Valerie E Girard's Posts (52)

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Unraveling the Matrix of Control

 8108902677?profile=originalI have been particularly struck by the conversations I have had with so many conscious beings since the Winter Solstice of 2012. In the weeks preceding the Solstice, people encountered difficult energy, inner crisis’s, malaise and a negative force within, despite the holidays. Then, a shift happened. Palpable. Discernible. Not earth shaking. Not sudden enlightenment. Just a noticeable shift.


What happened in that shift, I believe, is a shift in the way we perceive and pursue energy. Isn’t it all about energy here? Energy in the form of Light, Love, Abundance, Knowledge and Connection. In the Linear Dream, the controlled Dream of the old age, a paradigm exists. For many beings on the planet, their day begins with the thought of survival. Work, food, responsibilities, pain and dealing with the stresses of life. Energy is gained by eating and sleeping, expended throughout the day on survival. Where is the energy to evolve and grow? In this matrix, the masses are encumbered with the demands of existing, mediated hopefully by love in their life and the feeling of connection to family and community.


Why this dream? Why not a dream of enlightened awareness, awakening and joy? Why not a dream of co-creation: creating this dream with other awakened beings, with insight and creativity. Why not a dream of miracles and connection to Source energy?


Up until now, those who have this vision for a New Dream, have experienced an effort in manifesting in their lives, as if swimming upstream. Yet since the Solstice, suddenly, overnight, the struggle has begun to abate….on one condition: that the dreamers take responsibility for their thoughts and intentions. The Avatars are calling this a shift into Spiral Time, where those who are conscious are released into a more natural flow of life.


Yet, as I look around the world, I am not content to enjoy this new flow. I observed suffering not only in humans but animals and plants. My heart is engaged and I know that I want to participate in freeing all beings into their flow, their joy and abundance. I so love discovering more and more beings around me are waking up to the new energy. I know how it feels in my soul to have some of the people in my life experience this shift. It feels GOOD! Now I want you, whoever you are reading this, to experience the emergence of your power and joy. If I can facilitate this in any way, I am THERE.


I have discovered some aspects of the old dream that need unraveling in order for SPACE to be created to create the New Dream. The Avatars have given me an extremely powerful mantra and technique for doing this. It involves deconstructing the underlying grid of the dream of control that dominates this planet.


At first, I was unaware of what would happen when I used this mantra. One day, I went into a deepened state and used it for a half hour. After 15 minutes, the matrix of Linear Time appeared before me, as a grid of reality. In that grid, a flow of dualistic frequencies moved in opposite directions, creating a stable but constricting experience. I heard the words, “Controller’s Dream.” As I used the mantra, a specific energy was generated that flowed down one of the grid lines. After saying the mantra ten times, that piece of the grid disappeared. A sensation of SPACE ensued.


I continued. The mantra now began to flow into three sections of the grid at once. After repeating the mantra for 10 times, again those three pieces unraveled. More SPACE. As I continued my focus naturally went to other aspects of the grid. The process continued.


What followed in the next few days was a deepened sense of being in Spiral Time. More synchronicity. More gifts. More abundance. More flow. Manifestation of intent. But I needed to be careful. Thoughts that emanated fears or negative outcomes could manifest quickly and ruthlessly! I encountered some interesting lessons in this regard.


Since that time I have employed this process and this mantra with the intention of moving out in all directions from the grid that surrounds me, creating more and more space and thereby more freedom. I know and feel the truth of this process and how it is a necessary element to disentangling ourselves from this dream and creating a new dream with our thoughts and intentions.


To have clear intentions, one must resolve any remaining issues with the Linear Reality, AKA Ego Reality AKA Controllers Dream. This means that one must collapse their Timelines. Timelines are pathways of resonations that manifest simultaneously in the multiverse as aspects of our journey on the Wheel of Karma. Think: childhood issues and past life experiences. The Avatars have given me an exptremely easy process to unlock and collapse these Timelines into the present moment, from which the New Dream is created. The New Dream is Now, it is Presence, it is Love.


I cannot print the mantra here, it is too powerful. I am contemplating a way to offer this to others around the world. If you are reading this and wish to learn this mantra and the technique for collapsing Timelines, then email me at When I have enough interest, I will create a webinar/podcast. It will be a five hour process, perhaps over two sessions.


Until then, be aware that the grid that you are living in is a dream. Keep your thoughts clear and your intentions bright. Look for the best in people and expect miracles. Get excited at any sign that others are awakening. Be your best. And LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Feel free to pass this on to others. For more missives from the Christalis Avatars, please go to


Many Blessings to All,

Dr. Valerie Girard



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Love Between the Lines

8108907664?profile=originalRemember the movie, the Matrix? A small band of renegades discover that their reality was only a dream, created by a code of limitation. Those who had broken through the code knew this (there is no spoon) and were able to master the dream. Those that had not broken the code were consigned to be slaves/puppets of those who were in control.


Ever wonder why that film rang true to many people? Do you ever wonder why the 99% are speaking out about the inequality of experience here on this planet or why there is such an experience of struggle here, whether you are someone that works or is out of work?


I have many thoughts around this conundrum. I see the possibility of this being a sacred planet, one where ease and grace outweigh greed for power and money…where work is sacred and fulfilling and expressive of who we are individually and as a race. I wonder why not now…what is standing in the way of the realization of a dream that is not dualistic and polarized.


In our continuum we call life, we have experienced many leaps of consciousness from primate to cave man to civilized humans. There is precedence for shift, big ones. What is it going to take to shift this time?


I am not sure if we can wait for cataclysm, gurus and aliens to intercede in our relatively slow process of evolution (think continuous wars and starvation for many beings). I believe at this moment, we have accumulated enough energy to begin the process now, as individuals and in groups.


What is required to make a shift? It has become clear to me that we must interrupt this current dream. While protesting and writing letters illuminates the need for change, it does not change the foundation upon which this reality is engineered and maintained. We still stress about work, traffic, money, love, conflicts and the dualistic conundrums that we experience daily, (think ego reactions to the little and big things that we experience daily without change).


So how can we interrupt the dream of Ego Time or clock time (must be at work at 8, home by 6 and take care of house, family and responsibilities)? What does it take for us to realize that the shift is only going to happen when we interrupt the current dream with a brighter, more coherent energy? When are we going to upgrade this dream to one that is sacred, respectful, loving and 5D?


Before you think, “I don’t know,” consider that you may be already contributing to the task of interrupting the Ego Dream. How?


Every moment that you choose a positive, affirming, sacred, loving thought, you interrupt the Ego Dream. Every moment that you extend kindness, love and assistance to another being, you are interrupting the Ego Dream. Every moment you utter a sacred mantra or go deeply into meditation, you interrupt the Ego Dream.


These brilliant efforts have gotten us to this moment. Fabulous! Yet, still we look around and see that although our lives or hearts may have upgraded, reality is still on the Ego Wheel of Karma, committed to duality, greed and self destruction, all in the name of “learning lessons” at a slow pace.


To understand how we might make a change that affects the whole, we must understand the true nature of reality. Reality is a holographic grid programming created by a singular or collective consciousness. In the case of 3D reality, who or what created the initial programming for our current version of earth reality?


Consider that several versions of humans appeared relatively quickly on the scene at key points in our evolutionary process. It is theorized that the most recent version of this reality was programmed by other beings that sought to maintain control of this reality for their own energetic purposes. By maintaining a reality of repetitive cycles of strife, our world has remained a dualistic world, controlled by a small group of beings. This has become even more evident in the last century.


Electromagnetic energy flows in our physical reality grid, thus creating polarity or duality of experience. Remember that electric energy has a positive charge while magnetic has a negative one. It is their interaction that creates the frequency that flows through our reality structure, creating a duality that is always vacillating in its balance. The notable aspect of duality is the never-ending lessons that occur as we strive towards equanimity and balance. The current grid is programmed to never stop creating programs of experience via this duality. While it is interesting to learn these lessons, we are missing the essential experience of true reality itself: Oneness.


Higher Dimensional beings from other systems in the form of Avatars have come here to interject dimensional upgrades into our reality grid. While the effect has been noticeable, it is also true that those who are controlling the movement of resources on the planet have hijacked the tenets of spiritual frequencies creating religions in order to maintain control over the masses. Religions stress that there must always be a mediator between the ONE SOURCE and humans, namely, the priest caste. Therein lies the issue in our current evolutionary process, for the power to evolve organically has been wrested away from those who had established a connection with the ONE SOURCE, such as it was with some of the tribal people in native lands.


The Avatars are now proposing that we pay more attention to the process of deconstructing the grid that has us locked into a reality of suffering. They have offered a meditation process that illuminates the potential to disable the gridlock thereby allowing us to then upgrade to a 5D reality frequency.


