THE TENTH WORK OF HÉRCULES


The tenth feat of Hercules, the Great Solar Hero, was the conquest of the herd of Geryon, killing his possessor, who confronted him, after his guardians, the dogs Ortros and Eurytion.


This unusual event took place on the island of Eritia (The Red ), beyond the ocean, which seems to refer to an Atlantic Ocean island inhabited by gigantic beings, clearly personified by the same Tricípite Gerión, who perished under his deadly arrows, after of his cowboy and dog, killed by his mace.


The comparative mythology parallels the bicípite dog Ortros, brother of Cerbero, with Vritra, the Vedic Genius of the storm.


On his journey he passes Hercules from Europe to Africa, and then crosses the ocean in the Gold Cup (in the Sacred Glass), who cleverly uses it in his nocturnal journey...


This clearly means that the splendid Sun had to wait for him until he returned, stopping at his solstice for the good of the Hero...


Undoubtedly the Man - God passed with the cattle acquired in the same Cup or Holy Grail, to then return by the way of the old Europe, in a trip full of infinite adventures...


Count the legend of the centuries, that then the solar Hero raised the Columns "J" and "B" of the Hidden Masonry on the Strait of Gibraltar; probably in gratitude to the Dioscuri, who made him emerge victorious in the enterprise...


Back to Mycenae, the cows were sacrificed to Juno, to appease her anger, for her brother Eurystheus.


In the case of the Archaic Mysteries, it is worth saying that these were always celebrated in august Mausoleum temples...


When I crossed the threshold of that temple "MU" or LEMÚR, where once I was instructed in the Mysteries of the Ascension of the Lord, with infinite humility I requested from the Hierophant some services that were granted to me...


It is indubitable - and this is known by all Initiate - that all exaltation is always preceded by a frightful and terrible humiliation...


Clearly we have asserted in an emphatic tone, that to any rise precedes a descend...


The tenth feat of Hercules, the Solar Hero of esotericism, takes place in the infernal worlds of the planet Pluto...


Painful feelings tore at my soul when I was subjected to the torture of detachment...


Those LADIES of august times, bound to me by the law of KARMA, with a broken heart awaited me in the Avernus...


All those tempting beauties, dangerously beautiful felt with full right over me...


For my good or for my bad, those terribly delicious females, had been my wife in previous reincarnations, as a natural consequence of the Great Rebellion and the angelic fall...


The dogs Ortros and Eurityon, living symbols of the animal passion, besieged me inclemently with unprecedented fierceness; temptations multiplied to infinity...


However, based on THELEMA (Will) and deep comprehension and with the help of my Divine Mother KUNDALINI, I defeated the Lord of Time, the Tricipite Gerión...


It is indubitable that I took possession of the flock and became an authentic Shepherd, not of Cows as veiledly said, but of Sheep...


For the good of the Great Cause it is convenient that we study some verses of the Tenth Chapter of John:


"Truly, I tell you the truth: he who does not enter through the Door ( The Sex) in the sheep pen, but it goes up  on the other hand (preaching different doctrines that have nothing to do with White Sexual Magic ), he is a thief and a robber "(he steals the sheep  and  takes them to the abyss).


We left Eden through the Door of Sex; only by said Door can we return to Eden. The Eden is the same Sex.


"More who enters through the Door (Sex), the Shepherd of the Sheep is".


"To this the door-keeper opens and the Sheep hear his voice, and his Sheep calls by name (with the Intimate Word), and removes them" (he leads them along the path of the Razor's Edge).


"And as he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the Sheep follow him, because they know his voice" (his Verb).


"But they will not follow the stranger, but they will flee from him: Because they do not know the voice of the Strangers" (false Pastors do not possess the Verb).


"This parable Jesus told them (whose meaning is Savior), but they did not understand what he was telling them" (it is evident that behind the letter that kills is the Spirit that vivifies).


"Then Jesus (the Intimate Savior) told them: Certainly, I say to you: I am the Door of the Sheep. (There is no Power in the Brain or anywhere else in the body, but in the Sex).


In other words, we assert the following: The creative power of the Logos is exclusively found in Sex.


It is easy now to understand why HE is the Door of the Sheep: to seek escape is equivalent to flee from the Eden Gate...


"All those who came before me (because they were not initiated into the Sexual Mysteries) are thieves and robbers."


"I am the Gate: whoever enters by me will be saved (he will not fall into the abyss of perdition) and will enter and leave and find pastures." (Rich spiritual food).


Christ, without the Sex Serpent, could do nothing; it is for this reason that the Second Logos, the Lord of Perfection, the Intimate Logos of each one, descends from his elevated sphere and becomes Son of the Divine Mother KUNDALINI, the Igneous Serpent of Our Magical Powers ... (By Work and Grace of the Third Logos).


"The Setians worshiped the Great Light and said that the Sun in its emanations forms a nest in us and constitutes the Serpent."


It is ostensible that Gnostic Sect had as a sacred object a Chalice, a YONI, the Holy Grail, in which they took Benjamin's semen. The latter in itself was a mixture of Wine and Water...


Indubitably there was never missing on the altar of the Gnostic Nazarenes, the sacred symbol of the Sexual Serpent.


