Note:  This is an article that I have written to unify many of the topics that I have been studying for some time.  The pages discuss my personal experiences and observations that really may help enlighten those to what is going on in the world today.  Please read with an open mind.


The goal of this paper is to supply people with the answers that we are all searching for even if you don’t realize it yet.  This information will become common knowledge soon and be thankful that you have been chosen to share and teach this message with others.  The more awareness we can bring to this the quicker we can create Heaven on Earth.  Thank you.


Please feel free to pass this information on to others.


When accessing the ego and becoming more aware of it I have personally found that it is what puts many of the limitations on us.  When we no longer associate with our bodies we are allowed into a new type of existence beyond ourselves.  This beyond includes all things and all the energies of the universe.  Our egos have been manipulated by those who wish to have control which in turn is a byproduct of the ego.  To consider ourselves superior to anything in the universe is a joke, because we are one.  To be aware of our power and abilities is a gift not to be squandered.  “With great power comes great responsibility.”  People have become blind to this but we see it in our old stories and ideas about superheroes and our religious prophets.  We have been told that miracles don’t exist anymore yet I know I’ve seen many miracles happen in my life.  The difference that they make is that they accept their inner darkness or inner light to move the energy into a positive outcome.  Only when we let go of our limitations will we truly see our inner light.  It is CHOICE that makes us special, the choice to be a hero or villain in our own experience.  Often we choose to be our own villain but we have some other forces at work that are suppressing us.  This paper will discuss many topics about our current systems and how they are failing us, I also want to enlighten people on the topics of spirituality outside of the dogmatic major religions.


Our inner light is being suppressed by what we watch, eat, and how we remedy ourselves.  We watch shows that do not bring us closer to our higher self; our happiness is told to be something that you achieve.  In most shows today we see that the hero or heroine is doing everything in their power to live productive lives.  Then once they find that path they are now happy.  This isn’t too far from the truth, because when you find your path in life then you can truly be happy.  Here is the conundrum with the thinking that something outside will bring happiness.  Modern Humanity has disguised the truth from us even further by giving us a society built so that a few can enjoy rich elegant lifestyles, lifestyles that most of us will never experience.  The really intense part of this is that if everyone on the planet were to live even as well as just the average American we would consume and destroy most of the planet within YEARS, not decades or even centuries.  Many scientists are even coming out and saying that our current system is causing severe repercussions to our environment, hence the green movement.  The elites actually understand this concept that the earth cannot sustain the entire population at our current consumption levels and something needs to be done.  If you don’t believe me then I highly recommend doing some research into Agenda 21, and what many of the elites have said “openly” about population control.  It can be sickening to understand what their goals are.  Do NOT fear though because steps have been taken to make sure that global population control will not come to pass.  We all must make a stand and not allow ideas like this to come into existence.  Let’s take a look at how we have been brain washed into thinking that everything is “okay” with our current system.


First we are sent to schools and taught to memorize facts.  This is very left brained thinking and does little to foster creativity or personal growth.  We are in essence creating a bunch of mindless clones that do what they are told and do it 100% right every time otherwise it will lead to punishment.  We are taught to never make mistakes and if we do happen to, we are shown scorn and shame.  Just think of how many times people were recognized in school or work for excelling versus how many times people are recognized for messing up.  Usually most bosses don’t bother us until we do something wrong, there have been many studies about this and they all lead to the same conclusion (Read the book Whale Done to learn out how to accentuate the Positive versus the Negative).  Then when we are in or close to graduating high school we are told to find something that interests us as long as it fits in with current societal definitions.  Once we decide on a path that interests us we go to college or learn the craft. If you decide to diverge from this path society as a whole shuns and ostracizes that individual as if they were a leper.  For example someone who decided to go out into the world and find a job these days would be at a severe disadvantage if they did not have a college degree.  However many people I know rarely ever use the degree they earned in the way that it was intended.  Through research I have also found that many schools prepare students to be good employees to fit into their system not to be leaders or innovators.  Scary truth is that most of our most famous innovators never went to college or dropped out because they knew what they wanted to do and just went and did it. Few are ever given the opportunity to allow themselves to expand beyond facts and systems to find out better ways to improve our world.  I don’t ever remember “inventors and outside of the box thinkers” 101 ever being offered in school.  In fact there are many instances where certain ideas have been suppressed because they do not fit in with the current system; this is common all throughout history.  Just think about a few of these examples:  The world is Round, We are the only planet in the universe, The world revolves around the sun, Evolution, the automobile, electricity, the light bulb (10,000 failed attempts), flying, traveling to the moon, going beyond our solar system, the internet, Free Energy (actually developed  over 100 years ago, they just don’t want you to know about it yet, why is that?), and Consciousness is measurable and effects the world around us and we are all connected and one.