To do so, you will first place your attention to how you interface and are locked into the grid. You do this by observing judgments, suffering, separation, desire, greed and self-destructive inclinations. You notice them…without judgment, of course.


You then begin the process of disentangling yourself from the grid and creating free space around you. To accomplish this, there is a unique and simple mantra that must be used. The mantra serves as a patterning interrupt to our unconscious participation in 3D reality. With practice, you can extend your focus beyond your immediate reality bank to soften the grid lines that make up this reality for everyone, thus contributing to planetary equanimity.


Once you have disabled the hold this reality has on you, you will begin to invoke and experience the love between the lines….the love that is everywhere and is everything. We all know it when we feel it and yet so many moments in our reality can divert us from this divine frequency.


In the next missive, you will be offered the mantra and the process for beginning this process of deconstruction. It is indeed an extremely interesting endeavor. Until then, read between the lines when you can and feel it….love, love, love.

If you are indeed interested in obtaining the mantra for interrupting the controller's grid, email your request to PanHarmonic Healing at



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Love Love Love

8108902300?profile=originalOne of the most profound mantras given by the Christalis Avatars arose in a very deep meditation. It is so powerful, that it arises on its own, from deep within, whether meditating with a group or with one’s self. It produces waves of energy wafting through the energy body. It calms the Spirit. It expands the heart, offering comfort and protection. It reaches out humanity and it nurtures the fragility of life here on Gaia. It grants the chanter of the mantra connection to Presence. It promotes receptivity and surrender. It builds energy and opens the doors to inner knowledge. It bathes those who use it in a sound bath of love.

What powerful mantra can accomplish this profound affect?

It is simply this: “Love, Love, Love.”

Close your eyes for a moment and offer it to your heart. Without knowing anything else about this mantra, let its vibration ring through your being. Repeat it over and over, pausing between the offerings, to let it do its magic.

Said in any language, it creates an understanding of who we are as humans, energy beings and pure reflections of Oneness.

Love, Love, Love.

Yet there is more: the understanding behind the mantra, behind the meditation. In fact, it is an initiation into the mystery of the mysterious force that rules our existence, be it the pursuit or the enactment of love in our lives. The Avatars offer these teachings about this initiation.

The first Love asks you to love your Self. It also asks you to love your self. The first aspect of this task is theoretically easy: go into your heart and love the God you are. Love your highest and best Self. Love that Self into beingness. Love what you are without the trappings of the human configuration. Love the Self you feel when you are deep in meditation or deeply in love.

The second aspect of this is harder. You are asked to love the human you are. You are asked to love what you see in the mirror. You are asked to love the being with ego and personality quirks. You are asked to love the self that has made mistakes. You are asked to love the self that has compulsions, addictions and bad habits. You are asked to love the petty self. This alone is such a powerful meditation.

The second Love beckons you, from your awakened heart, to love the Divine. Now that you love your Self/ self, you know that you are worthy to receive the love that God is. This love from God (Source) connects you more deeply to your Self and to Source. You have the opportunity to become a channel or a source of Divine Love. The more you connect with God/Love/ Source, the more you begin to see and feel who you are as Love.

In these first two meditations on Love, you begin to realize that while Love is an emanation from the heart, it is also a process of surrendering to receive the love of God. It is also a process of realizing that you are a manifestation of the Love of God.

So, in the second Love, seek to fill yourself with God's Love. Drink. Absorb. Fill yourself to the brim. How much Love can you hold? More and more, more and more. Now you are ready for the third step.

Thirdly, turn to the outer reflection of who you are -  the world before you. Love others. Love Nature. Love animals. Love what is. Share your Love of God/Source with others. Emanate the love your feel from Source to others. Love the God/Source in others. Be the Love.

Emanate Loving Kindness. Fill the space around you with love. Activate self-love in anyone you can connect to by reflecting their holiness and beauty back to them. Offer the inner silence of Divine Love to others in meditation and through your actions.

All is Well! Love What Is! Be the Love! Love, Love, Love.

Many Blessings! Dr. Valerie


For more offerings from the Christalis Avatars, go to

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Love IS the Present Moment.


2012 has come and gone and with it, so many completions as our subconscious minds contemplated the possibility of endings, completions and shifts. For the last ten days, we have been a part of a group mind that has focused on the idea and possibility of the end of TIME as we have known it. The group mind is powerful and if many can consider that this MOMENT is a possibility for a reboot, a shift happens.


Cosmic Joke from the Mayans: tell the future people that there will be an endpoint and watch them all focus on that possibility and CREATE a shift.


I am taking the cue: collapse Timelines as they appear by being present with the energy contained in them. (Think: childhood, past life, expectations, parallel worlds.)  I notice what shows up in my immediate reality. If it feels good, I go with it. If it makes me uncomfortable, I assume there is a vibration that is asking for attention. Notice and breathe, then release. It could be that easy. Especially if I am able to remember LOVE LOVE LOVE: love Self, love GOD, love others. Self is the hardest to love for most humans and is a must to be able to receive the love from others and also to realize that you are GOD.


What happens when many or most timelines are collapsed? Love becomes the present moment. Nature reflects it. Family and friends reflect this. Animals really project this. GOD is the vibration of the present moment, which is the measure of Spiral Time. Breathe, notice the moment, observe, release and love. It is the natural flow of Spiral Time. This process appears to allow synchronicity, prescience, miracles and magic. I like that a lot.


I hope to be able to do this practice at least once a day for starters. It means I have to let go of being right, projecting my will and resistance to letting go. I resolve to do this whenever possible. So far, it feels great, even when I wanted to resort to Ego Time.


It takes forty days to change your reality. That brings us pretty close to Valentine’s Day. Proposal: we who want to shift commit to collapsing our timelines to the present moment. Breath in! Love ! Breath out! More love! Just in time for Be-In-time Day


With Love, comes gifts, lots of them. Make room in your heart if you decide to take this course of action and surrender. Smiles, nods from strangers, a clear gleam in your eye, insights and intuitions, miracles, along with people wanting to gift you energy because it is flow -  it is all part of Spiral Time. Trust me on this: trust yourself to handle the present moment and it will “love on you” in ways you cannot imagine.

For other missives from the Christalis Avatars visit PanHarmonic Healing





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The Beginning of Spiral Time


Many years ago, a shamaness drew a simple drawing for me. It contained a curve and a straight line joined at the base. The line represented the ego, the curve the flow of spirit.


She explained to me that in our lives we are inclined to follow the ego inclinations: “I want”. This is often at the risk of straying from the natural flow or the guidance of spirit, “I surrender”. However, we constantly have the opportunity to reset by the lessons that come to us by the insights we gain from them. She included a line connecting linear time with the curve of spirit. This represented a nudge from spirit to connect us back to the flow, usually in the form of a lesson.


She also noted that Spirit knocks three times with small lessons. If we fail to gain the insight to release our linear ego path fueled by our willfulness, then we may receive a big lesson that will strive to knock us back into the flow. Hopefully we get the message before this happens.


I have been thinking about this experiment called freewill. One sees countless examples of how it operates in the world. Humans make choices most often out of their egos unless they are following a spiritual path. Even then, we humans tend to struggle with our inclinations. How many choices based in freewill cause suffering?


This linear dream has allured humans by the notion of freewill. This ego based dream has been ensconced in this reality for eons. Most humans act out of desire, addictions and illusion. It is often difficult for them to exert the power of their freewill for the good of all. Perhaps it is time for this dream to unravel.


Recently, while in deep meditation, I was invited to contemplate the value of free will versus true freedom. Free will alludes to dualism or polarity. To be truly free, we do not engage in dualism. When we are truly free, there is no temptation to choose action that will harm ourselves or others. When we are aligned with the Divine, we naturally flow with the Divine, meaning we evolve continually. With Spiral Time, we flow freely because we do not resist the intent of Spirit!


Spiral Time creates ascending and widening circles that connect us to others and to the fabric of a more aligned dream that is potentially emerging. Thoughts manifest outwardly as synchronicities, letting us know we are in Spiral Time. I am counting these synchronicities as the days unfold. I observe the spiral flow in dreams where I am able to return to the theme and people in the dream even after I awaken and return to sleep.


Spiral Time is Will, as in the Will of the Divine. It is magical. It is evolution. It is the Intent of Source to expand. It unifies, It includes. It illustrates connection. It is a unified field that includes the both Conscious Reality and the Dream.


The first step is to begin to observe that linear time has ended. Observe the unwinding by noting synchronicities and magical events. Observe your soul’s desire to flow and surrender. Breathe. Be. Release and let go. Have you noticed? Spiral Time has begun.

