When death comes when we leave the physical body and get into the inner worlds. Souls after death still believe to be in flesh and blood. Souls after death do not accept even assuming that no longer belong to the world of the flesh. Just little by little comes the awaking of the consciousness of the souls of the dead. After a while souls comes into a new womb to have right to be reborn in the world of flesh. This is the law of reincarnation. We all come to pay heavy wrongdoings of our lives. If we do well we received well. If we do wrong we get wrong.


With the rod you will measure you will be measured. Who sows rays collected storms. Do good deeds to pay your debts.


Doing good deeds can cancel old debts of past reincarnations. When an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes away the inferior law.


The Lion of the Law is fought with the scale. Who has to pay, pays and does well in business.


In the internal worlds we can speak with the 42 judges of karma. The chief of these 42 judges is Anubis. The Lords of Karma reward and punish us. We can also ask for credit from the judges of karma. All credit must be paid with good deeds or with pain. "The Initiates" must go to the palace of Anubis to settle their business. Our good deeds are symbolized in the internal worlds with exotic currencies. When we request certain services to the Divine hierarchies we have to pay for them with those coins. If we want to replace those worn coins we have them to do good deeds.


He who has capital in the internal worlds you can do wonders. Nothing is given to us everything costs. True capital is good deeds. If you do not have capital, we then suffer.


We need to know the esoteric value of the coins. On one occasion we requested the service of the God wind: Ehecatl, we had to pay 25 Esoteric cents for the service. If we add together the numbers 2 plus 5 we have the number 7, 7 is the Arcanum of atonement. We had suffered a lot, patiently. We had that coin, we paid with it and a person who made us suffer move away from us; and that miracle was performed. If we had not had that currency Ehecatl would not have done that work. Nothing is given as a gift everything costs.


Working for humanity we can cancel our old debts. The only one who can forgive sins is Christ.


 Inner repentance, and the solemn oath, can lead to forgiveness. That business can only be arranged in the internal worlds with Christ.


Initiates must know the 22 major arcana of the Tarot, to fix their business. The numbers are added together as explained in the example of Ehecatl.


A certain Bodhisattva who had the mental body sick, was told: in 500 years you will be healthy. 5 plus 0plus 0 plus equal to 5. The Bodhisattva was recapitulating the first initiation of Major mysteries, with this is meant that when he will receive his fifth Major initiation, would be healthy. To that Bodhisattva when he reached the fifth initiation was told: You have already suffered much for three years now you will wear better. Three is our Triune spirit.


That Bodhisattva had spiritually suffered a lot because he was fallen. On rising he was given back his purple robe and dressed better spiritually.




The 22 Major Arcane and the Astral Departures


Arcane 1: The Wizard. The man.

Arcane 2: Women. Occult science

Arcane 3: The celestial mother. Material and spiritual production                              

Arcane 4: The Emperor. Progress, success.

Arcane 5:  The law. The Karma. The Hierophant.

Arcane 6:  The lover. The victory. Good luck.

Arcane 7:  The chariot. Atonement, pain, bitterness.

Arcane 8:  The number of Job. Tests and pain.

Arcane 9:  The Hermit. Initiation.

Arcane 10: The wheel of fortune turns. Remuneration.

Arcane 11: The tamed lion. Persuasion.

Arcane 12: The apostolate. Sacrifice.

Arcane 13: Death and resurrection.

Arcane 14: Temperance. Marriage. Association.

Arcane 15: Typhon Baphomet. Failure of love.

Arcane 16: The fulminated tower. Punishment. Terrible fall.

Arcane 17: The star of hope.

Arcane 18: Hidden Enemies. The Twilight.

Arcane 19: Radiant sun. Successes.

Arcane 20: Resurrection.

Arcane 21: The crown of life.

Arcane 22: Foolishness. Failure.


All internal calculations; all internal sums are interpreted with 22 major arcane. The Divine Master Jesus told a disciple of our, who would have to remain working in the work embodied 32 years. This number is added to each other and gives us Arcane 5 of the Tarot, the law. That is, this sister will have to remain incarnated until it fulfills its destiny in accordance with the law.


The children of this humanity are conceived with Arcane 15 and die with the arcane 13.