I think it is very important to address the idea of all of us being connected together as one consciousness. Think about how you feel when someone is staring at you when you aren’t looking, or when you are around someone who gives you bad vibes and later this may be confirmed to you.  How is it possible that we feel something like this that is invisible?  So obviously there is something connecting us that we can’t see but it does exist.  However, in the past we have been told that it is “Every man for himself” or “What’s in it for me” or “We live on a world of limited resources.”  All of these ideas that were intended to keep us from coming together and realizing that all things are connected.  In fact many studies have shown that even plants actually can feel and respond with stress if you are truly intending harm to it (Secret Life of Plants).  Using numerous other tests we have proven that thoughts truly do have an effect on the outside world.  Now consider that those energies will multiply if more energy is given to an idea, it is now no wonder why our collective consciousness has created a world full of such misery.  We do not live in harmony with the Earth and others and it creates conflict and destruction not only on the outer world but also inside of us.  Many people are awakening to the atrocities that have been committed over time and the true nature of the game that is being played.  We focus so much on the negative aspects of our human nature.  The news doesn’t tell us what amazing and fantastic things people did to better our planet everyday, although I would probably watch it if it did.  Instead our news is filled with misery and sadness, it tells of what is wrong and more often than not the main steam media blinds us from the truth.  Well how do we fix this?


First off we need to start to be kind to one another.  This idea of “every man for himself” is getting really old really fast.  It is a message that promotes separation and creates disharmony or primarily greed these days.  If we really are ONE then this would contradict everything we are experiencing today.  So why don’t we all experience oneness?  Well many actually currently do and they have reached that level of awareness; in fact many spiritual teachers discuss the many different paths to this same goal.  Some call it finding God; others may refer to it as Nirvana, while others just say it is as simple as “Living in the Now.”  These are all ways to help us access the power of the present moment.  When we allow infinite experience to flow through us it allows for miracles to take place.  I see too many people that are so worried either about the future or the past that they never take a moment to appreciate the PRESENT.  If we are ever to break free of our shackles we must release our connections to our past, because the past only existed in the present moment.  We document it as a linear event that occurred but there is nothing that we can do to affect it, although we could tell story differently but that still would change anything, accept maybe our perception of it.  So why worry about something that we can not change?  We shouldn’t because we are only who we are in this moment, there is only this moment and once it is gone we can’t go back.  So why waste so much time in the present moment worrying about the past moments.  Now I’m not saying that past experiences don’t help you now because I’m sure you learned a long time ago that grabbing a pot off the stove is hot, and if you haven’t I don’t recommend learning the hard way.  What is strange is that we don’t relate ourselves as a person who likes to grab hot things, we learned our lesson and that we shouldn’t do that again.  The same thing goes for someone who lies, cheats, or steals however these have much more powerful consequences because they affect others.  However if we are caught doing any of these acts we are instantly labeled as someone who does that.  It is difficult to prove yourself otherwise, so many people just accept it, and either keep doing it or try to suppress the urge because they believe instinctually that is just who they are.  When in reality they are only who they are right now in this moment, which brings us to the concept of “I AM”. 


