to believe.) Is it any wonder we go crazy trying to reconcile what appears to be outside us with what appears to be within when using our senses (and associated thoughts) as our criteria?Attending to Cause (Focusing on the Projector)"Just your imagination? Of course it's your imagination! This world is your imagination, have you forgotten? Where your thinking is, there is your experience; As a man thinks, so is he; That which I feared is come upon me; Think and grow rich: Creative visualization for fun and profit; How to find friends by being who you are. Your imagining doesn't change the Is one whit, doesn't affect reality at all. But we are talking about Warner Brothers worlds, MGM lifetimes, and every second of those are illusions and imaginations. All dreams with the symbols we waking dreamers conjure for ourselves." — Richard Bach (Illusions)Freedom, as Bach suggests, lies in reclaiming our power of choice; getting back into the projection room and deciding what reel to play, rather than throwing rotten tomatoes at the screen and wondering why the movie doesn't get better. It may take years (or perhaps lifetimes) to change what appears on the screen consistently, but … lest we forget the ALL IMPORTANT PRINCIPLE … the joy, the peace, the liberation of mind we're seeking is within us now, and has nothing to do with what is happening around us, including our bodies (since even our bodies ultimately exist in mind, as the first law of Mentalism, covered earlier, reminds.) When we proactively participate in the making of the film (rather than just being in the audience) and particularly when we align ourselves with our transpersonal purpose, we discover that being the cause rather than the effect is freedom.Fool-proof methods of testing when we're using transpersonal guidance is to ask ourselves how we feel — our transpersonal self consistently provides feelings of inner ease, integrity, humble appreciation of guidance beyond our individual 'needs' and the relaxing realization that the best interests of all are being served.The egoic (insane, special, finite, separation-oriented) mind relishes our suffering, and constantly tries to get us to get upset about (or even just lost in) what's happening on the screen. From its perspective, cause doesn't exist "Pay no attention to the projectionist behind the curtain!" From the vantage point of our real self, getting the design, the blueprint, the script, the ingredients, the CAUSE figured out is crucial, and nothing else is relevant, because what's showing now is the result of all the cosmic cinematography that has already taken place, with or without our conscious direction, and also includes what appear to be influences "outside ourselves" in the form of all the "others" and the rest of "our universe."We Can Never Control Effect Directly"… it's not what hapens that creates our experience of the event, it's our perception and interpretation of it." — Leonard Laskow, MD"Don't worry about results that may or may not be seen on the level of form." — Pursah, from Disappearance of the Universe by Gary RenardIn a video I watched recently by Kenneth Wapnick, he compares the mind with a puppeteer, and our physical world to the puppets we see; in this analogy the strings are invisible. We've made up an elaborate hoax of space-time. It appears that we're just tiny fragments in the vast ocean of actors that execute the scripts of our lives. Actually, if we made up the notion of separation, then all those "outside us" are just following the script we wrote … and forgot that we wrote. So why not forgive everyone who shows up on our stage (including ourselves) for acting out the dream drama? If we accord the fleeting and the temporary 'reality' (via attachments, aversions and annoyances) then we're just identifying with a role (effect) rather than the permanent, peaceful being we are.If we graciously accept (by allowing transpersonal inspiration to guide us) our inner serenity, then the actual occurrences in the world (our collective dream) don't need to affect us; instead we become independent of what is going on around us, we return to our proper place as managers of our inner stage, rather than mistaking our selves with the puppets we see in the realm of bodies, planets, and stuff.The degree of control that we can exercise on externals directly is, as we all have learned, often extremely limited, especially when it comes to events that result from the combined thoughts of millions or billions, yet we always have our hand on the rudder of our own ship; our own mind at every moment. Consistent navigation will ultimately allow us to cross the ocean to the shore where we belong, even if we pass through rough seas from time to time.We Can Always Allow The Guidance of Cause"If everyone just takes care of their own area, we wouldn't have any problems." — Willie NelsonIf we follow our inner guidance, we use every opportunity to inwardly (cause) choose the feeling of forgiveness rather than to choose the feelings of guilt and its projections of resentment, separation, and the myriad forms of unhappy dreaming. Every moment presents us with unique opportunities to forgive what appears to be on the