Darth Vindex's Posts (58)

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How I stop cyberbullies.......

Probably the best way for you to stop cyberbullies is to get yourself kicked off the places where they´re most frequent.

And if cyberbullies such as a few delusional admins and troll hunters try to go to some of the places where I have accounts , I usually ban them so they can´t find out where I am , or they´ll ban me.

They ban you when they´ve had enough and can´t bully you anymore.

And that´s the moment when they leave themselves most vulnerable.

What you do is you gather like 23 to 33 people and get them to create many enough accounts to create many enough identities and then the identities are sold out to the bullies as bully promoters.

In turn the bullies are trained to attack each other by the bully promoters who in turn encourage the bullies to take down their own websites.

Usually a year passes on after that - if the website does not return , it´s permanently dead , and the bullies can´t hurt you at least on that site.

So far none of the bullies attacking me have to my knowledge been feds.

All you do is you get the bully to attack you and then you frequently ask questions about how the site is doing once you´re kicked off , and the bully usually never knows until one day - the bully suddenly feels attacked on all sides by what appears to be nearly 100 different individuals who may be anywhere between 23 to 50 or even 100 in number if there is no need to create separate identity accounts to get the bully to waste their energy so they don´t have any energy to fight you back when you return with your army.

When  you finally do return , the bully knows that you´ve become the admin of a website they can´t handle or have access to or use in the way they used their own website or websites.

Now you´ve got a problem - somebody said something you like and somebody else said they were bullying - now what do you do?

1. Wait until there is unrest within the Corporation or when the employees are not working as hard as they´d otherwise do.

2. Send newcomers to the Corporation to become many enough to cause major impact on Corporate policies.

3. Make sure that if anybody gets close to the Corporation´s board of directors , or even the director or directors , try to write the instructions manual or rewrite an already existing one.

4. Once you´ve formed the Corporation´s ethics policy , you gain control over it´s Ethics.

5. You convince the Corporation´s chief command that the people you enlist to become eligible as employees , get extra bonuses or more work hours of their own choosing.

6. You promote natural inequality and oppose no go zone creation.

7. You train your bosses after your own ethics guidelines to make them take up your ethical system , and once they´ve done that , you move your way slowly in , or back in if you got fired last time.

8. You slowly take over the corporation or the bully network by getting the bullies into a fight with each other , so they´ll keep their eyes off you , meanwhile , you work as long as you want , and the less you work but the more you work while you´re working the better.

9. Now the bullies promote you - if any of them try to attack you , they´ll be attacked by other bullies , or by the people you trained to keep them off your track.

10. Once everyone is fighting everyone else in the corporation but you and your trainees , you recommend that to ease the situation , people you recommend assist those in charge - at that moment , the Corporation either chooses to continue , or has got to periodically or finitely self - destruct.

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What if......there is already peace on Earth?

Let´s ask ourselves a honest to goodness question - what if peace has been realized worldwide and that people are being kept in the dark about it?

It´d mean that most of the arms manufacturers selling weapons for war would go out of business and there´d be no reason for gun control.

If there´s no need for a Biblical Antichrist and no need for a Qu´aranic Dajaal , doesn´t that mean peace in the Middle - East?

What if peace in the Middle - East has already been realized and that most people are not being told?

What if that is one of the reasons for what some call ´Pallywood´?

It´s not enough to be just in control over the State of Israel to create the impression that the Middle - East is being engaged in constant warfare.

A few uprising here and a few destroyed statues there don´t create the impression that an all out war has occured on that place.

And most of the war places that people are being told about in the mainstream media such as Uganda appear to be carefully selected regions desired to manufacture conflicts for the mainstream media.

What if worldwide war is one of the biggest lies of modern times?

It´d explain the real reason for 9 - 11 , with thought projections by millions being used to ´bring down the towers´and even perhaps project them prior to demolition.

What if there is no real alien invasion going on? That´d mean there´d be global peace on Earth.

No demonic invasion either? Of course! Most demonic possession cases I have heard about happen in isolated regions that have got little or nothing to do with regional conflict of any kind.

Are people starting to get the big picture here?

What if one of the biggest blasphemies might be to say that there is already peace on Earth amidst ´all the regional conflights´?

I´m not experiencing a regional conflight right now or a war.

Most of the footage people got shown of Syria and Egypt and Lybia and so on is reported to have been manufactured in Nevada and other U.S. locations - maybe some of it was manufactured in or produced in Egypt , maybe not.

What do people do when they´re told that there´s war briefing?

They begin go stocpile themselves with more arms than they´d need if there was real war briefing because in a real war situation you get whatever arms that are near you or you take any arms you think´ve been left by a comrade or by the enemy.

What if , war on Earth is one of the biggest lies ever sold?

Remember the little known Japanese Anime the Venus Wars? People were constantly being told that there was a war going on and there was a small group of people who controlled both sides and there was a mainstream media who sold all the war stories and when people finally saw the truth they began to realize that the Ishtarians didn´t want war and nobody else did and that they had been lied to. A scene was shown of a car driving through the Venusian landscape and as the film ended , people felt reliefed to know that the truth about the real war had been exposed - the Ishtarians and everyone else had been fooled to think that there was real war going on by the mainstream media on Venus. The biggest lie in the Venus War film was that there was war on Venus , because no war means no war Profiteers. No war news therefore means no war news Profiteers.

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Well it´s scary because I think it´s true.

Yet I´m not claiming it´s true ´because I´ve got spiritual discernment´, etc.

I´m claiming that I think it´s true , because I am starting to sincerely believe so.

Somebody told me here recently , a few people , maybe 2 , maybe even 3 , that there was a nuclear explosion in Fukushima.

We´ve all heard of nuclear explosions. But they´ve been known officially for just a few decades , so why haven´t they been known earlier?