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Collapsing Time into the Present Moment

8108885488?profile=originalEven at this moment, December 21, 2012, the sky, clouds and sun are aligning to form a most gorgeous sunset, ringed with prayers and heartfelt intention worldwide. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, reaching out to connect to the Avatars and to you in celebration for this great journey that we have all engaged in over these last 1000 days.


We have been embraced by the Avatars Themselves through the Mudra Dance and through the activations. The Corridor proved to be a fascinating exploration through the human configuration with an eye towards upgrading to a more functional energetic beingness. We learned the value of Love Love Love….of self, God and others.


I myself have been fascinated with the Rings of Dreaming and am thrilled to say that my trip to France unleashed a whole new level of organization in the first and second rings. The 5D frequencies that we were privileged to bring through literally grabbed me by the ankles, shook me upside down and reformatted almost every aspect of my life. They have also been incredibly giving and sweet and have afforded me so much more ease in my life.


Then there is the business of timelines or what we might call parallel universes. These are often perceived as past lives, yet all are happening simultaneous to this moment. Part of our awakening out of time at this moment of 2012 is to realize that these timelines are not linear; they are perceptual resonations of our soul’s evolutionary spiral. Worlds upon parallel worlds create the multiverse that we live in and we are about to encounter the possibility of aligning these worlds into one concise perceptual experience.


What I experienced in France was a shake up of significant timelines that were shaping my perceptual inclinations in this present moment. Past life memories flooded through me in precise sequences that allowed me to unravel core essence conundrums. Many of these parallel realities I had witnessed and lived, others were revelations of unconscious perceptions in this reality. I learned that all timelines lead to this moment; all must be collapsed to this moment in order for us to truly live freely.


In one or more of these timelines, there is a choice to disconnect our perception of GOD Source to individuate. While these seem somewhat horrific in retrospect, in reality the choice allows for the expansion of what is known and experienced in the multiverse. This is called evolution and is a paradox of the GOD force, which is everything yet still expanding and evolving.


Even as we evolve through the experience of these timelines, there comes a moment when we are able to collapse all timelines to this present moment and reconnect to the perception of ourselves as ONE with GOD.


2012 (or 2013 or….) is certainly not about the end of the world or even of time. Instead, I would like to offer another possibility. It could be constructed as the end of the separation of parallel timelines from awareness and from each other. Consider the possibility of collapsing them into an increasing PRESENT reality that is not influenced by unresolved resonances oscillating from these parallel timelines. Instead, inclination, intent and action become sourced from GOD and the unity force.


Each moment of discomfort here in this moment may indeed be an indicator of a parallel resonance that is unresolved. Be present with it and breathe. Use the Mudra Dance. Shift your focus to 5D reality by calling them in by name. Picture the symbols of the Avatars in your mind. Use your mantras. Love, love, love. Employ the Corridor. Be.  All of these actions will assist you in your unwinding your evolutionary path to the most precious of all gifts: the Present Moment, where Time is marked only by the appearance of yet another breath of connection to the Divine, the Source of All, the Oneness.

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The Five Benedictions of Wesak

8108777876?profile=originalThe celebration of the Wesak is the high point of the year in many traditions and in the tradition of the Christalis Avatars it is no exception. For many decades, celebrating Wesak is a profound opportunity to experience the Buddha and Christ energies in concert. There have always been other Avatars in attendance energetically. This year was no different.


Auspiciously, the actual moment of the Full Moon happened at 8:35PM on a Saturday night when all could gather without the hassles of a work day. The day had been warm and twenty of us gathered at 7PM in the OM Pavilion. As everyone settled in, my cohort, Mujiba sang two beautiful songs, one an invocation and the other a lullaby while playing her tambura. Soon we settled into a silence and brought that silence into focus, moving deeply inwards to ascertain and feel our intention for the evening.


After discussing the spiritual history and importance of the Wesak Festival, the Crystal Traveling Vessel was introduced. After placing our intentions for the planet and ourselves, we entered into the energies of the evening with a crystal and Tibetan bowl concert.


We then c8108777099?profile=originalreated our Crystal Traveling Vesselsby singing its mantra of Protection.















When finished, we teleported to the Wesak Valley through the etheric grid of the planet via a vibration offered by Mujiba via her crystal bowl.


Once there, we found our place in the Valley. While lamas, monks and pilgrims gathered there in human form, hundreds of thousands found their way to the Valley in etheric and energetic form. One could instantly feel the intent and prayers of all those gathered for this sacred event.


Our attention was soon drawn to the platform rock in the East end of the Valley, where the Christ was present. He emanated a powerful vibration of love-wisdom. We were asked to maintain this vibration with the mantra, “Love-Love-Love” or simply love of self, others and the Divine. We attuned to this brilliant emanation of Love-Light, which implanted itself into the crystal spheres of our consciousness as seeds to be nurtured and expanded.


Our attention was then drawn to the Avatar of Divine Intelligence. This great being projected an emanation, offering the opportunity to progress beyond the current human configuration by shifting into unity consciousness. As we were rewired, we were offered the opportunity to perceive ourselves anew, without the incessant limitation placed on our perception of ourselves as humans.


Even as this rewiring was happening, a light appeared in the Eastern sky. As the time of the Full Moon grew near, a sphere of Divine Light drew close. The emanation of the Buddha anchored into the large crystal bowl filled with spring water. He projected His emanation into each energetic being present, infusing them and the Valley with a tangible feeling of Divinity. Each of us experienced the waves of energy and bliss coursing through our Crystal Vessels, acting to entrain us to our own divine frequency. The message was clear: act as conduits for this energy and share its expression with all humanity.


For the brief time that the Buddha concentrated His focus on the gathered beings, time stood still. The reverberations blasted through us, instilling us with a profound silence. As the energy of the Buddha began to recede, we were asked to open our crystal channels to receive still a fourth vibration. Rather than retreating to the Eastern sky, Buddha remained hovered above the Wesak Valley, forming a triangulation with the Christos and the Avatar of Divine Intelligence.


Upon opening the lower aspect of our crystal channels, the Divine Mother welled up within each of the beings gathered. Nothing can describe the subtle beauty of Her frequency. We were asked to open to Her emanation and receive the purity of Her love and nurturing. Now waves of Her Divine Expression moved through our channels and out into the world. We were asked to take in as much love as we were able to hold. This benediction lasted for an eternity. Even as Her blessing began to recede, we were offered a fifth benediction from the Christos.


This blessing was to assist us in manifesting the intent that we had expressed before our journey to the Wesak Valley. We focused on our intent while receiving this directed blessing. After absorbing this benediction, we were invited to project this vibration out to three beings with whom we wanted to share this healing frequency. Sharing this vibration was equally satisfying as was receiving it into our crystal vessel.


Soon, it was clear that the transmissions were receding. We deepened our breathing and began our journey back into this consciousness. Soon, we were all back in the OM Pavilion, ready to share our experiences and our gratitude for the profound blessings offered by these most exalted beings. Their Divine energies continued to be with us through the night and into the next day.


And to those who read this, we extend these blessings to you and your loved ones.

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The Crystal Traveling Body

We have been exploring our capacity to visit and exist in parallel worlds. Not much is known about parallel worlds except that science believes that we live in a multi-verse or meta-verse that simultaneously holds billions of worlds that are merely inches away from the world we now perceive. Why does this have value to our Ascension journey? Why are the Avatars strongly training us to be fully present here and yet travel to parallel universes?

In our work, we have been shown how to gather energy from the Dream and from other universes that are close at hand. This energy may be used for your 3D life or in fact is best used for accelerating your Ascension process. Energy gained from these extraneous sources is palpable and powerful. It can be used for healing yourself and others as well as intending unity and harmony in the world around you.8108777483?profile=original

CAD MA, SORE CHI DREY, COLE YA NAY, SRI (Activate crystal sphere around the Heart)

CAD MA, SORE CHI DREY, COLE YA NAY, CHI (Activate crystal sphere around the Chi Center)

CAD MA, SORE CHI DREY, COLE YA NAY, ZA (Activate crystal sphere above the head through the Intensities)

CAD MA, SORE CHI DREY, COLE YA NAY, MA (Activate crystal sphere below the feet through the Densities)

Connect all the spheres with a crystal channel that flows through them and upwards into Avatar Frequencies and 7D and then downwards into the heart of the Mother.