“I am what I am, and that’s all I am.” – Popeye 


To choose to be who you want to be in this moment is the single greatest power we possess as spiritual beings having this human experience.  We are awakening our energies inside as a whole planet and starting to realize our part of the whole.  The fact is that we are here to have an individual experience here on this planet, yet still we are part of this bigger thing we call life.  We affect this place we live and the world would be a different place if anyone of us didn’t exist.  So enjoy this experience and awaken to being who you choose to be not who you are told or conditioned to be.  Start to believe in infinite possibilities and nothing will be impossible.


The indigo children are a prime example of the massive awakening process that is happening.  They have insights that far exceed the intelligence of most children; however they have a big problem with our current teaching system.  These children are much more integrated to using both left and right brain thinking.  The left brain is the logical side of the brain while the right is the more abstract.  Traditionally most right handed people (90% of the world population) are left brain dominate so they typically only understand things in a logical sense.  However people who are more right brained experience learning and can tap into the universal knowledge and some even have abilities that have been classified as clairvoyant, genius, and psychic (Spirit Science – Lesson 4).  Science is finally starting to prove this and logical people are starting to finally understand the science behind things like psychics.  So why are the indigo children important?  They are helping our collective consciousness unify both left and right brained thinking into one.  However our current teaching system has failed these children miserably.  Most of these children are disinterested in mindless memorizing and programming, and many teachers label them disruptive.  Most of these children desire much more than memorization, they want substance and something that will bring true meaning to their life. The funny part is that society has created this into something that is bad and labeled it as ADD or ADHD.  This coming from our current "dumbed" down schooling system that tries to make it fair for everyone, yet restricts those who want to learn more from receiving it.  Then once the diagnosis is there then we start feeding drugs into these growing youth to allow them to focus.  In fact one may say that they are just taking a drug that either suppresses right brained thinking or amplifies the left brain, which is better at memorizing and taking tests.  This may explain why they are able to focus on whatever they are told to do, because they no longer feel that higher energy calling them to greater action (right brain thinking).  If the controls are put in place then people will lose the power to think for themselves and will require someone to tell them what to do.  Hence we come across a reoccurring theme “Control.”  (One side note you will find that many indigo children are now being born with a 3rd strand of DNA, yes this is medically recognized yet few can explain it, so it isn’t talked about much.)


Now is the time to awaken humanity from this sleep.  We have so much to accomplish as a planet and to bring harmony to our part of the universe.  We have to break free of controls but in that undertaking must enter it with compassion and love in our hearts.  We see less and less compassion in the world with the amount of hunger and conflict on this small planet.  We pollute the water, tear down the trees, blow up mountains, kill the wild animals, and manipulate the world to our desires.  Harmony is way out of balance and a huge shift is coming to bring us back to oneness.  If you want to understand the power of the heart more I recommend watching “Spirit Science Lesson 15 – Power of the Heart”, although Lesson 2 should be watched first to fully understand the concept.


There are two energies that spawn everything in the universe and they are love and fear.  When we allow fear to rule our lives then the true love of the universe cannot exist there.  How many people do you know that feel that God, Allah, Krishna, or the universe has abandoned them, are you one?  How many people do you know that DON’T feel that way but you think should because of everything that happened in their lives, such as someone who became a paraplegic, had brain injury, job loss, drugs, lost family, or countless other less than desirable circumstances that may affect their lives?  Now many could remain the victim and allow themselves to be consumed by that circumstance, or they could take power into their own hands to improve the situation or overcome some great obstacle.  It is approaching the situation from a place of love and light versus pain and fear.  I don’t know any successful people that have run away from a big obstacle they needed to overcome.  With that note I know many entrepreneurs that have failed many times because they faced many obstacles and couldn’t overcome all at once, however it was those that learned and persisted that really led on to great victories.  Schools don’t teach us how to deal with failure or how to properly learn from mistakes, because schools don’t want us all to be entrepreneurs, they want perfect, flawless, and refined employees.  Steve Jobs was fired from Apple the company he created and many years later went back to take it to the levels of the most profitable company in existence, and by the way never graduated from college.  Once we find what our heart truly desires then we can start pursuing that dream.  Don’t let someone else’s dream or your past get in the way of who you are now and what truly makes you happy.