´Oh the Ancient Indian Peoples had access to high tech weaponry and some of that was nuclear weaponry´- well folks the Vedas speak of the use of gravitational weaponry , not nuclear weapons and most of the translations done of the Vimana manuscripts are post 1940´s , etc. translations - so how could the Ancient Indian People have known how to produce a weapon which in all probability has never been produced by anyone , let alone tested by anyone?

So for how long has the story about Fukushima been going on right now?

Well let´s start with the beginning.

´In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God´.

Indeed , language is the common source of all knowledge in most of human society today - including English , including languages such as Japanese.

Who speaks most today? It´s not me. It´s the mainstream media.

Who was first with the news about Fukushima? The mainstream media.

Remember whom we all got to be told is the biggest liar of all? The Government.

Remember whom we all got to be told is the biggest lying tool of The Government?

Oh yeah , the phenomenon known as the mainstream media.

Remember whom we all got to be told is the biggest , alternative liar to the Mainstream Media?

Oh yeah , the Alternative Media , so people´d think there was being an alternative to the Mainstream Media.

About 15 years ago people were so well informed that it was nearly totally impossible for the mainstream media to sell them ´alternative news media sources´, so they decided to separate and divide themselves into two sections and became publicly known as the mainstream media on one hand and the alternative media on the other.

What has this got to do with Fukushima?


I just decided to do what everybody else does when presented with claims that the apparently impossible is really possible and that is to ask them how that is really so.

How it is really so that there´s a big , evil nuclear reactor out there peopled with other big , evil nuclear reactors and they hate reporters and they apparently hate Russians.

These ´supposedly evil´Fukushima reactors even supposedly hate Russian Chernobyl experts.

What have they got so much to say against Chernobyl experts?

Well one of the first places I got to go to is known by the web page sincedutch.com.

Are you beginning to get the picture?

Well you´ll probably ask me to keep my mouth shut or else I´ll be spanked.

So I´m going to tell you I know fully well that the way the Fukushima story is presented to you by the mainstream media so that you can feed off the fear associated with further spreads of this story is very understandable in light of how sad this story is supposed to be.

The story goes that one of the major mainstream media sources behind all the Fukushima ´nuclear meltdown´information , was publicly known as the Cybertribe Network.

The Cybertribe Network declared publicly that a nuclear meltdown was taking place on the Fukushima site and that the reactors there were supposedly nuclear reactors. People got so scared that they didn´t give themselves enough time to ask for proof positive that these were indeed being nuclear reactors.

But according to Wikipedia , tales of Fukushima have been going on since the year 1967.

One of the most famous interviews in light of what´s being talked about concerning Fukushima and fearmongoering , is one done with a person known publicly as Arnie Gunderson.

The whole interview is known simply as the Arnie Gunderson Interview.

Two major media information sources on Fukushima , have been Alex Jones , and a certain ´Docatomics´on youtube who got famous for saying that ´the truth screws with no one´.

According to the article I read on the sincedutch.com website , ´indeed there was no fire at Fukushima reactor 4 , and also the picture used by cybertribe / seer was a fake one´.

There can´t be both a nuclear disaster and no nuclear disaster having taken place at the same time during the same timeline.

So either it did happen , or it didn´t , and if it didn´t happen , you´re not being told the truth.......

According to the article ´10 reasons why Fukushima is a Hoax´, Russian scientists with knowledge of Chernobyl offered the Japanese help several times following the course of events since the nuclear meltdown had been declared to have taken place , but their offer of help was not accepted. Shortly after I revisited the website in an attempt to copy and paste material from it the link to the article was somehow cut off from the page so I could only see certain parts because I don´t have a godlike productions account.

Godlike productions is a major mainstream media source , so is infowars.com.

I decided to test claims that tuna from Japan was polluted with nuclear radiation by eating Tuna that is sold in Icelandic stores because if Japanese Tuna is polluted from nuclear radiation that´d mean that Thai Tuna´d be polluted and most of our Tuna is bought from Thailand or produced there. Surprise surprise. Nothing happened to me and I´m fine!!!!

If you were being the Japanese Government , would you just let a nuclear reactor explode and do nothing about it? I don´t think so.

Would you allow such a reactor to work after 1967 , knowing in advance that in the far future it might explode if there´s too much preassure on it?

Absolutely no.

Would you want your country to be polluted beyond pollution removal , leaving you therefore unable to control your country´s population?


Wouldn´t you rather want to manufacture a worldwide nuclear threat , in cooperation with the United States Federal Government while leaving the majority of the Japanese people uninformed about the extent of the threat from weapons of mass deception?

Of course you would.

You´d wait for the right opportunity and that came with the 2011 Japan Earthquake.

You´d then wait for an official story to be quietly handed over to the U.S. - an argument took place between the Rockefellers and Japanese officials , and if the Japanese officials wouldn´t agree with the Rockefellers the Rockefellers would cause an ´event´to happen in Japan to suit their economical needs. But if you´re the Rockefellers would you want your reputation to be damaged ´in light of that´? No and again , no. Yet that is one of the numerous official versions of the Fukushima event. So according to the Fukushima believers , the Rockefellers can cause earthquakes and nuclear disasters if people don´t do exactly as they want. I wonder if the Rockefellers can cause socks to drop from shelves in cloth stores as well - I wouldn´t be surprised if that gets to become the next ridiculous Rockefeller conspiracy nonsense.

For days , the mainstream media kept reporting and spreading news about the Fukushima reactor. What if , since 1968 , the Fukushima reactors have not been operating and it´s one of the biggest coverups of all time?

What if those were electric energy production reactors used to spread clean , electric energy while they had been passed on officially as nuclear or even hydrogen fuel reactors?

That´d mean that there´d be no ground for billions of money to be spent on the Fukushima ´event´ to benefit or suit the economical needs of tons of special interest groups.

Those groups wanted money and one way for the Japanese government to give them that money was to keep spreading the rumor that the Fukushima power plant was anything else than just another power plant.