We were given the mantra of protection to assist us in doing our work in an expanded manner without draining our energy bodies or being vulnerable to frequencies that do not serve us. Yet in truth, this mantra has assisted us in building the Crystal Traveling Body, which allows us to store energy that we call in from the Dream, the Avatars, the Mother and the 5D's. It consists of four crystal spheres that surround four major components of the 5D energy body. Two spheres are located in the body at the heart and the Chi center, one is located above the body as protection from the Intensities or the membrane of limiting beliefs and the fourth is located within the Densities which is the accumulation of all suppressed negative human emotions. The latter two allow a free flow of energy from the 7th Dimension and from the Divine Mother without the impedance of these negative influences.

The SRI crystal surrounds the heart area and it is from here that we  broadcast the triple Love vibration (self, others, the Divine) withe the simple mantra of Love Love Love.

The CHI crystal surrounds the lower centers and is a storage for 5D essences (the Plumes) as well as personal power.

The ZA crystal is the uppermost crystal and protects the practitioner from the effects of all the negative programming on the planet, such as limiting beliefs (I am powerless)  and destructive mandates (you will die). It also stores four 5D  frequencies streaming from the AD ZA, the generator of four specific 5D energies: Blessed Holiness, Divine Inspiration, Conscious Evolution and Streaming Love.

The last sphere is the MA crystal, which penetrates through the Densities,  a membrane of negative unexpressed human emotions that may well up without this protection from the collective unconscious. As we open the channels to the Divine Mother, we must release our own shadow emotions. As we go deeper, we often encounter emotions that are not ours and are part of this membrane the Avatars call the Densities. The MA crystal gives us free passage to the Divine Mother and Her beautiful flow of energy.

Once constructed, this becomes the perfect traveling body of protection to go to parallel universes that may not always have the optimum qualities of high spiritual energy. This configuration can be constructed by a group and left in Universes that we may need to work in to harvest energy and to do higher spiritual work.

If you would like to know more, contact or

Blessings from the Avatars,

Dr. Valerie Girard

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Manifesting Your Power in 2012

8108767899?profile=originalMillennia ago, societies were matriarchal by nature, which meant they were egalitarian. The lineage of power was passed through the women and for the early part of civilization, personal power was undeveloped as beings struggled to survive, using their first and second chakras for this purpose, I.e. survival and procreation, the two primary instincts. Occasionally a being with Power would incarnate to lead, accelerate evolution or to anchor spiritual frequencies on the planet.


Yet, many beings were deeply connected to the Mother as their source. They continually witnessed the miracle of birth, observing the role of mother in this great actor creation. Men remained humbled and served the communities as equals while the tribes were organized by matriarchal lineages. They paid homage to the Mother, in hopes that She would insure the continuation of their lives.


At one moment in our evolution, the planet was visited by a race, superior in intelligence. They traveled here to obtain gold, much needed for their survival. They soon realized that by interbreeding with the early humans, they could create a slave race to work for them. They were able to program consciousness to suppress the impulse towards to revere the Mother and created themselves as gods and superhumans.


Still, many cultures clung to the Feminine, so the myths regarding the gods and goddesses were instigated and infused with the personalities and ego traits of humans. Struggles between them persisted in these early tales of power.


In all of this, men began to see themselves as an equal or greater component in the creation act, now knowing that they were part of the equation. Men, being stronger and larger, began to take control of tribal leadership and in an effort to expand their holdings, began to covet their neighbor's land, women and cattle. This was the beginning of hierarchical society and subsequently, war. This trend has continued to this moment in earth history.


Those interlopers knew the power of the feminine, both in reality and in the minds and hearts of the people. They sought to diminish Her influence. This proved difficult, even with the onset of Christianity, so torture and imprisonment were introduced to enforce their control patterns. Many beings here on the planet remember the punishment they endured to remain connected to the Feminine. Extreme psychological tactics were used to infuse fear and terror. Through the millennia, many lost their connection to the Mother completely.


So, it is easy to surmise why many have no connection to the planet, Gaia or to Her deeper nature, the Divine Feminine. They block it for fear of reprisal. They have no recollection of this essential component. In addition, humans have been taught to sublimate their emotions individually and collectively. This has created the morass we call the Densities. Instinctively humans recoil from feeling their emotions. They anchor their awareness in their thoughts, however unconscious, rather than their human bodies. They certainly do not conscious delve deeply into their psyches, for their they will encounter their shadow and the shadow of the planet, the Densities. For to reach the Cauldron, or the Repository of the Divine Feminine, one must clear and create a safe passage rough the Shadow and the Densities. This has been our work in the last year with the Corridor and the Form. That is to say, we have become aware of our human configuration via the Corridor: id, ego, personality, shadow and circular mind.


In addition, we also became aware and abolished the Form, the devious programming of limitation by the controllers, created to insure the enslavement of the majority of humanity, to the benefit of a small percentage. We are aware of the extreme polarization on the planet between the wealthy and the poor to very poor.


At the moment that we began to bring in the 5D energies and then to break down the Form, movements to call out the controllers via corporations and the large family cartels began to emerge. Society needs to reconfigure, yet it cannot be truly balanced or successful without each being reconnected to their innate power. To do this, they must address issues of denial and limiting beliefs that they have assumed, unchallenged.


So to this end, each human who is intent on waking up, must attend to their shadow and plumb the depths to the Cauldron. No one could be expected to take on the Densities. They must instead create a protected pathway through them, until they reach their goal of reconnecting with the Mother.


Knowledge is Power. Now that you know, you must protect yourself as you actualize more and more of your Power. How may we be in our power, without it corrupting us or without it attracting the wrong sources? There are many answers to this question.


Always align yourself with the highest frequencies possible. Align with the Divine in any context that you resonate to in your life. Maintain clear boundaries. Do not let others feed off of you or expect others to feed you energetically. Shore up your energy with mantras, prayers and your practices. Keep your thoughts positive, purposeful and poised. Maintain your body as a temple of your life force. Be aware of what is your energy and if there is a breech in your field. Then know how to maintain your energetic container, to protect it, energize it and fill it. This is your job as a being of Power.


To protect yourself, ascribe to the practices given to you by your teachers. We use mantras, amulets and energetic practices. Create clear spaces to do your work at home or in your work place. Create altars of protection, if even in a window sill. Protect yourself especially at night or in public places where people may not take care of their energy. Be aware of indulging in or experimenting with practices not on your path.


Above all, monitor your thoughts and maintain intentionality. This is your greatest protection against the controllers. When you become acquainted with Power, you may indeed become targeted and indeed, this is when you must regulate their prime tool in keeping you enslaved: through your thoughts, through mind.


Maintain your Power through all of the 5M practices. However, maintain intentionality. Breathe your heart desires into being by maintaining clear thoughts, energizing your intentions with your practices. When you are able to do this, then shall you step into your power. Each step then brings you closer to the true source of Power: the Divine Feminine.


For more information about Power and Protection go to

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The Physics of Power

8108767095?profile=originalIf Power is energy that may be stored and utilized for our evolutionary path and the evolution of all beings on the planet, then our goal is to store and then apply this energy in the most economical and concise way possible. The Avatars have presented us with ten different ways to gather energy, many of which have been covered in Their missives to us.


First and foremost, we must realize that daily we generate and expend energy in near equal parts. We eat and sleep to generate energy, we work and play to expend energy. As our lives progress, most beings energy decreases as each year passes. The big challenge is how to generate energy beyond eating and sleeping.


Carlos Castaneda used to talk about the need for extra energy to ascend or to illume. In addition, he addressed the need for discipline in order to conserve energy. He noted that discipline in its proper use, generated energy or at least, conserved what little energy most humans have to expend. The Avatars call this the economy of energy. It requires focus and discipline to implement, yet yields ease and grace.


We also need energy to manifest our intentions. Some of this energy is emotional and is called desire. The second part of it is mental and requires clear thinking. The third part of it requires action, even if that action is to receive or experience the manifestation of our intent.


We are constantly creating our reality here by our thoughts, desires and actions. The scope of our influence depends on how much energy we have and how we utilize it. One person with large amounts of energy and intent can influence the reality of thousands, even millions.


The Avatars wish to provide us with a pathway to go beyond the human configuration, beyond the human dilemma of ‘eat, work then die’. They wish to provide us with a way to accumulate energy, to store it and then to utilize it for our personal evolution, possibly leading to enlightenment and Ascension.


The Avatars then have presented us with the 5 M’s. These are as follows:








These powerful manifestations of spiritual action are concise and easily incorporated into the practitioners life if indeed they are serious about Ascension.


Mudras are hand configurations that elicit an response in our energetic field. Simple prayer hands offer a feeling of reverence. Offering hands signal receiving. When fingers are placed in certain configurations, there are very powerful responses. We use the double mudras of the Christalis Code, twenty hand gestures that call forth one of twenty avatar frequencies. These can be used in combinations to energize a particular lesson of power and spiritual development that occurs on the path to Enlightenment.