"The strength, the power that accompanied Moses was the Serpent on the Staff that later became the Rod itself."


"The Serpent was certainly the one who spoke to the other snakes and the one who tempted Eve ..."


"In the Song of Homer to Demeter, found in a Russian library, it is seen that everything revolved around a PHYSIOLOGICAL - COSMIC event of great transcendence".


"I am the Good Shepherd: The Good Shepherd (He who has already reached that Christic Esoteric Grade) his life gives for the Sheep".


"But the salaried worker (The Tantric Esotericist who has not yet achieved the Christification ) and whose sheep are not his own, sees the wolf that comes, and leaves the Sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them, and scatters the Sheep."


"I also have other sheep that are not from this sheepfold (which are tucked into other schools), those also I should bring and hear my voice and there will be a flock and a Shepherd."


"That is why the Father loves me, because I put my life, to take it again". (The Intimate Christ crystallizes in us and redeems us when we are worthy).


"No one takes it from me, but I put it of myself (as saying: I crystallize in my human person when I want to.) I have the power to put it, and I have the power to take it again." That Commandment I received from my Father.


After this Esoteric Critical commentary, it is indispensable that we continue with this...


How simple, what unforgivable primitive beauty do all these Platonic tales that deal with archaic Gods and Goddesses really have; Divine Beings of the Lemurian Past; Authentic Tantric Shepherds of the Sexual Eden ...


Sublime creatures who raise Cyclopean cities, instruct towns, endow them with legislation never surpassed and reward their heroism.


To realize in himself the "Hyperborean Mystery", the "Mystery of the Grail", is urgent when we long to become authentic Prophets, in genuine Christified Pastors...


We need to "pass the Red Sea", to cross the Stormy Ocean of Life , to pass to the other shore in the Gold Cup , in the Sacred Glass, that Helios, the Sacred Absolute Sun, lends us ...


After the esoteric works in the Underworld of the Pluto Planet, I had to raise Columns...


"Plus ultra", "ADAM - KADMON", "Celestial-Man", such are the mystical meanings that have been attributed to the two Columns of Hercules...


That cosmic - human event was preceded by disembodiment of my wife priestess LITELANTES...


Unquestionably she, in herself, was certainly the only Karmic connection that in this painful Valley of SAMSARA I would have...


I saw her move away from her discarded Lemurian vehicle, dressed certainly in rigorous mourning...


ADAM - EVA is undoubtedly the most secret meaning of the two columns of Hercules...


Reconciliation with the Divine is urgent, cannot be postponed, cannot be postponed, you know it...


Lift Columns in reconciliation, return of the original couple, return to Eden...


We need to return to the original starting point, to return to the first love; that is indisputable, irrefutable, inarguable...

In the archaic Mysteries of the Continent "Mu" or "Lemuria", I had to experience the crude realism of this in "Paradisiacal Weddings", "Edenic"...


Then I received as a wife a Great Initiate; I want to refer emphatically to the other half of the orange; to my original primal Eva; thus I raised the two Columns of Hercules...


In the middle of the feast table I was, accompanied happy by the new wife and many High Priests...


LITELANTES then crossed the threshold of the royal room; came disembodied to witness the party...


So ... Oh, Gods! It was how I re-established the Second Logos, the Cosmic Christ, in the Sanctuary of my Soul...




                                                        THE ELEVENTH FEAT OF HERCULES


The Eleventh feat of Hercules, the Solar Hero, took place in the transatlantic domain, consisting of appropriating the Apples of the Hesperides, the Nymphs daughters of Hesperus, a very vivid representation of the planet Venus, the delightful point of light of the love...


Not knowing the way, he needed first to take over Nereo, who knows everything, and then in Africa to face each other in a hand-to-hand fight with the frightening giant Antaeus, son of Poseidon...


It is also often related to this trip, the release of PROMETHEUS - LUCIFER, killing the eagle that torments him, as well as the temporary substitution of the famous Atlas, carrying the world on his titanic backs, to get his help...


Finally, the symbolic golden apples are given to him by the same Hesperides, previously killing the Dragon that kept them...


Obviously, this feat is closely related to the Biblical history of the fruits of the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil, in the Edenic Garden, in which, however, the Dragon is replaced by a Snake, who invites to collect and to taste those marvelous fruits, which Hercules later gives to Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and her Divine protector...


The intrepid descent to the old Tartarus of the eleventh planet of our solar system, became urgent, indefeasible, unpostponable, before the ascent to the Father (The First Logos).


Abrupt, broken and uneven downward path, led me fatally to the horrendous darkness of the City of Dite...


My "Nereo" or better said my "GURUJI", "Teacher or Guide", patiently taught me all the dangers...


And it was certainly in those horrifying abysses of pain, on that planet that is beyond the orbit of Pluto, where I found ANTEO, the huge giant, even more frightening than the disproportionate Briareous...


Dante Florentino, in his Divine Comedy, exclaims:


"Oh, you, in the fortunate valley where Scipio inherited so much glory, when Hannibal and his men turned their backs, you collected a thousand lions for prey, and that, if you had attended the great war of your brothers, there are still those who believe that you would have assured victory for the Children of Earth! ... "


"If you do not take it badly, lead us to the bottom where the cold hardens Cocito".