Astral exits and Kabbalah are an integral whole. There is a transition state between wakefulness and sleep. Every human being leaves the body at that moment involuntarily. Paying attention, we can leave voluntarily and consciously in that moment of transition between wakefulness and sleep. The important thing is to watch the sleep. Then we can rise from the bed and get out of our house towards the Gnostic Church. In the Gnostic Church officiates our Lord the Christ. The Disciples all they have to do is watch the sleep and getting out of bed in instants of dozing. The explanation that we must translate into facts. Those who have read much assume wrongly that the issue is mental, they think they should get up mentally. We repeat that this should be translated into action. Get up as naturally as we do in the mornings.


So we can transport ourselves in the astral body to the White Lodge to study at the master's feet. This is not dangerous because everybody comes out in the astral body: This is better than putting books and theories in your head. The many letters confused.


Theories distort the mind and brain damage. Occult science is studied in the internal worlds. Who do not know to get out in the astral at will, he does not know occultism.


It is necessary to study the 22 major arcana, and memorize them to understand the esoteric language of the initiates in the astral plane.






Man can take his physical body from the chemical region.


Man can put his physical body into the inner worlds. In the chemical region rule the law of gravity.


In the internal worlds reigns the supreme law of cosmic levitation.


In the internal worlds we can float with the physical body.


The key to put the physical body in the internal worlds, is the voluntary somnambulism. The disciple lull himself into his bed and get up the same as a sleepwalker.


Sleepwalkers get up from his bed maintaining sleep.


Sleepwalkers work and walk asleep.


The disciple who wants to get into the inner worlds with his physical body, has to imitate the sleepwalkers. After getting up from his bed, the disciple will give a small jump with the intention of floating. If it floats and sees himself as too fat, it is because he succeeded.


Then our disciples can walk upon the waters of the seas as well as the Christ.


When Christ walked on water he went with his body in Jinas state.


This is precisely what is called "Jinas State". If Peter had not doubted, also could walk on water in Jinas state. Faith and a little sleep is needed, that's all. With strong faith and a little sleep we can put our body into a Jinas state. Peter became an expert in the states of Jinas, with the help of an Angel and a little sleep. Peter could get rid of the chains of his prison and be safe.


If we invoke the God Harpocrates, he will attend our call. With the mantra HAR PO CRAT IST, we can invoke this Angel. With the help of this Angel, we can put our Physical body in Jinas state. With the help of this angel we can transport to anywhere in the world in a few moments.


The egg has special powers that allow us to put the physical body in Jinas state. The disciple shall warm up an egg into water, ie, it will cook very lightly. Then make a hole for its sharper tapered end. Using a sharp instrument then takes out his yolk and white. Egg bark possesses the powers of the God Harpocrates. The HAR PO CRAT IST forces are a variant of the Christ forces. The disciple will put this crust next to his head on the bed. The disciple must imagine himself stuck into the crust. The pupil shall invoke HAR PO CRAT IST and will asked to be transport with physical body wherever want to go. Stand Up preserving the dream like a sleepwalker; pick up the eggshell and leave your room saying Harpócrates help me because I go with my body.


So may the disciples of our Gnostic movement get into with your physical body into the inner worlds. Then they can go in the flesh and blood to the Holy Gnostic Church. So they can receive communion of bread and wine and attend to the "Praetor".


So they can know the great mysteries without being damaging his mind with theories and sterile discussions of spiritualist schools.


There are enchanted lakes; Jinas lakes. There are mountains, temples, towns and cities in state of Jinas. In the eastern plains of Colombia there is a city called "Manoa" in the Jinas state. In all the world's mountains there are temples of the White Lodge in the Jinas state.


Our Gnostic Sumum supremum santuarium of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia is entering into Jinas state. Wherever there is a temple, mountain or lake enchanted (Jinas state), there are the forces of Har po crat ist in intense activity.


The Gnostic students should not tired in any way..


Some succeed immediately, others take years to achieve success in the states of Jinas. Tenacity and patience are the foundation of all progress. With these practices of Har po crat ist, disciples accumulate within their vehicles, that wonderful force of Har po crat ist. Later they will have these wonderful energies to put your body in Jinas state. With these forces is done wonders.