The next of the 5M's is mantra or sacred sounds. They may be in your language, another language or the language of light which consists of original sounds or tones that elicit a positive or spiritual response in the energetic body. Sacred chants and single tones or sounds may equally create an effect spiritually, especially if they replace circular thinking. (Circular thinking is obsessive thinking that is linked to the controller's mind.) There may be a discernible translation or meaning, however the effect on the energetic body is what truly matters. There must be a shift in frequency, energy level or consciousness for a mantra to be effective for you.


Mantras can be tonal and effect the vibration of the energy vehicle. (OM) It may also be affirmative, stating a wish for a future manifestation. (i create peace).Most powerfully, it can be declarative, linking with the I AM, the Source of all and it's quality of frequency. (I AM Love). Or it can offer a vibrational effect with obscure translation.(OM MANE PADME HUM). In the beginning was the Word and indeed the Word is Power.


Mantra can also serve as invocation and can be used to invoke the divine ritual, ceremony and through prayer. (Blessed one, come through me).


The body may employ movements that also elicit a powerful response in the body and energy field. Yoga, Tai Chi, martial arts and other physical disciplines may induce altered states of peace, energy or increased awareness.


Yet there are other movement possibilities that encode the body and consciousness with new possibilities of awareness. We call these activations and use symbolic movement to record anew awareness in the body that it might not have considered. Our bodies are largely used to moving in rote configurations: walking, eating, sitting. We do not consider that the body can regenerate, elevate, twist into contortions that energize and heal. Using activations remind us what we may be able to accomplish with the body and spirit. Our activations also anchor in the frequencies of Avatar energies much like the mudras do, yet in a more complex capacity. That's one of the powers of yoga - to remind the body of what we are capable of as energetic beings


A very important 5M is meditation. This involves stilling the mind to make the leap out of the ordinary world and out of the circular mind which is a direct link into the controller's reality, one that entraps most of the world population. Meditation may begin with a mantra, chant or declaration (I AM). Yet it best ends with us listening deeply to the voice of the divine in whatever form it manifests. The best meditation is realized when the mind simply shuts off and the internal dialogue ceases. To do this, we must observe our thoughts and release them back to nothingness. At this moment we have the capacity to realize our connection to the Source.


Breathing is always a profound component of meditation. It can be used to silence the mind or energize the Spirit. The study of breath is usually included in most meditation practices.


The last 5M is perhaps the most illusive. It is characterized by maneuvers. In this modality, we employ the energetic body or double to perform in such a way as to gather energy or enter into states of awareness that prepare for and cultivate the entrance of the Divine. We practice these maneuvers with the physical body. We then repeat them, through the imaginal mind. As we perfect our energetic maneuvers, we are able to deliver a powerful jolt to the evolution of our spirit into the Divine. These maneuvers show us that we can expand beyond the parameters of perception to reconfigure a reality of no limitation.


The 5Ms can be combined into the mega maneuver, which will utilize stored energy and Power to make a leap in consciousness. Here we may employ a combination of mudra, meditation, mantra and maneuvers to shift our awareness towards the Divine.


For more information and missives from the Christalis Avatars, go to www.panharmonic.ning. com or www.panharmonic.comand join our community site.

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The Three Sources of Power

8108765059?profile=originalWe have delineated the origins of the Power. We have outlined some of the perils of acquiring power and how to protect oneself on that path. The Avatars have intended us to explore the nature of power as an aspect of the path to Ascension. We have also seen that although Earth’s reality is one of free will, it is largely in the control of a small cabal of men (and women) , who use their power towards their own needs and gain.


It was not always like this. Realize that this is a feminine planet that was once very connected to the Divine Feminine as Source. Men observed the power of creation in every birth. The Goddess was recognized, acknowledged, revered and worshiped. This led to a more egalitarian society where each member of tribe and clan had a part to play in survival and prosperity. The Matriarchal societies continued for many millennia.


Yet, superstition superseded reason. Change was not revered and the old ways were clung to with desperation, especially in regards to rituals and worship. No one wanted to upset the Divine Source, for this meant angering the Goddess, who would not supply amble food thereby threatening survival of man and beast. The human mandate was procreation and survival, involving the first two chakras.


Yet change did happen as the evolutionary force pushed through the consciousness of men. When the male population finally realized that they were an equal part of the equation in reproduction and population of their tribes, they seized the reins of control. Resources might appear scarce, so wars broke out and tribal leaders tested their might against other neighboring tribes. Women became chattel to be owned and traded as well as the beasts that they procured through husbandry and raids.


This inspired expanding raids which then led to expanding trade;  the world of each tribe expanded. Soon cultures overlapped, the idea of God superseded Goddess through the imposition of male leaders, with the male god in the pantheons assuming the role of supreme Source of life. Women deities took on lesser roles.


Now the spiritual practices became more formalized in burgeoning nations and empires. A priest class was formed to act as moderator between humans and source. The priests could only be male and in many cases, the true worship was left to men. Soon it was seen that religion could be used to control the masses. The game became about control, rather than creating a clear path between human and Source.


8108765059?profile=originalStill, people clung to the ways of the Goddess. This threatened the plutocracy of the various major faiths. Women and the Goddess must be suppressed in order to maintain control. Why? These leaders knew the hidden Power of the Goddess to both liberate and empower. The expression of nature and Goddess was wild and chaotic and men sought to conquer it. Even today, world leaders seek to control weather, women and the free expression of spirit and essence.


We all know about the Inquisition and the incredible force of destruction that it wrought upon the women of Europe and anyone who appeared aligned with the old ways.  


This controlling force continues today through the auspices of modern religions. Women are entrained to be submissive and to assume lesser roles in society. The hierarchical format places men in most positions of power. God, not Goddess is seen as the Source of All. It is indeed the moment to bring both Divine Forces together for what has been called the Sacred Marriage. This is an essential aspect of the Ascension process. By embracing both divine aspects of reality and of ourselves, we become whole and one with Source, again.


Therefore, at this moment, we need to open to the power of the Divine Feminine. It takes both energy and personal power to ascend. This source of both our personal power and the Source of Primordial Power fuels our ascent into higher consciousness.


There are three sources of Power.


The first is neutral power and it is accessed through the Power Center by observing the counter flow of Vasha (evolution) and Tanaki (entropy) as they create a still point, the Qi Ray. This pin-point of energy is then capable of transporting us into a field of neutral power that can be observed, then gathered into our conscious awareness.


The second one is a blend of two flows of energy accessed and sourced from within their energetic matrix, creating a third flow. Originating from the Repository of the Kundalini located at the Root chakra. It manifests as two coiled flows existing side by side.  The KAHL-LAH originates from the left and represents the feminine power of passion and is coiled clockwise.The KI LHUM, originates from the right as the masculine power of force and is coiled clockwise, ready to unwind.

The Avatar Sibalin holds the keys to unlocking these essential frequencies up into consciousness. As they uncoil and travel upwards into the crystal channel,  they cross over each other at key points, forming a third frequency: AH ZHA or the power of love. This flow acclimates the practitioner to open to the flow of the Divine Mother to flow from Her source. These two flows generate energy as they move up the spine, forming the Kundalini which in itself is an awakening flow.

We generally associate passion with sexual ardor. However, passion with force from the Repository of the Kundalini may manifest in one or more of eight flows:

  1. Honor
  2. Bravery
  3. Loyalty
  4. Ardor
  5. Justice
  6. Creativity
  7. Knowledge
  8. Spirit.

Anyone who has been in battle may know the intensity of the passion of honor, bravery or loyalty. Artists understand the passion of creativity and scholars and those in religious orders may have experienced the passion of knowledge or spirit. When you feel the force of these passions, they surge through you, moving you into action. This form of energy has moved mountains, created wars and brought much beauty into the world through the arts. It has created religions and formed allegiances that have shaped the world as we know it today.

The third manifestation of power represents the Primordial Mother energy, MA and Her seven manifestations. These eight Goddess energies represent the eight aspects of the Divine Feminine as follows:

  1. MA- the Primordial Energy
  2. KALI – The Creatrix/Destroyer
  3. MARY – Mother Madonna
  4. PACEMAMA/GAIA – Giver of Earth Life
  5. CALDRA – Transformer by Fire/Sexual Power
  6. SIENNA – Mystery
  7. QWAN YIN – Wisdom
  8. TARA - Liberation/ Compassion

The Divine Mother/ MA is accessed within the deepest recesses of our consciousness. They singularly are powerful, yet together, once liberated have unlimited potential for transformation into enlightenment. Each being has the proclivity to bring through one or more of these manifestations of Divine Power. The mantra MA is indeed powerful in eliciting the attention of the Mother. Although knowledge of Her has been suppressed for millenia, She is awakening into the consciousness of beings desiring enlightenment. It is indeed Her moment to return to establish balance and harmony with the Divine Masculine, to activate the Sacred Marriage unfolding into the Diamond Body of Awakening.