There´re tons of power plants that produce electric power , and they´re just like Fukushima.

The company that produced the Fukushima electric power plant , if it is an electric power plant , got blamed , and I find it strange that the people in charge of that company haven´t sued the Japanese Government.

I also find it strange why ´victims of Fukushima´are not suing the Japanese Government for ´irresponsible behavior in light of the Fukushima nuclear disaster´, provided it is indeed a nuclear disaster - or is it the case I´ve not heard the news?

Then there is the story about Fukushima and flying saucers. If I was space aliens and had the power to prevent a nuclear disaster from happening I´d do that before the disaster strikes to make sure it does not happen , rather than do it after shit hits the fan.

Are people starting to get the big picture here?

How many who´ve been talking about ´the Fukushima nuclear disaster´actually live near Fukushima?

Remember 9 - 11 and how easy it was to sell out the idea that it was ´all because of the Taleban´?

Think Fukushima is any different with all the stories about supposedly magnificent ´electronic company terrorists´?


Remember how the laws of physics require there to be atoms so they can be exploded? Since there are no atoms , just atomic particles , what are nuclear fuel reactors? They´re atomic particle fuel reactors!!!!. What is ´nuclear radiation´? It´s atomic particle radiation because atoms don´t exist , just atomic particles. Why are these reactors called ´nuclear power fuel reactors´? Because power is generated from harnessing the energy found in the cores of atomic particles. Those cores are really suns , like the inner sun in each planet , and when one atomic particle is formed , it´s ´inner sun´s´twin forms at the same time , forming another atomic particle which moves in an opposite direction - with the formation of the two particles caused by an interconnecting wormhole. That´s how the ´radiation´spread when Chernobyl happened and that´s how all atoms send messages to each other via the spread of different levels of atomic radiation. Atomic radiation is a natural process that´s happening all the time. Yet you´re being lied to by the mainstream media and told that it´s an evil process that causes you to die if you go too near it.

In turn you get told that nuclear radiation is caused by fallout from atoms that have been exploded. But if there are no atoms then how can something that does not exist explode?

It thus holds that , so - called ´atomic´or ´nuclear radiation´is known by it´s other , much less known name , or ´atomic particle radiation´.

Many centuries ago there lived a philosopher , a Greek philosopher known by the name of Democritus who created a myth known as ´the atomic myth´. It described the nature of extremely small creatures and even extremely small body parts that composed ´all of matter´and that those were ´atoms´. Are people starting to get the big picture here? After it got found out that Democritus was being wrong or was just plain lying , a few people at that time who wanted to keep the knowledge that there are no atoms secret to themselves , decided to create a club which´d eventually become publicly known as ´the nuclear club´. This club´s overall membership had a religion which declared that atoms are tiny , round things , and that they don´t operate the way Democritus described them ´because they´re not being what Democritus was describing them as being´. Because the realization for why that is so , would mean that people´d realize that there are no atoms and thus that atomic radiation does not exist. Later advances in physics research would eventually led to the truth - that what people had called atoms all the time , is really known as atomic particles , and that they can´t be used to produce energy which in turn can be shared with millions of people - instead , the most radioactive among them can , giving the right , economical conditions , produce just enough radiation by dissection because when you dissect an atomic particle like a typical Cesium particle , you increase radiation dozes coming from within it´s inner sun. If you are being the Japanese Government and the mainstream media would you want to share this knowledge with the Japanese people? No. You´d tell them that all of matter is composed of atoms and that those atoms are fixed , and the reason for why is because of ´atomic energy´and when that energy is burnt , it produces a natural reaction known commonly as , you guessed right , atomic radiation. But if there are no atoms , there is no atomic radiation.

So what happened in Chernobyl then was actually , in my honest to goodness opinion , a very severe case of atomic particle radiation which had gotten spread from an exploded atomic particle fuel reactor - not a nuclear reactor.

The Japanese Government couldn´t risk telling the Russian Chernobyl Experts of that - because that´d have made the Russian Chernobyl Experts tell the world. And that´d have meant that Fukushima is not as dangerous of a situation as you´re being told by the mainstream media , and that therefore the world is safer than you´re being told by the mainstream media.

There´s a little known book I have sometimes borrowed from the University Library and it´s title is Atomism. That is the name of the philosophy which the Atomic Cult sold to the masses as Atomic Physics , so that people´d buy it and think that weapons of mass destruction exist that can destroy the planet , and that there are evil atoms everywhere that can be used to fuel evil nuclear reactors , and that these evil nuclear reactors apparently hate Russian Chernobyl Experts so much that they´re not allowed near countries where they explode if they offer any help or advise to the governments of those countries.

According to the official version of Fukushima , the Fukushima reactors that ´exploded´actually melted from the inside , which´d mean that they didn´t explode but melt from the inside , so that´d mean that a lot of mainstream media photos and videotapes concerning Fukushima could be , and may indeed be so in my opinion , fakery.

If people can be duped about 9 - 11 , why not Fukushima?

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The Handler

The Handler is a Science Fiction Story which takes place in the year 3158 , and whose main character is Joseph Vermeer , a painter hired to check on that everybody living on board Earth´s Ring´s vast city - complex follow the rules , especially the rule about no sex between higher than average couples.

Joseph Vermeer is having a problem. His wife doesn´t understand him , and he´s being hunted by relentless enemies whose soul objective is to ensure sexual freedom to all , knowing fully well the enormous risks practicing that freedom to it´s fullest potential will bring to the rest of those who live inside the Ring , and those who live on Earth´s Surface and those who live on the Earth´s inside.

Welcome to the wonderful world of not Oz , but Vermeer........who knows how to paint a Vermer , and defend himself in a world where being human has ever the importance and significance and the associated flaws as today.

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Oddball Channeling. How real suns work.......