Those who know to get out in astral body, can invoke the physical body from afar. This is done with the help of the Intimate. Pray like that:" You who are myself, You who are my true Being, I beg you, bring me my body." Then the Intimate will bring the body into Jinas state to the disciple. As far as the disciple's astral body is there will be the disciple`s physical body. Our body will come humbly before us, and come dressed in their underwear or nightclothes, will come dressed in the same clothes that we left on the bed. These are exciting times when we come face to face, with our physical body. In this moments we are in astral body, then we must order the physical body as well " My body leap over my head, Penetrate me, by the pineal gland . "Then the physical body will obey then will penetrate by the pineal gland. This gland is located at the top of the brain. This is how our body physical shall concur to our call.


Then we can work with the physical body to remote locations. In Jinas state we can visit the temples of mysteries to learn the doctrine at the feet of the master. If you want special help, then when you are outside the physical body and call upon:


PRAYER: "I believe in God, I believe in Christ and I believe in Samael. Samael bring me my body, Samael bring me my body, Samael bring me my body. ". Repeat this prayer many times, and your humble servant Samael, will concur to your call to bring you your physical body in Jinas state. Thus I will serve you Beloved disciples on the condition of a right conduct. We Masters are willing to help human beings to get into the inner worlds again. "Ask and you shall receive ", "knock and it shall be opened."


The disciples who want to learn to go into astral body will receive our help if they invoke this humble servant Samael author of this book. In time to do your practice pray like this: I believe in God, I believe in Christ, and I believe in Samael; Samael take me out of my body. Repeatedly pray this prayer at time you lulling. When you already feel certain lassitude, ie weakness and sleep, it is because I am helping you Samael.


Then Make a supreme effort of will and get up from your bed. I Samael Aun Weor will take you to the Gnostic Church.


Ask and you shall receive, knock and it shall be opened. At present evolution is returning towards the Great Light and we humble servants of the poor humanity we are determined to help all human beings to penetrate back into the inner worlds.






There are many disciples who despite having known our keys to go out in astral body, failed to learn to leave at will. The failure of these students because they already lost the powers of the astral body, these students no choice but to submit to the discipline of meditation to regain lost powers. Meditation is a technique for information. When the wise man plunges into inner meditation, what you want is information. The chakras enter into activity with meditation.


Meditation comprises three phases: first, concentration; second meditation; Third, Samadhi.


 Before we begin our practice of concentration we should sit comfortably. We can also do this practice lie on  bed. All sorts of earthly thoughts must be removed from the mind, these thoughts must fall dead at the temple gates. Before we concentrate we must put our mind blank, not think about anything. Filling these requirements then we begin our practice of internal concentration. We separate our mind from the things of the physical world and direct it towards the Innermost. "Remember that your bodies are the temple of the living God, that the Most High dwells in you." The Most High within us is the Intimate. We must love the Intimate. You have to love the Intimate. We must worship the Intimate. To meditate on the Innermost deeply.


Submerged in deep meditation we should induce sleep, this deep sleep will lead us to the state of Samadhi. Then we will leave the body without knowing how or what time. So we enter the internal worlds.


Dreams are legitimate inner experiences. If we want to study a plant, we concentrate on it, meditate on it, we cause sleep and slept. Then in view of dreams we see that the plant becomes a beautiful child, or a beautiful creature. That creature is the Elemental of the plant. We can converse with that elemental of the plant. We can inform us about the properties of the plant, about its magical powers, etc.


The vegetal Elemental will answer these questions and thus we receive information. Meditation will awaken our occult powers. Meditation brings fundamental changes in the astral body. Then during normal sleep there will be moments when we are aware, and later we can say, I'm out of the physical body, I am in astral body. So we will gradually acquire "continuous Consciousness"; At the end it will come the day that the student can use our keys to get out at will in the astral body. There will be reconquered its lost powers.


During the hours of sleep all human beings travel in astral body. Dreams are the astral experiences. We must learn to remember astral experiences. When waking from sleep will practice a retrospective exercise to remember all the things we did during sleep. During sleep our disciples are transported to the White Lodges. During sleep our disciples travel to remote locations.


All our disciples should learn to interpret dreams. Even the most absurd dreams are absolutely symbolic.


Internal experiences are interpreted based on the law of philosophical analogies; in the law of the analogies of opposites in the law of correspondences and numerology. Whoever wants to advance these studies should untiringly study the Book of Daniel in the Bible. Daniel's system teaches us to interpret inner experiences.


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