In some cases, we have become separated from our inner feminine or masculine power and must journey through the Void to retrieve it. The Void is a medium of NOTHINGNESS which may serve as a holding tank for personal power that we have been separated from through abuse, abandonment and dissolution. The Void may be accessed at the end of  our Corridor, located within the Root chakra.

For more information and missives from the Christalis Avatars, go to www.panharmonic.ning. com or and join our community site.

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Protection Before Power

8108762288?profile=originalBefore we will commence on our journey into the realms of Power, we must first embrace the practice of protection. The pursuit of power without protection could be an invitation for untoward energies to infiltrate our personal energy system.


An examination of Power results in observing a long history of its pursuit by those who desire domination over others. We observe the power of regimes to oppress, the power of money to buy favor on behalf of profit, the power of politics to legislate for the good of those with influence, the power of war to change borders and whole customs.


There are also those who pursue psychic power. Misguided, they perceive that power over others, usurping power or siphoning it off of other beings is a worthy pastime. There are groups that intentionally target others and groups with psychic attacks or vampiric activity. Strange as it may seem, there are those who intend mischief and mayhem.


Without sounding conspiratorial, it is always best to err on the side of caution as one begins to work energetically in the realm of Power. For those who have endured a psychic attack, it can be a harsh lesson. During such an attack, life may change to unfortunate circumstances; the targets may suffer health issues or loss of energy or experience negative states of consciousness. It is always important to be aware so that steps can be taken to restore a high vibrational state of awareness.


The Avatars have ushered us through these lessons in Power as a means to assist us in our capacity to generate and accumulate energy to use in our spiritual evolution. While we may find that our pure intentions are empowered into manifestation, we want to employ energy-gathering exercises to accelerate our spiritual growth in Ascension.


The Avatars offered us the 4 Penny Amulet. This is powerful personal protection. However, as we venture into the realms of energy and Power, it is important to employ one more step of protection.


The Protection Mantra offers us a simple yet complete approach to protecting our Heart and Chi centers which are the most vulnerable to attack. To begin, we have been offered the following mantra for general protection.





This mantra is to be used as you envision a crystal sphere around the heart and the entire body. One may say this mantra ten times as you expand the crystal sphere until it completely encompasses your field to a ten feet radius in all directions.


However, if we choose, we can make our protection more specific and more powerfully experienced by initiating a sphere in both the Heart and the Chi Centers.


For the Heart Center, we use the above mantra and substitute in the word SRI for SVA repeating it several times as we grow the crystal sphere around the heart, making sure to extend it behind us, bulging out from our thoracic spine.


In the Chi Center, we substitute in the word CHI for SVA, repeating several times and expanding the crystal sphere in all directions.





There is another component in our discussion of using these mantras of protection.


In our work, we expand our consciousness into the upper realms as well as through the deepened realms of the unconscious on our way to connect deeply with the Divine Feminine. As we have pursued this expansion, we encountered two installations into the energetic realms that humans may encounter in their work to expand their consciousness.


The first is a membrane encountered when one journeys to the upper realms, located ten to twenty feet abover the Crown Cneter. This membrane must be proken through and a channel must be established as one opens to their higher consciousness. This membrane has been referred to as the Dweller on the Threshold. The Dweller is a field of energy that holds and emanates limiting constructs into the worlds of humans. The Avatars address this field as the Ten Intensities. These Intensities embed our consciousness with a continuing rollcall of limitation. They have also unconsciously dissuaded humans from their pursuit of Higher consciousness and rising to the levels of the Upper Realms.


You are Mortal

You are Finite

You are Fixed

You are Controlled

You are Flawed

You are Fatal

You are Powerless

You are Fated

You are Unconscious

You are Damned


Given that we are truly one with God, these limitations serve no purpose but to control humans on this planet, perhaps for the good of a few. Everyone unconsciously accepts that they will die and that they are generally powerless against the Fates. We know from the example of the Immortals who have graced this planet that this is not a given, if we but recognize how unconsciously we adhere to the Intensities.


It is critical in establishing a clear channel into the upper realms that we afford our selves safe passage through the Intensities. We do so by establishing a third crystal sphere in the middle of the Intensities, expanding that sphere until it breaks through into the upper realms. We do so with the following alteration to our mantra.





This is said several times as you expand your crystal through the Intensities. In addition to providing a protected passage through the membrane, it weakens the membrane as more and more beings install channels or spheres through it. With a multitude of installations, it becomes somewhat like Swiss cheese.


In addition to the Intensities, the energy worker will encounter a morass of residual negative frequencies and emotions as they journey deeply within. The Avatars refer to this morass as the Densities and is composed of the strong emotions of guilt, shame, fear, terror, rage, suppression, oppression, futility, sorrow, angst, anxiety and all of the unresolved travails of the human experience. Once a passage is made into the morass, one may be exposed to a flow of unconscious emotions that may in fact be debilitating. For this reason, many humans do not wish to “go deeply within” and instead choose to remain on the surface of consciousness.


Therefore, it is important to establish a sphere in the midst of the Densities, expanding through it and creating a safe passage through to the nurturing expression of the Divine love of the Mother,


The mantra is as follows and accompanies the visualization and creation of the crystal sphere within and beyond the thickness of the Densities.





Again invoke this mantra several times as you expand the sphere to create safe passage into the field of the Divine Mother.


Notice in the above illustration, the thin crystalline channel that links the four spheres together and continue into the Christalis Star and into the immense field of the Mother. This channel is meant to be a clear passage for bringing through both 5D energies and 7D energies from the Divine Polarities. It is delicate yet capable of channeling vast amounts of energies into our developing energy system for the purpose of our spiritual evolution.


It is useful to run the protection upon rising, before meditation and before falling asleep. The more you engage with this mantra, the stronger protection you will  install in your human/divine energy system.


Know this as well: the use of these mantras weakens the very strangleholds the controlling energies have on this reality. It disrupts the focus of the dictating forces and allows us to expand into our next stage of evolution: Human Illumens.




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The Nature of Power in the Ascension Process


Power is stored or accessible energy. It can be wielded for the good of all, including you or the good of you, excluding others. It can be used to heal or empower others or to obtain power over others. To ascend from the rut of human enslavement, one must accumulate enough Power to see the flyers (a term used by Castaneda to describe the fragmented energies that exist in places of depressed energy) that feed off of you. You must have enough energy to protect yourself from entities that intend to frighten or weaken you. But most important, you must acquire enough energy to know about the Controllers and then see your own Controller. You cannot fight them for this feeds them. You must disengage consciously and discover that they have no power over you when you are conscious and focused in love.


This is indeed the path of Power... to see how reality on earth has been constructed. It was not always like this. Realize that this is a feminine planet controlled by a small masculine population. Both women and men will need to reconnect with the constant source of true Power, the power from the Feminine source. This power is accessed through the earth, through Gaia, who is realizing Herself as a source of the Divine Feminine. For us to access this ever-present wellspring of energy, we must plumb the depths of our soul. The pathway takes us into the depths of our shadow nature. However,  we are trained to avoid encountering all the unsavory and unexpressed feelings that make up our shadow.


From where does Power originate?


Power is innate. You are born with it.

Power is achieved. You work to acquire it.

Power is channeled. It comes through you when needed.

Power is given. It is gifted to you by someone who has the power to empower you.

Power is shared. It arises when two or more come together towards a common goal.

Power is liberated from within. It is dormant, then liberated by an event or through effort.


Once one begins to work in the realms of Power, they must learn the laws of protection. The use of Power attracts those who wish to acquire Power over others. There are others who crave power because they feel so empty inside. There are others who wish to have power without doing the necessary work to achieve it.


There are indeed vampiric beings who understand how to siphon energy and Power from others. Some have learned to use this siphoned energy to acquire wealth and influence. Some will be able to do this from afar and will feed off of their victims without their knowledge.


These beings, be they human or other, may go beyond their vampiric activity and create mayhem, weakness or sickness. In some cases they may suck the very life force out of their victims. They may act singularly or in groups. They may delight in weakening others so that they will gather Power. This whole drama has been acted out over the past millennia. We are just now seeing the underlying paradigm of dominance and denial of our birthright to live, connected to our Source of Power, the Divine in the world theater.


