What if......there is already peace on Earth?

Let´s ask ourselves a honest to goodness question - what if peace has been realized worldwide and that people are being kept in the dark about it?

It´d mean that most of the arms manufacturers selling weapons for war would go out of business and there´d be no reason for gun control.

If there´s no need for a Biblical Antichrist and no need for a Qu´aranic Dajaal , doesn´t that mean peace in the Middle - East?

What if peace in the Middle - East has already been realized and that most people are not being told?

What if that is one of the reasons for what some call ´Pallywood´?

It´s not enough to be just in control over the State of Israel to create the impression that the Middle - East is being engaged in constant warfare.

A few uprising here and a few destroyed statues there don´t create the impression that an all out war has occured on that place.

And most of the war places that people are being told about in the mainstream media such as Uganda appear to be carefully selected regions desired to manufacture conflicts for the mainstream media.

What if worldwide war is one of the biggest lies of modern times?

It´d explain the real reason for 9 - 11 , with thought projections by millions being used to ´bring down the towers´and even perhaps project them prior to demolition.

What if there is no real alien invasion going on? That´d mean there´d be global peace on Earth.

No demonic invasion either? Of course! Most demonic possession cases I have heard about happen in isolated regions that have got little or nothing to do with regional conflict of any kind.

Are people starting to get the big picture here?

What if one of the biggest blasphemies might be to say that there is already peace on Earth amidst ´all the regional conflights´?

I´m not experiencing a regional conflight right now or a war.

Most of the footage people got shown of Syria and Egypt and Lybia and so on is reported to have been manufactured in Nevada and other U.S. locations - maybe some of it was manufactured in or produced in Egypt , maybe not.

What do people do when they´re told that there´s war briefing?

They begin go stocpile themselves with more arms than they´d need if there was real war briefing because in a real war situation you get whatever arms that are near you or you take any arms you think´ve been left by a comrade or by the enemy.

What if , war on Earth is one of the biggest lies ever sold?

Remember the little known Japanese Anime the Venus Wars? People were constantly being told that there was a war going on and there was a small group of people who controlled both sides and there was a mainstream media who sold all the war stories and when people finally saw the truth they began to realize that the Ishtarians didn´t want war and nobody else did and that they had been lied to. A scene was shown of a car driving through the Venusian landscape and as the film ended , people felt reliefed to know that the truth about the real war had been exposed - the Ishtarians and everyone else had been fooled to think that there was real war going on by the mainstream media on Venus. The biggest lie in the Venus War film was that there was war on Venus , because no war means no war Profiteers. No war news therefore means no war news Profiteers.

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