"Do not make me address Tico or Tifeo, the one you see can give what is desired here, so lean forward and do not twist your mouth, you can still renew your fame in the world, for he lives, and hopes to still enjoy Long life, if grace does not call it before its time ... "


"Thus said the Master, and the giant, hastening to extend those hands that so roughly oppressed Hercules, took my Guide."


"When Virgilio felt himself grabbing, he said: Get close for me to take, and immediately hugged me so that the two together we formed a single bundle."


"As when looking at the on the side to which it is inclined, when a cloud passes over it in the opposite direction, it seems close to collapse, it seemed to ANTEO when I saw him bowing, and it was so terrible for me that moment, I would have liked to go another way, but he led us gently to the bottom of the abyss that devours Lucifer, and without delay ceased his inclination, rising again like the mast of a ship ...


(This is textual of the Divine Comedy).


ANTEO: Allegorical character, Titan representative of the "Dark Hordes" abysmal...


Taking place very bloody battles against the Demons of the City of Dite, had to be released LUCIFER - PROMETHEUS...


I saw the steely door of the horrifying dungeon open; the guardian gave way...


Terrible scenes of the dark dwelling; unusual, unsuspected cases; what "the inhabitants of the Earth" ignore...


LUCIFER is the Guardian of the Door of the keys of the Sanctuary, so that they do not penetrate in him but the anointed ones that own the secret of Hermes...


THE CHRISTOS - LUCIFER of the Gnostics is the God of Wisdom under different names, the God of our planet Earth without any shadow of evil, for he is one with the Platonic Logos...


PROMETHEUS - LUCIFER is the Minister of the LOGOS SOLAR and Lord of the Seven Mansions of HADES...


LUCIFER is certainly the Spirit of the Spiritual Illumination of Humanity and Freedom of Choice and, metaphysically, the torch of humanity; the LOGOS in its superior aspect, and the adversary in its inferior aspect; the Divine and chained PROMETHEUS; the active and centrifugal energy of the universe; fire, light, life, struggle, effort, conscience, freedom, independence, etc., etc., etc.


LUCIFER is entrusted with the Sword and the Scale of Cosmic Justice, since he is the norm of weight, measure and number.


Within each of us, LUCIFER is the reflection of the Intimate LOGOS, shadow of the Lord projected into the depths of our Being...


In moments when I write these pages an unusual case comes to mind...


One night, no matter which, I had to find the dreadful character in a beautiful bedroom...


Imposing, "PROMETHEUS - LUCIFER", held on legs of beast instead of feet, looked at me threateningly...


Two hideous horns looked terrifying on his sinister forehead, but he was dressed as an elegant gentleman...


Approaching him serenely I patted him on the shoulder in time to tell him:


You do not scare me; I know you very well, you have not been able to defeat me, I am victorious...

The colossus retreated and I, sitting on the soft and perfumed mahogany bed, waited a moment...


Later, a dangerously beautiful female entered the room; Naked went to bed...


Almost passed out of lust, the beautiful wrapped me in her impudent arms, inviting me to the pleasures of the flesh...


Lying next to the beautiful I showed him my powers to the Devil; I mastered myself...


Then I got up from the bed of pleasures; the beauty that almost death of lubricity, feeling disappointed, contemplated me uselessly...


Then a resplendent child entered the room; radiant creature terribly Divine...


The sublime infant, richly dressed in a beautiful priestly tunic of a very special black color, crossed the exotic enclosure...


I recognized him immediately and approaching him very quietly, I said: It is useless to continue disguising yourself; I always recognize you: Oh! Lucifer ... You can never defeat me..


That sublime Creature, terror of the ignorants, smiled then with infinite sweetness...


Unquestionably; he is the "Divine Daimon" of Socrates; our special trainer at the Psychological gym of Life.. .


Fair is his Freedom after hard work; the LOGOS swallows it, absorbs it...


So far this story, let's continue with the transcendental theme of this chapter...


My new Priestess on the Mountain of Ascension, was certainly extraordinary...


Obviously my intimate progress accelerated and, consequently, I managed to take possession of the golden apples in the Garden of the Hesperides...


The Venus Nymphs, exquisitely delicious, fell at my feet: they could not defeat me...


After the magic works in that Avernus, I ascended victorious to the Father...


It is obvious that this mystical transcendental event could not go unnoticed in any way...


That cosmic event was then celebrated with infinite joy in the SANCTA...


It is splendid throne, sitting before the august Brotherhood, I felt completely transformed...


In those unspeakable moments, "The Ancient of Days", "My Father who is in secret", "The Goodness of Goodness ", "The Hidden of the Hidden", " The Mercy of Mercy", "KETHER of the HEBREW KABBALAH ", shone within me; It definitely crystallized in all the presence of my Being...


In such moments, the Brothers of the Universal White Fraternity, with infinite veneration, contemplated me ... My face assumed the aspect of old age...


Undoubtedly I had managed to crystallize in the various parts of my Being, the Three Primary Forces of the Universe...



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