Power can also corrupt. There are those, who once they achieve one level of Power, crave more power. There is a saying, " Absolute Power corrupts." While this is not always true, it can be a temptation that humans fall prey to in their pursuit of success, thinking that this will lead to happiness.


It is for this reason that many of us block our access to Power. If Power is innately part of our energetic nature, why would we do this? Perhaps it is because deep down, we have negative associations with Power. What might these associations be?


Past misuse of Power. Invariably, in our many lifetimes here, we have had the experience of being in Power. In some cases, we did not have enough consciousness to realize the consequences of our actions. Our souls remember and the feeling of abuse of Power will linger as a bad taste.


Our power was misused by others. It is possible that our power was used by others to create mayhem. Misuse of our power by hidden forces is common. People who were used in Satanic cults sadly report being forced to use their power in rituals using black magic.


Participation in the misuse of Power by others. Powerful leaders have enticed many to do things that they would normally not do. Hitler’s regime proved this as has so many other dictators globally.


Fear of being overwhelmed by Power. The experience of Power moving through a body can be unsettling at best or at worst, disrupt the nervous system in such a way as to cause mental imbalance and insanity. We may have an innate, irrational fear in our subconscious that causes us to resist our power for fear that we will be overwhelmed by it.


Others misuse of Power. Seeing others misuse Power, such as political leaders, may leave a bad taste in our mouth. We eschew Power, thinking we do not want to be like them. We fail to realize that true Power comes from within and is our innate birthright.


Power is energy and we need energy to stay conscious on the path to our path to Ascension. Learn to acquire it through right action, to protect yourself in the process and to use it for the good of all, including yourself.


We will next talk about how to protect yourself on your path.


Dr. Valerie Girard


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The Eight Divine Configurations

8108726691?profile=originalWe have examined in energetic detail the components of the human configuration as viewed through The Corridor. As we draw closer to 2012, the Avatars wanted to give us a point of observation in our day-to-day experience that would allow us the possibility of becoming the witness rather than the victim of our ego, personality, mind, shadow and addictions. If you have embraced this work as many of our practitioners have, you have made great strides in being able to live in the present with less suffering.


You would not be asked to let go of your humanity without being offered an alternative, a divine one at that. The Avatars have now defined the components of the new 5D body. In addition to the upgraded chakra system, featured as the 5D Skeleton, they offer us the Eight Configurations.


We have already been introduced to several of these configurations. Each of the 5D Overtones are bundled in a group: the Streams, the Plumes, the Spheres, the Paths. These configurations have assisted us in observing the nature of the 5D Overtones.


The Eight Configurations exist to hold the 5D Frequencies as we ground them into Gaia. In doing so, they become the skeleton of our Light Body, assisting us in being able to ground, hold and manifest both 5th and 7th Dimensional frequencies. While we strive to shift our reality to 5D, we want to be able to hold 7D energies. For every one being who can ground and anchor the 7D frequencies, ten thousand other beings are affected.


In reality, the Eight Configurations are generated from a variety of sources. We always begin our work with the Divine Configurations by repeating the mantra of protection several times, which provides protection from the Angelic Realms.


CAD MA, SORE CHI DREY, COLE YA NAY, SVAH! Begin in your heart with a crystal sphere of protection and then grow that sphere around you with each SVAH! Extend it well above your crown and well below the feet.


The ADZA exists in the 7th Dimensional plane and generates the four Streams of AKNAR, JEZ~AHN, DREJ~DA, AH~ZHA. It is a repository of light that emits the streams downwards in a spiral so that they cross over each other at the point of penetrating the membrane that separates the 3D world from the higher dimensions. This membrane has been called the Dweller of the Threshold. This will be discussed at a later moment.


The CAD~RA exists as a connector or pathway to the Repository of the Kundalini or CAL~DRA. This is our Divine right, to flow with this creative force. The CAD~RA unfurls through the basement of the Corridor through our shadow, plugs into the CAL~DRA (Cauldron) and ushers the KENJA, (absolute presence) SAR~NANJ~AH’,(calm detachment) AHW-CHI, (magic)SEN~SHE (prescience) up and into consciousness.


The TI~KAH is offered to us as a regulatory configuration that tunes the Rings of Dreaming to operate in premium function mode. It emanates from deep within the Power Center and once activated, emits the CRI~YA ( Right Alignment) and the TEY~NANJ~AH (total awareness) within the Rings of Dreaming through uttering their power words. Turn and gaze into your Power Center as you say TI~KAH repeatedly. Then activate the flow of the two spheres, by repeating CRI~YA and then TEY~NANJ~AH.


8108726867?profile=originalThe CRI~SHRI exists as a special feature that forms when the frequencies of the AD~ZA and the CAL~DRA merge together. This merging creates an energetic crystalline matrix with triangular facets interwoven throughout the emergent field. This matrix has a deep capacity to hold the interplay between the streams and the plumes, forming deep consciousness. This configuration holds the thirteenth 5D overtone, the AH~ZHA~NAY. This consciousness will be used to merge with the eighth configuration, the DREN~JAH~SZA’ or the Matrix.


We also have access to Divine Intent or AH~KAI through the RAD~HA, the fourth configuration. When invoked, the RAD~HA opens as a slit at the level of the pubic bone to allow a flow of Divinity or Pure Innocence, the AH~KAI to flow upwards into consciousness. Repeat the mantra RAD~HA several times until you experience the slit opening. Then call forth the AH~KAI with its mantra, tracking the flow of Innocence as it moves up the front of the body and into consciousness.


As a group we have also worked with the SHA~LA.  We must journey deep into our center, located between the Heart and the Power Center to access this portal that sources our original light or the TEN~DA~SAH. As this pinpoint of light opens, we experience ourselves as Source. It is a mystery that must be experienced rather than understood. Activate the SHA~LA to open by repeating its mantra repeatedly then call forth the TEN~DA~SAH.8108727254?profile=original


Perhaps then, you will experience the opening of the Master Key, the TA~DZA~FEY in the Third Eye. This appears as a Golden three tiered lock that must be turned CW, CCW then CW as the mantra is invoked to open its powers. This configuration aligns you with the Masters and affords you an experience of the Golden Elixir.


When we have formulated our 5D vehicle, capable of holding incoming Divine frequencies, we will be able to link to the DREN~JAH~SZA, or the Matrix. Stay tuned and attuned for these future developments….


For more information, go to and share your comments.

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The message has been very strong from the Avatars: this is a most crucial moment in our evolution. Is it because of a change in worlds, as predicted by the Mayans in 2012? Perhaps, yet the moment is now. We have the potential to reconfigure our basis of reality to Divine. We also have the potential, as the human race, to continue on the course we are currently on: devolution.


Anything is possible in these next unfolding months. What we focus on has the most potential to manifest. With that in mind, the Avatars have inspired us to make a retreat.


Join us and other worldwide PanHarmonic Practioners for a 40 day retreat. This retreat is of your own design. It is conscious, with a specific goal: to gather energy to make a substantial shift. Retreats are very personal. Yet if we align ourselves with others with the same intent, it creates a greater spiritual focus that allows us to accumulate more energy with less work.


8108721882?profile=originalSo, we have begun. I am including our schedule here if you care to tune in with us. We will continue for a full nine weeks. During this time, discipline will be the key to creating more energy. Discipline allows us to focus on how energy moves in and out of us, gathering and expending. Creating a spiritual routine assists us in accumulating energy as we focus on gathering more energy than we expend. The key is to maximizing our efforts in acquiring energy is less out put with greater result or economy of energy.


In addition to increasing activities and focus on gathering energy is useful to observe how we expand energy unnecessarily.


Over eating.

Drinking beverages that change our state  (sugary, caffeine or alcohol).

Over exercising

Excessive talking on the phone

Unconscious engaging with media: TV, radio, magazines, non- inspirational movies, newspapers etc.



Overthinking, especially negative thoughts.

Addictive work behavior

Excess computer use

Engaging in any addictions

Lack of sleep

Lack of quietude and stillness


If you went to a retreat center to stay for nine weeks, you would engage in a variety of restful and spiritual activities like meditation, nature walks, silence, dharma talks and spiritual reading. You probably would be asked to work. This is called seva. Do you work now? Then make your work your seva. Do it with joy. This helps you accumulate energy.


Take moments when you are driving to work or chores to choose to think Divine thoughts and intentions. Here are some that are empowering:
















You may have other thoughts that you wish to energize. Choose your thoughts wisely. As you call in the 5D frequencies, you will be energizing that which you focus on.  More than anything, look for opportunities to LOVE. Let this be your mantra, LOVE LOVE LOVE. In the next missive, we will share a special meditation that was given to us from the Avatars regarding holding this frequency within our field at this most critical moment in our evolution.