Real Suns are not millions of degrees hot.

After I bought the book the Tapestry of Astrophysics , I began to ask myself questions very few people had asked themselves before - such as ´why is it that our sun looks so different from the suns in this book?????´

Here are several facts listen on real suns.

1. Real Suns do not produce Sunspots. Sunspots have only been known on Earth for about 200 and slightly more years. How can they then be found elsewhere???

2. Real Suns are not millions of degrees hot. If you produce millions of degrees in a cold enough space , what you produce is warmth , not extreme heat. Real suns are so warm that any space shuttle on Earth could pass right through them. Don´t you find it interesting that all the space shuttles that entered and reentered Earth´s orbit never experienced exposure to extremes in heat caused supposedly by the Sun? Instead they experienced exposure to extremes in heat caused by the Earth´s magnetic field , not the Sun.

3. Real Suns do not have edges. So the things we´re being told having edges , actually don´t have them. We´re told they´re all the Sun and that they´re all the Moon and that they´re all different objects. So I asked dad about this and I asked him how the Sun can be seen in over 43 different locations at the same time in my native country when real suns are supposed to have no problem being seen when their neighbouring planets orbit them. Dad had no idea how to respond to my quiery after having accused me of being a major league bull shitter. All I did was ask him where this Sun was he claimed to have seen along thousands of other Icelanders. We debated hotly about the objects that the mainstream media had been told were being the Sun. How can they all be the Sun if they´re all sitting over the same countries during the sunset? Something must be very wrong here if that is in fact the case , because I feel it just doesn´t work according to the laws of physics.

4. When there is a solar eclipse , the moon or planet experiencing it never vanishes nearly completely , leaving nothing but a solar corona. Yes there are solar coronas , but no edges. No sun has got an edge. All the solar eclipses we see in the solar system are caused by interferences between the planets and their moons in the case of those planets that have got moons. But look at Venus. Surprise surprise. On Venus you´ve got no Moon , anymore than on Earth , so no solar eclipse goes on there. Solar eclipses can´t both happen and not happen at the same time , contrary to what mainstream science has been lying to you about for years!!!!

5. Exposure to solar activity produces cancer. No , cancer is produced by lack of exposure to oxygen , not solar ray exposure.

6. You can produce solar energy on Earth. Bullshit. Solar energy can only be produced if you use a sun as it´s ultimate power source. Let´s call what we used to call solar energy Earth´s energy. You can still use the Earth´s energy nonetheless to power all the devices you had been lied to about the mainstream media were being powered by solar rays.

7. You can´t look at suns. This is one of the most obvious fables about suns that we know about that can be easily disproved - every night I´m looking at the suns that are called stars and I´m doing fine doing so and yes , I don´t do ´sun gazing´. I avoid looking at these objects people used to call the Sun before the Sun and Moon Hoax were exposed as if those objects were being the plague except when they´re lit during the night because during the night it´s ok to look at them.

8. Suns create black holes. No. Gravitational preassure creates black holes which in turn creates a sun. All suns are wormholes and so they all connect. A sun is basically a point where a wormhole ends , so each sun has got a twin operating at it´s opposite end. This is in my opinion one of the most important , fundamental laws of all of astrophysical science.

9. The Sun will destroy the Earth in the next few years. It´ll not. If it doesn´t exist it can´t hurt you. If it isn´t producing solar flares because it doesn´t exist it will not hurt you. And yes , suns can be unevenly hot , but they´ll not produce solar flares. Most suns I´ve heard of are , I guess , in all probability pretty much harmless. They´ve got no interest in ending the world economy. Since they´re oblivious to economies I can reason pretty much they´re doing fine without all the pro ´Suns end worlds´bullshitters. Suns don´t swallow whole solar systems to produce black holes. When you see a planet or a moon drawn near a wormhole , I´ll be assuming it´ll go near the wormhole , but will not be swallowed by it´s associated suns per ce.

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Rumor has it that atomic bombs had been deployed over Hiroshima and Nagasaki and that ´the reason for why was because the Japanese people were so dumb that they decided to attack Pearl Harbor so they had to be punished´.

Japan is not stupid , and the Japanese are not stupid either.

The fact appears to be the case , that the Japanese have been lied to.

Now that most people have become accustomed to the exposure of the UFO ´ET Coverup and the Hollow Earth Coverup , think about the Atomic Coverup.

If you google ´atomic hoax´, you´ll get instant access to youtube videos and other documents that show how most of the atomic explosion footage people have been sold by the mainstream media , appears to be fake.

People get told stories about all kinds of horrifying atomic experiments supposed to have taken place in Japan.

If that was the case , there´d be nobody living in Japan today.

It´s like saying that the Fukushima reactor was a nuclear reactor - it was a hydrogen fuel reactor , not a nuclear reactor. If it was a nuclear reactor , I think there´d be nobody living in Japan today.

I began to seriously question the existence of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear attacks when a neighbor of mine showed me a stone sent to Iceland from one of these places. It contained not a single dozage of harmful radiation.


It appears to be nowhere.

The world is safer than you´ve been told it is - yes there´s bloody violence in the world , but for goodness ´sake , if you´ve got an ounce of self - respect , stop wanting and hoping for a better world and start enjoying life today so that more will make their homes into peaceful places to live in. If everyone did that there´d be peace tomorrow.

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I´ve just begun to create Shairah Free Zones on Facebook and I am actively attempting to encourage others to be so kind to create Shairah Free Zones in real life. Without such Zones , Shairah becomes implemented in the same areas. That is how Shairah is implemented in Europe and how Shairah became a law in over 700 ´no go Zones´throughout France.

If you think that religious tolerance is good for people , you´re being an idiot except in cases where people define religious tolerance as respecting each other´s religious and spiritual views.

Religious tolerance is the reason for why Europe is in the condition where it is today with people not being allowed to go to a specific area because they´re considered ´non moslems´.