This brings me to the most important part of becoming aware.  The secret of everything is heart or love.  Only when we come from the heart and true unconditional love can anything great truly be accomplished.  If we work from our mind we have to deal with too many dualities, prejudices, judgments, misconceptions, past experiences and most of all, our ego that creates these feelings.  The ego served us more in the fight or flight aspect of animal nature, over time it protected us from dangers in our more primitive pasts.  Fear is one of the main tools of the Ego, we don’t pet alligators because we fear they could bite us, and in our minds that is probably good observation.  Imagine now someone who was bit by a dog when they were little and now have a fear of all dogs, now that is the ego acting on less than perfect information.  Now we are fully aware of the world’s dangers and people are one of the last dangers we are facing off against.  The lack of compassion for each other has left us fearing that someone could come around and hurt us or take something from us. However, we now have the ability to provide much more food, energy, and wealth to the civilized cultures of the world.  Now we have to leave the old ego aside in return for abundant love and awareness, and share these technologies with the world.  (See the 18 most suppressed technologies below)


We are faced with a problem because we all clearly see that free and abundant is not common on most of this planet.  Everything always has its strings attached and we can always follow the money to the root of the issue.  Today that issue has become money and power.  Money is power today because without it very little can be done in our current world.  Everyday people all over the US are battling the Elite 1% that have more wealth than the bottom 50% of the entire population combined.  So basically what I’m saying is that less than one percent of our population controls how things are done because they have the power to.  “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”, is probably one of my favorite quotes relating to this topic.  Once our Ego’s have a taste for power it is very difficult to let it go or stop the power train from leaving the station.  Our ego’s like to feel important and wanted by others and will do just about anything to make sure that happens.  To feed someone’s ego is a great way to make friends, just try it; Start bragging about people in front of them and see the response.  Now that isn’t the problem we are facing but it is the same egoic mind.  For example we see our leaders extending their power over the planet because they assume that their way is the best and if you don’t feed that ego they will crush you.  It is kind of scary if you think about it what the ego is capable of, but we have all heard of great atrocities committed by those who considered themselves above all. (Hitler and the Holocaust to keep it simple)  “The Elites” are using this level of control on us right now, in fact many of the mind controls and manipulations used today are taken right out of the Nazi handbook (Fluoride – Harvard just proved that it lowers IQ and it is a known neurotoxin).  They know that if they can keep fear as the predominant force on the planet then they will be able to convince us of anything to make that fear go away, also lowering our intelligence makes this much easier.


We as Americans have sacrificed so many of our rights and protections because we are so scared these days.  It is quite obvious that when big events happen that shakes up our comfort zone we are willing to give anything to make things go back to normal.  We don’t want to live in fear everyday, we want to feel safe and protected.  Logically it only makes sense that our government should be strong and mighty and our intelligence systems should cover the globe to protect us from outside forces.  Now when we think about it from a loving and compassionate stand point emotionally this is ridiculous.  If we want to spread peace and harmony we should probably not bomb everyone to oblivion.  I would dislike anyone who continually did this to me or my country, so please start thinking of others.  Being nice to one another is a far better way to live in harmony; however our current systems do nothing to promote this.  We have financial, governmental, military, and power systems that all funnel large amounts of money to a few people at the top that run the world.  The Swiss did a study recently that found that 147 companies that control a majority of the wealth on the planet as much as 60-80% of all business done on the face of the planet.  To provide food, energy, and water to everyone on the planet would dramatically affect the power of these institutions that make so much money off of the food, energy, and water.  Now I feel that people have a right to these necessities of life (food, water, and energy) before we force Expensive Health Care down everyone’s throats (See the 18 facts about how medicated the US is compared to the rest of the world).  Check below to find more information on becoming healthy and about other suppressed technologies.