screen (letting go of egoic identification; 'my story.') Instead, we use our transpersonal insights (the thought system of wholeness, pure non-duality and inclusiveness) as a gift each instant to extract the wisdom, emotional release and liberating ease that seeing through this thought system provides.For example, if you're listening to the radio while driving your car and a song or a news report reminds you how crazy the world is, you can take that two ways; you can allow the guidance of cause (your spiritual heritage) to interpret the temporal craziness as a reminder to sink deeper into the peace that identifying with timelessness affords, rather than becoming upset about the latest craziness. One approach allows us to laugh at our follies, and mobilizes us to take whatever effective action ('in the world') is appropriate, whereas the other narrowed perception not only snares our minds into a blame game, but also ironically locks out creative responses that we might otherwise use to work with cause to achieve and optimal effect. Anything can be a reminder or a mnemonic for our inner strength, serenity, and identification with our eternal, infinite nature. It just takes LOTS of practice! :-) Eventually, the "reaction time" becomes shorter and shorter, and then we can even laugh about when we have lapses in lucidity and help 'those around us' to not be so tough on themselves when they have been sleepwalking through life (just like us); true compassion unites rather than divides, since our minds are joined in cause. They only appear (due to the illusion of multiple bodies, etc.) to be separate.Avoiding Level Confusion (Choosing on the level of cause; allowing on the level of effect)"… while changing one's mind about the world and practicing forgiveness, any seeming individual could still seek solutions to problems that would seem acceptable in the illusory world — as long as they didn't chain themselves to the level of perception through the burden of belief." — Gary Renard, Disappearance of the UniverseLike all the Hermetic laws or principles, this one (Cause and Effect) can be used either by the fragmenting thought system of the ego … or by the non-dualistic thought system of our real self. Sound familiar? If you have been following this series of ideas, you'll probably notice a wonderful holographic principle: if you fully understand one law, one truth, you understand them all; since these laws are all interconnected, interwoven, interrelated — like us!One of the most frequent ploys of the egoic (a.k.a. addicted to suffering) mind is to involve us in what is referred to as "level confusion." On the level of cause (the real content of our inner experience), we have complete — actually boundless — freedom, yet we are so accustomed to believing that we're the victims of effect (illusion) that we hang out in our virtual jail cells long after the door has been unlocked. On the level of effect (form), the wheels, gears and pulleys of the billiard ball machinery of space time are pretty much playing out as per the script, as written by the infinite cast and crew… and we just appear to be one of.) So how to we respond appropriately and effectively to this "movie" going on around us? It's actually simple. All we need to do is to trust our inner guidance to feel true forgiveness for what appears to be happening, since from that vantage point, — above the battlefield of polarized thinking — we are free to not identify with the soap opera (or whatever flavor of drama) appears to be going on. We discover, as Terry Cole-Whittaker noted, that what others think of us is none of our business. We have plenty to deal with (and enjoy!) just by being responsible (happily!) for whatever appears on the screen.At the level of cause, we are unhooking, disconnecting and removing identification with the screen (fleeting, unstable, and forever shifting); this frees us from the drama. Another way of putting it is that we shift from an obligatory dramatic role to an optional comedic one, and our sense of humor provides the vaudeville hook that whisks the REAL us off the stage (where we've been all along). On the level of effect, we can observe the actors (including ourselves) doing all the things we would normally do in the world (on the stage); we can be ourselves naturally and take care of the business at hand, all the while inwardly realizing that this (act), too shall pass. The curtains, veils, fortresses and other elaborate stage props that we've conjured up as defenses against the truth will all disappear sooner or later.Below are a number of quotes that all contribute, in various ways, to joyously remembering that we ARE cause, and it is both our right and our opportunity to participate in cause, for the realization of our own freedom."There is no limit to the good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit." — General George C. Marshall"...and given readiness, you may not need to suffer the experience." — Helen Schucman, as quoted in Absence From Felicity by Kenneth Wapnick"There can be a real time discrepancy here, and sometimes we even see stars which are no longer there. Forget it; it's really gone." — Helen Schucman, as quoted in