The Arcturians And The Arcturian Solar System

Next up on the Galactic blogs will be one of the most talked about Non Human civilizations in the Galaxy the Arcturians who are a tall horse-like group of beings who are known for being great healers. All info is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Present Status And Location

In the late spring and early summer skies of the Northern Hemisphere, the constellation of Bootes is located between Ursa Major and Virgo. Arcturus, or Alpha Bootes is the brightest star in the Bootes constellation, a glittering orange giant approximately 37 Light Years from our planet. After Sirius, Canopus, or Alpha Carina and Alpha Centauri, Arcturus is the brightest star in the Heavens and sits, pointed toward Spica, the brightest star in the constellation of Virgo. The Arcturus Confederation (Known to its inhabitants as the Confederation of Hadmos Sankh) was a charter member Star-Nation of the Galactic Federation Of Light. Arcturus is one of the Star-Nations that comprise the Arcturus Federation Regional Council. Arcturus, one of 24 members of the Galactic Federation Regional Council, is seated next to our own future district assembly, The Sirian Regional Federation Council.


Arcturian Solar System And Description Of Home Worlds

The Solar System of Alpha Bootes contains eight planets. Like most Solar Systems in this Galaxy, the four outer planets are huge 'gas giants', similar in size and appearance to our planets Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Orbiting at the center of this Solar System is a semi-arid world that is approximately one-third the size of Neptune and Uranus (about 9,800 miles or 15,700 kilometers) in diameter. This planet is of particular significance because she supports a chain of dedicated colonies, originating on the Arcturian home world, which is constantly in use. The planet's drier climate is much more congenial to colonists and to the pilgrims, who arrive from Hadmos Sankh to take part in their consecrated planet-keeping rituals. For the most part, they celebrate these ceremonies in large, desert temples adjacent to small, sacred colonies located on major planetary nodes. Enveloped in this special, positive energy, they are able to increase their legendary healing powers. The rituals performed here sustain this intensified energy, enabling the Arcturians to achieve almost impossible feats of healing on the individuals and societies who enter their sacred circles. The planet next closest to their sun serves as home world for the Arcturus Confederation. She is the third planet from Ya'Ju'r known to her natives as Hadmos Sankh. At first glance from space, the home world of Hadmos Sankh closely resembles our planet. Unlike the Earth, however, she contains eight large continents surrounded by nine oceans and is nearly 9,000 miles in diameter. This mother world possesses a three-tiered firmament, which supports an ecosystem remarkable for its wide variety of life forms. The home world's climate is semi-tropical and cooler only at her poles. Like all planets, Hadmos Sankh is hollow, with an inner world populated, even for this ecosystem, by some very exotic creatures. The inhabitants of the Arcturus Confederation, who number 950 million, live in special crystal cities scattered throughout her inner-planet realm. The two innermost Arcturian planets are small, barren worlds that possess little or no atmosphere. Both are well known for their extremely erratic orbits, which cause them to frequently criss-cross one another. The outer is less than 2,000 miles in diameter. The inner is slightly more than 1,500 miles in diameter.


Arcturian Galactic Society

The people of Alpha Bootes created their own unique, eight clan galactic society, based upon the original, six-clan Human Lyran/Sirian model. In a departure from this classic example, the people of Ya'ju'r added two additional clans. The first, called the Sak He'Maat or 'Healing Logic' clan, develops techniques that allow certain restorative procedures to be performed in a more holistic way. That is, this tribe's crucial task is to preside over the development and use of the healing arts. The second, called the Medical Records or Lik'Co'Sat'Duk clan, is also unique to Arcturus. Its purpose is to guide society by demonstrating that the healing arts are a living, organic Being that can assist people in carrying out their sacred work. A traditional Human Galactic Society consists of a governing council and, beneath it, a series of clan councils. Below them is a system six, eight, or twelve clans, which are divided according to function, eg. medical, administrative or spiritual clans. Arcturian society is different from others in that it is governed by a true ruling council. The organization of their clan system is slightly different, as well: clan councils are set up as 'healing' or 'grace' modules. Each module is based upon finding within its members a way to express grace and create an energy pattern that allows that same grace to be expressed within a given group. The Arcturians use this clan system-equivalent as a means by which to express grace. Between each group, Arcturians maintain liasons whose purpose is to unite the different aspects of grace, creating what they refer to as 'grace synthesis modes'. Grace modes allow planetary healing to be sent out into the galaxy, into other dimensions, and throughout the universe. At this point, the process becomes what they call their 'core'. By transmitting different aspects of grace mode to other parts of physicality, the Arcturians are able to create grace and allow it to heal those groups and others. The Arcturians believe that their highest purpose is to use their gift for providing divine grace to heal each aspect of physicality, allowing them to realize their maximum potential. In such a way, through the power of loving care and healing, all of physicality can become open to the sum-total of its knowledge and wisdom. The philosophy underpinning the Arcturian culture is a belief that the foundation of a fully conscious Being exists in her/his capacity to heal another - that is, the power to bring another species or individual of that species to a point where they feel at peace and free of stress. The Arcturians produce these circumstances through a process that they 'divine healing grace'. They are skilled practitioners who have learned how to create and maintain such a condition. They consider it one of their missions as fully conscious Beings, and strive to maintain an ever-expanding galactic state of divine healing grace.