The change must start with us.  We have created this fear through our silent consent, and allowed it to manifest into our lives.  Only when enough people stop supporting a War on this Planet and transition to love of one another will this crazy cycle stop.  We are at a point in Humanities history where we are capable of being aware and moving to the next stage.


The next stage in our story will be magnificent.  We are becoming more aware every single day as a planet.  More and more people are waking up and the spread of information is now faster than ever before.  It is a perfect storm to begin to create a Heaven on Earth versus the current path of Hell on Earth.  It is our choice to let go of our past, present, and future and follow our hearts in the moment.  We must silence the mind and let the energy flow through us and fill us with love.  If we are full of unconditional love and approach every situation from that perspective then nothing is impossible.  Worry, fear, scarcity, hate, anger, and any other negative ideas come from the conditioning of our Ego.  To stop its power one must only become aware of the feeling and choose to come from a place of love.  I know it is hard to sometimes come from love when someone mistreats you but to do so is what many call “Christ consciousness.”  This is what Jesus meant by accepting him into your life, never did he want people to worship him as a God.  Gandhi said it best, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”  This is so true because Jesus was a great teacher and is recognized by most major religions as a great prophet, and that is exactly what he was.  His most prophetic quote has to be: 


Even the least among you can do all that I have done, and greater things” (John, 14:12)


To Live like Jesus is the true message.  Buddha taught there are many paths to enlightenment so go out and find your path.  Listen to the great teachers and study their teachings because they have laid out different paths to the same goal.  Eckhart Tolle is one of the modern day teachers of “Living in the Now” and I highly recommend checking out his books.


We all have an abundant amount of love within ourselves that we need to start sharing with everyone.  Positive thoughts are far more powerful than any negative thoughts and this is scientifically proven.  So raise your awareness of your thoughts because they really do affect others and how they feel.  Stop the judgments, prejudices, and cruelty to one another so that peace and love will be able to fill the void.  Just like a dark room can be lit by a single candle, a well lit room CANNOT be darkened once it is fully lit.  No matter how much darkness you throw into a well lit room it will not make it dark, EVER.  So be a light to the world and spread love and kindness.


Go with Love in your hearts.





Great Additional Information that will help you feel better about yourself and the world:


The Spirit Science

16 Part Video Series

They discuss many topics but pertaining to health and wellness I would have to say that Lesson 2 (Chakra’s), Lesson 8 (meditation), and Lesson 13 (The Crystal Movie) are going to be the best to help point you in the right directions.

Lesson 4 – covers male and female energies (Left vs. Right Brain thinking)


Messages to Water

This talks about the affect that our thoughts and words have on water.


Anti-Aging and Radiation Removal

Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner

The power of Chocolate and Clay


Secret Life of Plants

This is a great documentary on how plants can feel and experience this world.


First Child Diagnosed with 3rd Strand of DNA


Indigo Children Documentary


David Wilcock – 2012 Enigma

Recommend this video to those that want to understand the science behind consciousness.  He talks about a lot of information that is definitely not main stream so I ask you to watch with an open mind.  It will bring a sense of calm to those of you worried about the 2012 end time date.  He is definitely a prophet of our time.


Drunvalo Melchizedek - Birth of a New Humanity (2010)

I recommend this video if you want to learn more about the ancient history of Humanity and what it means to us in this time in history.  Between him and David Wilcock they really fill in the blanks of the history of humanity and the incredible coincidences that honestly couldn’t be explained any other ways.


18 Most suppressed Inventions of all time.  Really interesting that most people have never heard of these yet I've been studying this for years.


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  • Thank you, I greatly appreciate the support.

  • Thank you so much for sharing this.  One of the most well written inspiring things I've read in a very long time.  :-)

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