The idea of the no - go zone isn´t a moslem idea though but a Zionist one.

These Zionists simply disguise themselves as moslems and then trick the other moslems into having large numbers of areas throughout Europe declared Shairah Zones and thus no go Zones for moslems.

This forced me to declare my home to be a no go Zone for Shairah.

I had already declared one of my first Facebook Groups to be a Shairah no go area , which means that Shairah has been outlawed there.If you who are not reading this are not living in a Shairah controlled zone , OUTLAW SHAIRAH FROM YOUR AREA IMMEDIATELY!!

Shairah is not an Islamic thing in the opinion of a lot of moslems , many of whom support Western Values.

Declaring a special area to be a Shairah zone is illegal according to the Qu´aran because according to the Qu´aran , Mohammad is God´s or Allah´s messenger and nobody else , and thus no moslem , Sunnah or Shiah.

I call it religious intolerance when two people of different faiths live happily together , but religious tolerance when they´re constantly fighting and arguing over each other´s religion at the expense of everyone else.

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Wall Street , Atheism and the Inner Earth

I figure that the major reason for why Atheist organizations don´t want to talk about the Inner Earth , is because of fear of the consequences of doing so. If they´re all being funded by Wall Street corporate giants , it´d make sense that they´d not want the Inner Earth to be explored because that´d mean the end of the New World Order. That´d mean that they´d lose control over their populations too and the religious leadership of the Atheist groups would obviously not want that to happen. I support Inner Earth exploration and I think it´s time people put fears of exploration aside. Why is it that Atheism was created to oppose Spiritual Thinkers? I think one reason had to do with that Wall Street opposes an educated folk who´ll rise against tyranny , such as that of Parliamentarism.

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A little 8 minute Deep Meditation from me here. There appears to be a vastly vast number of people who believe that there is such a thing as a legitimate U.S. Federal Government , including the millions of cops and ´sherrifs´and others who have been told that there is , and who have even lived and died believing they were ´serving the interests of the United States Federal Government and therefore the People of the United States´.

But if the presumed ´so called´U.S. Federal Government is really in place why does it oppose U.S. interests?

Why indeed does the entity known collectively as ´the United States Federal Government´actually oppose the interests of the American people?

I theorize it is because the people whom I think know the truth that there is no such thing as a legitimate U.S. Federal Government will not be happy to know that everyone else on Earth will one day find out - assuming I´m being right.

Imagine a world where people demanded the truth to be known - whether or not the U.S. Federal Government can actually claim legitimacy?

There´d be a worldwide public outcry and a worldwide demand that the people who knew the truth all along explain what was going on as they kept requesting people to claim again and again that there is a legitimate U.S. Federal Government.

All I´ve got to do when presented with claims that there really is such an entity , is to ask one simple question; ´WHERE?´

This must probably be one of those ´WTF´posts where people stumble across something and they´re having a big problem trying to explain to themselves what it´s all about or what is the case for it´s reasoning.

Why create a U.S. Federal Government then?

My theory is , to keep ´the Sun and the Moon´afloat among other things.

Why is it that so many U.S. Presidents and various persons claimed to represent a ´legitimate U.S. Federal Government´are having a huge problem providing people with their birth certificates , including ´Obama´?

Why is it that the person or persons identifying themselves publicly as ´Obama´are having huge problems providing people who doubt the nature of their birth certificates with ´valid´information about their purported birth certificates?

When I began to start doubting that the U.S. Federal Government exists as described , even more things began to make sense to me than merely the Sun and the Moon not existing.

It´d explain how the mainstream media can create myths such as that the American People owe far more than they really do.

It´d explain why there are certain people who´ll do anything they can in their power to keep everyone else convinced that there is a ´legitimate U.S. Federal Government´and that this entity can then be declared by the people working for these individuals as their ´place - men´, as being an independent entity created to serve the interests of the general , overall American population.

If the U.S. Federal Government really does represent the interests of the American People why do they then reportedly oppose public service?

Are people beginning to get the big picture?

If the United States had gone bankrupt in the year 1929 and before , it´d have meant that there´d be no money to pay for a legitimate Federal Government.

So why not invent one?

The invention of a ´U.S. Federal Government´and it´s presentation as being America´s number one public enemy would result in the inability of tens of millions of American people to  present themselves with the defenses required to protect themselves against hostile , ´domestic enemy´takeover.

I am beginning to find it rather funny that today people seem to be able to believe that , the United States can carry itself off on a boat with a trillion U.S. dollar debt to trillions of trillions of U.S. debts in U.S. dollars´which the American people never see.

How can the American people then be expected to believe that this debt actually exists and is owed?

If it is indeed an Urban Legend that there is such a thing as a legitimate U.S. Federal Government , doesn´t that make it the biggest of all Urban Legends? The mother of all Old Wives´Tales? The Flight of all Flights of Fancy? How can the tons of people claiming to be ´politicians´operating in the USA actually convince large numbers of people that the represent the interests of a legitimate , federal power......if there´s no money to run it?

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Silly Marilyn Monroe stories

Apparently there seems to be a whole bunch of people who actually think there was a Marilyn kind of Monroe somewhere.

The actress who played Marilyn Monroe knew in my opinion perfectly well what she was doing.

I call the person who I think was playing her an actress because I think that is what those people do - they create make - believe musicians and other artists and then try to pass them on as actual people. They then spin all kinds of stories about those artists that make people further doubt in their existence.

Once people demand proof positive that the artist in question existed - i.e. ´Alice Cooper´, large numbers of people will be conditioned to laugh at them.

The story goes that Marilyn Monroe loved UFO´s and that ´that is why she was killed´.

Well I love UFO´s so if I love them why haven´t I been killed?

See the outright silliness going on here?

Ask yourselves - who benefits from you believing that there was some Marilyn Mornoe from Torrino flying around with a witches broom sohewhere?