Arcturus' Role In Creating An Expanded Galactic Federation

For the Arcturians, part of first contact has been the supervision of the Galactic Federation Of Light Medical Teams. This involves creating a situation in which grace is felt and becomes one with the processes of healing and transformation. For that reason, when dealing with an Arcturian healing grioup, you feel embraced in Love and compassion and enfolded in the energy of grace. Grace becomes an energy, a sense that all is well and comfortable, or 'in grace'. Arcturian society is primarily concerned with divine comfort and divine nurturing. That is what they have been doing for a long, long time - working to create a succesful galactic society that is solidly rooted in creating and giving this divine grace to others. During the past few years, The Arcturians have applied their skills to all of the many Reptilian, Dinosaurian, and Insectian groups who, while not fully comprehending the exact nature of the Galactic Federation Of Light, still are eager to transform their societies tyrannical to galactic. Through participation in the Arcturus Confederacy's different healing activities, these former Anchara Alliance foes are learning to become more a part of the Galactic Federation Of Light. Such interactions have helped to impart to them the concepts of divine grace and its use in healing the various afflictions in their societies. As a result, the former Ancharans are able to examine major issues, such as trust, and their apprehension in confronting the approaching transcendent change in new and more constructive ways. The Arcturians' ability to exibit and openly express grace, and their skill in demonstrating the creation of useful healing modalities, provided effective solutions to many potentially complex situations within the former Anchara Alliance's far flung empires. This factor helped the Galactic Federation Of Light forge ahead dramatically in unifying the many divergent members of the Anchara Alliance who had joined the Galactic Federation Of Light not to long ago. Numerous cultural exchanges have made substantial contributions in helping to overcome these feelings of deep unease. Arcturian healing teams have trained many Anchara Alliance star empires in the optimal techniques for proceeding with the much-needed changeover. In addition, healing study groups that these former galactic foes sent to Arcturus have given them a better understanding of the steps required to change their societies. These sessions focussed on the importance of retaining certain cultural nuances in the process of carrying out a reevaluation, with grace, of our entire society.


Description Of The Arcturians

Arcturians are a highly sentient mammalian species that looks very much like like a horse. They have a rather tall, slender body with a somewhat stylized horse's head. Arcturian skin color ranges from a vanilla shade to a very dark brown. A mane grows on the back of their neck and head, and they have an extremely thin tail that only slightly resembles that of a horse. Their arms, legs and bodies seem very muscular, and their hands end in fingers that are very long, supple and extremely thin. Arcturian eyes are much bigger than those of Earth Humans and are either pale blue or dark brown in color. In some ways, their ears correspond to those of a horse, but are smaller and more rounded than their Earthly counterparts. Arcturian males stand from 7 feet to almost 8 feet, 6 inches tall. Female heights vary from just below 7 feet to almost 8 feet, 2 inches. The clothing of the Arcturians is noticeably different. The people of Ya'Ju'r adopted flowing, ankle-length, harem-style pants in the bright colors that identify their clan. Matching sheer outer bare one shoulder, most often the left, and are either waist- or knee-length. Instead of ribbons or epaulettes, a series of special graphic designs on the blouse, along with its color, serve to indicate the wearer's office and honors. Aboard Galactic Federation Of Light spacecraft, Arcturians wear a one- or two-piece jumpsuit. The two-piece design more closely resembles the ancestral Arcturian costume. Pants are relaxed in fit, while the top extends just below the waist like a popular, traditional Arcturian style. Like the off-duty outfit, the jumpsuit takes the colors and graphic designs and graphic designs of the wearer's clan. The boots, a necessary component of the uniform, are designed to merge with the pants as a seemingly continuous unit. The Arcturian diet consists of food resembling creamed vegetables, or multi-colored salads. The people from this confederation usually require only 1 to 3 hours of sleep a day. Arcturians are celebrated in the Galactic Federation Of Light for their mastery of healing and for their marked proficiency in Science and Philosophy.


