Rumor has it that atomic bombs had been deployed over Hiroshima and Nagasaki and that ´the reason for why was because the Japanese people were so dumb that they decided to attack Pearl Harbor so they had to be punished´.

Japan is not stupid , and the Japanese are not stupid either.

The fact appears to be the case , that the Japanese have been lied to.

Now that most people have become accustomed to the exposure of the UFO ´ET Coverup and the Hollow Earth Coverup , think about the Atomic Coverup.

If you google ´atomic hoax´, you´ll get instant access to youtube videos and other documents that show how most of the atomic explosion footage people have been sold by the mainstream media , appears to be fake.

People get told stories about all kinds of horrifying atomic experiments supposed to have taken place in Japan.

If that was the case , there´d be nobody living in Japan today.

It´s like saying that the Fukushima reactor was a nuclear reactor - it was a hydrogen fuel reactor , not a nuclear reactor. If it was a nuclear reactor , I think there´d be nobody living in Japan today.

I began to seriously question the existence of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear attacks when a neighbor of mine showed me a stone sent to Iceland from one of these places. It contained not a single dozage of harmful radiation.


It appears to be nowhere.

The world is safer than you´ve been told it is - yes there´s bloody violence in the world , but for goodness ´sake , if you´ve got an ounce of self - respect , stop wanting and hoping for a better world and start enjoying life today so that more will make their homes into peaceful places to live in. If everyone did that there´d be peace tomorrow.

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  • Firebombs Maciek - that is my theory.

  • Ok Feather.

  • What if Fukushima was being powered by thought transference then? Think about it. If it´s too expensive to fund a nuclear power plant and too expensive to fund a hydrogen fuel power plant , why not a thought transference power plant? It appears to me that the Fukushima reactors didn´t start to explode until after it had been talked about for days , perhaps weeks.......

  • Feather WingeR; Fukushima Daaki is a hydrogen power plant in my opinion , not a nuclear fuel power plant. An atomic particle is something which cannot possibly be ´exploded´, merely ´dissected´. What people call ´nuclear radiation´however , especially that which can be found in nature and throughout space , is commonly known as particle radiation. There is as most of you probably already know on Ashtar Command , particle radiation and subatomic particle radiation.

  • Sure Feather Winger. I think that cancer is common in all cities worldwide , especially in those that are near the equator. The closer you are to the equator the more likely you are to get cancer. Cancer is known throughout the world in cities like Hiroshima and Nagasaki , yet people are told that there are a few cities that have been chosen by Cancer to be spread by it more than other cities , which is nonsense. Cancer is what happens if you´re exposed to lack of oxygen. During the WWII years , cities like Hiroshima and Nagasaki and even Nanking were constantly bombarded with poisonous chemicals coming from factories and other places where pollution was common and even rampant. Such cities are abundant today.

  • Maciek in first place Hiroshima and Nagasaki have not been destroyed. Anyone can prove that who just goes to those sites today and visits them and takes the occasional photographs and produces the videotapes required for people to be happy to know that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were never completely destroyed. As of what weapon was used to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki , it was actually firebombs. It took Hiroshima and Nagasaki supposedly 3 days to go the way of the European Union and Shairah Law. But it usually takes a city just a few seconds to be completely destroyed if you drop a bomb supposed to be as powerful as ´an atomic bomb´on that city.

  • I´m so glad to feel I have realized that weapons of mass destruction don´t exist.

  • Anyone can say anything about anything.
    You can accept or deny everything.....
    and from a higher perspective -- many realities are true at the same time..
    For instance from eternal spiritual perspective-- there is no incarnation.. birth or death..
    Who can comprehend eternity?
    It is beyond mind beyond conceivability and it is also inexprressable.
    From where I sit here at this secret computer terminal you have no idea where I'm typing from...
    am I on earth
    maybe space...
    you have to accept what i say you have no choice...
    How do you know who your father is/?
    You werent there concious at your birth..
    maybe it was a hoax...
    How do you know you werent born in a test tube...
    There is so much we dont know

    hardly anything do we really have a grasp on
    You have to ask your mother who your father is...
    and sometimes even she may be unsure...
    But one thing for sure--- you know who your mother is thats definite.
    Whatever you believe that is your reality
    believe in the present moment
    that is the bliss queen the moment now is all you really have.
  • This may help in your confusion on radiation and how harmless it is.

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