I for one find it considerably difficult to believe in the historicity of the Marilyn Monroe character.

And I find it just as difficult to believe that Alice Cooper or Freddy Mercury or even Frank Zappa existed.

I do nonetheless believe that there have been and still are a lot of famous artists worldwide and I have known some of them since childhood - so yes , there are famous artists out there.

But no one , absolutely no one gets to be both famous and rich at the same time.

First you become famous , then you become rich , or first you become rich , then you become famous.

The story goes that Marilyn Monroe became rich and famous - in French that translates as meaning ´impossible´, or ´cést nes pas possible!´.

If Marilyn Monroe was alive and was for real and somebody wanted to kill her it´d certainly not be because of some UFO story.

Ask yourselves - just how much would somebody have gained from killing Marilyn Monroe?

I´d imagine absolutely nothing.

Remove Marilyn and remove John F. Kennedy , and what have you got?

Get it?

I don´t think Marilyn Monroe or ´JFK´existed , but I can understand how easy it is for people to use special make - up effects and declare themselves to be this or that person who later on turns out to be a character they created.

Remember the famous Al Pacino movie about a fashion model or actress or something and he played a guy who manufactured her , and then the mainstream media in the film was used to sell her story , create fake biographies and make people think she was for real? All the time these guys used holographic projections which constantly kept turning their faces to the Al Pacino character.

I think this film´s name was Simone.

So if it was as easy to create Simone using holographic projection techniques , why not create Marilyn Monroe using simply constantly repeated stories and one or a few more actresses?

Once Marilyn and Kennedy were declared to have been murdered it got declared that ´the Age of Innocence´had died in America.

Suddenly people felt the world to be much less safe a place to live in than before.

Exactly as planned.

The idea was to convince people that the world was less safe of a place to begin with so people´d demand that more of their civil liberties be taken away , such as with the use of armed security guards during musical concerts.

If Marilyn was such a nice person and such a ´truther´, why was she never there when really needed?

Why did she only show up during ´official interviews´and ´in public´?

Remember what happened after the FBI tried to frantically search for the supposed ´FBI Marilyn Monroe documents´? All they found was not a titter of a document.

They can find the FBI file on you and me but not Marilyn Monroe.


Because I think there ain´t no Marilyn Monroe.

I say this with respect to all the Marilyn Monroe believers.

I sure know nonetheless that Marilyn was of course not declared to be from Torrino as she was depicted as a citizen born and raised in the English speaking world. I nonetheless use the Torrino analogy because I´ve read over 100 pages from Stephen King´s From A Buick 8 and the place called Torrino was constantly being used there to depict things or characters that don´t exist in this world.

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You´re not going to Hell

I don´t think anyone gets to go to Hell. I think that when people consider themselves going to Hell they think they´re going someplace else than their current concept of Heaven.

The Kingdom of Heaven is whatever you make of it - I think that´s the official stance here on the Kingdom of Heaven and I agree with that.

The place thus called Hell´d simply be the place you identify with on your own terms as a Hell.

I´ve heard about people having made their whole lives into living hells because they simply refused to understand this.

In the face of an overwhelming , economical crisis , it makes absolute , perfect sense to talk a little about Hell.

I think thus that the only ´real´Hells that exist out there are those people make.

For themselves and the ones they want to or try to send them to these places.

I think no concept has explained Hell better than the game Silent Hill.

Before Silent Hill there was of course Ruth Montgomery and Emmanuel Swedenborg.

Now we´ve got the people who produced Silent Hill and showed us once and for all what Hell is all about.

If any of you haven´t tried playing the game I seriously suggest that at least I try any neartime soon and I´ve already tried one of those fantastic , free online versions.

Hell is a very real place only because the people who experience it and it´s experience per ce make it for real.

Beyond that I think most people in Hell haven´t got much of an idea what it´s about.

I was watching the Exorcist III and there were some interdimensional beings there that talked about Hell.

One of them said that there is always a master and another appeared to be afraid of those he called ´the cruel ones´. Then finally one of those entities said ´it´s forbidden to talk about it´, when asked stuff like who this master or that master was and so on.

One of them loved to possess cataconics but couldn´t handle Leutinant Kindermann.

You´re thus not going to Hell - unless you´re already in Hell.

The Kingdom of Heaven is like two people - one kept talking about how he felt life being Heaven like , and that every bread he ate tasted like heaven.

The other talked about how he felt his whole life was a living hell , and he talked about the day all bread is no longer consumed because it´s got wheat in it.

When both were offered bread to consume , the one who lived in the Kingdom of Heaven ate all the bread , and any fruit that was brought to him.

But the other one didn´t eat any of the bread , and worried about the fruit being either too old or not suitable for his taste , and so on , and so he died from hunger.

Hell is spiritual death from spiritual hunger.

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Silly John Lennon Stories.

I find it funny when people claim that they know everything about John Lennon to the point they start knowing all about his horoscope.

I have far more faith in the people I meet in real life than in silly tales of a John kind of Lennon and Marilyn Monroes of Torrino.

I find it sad that some people obsess themselves so much over these stories that they think these persons are their saviors or somehow the key to their concept of heaven or some kind of bliss or some kind of heavenly or other reward.

It doesn´t convince me the tiniest bit that people like this actually existed.

If they did the world would probably a totally different place than it is today.

Apart from John Lennon having been reportedly sighted on all the famous John Lennon concerts where he was supposed to be the man in charge , it appears to be the case that nobody has got any proof that they ever saw the guy in public.

What is this problem with John Lennon?

Did he dislike Americans so much he had to hide himself before all of America and only appear on musical concerts dedicated to his name or image?

Did he hate his fellow British so much he had to treat them the same as he reportedly did with the American people?

If this guy was so much a lover of peace and tranquility as a lot of historians had declared him to be , why was he never there when people really needed him?