Arcturian Ships

Two different Arcturian craft belong to the first contact fleet that monitors our planet regularly. The first, an all-purpose scout ship, is diving bell-shaped, and has a diameter of 80 to 90 feet. It is part of the fleet that observes our planet every day. The second is a low orbit to upper atmosphere command mothership. Small, lens-shaped and over 1,000 to 3,000 ft long, it serves as carrier for 40,000 science liason officers who coordinate the preliminary data analysis for the sector quadrants to which the mothership is assigned.




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  • Very good post and it is also true,for they performed an operation on me. Here is my story;back in 94 after my trip to Belize I was in Tao's NM. I had obtained a case of the Book '' We the Acturians'' and was selling them at the Flea markets. At the end of the book it told how make contact with them,so I applied the info one night as I went to bed it was 11pm.all of a sudden I felt myself being transported up through my roof of the camper I was living in. The next thing I remember I was up on the mother ship, I was kindly greeted by different beings,we talked a short while and they then gave me a tour of the ship. I have seen a number of ships and some up close but I don't remember being beamed up on any of them,so I was not scared about what was happening to me, reading the book helped also.

    After the tour they did a medical exam on me and said I was in need of operation on my skull and brain that pressure was building up there. In 72 I had a motorcycle accident with serious injuries to my body and my skull was flattened from not having a helmet on.They said the pressure would increase and cause me pain in the future. So I agreed to the operation. They were very kind, I seen many kinds of beings there but no horse like creatures. The ones who did the procedure were blue in color and had long necks, I also seen others who were more human like who did most of the talking.I don't remember anything of the operation except when I woke up the said it was a success and that I should go back to my camper and rest for awhile. Next thing I knew I was descending through the roof of my camper.

    At 1st I was confused and had little memory of what had just happened, I thought I was coming back because the mission was a failure, so I looked at my clock and it was 4-AM, wow that means I was up on the ship for 5hrs. and then slowly my memory returned to me. I didn't tell many people about this encounter, especially my family for they would not believe me.I did write a bit in my last e-book about it though and prof I had of it. While writing the book I got a small mole on the corner of my right eye and I also found a scar on the edge of the eye,curios I checked the other eye and there was a small scar there as well. I the days that followed I found a cord of some kind coming from the scar up over the eye and going into a hole cut into the end of my noise up into the brain on both sides. I now had prof of the operations. I showed some and played with it for some time, which was a mistake for it started leaking, that is my eyes started watering or leaking tears and is still leaking today many years later. Now I need to contact them again ,to fix that and other problems I have from the accident.But I lost the book. I hope you liked the story. For it proves they truly are healers. Adonai rev. Joshua
  • Glad you enjoyed Drekx. I love how they are awesome healers. I would definitely rather have them heal me then have the corrupt doctors we sadly have right now operate on me. Thank God I never need doctors lol. I actually think he would say that ship is swamp gas or an optical illusion lol :P
  • Bravo Justin.....This is accurate data anent the Acturians, rather than the more commonplace New Age community "data," that so many fake "channels" post about them...(Bald and grey, indeed...Tut, rut..! )

    Indeed, as depicted here, they are horse-like and a reminder that being sentient, much as the bear-like beings of Lakwedak, their faces are highly expressive, just as humans are and not completely like the animal versions of themselves....Horse animals have very fixed faces, in comparison....Virtually expressionless...

    And I'll post that excellent London video here, for all to see their ships....Both types described here, as well....The lenticular mothership and the many scouts, flitting....

    Maybe Vlada will suggests that they are weather balloons, but we know better....LOL
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