Mediate with us LIVE on our live webcast meditations at three times a week during this important period. We can build more energy together to create the shift we need.


Monday nights 7:15 pm Los Angeles time.

Wednesday nights at 7 pm Los Angeles time.

Saturday am at 10 am Los Angeles time.


Click on  during those times and meditate with us live on PanHarmonic TV.




Dr. Valerie Girard and PanHarmonic Healing


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Join Us tonight LIVE for a free webtv meditation "Shift of Ages" at 7:15 pm California time, monday, August 29th. Connect to  to view, and press play. Join many practitioners in our 9 week practice together called "The Shift of Ages". This 9 week, free practice will help you acquire the necessary  Energy to create a dramatic shift by participating in  meditation, energy gathering, reconfiguration and evolution, together as a group.


Are you ready to shift? This is the question of the moment.


Can you feel the quickening? Are you having a feeling that “something is going to happen?”


Consider this: the shift to Fifth Dimensional Consciousness (5D)  has happened and you are gathering energy to perceive it. Yes, your 5D Self is activated and is preparing the path to your awakening. You must gather the necessary energy to perceive reality on a higher vibration.


To catch up with the group, learn the 5D overtones on our free videos here at :

Part I:  and

Part II:


We use vocal mantras and physical movements, or activations, to invoke the frequencies. Just practice these with the videos 10 minutes or more a day, and you will see your life change with more ease and flow. For more information, visit


Each of us strives to live the 5D way: conscious evolution, absolute presence, expanded knowingness, calm detachment and correct action, to name a few. The energy has dictated that we shift and continue to do so.


This is the moment to make the next shift. To do this, we must prepare. I have already shared ways that one can prepare in the next month of September for the eminent shift in the last missive. Now it is up to us to make the commitment to tune into the 5D reality that is forming as we speak.


There is a specific way to energize the 5D Self through your work with the 5D overtones. If one is able to engage with this process for forty days, a shift in consciousness is guaranteed. It requires intent and discipline to hone the connection between 3D reality and 5D reality


As you activate these frequencies, you will want to direct them specifically to the fourth ring at the superhuman level. Imagine the ring being four feet out and above the head. This area in your energy body is waiting to be energized with the 5D energies.


Join us tonight for a live web TV presentation, and every monday night, to participate in our 9 week practice together to create positive shifts in our lives and on the planet. Invite your friends, and join in live each monday night, Pacific time.


Shift Happens!




Dr. Valerie Girard and the Panharmonic Team 

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Shifting into the 5D Self

8108720901?profile=originalAre you ready to shift? This is the question of the moment.


Can you feel the quickening? Are you having a feeling that “something is going to happen?”


Consider this: the shift to 5D consciousness has happened and you are gathering energy to perceive it. Yes, your 5D Self is activated and is preparing the path to your awakening. You must gather the necessary energy to perceive reality on a higher vibration.


Shortly after we began to bring the 5D Overtones through our group of practitioners, I was called to make a big change in my work environment where I had practiced for twenty years. Within two months, I found myself in a new building, newly remodeled, with a new partner and a new staff. While it was a bit chaotic at first, I was able to sail through the shift. I fully credit the 5D Overtones, which I employed daily before going to work. Two months after shifting buildings, we were able to install a cohesive, beautiful, elegant environment into a small office building.


Those who enter the building comment, “the energy in here feels really good!” What I came to realize is that the 5D preceded us, guided the new staff and me into the practice. It called for the beauty that was magnetized into each treatment room provided for by a high vibrating artist who knew that she must show her work in a healing space. In addition, others came forward to assist us in creating the look and feel of the office.


Now, we are living it. Each of us strives to live the 5D way: conscious evolution, absolute presence, expanded knowingness, calm detachment and correct action, to name a few. The energy has dictated that we shift and continue to do so.


This is the moment to make the next shift. To do this, we must prepare. I have already shared ways that one can prepare in the next month of September for the eminent shift in the last missive. Now it is up to us to make the commitment to tune into the 5D reality that is forming as we speak.


There is a specific way to energize the 5D Self through your work with the 5D overtones. If one is able to engage with this process for forty days, a shift in consciousness is guaranteed. It requires intent and discipline to hone the connection between 3D reality and 5D reality


As you activate these frequencies, you will want to direct them specifically to the fourth ring at the superhuman level. Imagine the ring being four feet out and above the head. This area in your energy body is waiting to be energized with the 5D energies.


To do this, bring through the first 5D energy of AKNAR. Activate it into this 3D reality with AKNAR SA! Then bring it through into the etheric body with AKNAR KI. Then pull it into the physical body with AKNAR KA.


At this point, you are ready to direct the 5D frequency into the dreaming body. As you say AKNAR DRAJ, direct the 5D frequency into the Dreambody, allow the energies to flow clockwise around the body, two feet out. Circle one to five times as you say AKNAR DRAJ. When you sense that the ring is filled with this energy, elevate your focus upwards and outwards to the Fourth Ring. It is here that you will find and energize your Fifth dimensional manifestation. You may actually see yourself in form. You may wish to include the shamanic foot movements as outlined in the 5D videos.


The more you are able to store energy here, the more energy you will accumulate to shift into the ability to perceive your Fifth Dimensional Self.


As you acclimate to the 5D frequencies, you will begin to live them. You will experience your being as an energy body more than just a physical body. You will get acquainted with your Dreambody. As this awareness develops, you will expand your consciousness until it is entrained to hold the world of 5D. It is then that you enter the world of 5D, that you have been co-creating throughout your spiritual development.


To learn more go

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The Beginning of the End


I have been observing the commentary and suppositions regarding the Mayan Calendar endpoint. I trusted that I would receive information as needed. For quite some time, however, I have had a specific feeling about October 2011. It is neither a sense of doom or an abrupt ending. It is more a feeling of change


There is now strong information coming through about the need to prepare for this change throughout the month of September. I am getting the specific call to gather as much energy as possible to make a shift in consciousness. I am seeing to create a retreat within my own home and work place.


Here are some suggestions for those who must work while retreating.


  • Early to bed and early to rise.
  • Begin each day with the 5D meditation.
  • Simplify your diet eliminating foods and beverages that may affect your energy.
  • Eat as much raw vibrant food as possible.
  • Include fresh juicing.
  • Steams, saunas, warm soaks will nourish the physical vehicle.
  • Obtain energy balancing treatments such as chiropractic, acupuncture and massage whenever possible.
  • Meditate in the evenings when possible, at the same hour nightly.
  • Work with the Mudra Dance whenever possible.
  • Avoid socializing that may drain your energy
  • Pray for others.
  • Radiate 5D energy to the world whenever possible.
  • Gather with others to meditate.
  • Gather energy while in nature.
  • Engage in spiritual reading.
  • Observe the New Moon and the Full Moon with special attention to meditation and running the 5D’s.
  • Clear as much karma as possible in the Corridor.
  • Steer clear of the TV and other media that tie you into the Platform of Control
  • Intend your shift into 5D consciousness
  • Let your work be your dharma, staying connected to your Self
  • Create an altar at work to remind you of your Intent
  • Share your 5D energy whenever possible through your eyes and heart



I plan to create a schedule for the month and to invite others to join me in meditations. I will publish our times of meditation so that you may join us on the grid if you are not available to be with us.


If I were to tell you that this might be the most important opportunity in your life, it would not be an understatement. There exists an accumulation of the energy from so many worlds coming to completion. Whatever energy you apply to this moment in your life called September will assist you in reaping the flow of much higher frequencies that will be available to those who have the energy to perceive them.


Then in truth, you will prepare for the beginning of the beginning. The Avatars are clear about one thing: that you must have the energy to make the shift. How are you going to acquire it?


Join us at Join our community for updates from the Avatars on this shift in energy. Better yet, get started on bringing through the 5D frequencies as others have and enjoy the grace and flow of the 5D unfolding life. Watch these easy to view videos on how to employ this meditation into your daily life.



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HI Friends,

Join us tonight, Monday, at 7:20 pm Los Angeles time, for a live webstream of "Activating your 5th Dimentional Self".

We are now ready to introduce the powerful 5D overtones into our practice. I have found this to be the most powerful practice I have ever employed on my spiritual path. As mentioned, this practice was not to be released until all twelve 5D Overtones were grounded into the human atom, activated and embodied by a critical mass of practitioners.

As you will recall, we activated the 5D Skeleton in one of our previous missives. Since that offering, the practitioners have employed it, both in a meditative stance as well as in Activation form.

Join us tonight at


The PanHarmonic Team
Visit PanHarmonic Healing at:


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