I find it really sad what all this Beatles Mania did to so many people.

I haven´t got anything to say against the Beatles in person though - at least not right now.

I´d love to read this or that Beatles book or listen to this or that Beatles song , but I´m not some naive follower of something I feel may be a myth designed to serve the emotional needs of thousands of customers.

What good would be there in that?

Drugs will not take you to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Beatles music will not take you to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Elvis will not take you to the Kingdom of Heaven.

So how can I take anyone to the Kingdom of Heaven?

If Jesus cannot take anyone to the Kingdom of Heaven and create peace on Earth , who can?

Answer; it´s obvious; EVERYBODY!!!

We thus appear to have got absolutely no proof whatsoever that this John Lennon figure actually existed.

I´m not trying to pass on some misinformation or disinformation about Lennon here since I am not trying to hurt the emotional or spiritual interests of the Lennon fans.


I´ve seen this lady who claims to be Yoko Ono and that she was married to John - but who is she really and who was this guy really who claimed to be John?

It´s like with our Icelandic Sylvia Night or Sylvia Nótt as she used to call herself.

But she was so hot damn honest about her business and enterprise she had got nothing to hide , at least not to my knowledge.

Then one day the mainstream media apparently dropped her.

If I was an insane lunatic and I wanted to kill a famous musician I wouldn´t target John Lennon. I´d assume that since he´s being declared to be insane by the federal government (and probably at the request of the actor playing him , provided he did indeed not exist) , I´d not have to attack him. Instead , why not attacking someone who´s got no special interests to protect as I attack the person? And wouldn´t I be making a complete idiot out of myself by turning an otherwise speedy day into a Zapruder film? I think so. And if John Lennon was a myth , that´d obviously mean his shooter was a myth too.

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The media was Interest - Free in 1980´s Iceland.

We had no army to protect our homeland.

We had no big business and no big government.

The government did not operate at a federal level but concerned itself with the community.

Kids who had attention problems got put into private schools.

The other kids taught kids who misbehaved how to behave.

The kids taught each other about the problems in life and asked their parents for advise on problems they couldn´t handle.

When kids heard about mainstream media events in other countries they asked for proof positive for any claim pointing to a mainstream media event.

The event was then discussed.

Despite most of us believed in the official stories for these events , with a lot of them being manufactured or perhaps even most of them being staged , if we felt something was staged , we invested in those who listened to any alternative view.

Reports of UFO´s and extraterrestrial activity were treated with extreme skepticism.

Students who bought UFO magazines got told that it was probable they were wasting their money.

There was no silly show like Ancient Aliens on air.

If a show about someone like Danicken was put on air , material criticizing that show was usually put immediately on air.

Most films and television shows were in native Icelandic.

Adult films were meant to be seen by adults only.

Adult films were shown during the evenings and kids´stuff was shown during daytime.

Like today we had witch communities who were very secretive about what they did , and most of them were community - oriented and were into stuff like herbalism.

Belief in the Devil and in Hell was nearly non - existent.

It was believed that Hell is a condition of man´s doing toward himself.

If any of us misbehaved , we got put into a place filled with books and told to read the books , and then go back downstairs.

If someone wasn´t reading or buying books that person was laughed at and treated like an idiot.

If somebody claimed a UFO Encounter they got asked for proof.

If somebody believed in a silly alien invasion story they might have been forced to confront the consequences of denying the obvious.

It was generally agreed upon that any universe is teeming with life and that space can be crossed and so it was agreed upon that this planet has been visited.

What was not agreed upon was the mainstream media version of it.

Sports and physical activity was practiced by most students.

The class that was payed most respect to was people who spent most of their time at sea and those who worked on sea vessels.

Inactivists were hated , not loved.

Apathy was condemned , not honored.

We refused to conform and to comfort.

It was very difficult to buy and sell products , and despite that we somehow managed to keep most of our money and when we did sell products we sold them at an affordable price.

Health care was affordable.

The Constitution and Declaration of Independence were respected.

Military service was seen as an exclusively alien phenomena.

Teachers who told people what to do instead of what to think got given the VIP treatment and persecuted every minute we got away with it.

Everybody talked about the importance of being a native Icelander and keeping the environment clean.

Whole hours were spent on teaching about the importance of cleaning stuff up and everyone was talking about the Chernobyl disaster.

If somebody claimed somebody had dropped an atomic bomb , they would be questioned and if no proper answer was given no one would listen to them.

Advise was sometimes payed for and students got selected to be sent to elderly people to learn from them , sometimes in whole groups consisting of over 20 students.

Drug addiction and alcoholism were seen as being very unpopular - people expanded their consciousness with meditation.

If people said silly stories about stuff like alien invasions after meditation classes they got butt hurt real bad.

Nationalism was honored and the economical infrastructure was decentralized.

Everyone understood what it means to have one million Icelandic Kronas - it meant spend them wisely or not spend them at all.

People who begged for money but had enough of it were the most hated of all.

The only punishment teachers used who knew how to teach , was to send students upstairs for study on their own terms if they couldn´t study on other peoples´terms downstairs.

The water was mostly clean and pure.

Civilization was decentralized.

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When I hear about mythical School Shooters I naturally ask the same question everybody else does; where are they?

They usually appear out of nowhere , and usually officially ´shoot themselves´shortly after or get caught by the police and then disappear.

Respectfully that is in my opinion humanly impossible.

A real school shooter would draft plans in advance in terms of how to track and locate his victims.

He´d not go mainstream before the event closes on it´s finale.

He is the start and the end of the event.

I know it is often incredibly hard to break out from a school shooter story´s cycle.

But because of all the exposure phenomena going on lately , I feel glad to know I am privileged not to be skeptical about all this hype.

And don´t think I am trying to disrespect the page or anyone else here.