Absence From Felicity by Kenneth Wapnick"Don't make assumptions." — Don Miguel RuizEverybody's life touches so many other lives ... You can't help but have an significant impact on other people's lives as you go through it" — Gary Renard"Without forgiveness, metaphysics are useless." — Gary Renard"They must find it difficult ... Those who have taken authority as the truth, Rather than truth as the authority." — G. Massey, Egyptologist"Your brothers are everywhere. You do not have to seek far for salvation. Every minute and every second gives you a chance to save yourself. Do not lose these chances, not because they will not return, but because delay of joy is needless." — A Course In Miracles, Text"This is a course in cause and not effect … Therefore, seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world." — Pursah, quoting A Course In Miracles from Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard"Remember, just like you choose which movies you go to see at the local theater, you also chose this movie you call your life, as well as any other life movies you attend. It's always a case of self predestination." — Arten, from Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard"What if your Source cannot change or fail? Then you're putting your faith where faith is justified. Now you can see your transitory careers and endeavors as simply tools that can be used as symbolic expressions of your constant supply. Now your Source becomes a bottomless well where you can go for guidance that will always come in some form of inspiration. If your tool happens to break, so what? You don't have to be attached to it because it's not your Source. If your Source is constant, then one tool can be easily and quickly replaced by another one — through the very natural occurrence of inspiration. You can relax knowing that you can't lose your Source." — Arten, from Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard"Ultimately, the Universe itself is a symptom that will disappear." — Pursah, from Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard"You're not a spatial being, but a non-spatial one. Or as a physicist might put it, you're having a local experience, but you are actually non-local." — Arten, from Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard"We couldn't care less about the space-time conundrum. We simply would not want to rob you of your opportunities to learn your lessons firsthand and accelerate your return to God." — Arten, from Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard"The seeming effect is superfluous; it's the cause we're interested in." — Arten, from Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard"The real goal isn't dressing up your life; it's about awakening from what you think is your life. … isn't about fixing up the world." — Arten, from Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard"The world will appear to change for you at times because the Course handles the cause of everything, rather than effects. And what is the world but an effect? That is certainly not what the world believes — but this world is nothing to write home about." — Pursah, from Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard"Our focus is on the cause of the dream and undoing it." — Pursah, from Your Immortal Reality by Gary RenardWhat's the bottom line of all these quotes? We're spirit and spirit is cause, so WE ARE CAUSE.Geometric Symbols of Cause & Effect — The Holographic Tree Fractal"I say we are symbols because anything that appears to take on form is symbolic." — Pursah, from Disappearance of the Universe by Gary RenardWe recall, once again, that form, as designed by the egoic (splitter) mind, is all about seeing differences and emphasizing (in the realm of effect) all the variations that appear to be apart and isolated. As Pursah says in Your Immortal Reality, "physics demonstrates that you can't really separate one thing from something else." So, in the hands of our inclusive, eternal, transpersonal mind, (a.k.a. Holy Spirit) we can use forms and symbols as reminders for awakening from the dream, returning to our proper place in the projection room rather than being fixated on the screen. The symbol of a tree, used by this integrative thought system, becomes a mnemonic for remembering that mind is cause (metaphorically the roots, the soil and nourishment of attention given to a kindly, compassionate attitude of non-separation) and the branches are effect (the limbs bearing fruit). In this example, we see the tree (the one cause beyond space time) rather than the twigs and branches. We see the forest AND the trees (as one). Each seeming level of magnification of the holographic fractal of a tree or a forest is just a reminder to live in cause, rather than seeming to be isolated in a twig, stem or branch. Other metaphors, such as river tributaries, our respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems, computer networks, genetic lineage, and so many more, all can serve the purpose of reminding us to turn our attention to CAUSE and let effect take care of itself.Copywrite 2008 Bruce Rawles. All rights reserved.
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