I just don´t buy into all this paranoid , school shooter conspiracy theory crap - that there´s a bunch of school shooters out there and that they can shoot people and that the deans of the schools somehow fail to notice before the latest school shooting takes place.

And I´m not trying to disrespect the opinions of those who believe that events like this can happen without much of a preparation.

According to this Urban Legend , the School Shooter usually drafts no plan , shoots first and asks no questions , isn´t talked much about by the school authorities , and usually gets away with their plan , and somehow manages to get into the school and do their stuff without the school authorities being warned in advance. A short trial is created which results in the school shooter being found to have been brainwashed into taking consciousness altering antipsychotic drugs. Further research into the nature of the school shooter reveals himself to be mostly an unknown person. Attempts to locate co - conspirators usually fail.

Why do wacky conspiracy theorists believe in weird stuff like mythical school shooters , arabs doing terrorist attacks on 9 - 11 ,  Marilyn Monroes of Torrino , Nelson Mandelas and moon walkers? I think it´s because they just want to believe these things. They like doing it. They think it suits their personal needs. They can´t do these things themselves so they´d like somebody else to tell them this stuff can actually happen. It takes a real stupid dean to let a kid empty their guns on everyone else in the school so that the gunshop owner will look like a total idiot. And I don´t think that school deans are that stupid. I mean honestly. What comes next? Fish school shooters?

And why do so many of those school shooters have to be males?

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This article is created with the intent to point to what I consider to be the possibility that Astrophysics and Color Theory are really one and the same Science.

Why is it possible to consider that to be a worthwile scenario to ponder about philosophically , spiritually and aesthetically? Well , because Johannes Van Itten and Georges Saureat remain two among the chief important standing pillars of Color Theory and their ideas remind me significantly of the ideas and theories of modern astrophysicists - that suns produce light , and that suns , or stars , are the origin of color.

I myself consider all suns to be wormholes , and black holes as such to be wormholes , and thus do I not consider black holes to be black per ce.

What has this got to do with modern spirituality , and with modern philosophy and even with ancient spirituality and ancient philosophy?

Well , astrophysics and color theory appear to me to work exactly the same - they resolve their problems in the same ways , particularly the problem of whether or not the moment when light breaks up to produce color , produces an infinite supply of color , or whether colors such as Cyan Blue and Primary Red are really Primary Colors at all.

Most people agree with the commonly held belief that there are Primary Colors , and I agree with this , based on my current and previous observations of various colors and the art projects I have produced , deriving from those studies.

What is art? I consider art as being somewhat of a translation.

Art is any attempt to translate something which may or may even not appeal to the interests of the aesthetic.

I am not though attempting to be irritating or plain boring in asserting that I am absolutely convinced as of present that Astrophysics and Color Theory are essentially the same Science , and should be treated en par with each other ,  or on equal terms.

The more research you do into astrophysics - the more you realize after having read a few books on Color Theory and Art such as those of Johannes Van Itten and Ian Simpson , that astrophysics is tremendously similar to Color Theory in it´s approax to the presentation and attempts at resolution or solution of philosophical problems through the analysis of astrophysical data , especially in light of the fact that all astrophysical data are really data compilations of themes in Color Theory.

Modern astrophysicists find it really hard to try to separate speculation from scientific research , or to consider a particular problem of astrophysics as concerning astrophysics solely.

Take a palette and paint something on it and what you are doing is that you are analyzing the same environment as that of an astrophysicist , and you are also breaking up light on the canvas in the same way that the astrophysicist visualizing light being broken up into nearly infinite varieties.

I feel that it does no justice to continuously separate Astrophysics and Color Theory as people have done unconsciously in the past and therefore , I feel , conspired against the notion that it is in fact nearly totally impossible to emphasize one being a Science with the other not being a Science.

The closer you look at astrophysical problems the more they resemble those of Color Theory and the various Color Theory exercises that people train themselves to do when they start producing art projects and pen down the results of their research into the nature of Color Theory related themes.

But why is Color Theory so similar to Astrophysics in it´s approax to the study of the implications of the overall philosophical problem of the origins of Color , and the essence of Light?

Because , as I have already outlined , the problems are the same - and because the results that will be obtained from trying to understand those problems for a Color Theorist become the same as those of an astrophysicist trying to decode the light that is broken up into infitismals in the formation of stellar structure.

Could it therefore ring true that a problem in Stellar Theory is somehow akin to a problem in Color Theory?

In my opinion certainly so!

For just like it is impossible for color to exist without the interference of a star , so it is impossible for an artist to be able to make a good painting without having a basic understanding of the nature and origins of color - that color is produced by starlight and is therefore as important to the artist - be they a painter or a sculptor or a movie maker , as an astrophysicist.

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Why Five Admins? NASA

Five admins representing NASA as a space agency might sound like a rather naive idea to certain people , but I am doubtful that they´d be in a majority to determine the future of how NASA is run. Let´s face it. NASA is undeniably undergoing a change in terms of how it´s run , and that change is largely concerned with who is presently admin. One way to change that to increase the ability of NASA to present more reliable information to the general public and handle information that is processed within NASA circles with extreme care , would be to add more admins. There´d have to be more admins , I´d suggest five admins , and always one sex should be a majority. The four admins should be voted into power to represent NASA as an agency in a time of four years and have a right to be elected for a second term office after that , so they could be in power for mostly 8 years. It should be ensured that in each term office the majority is sometimes women and sometimes men , so that there is as little as possible sexual discrimination. Imagine a future where NASA is run by five people and no longer operates as an agency with only one admin. It´d make it easier for NASA and the American People and the People of the World to share information about outer space that NASA receives or gathers and then shares with the people.

Keeping five admins running NASA will reduce corruption significantly , I hope , and will bring NASA closer to those who subscribe to it´s websites and those who do business with the Agency.

This will be a spiritually healthy thing to do , and will hopefully reduce the chances of serious accidents happening involving space flights.

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