A little 8 minute Deep Meditation from me here. There appears to be a vastly vast number of people who believe that there is such a thing as a legitimate U.S. Federal Government , including the millions of cops and ´sherrifs´and others who have been told that there is , and who have even lived and died believing they were ´serving the interests of the United States Federal Government and therefore the People of the United States´.

But if the presumed ´so called´U.S. Federal Government is really in place why does it oppose U.S. interests?

Why indeed does the entity known collectively as ´the United States Federal Government´actually oppose the interests of the American people?

I theorize it is because the people whom I think know the truth that there is no such thing as a legitimate U.S. Federal Government will not be happy to know that everyone else on Earth will one day find out - assuming I´m being right.

Imagine a world where people demanded the truth to be known - whether or not the U.S. Federal Government can actually claim legitimacy?

There´d be a worldwide public outcry and a worldwide demand that the people who knew the truth all along explain what was going on as they kept requesting people to claim again and again that there is a legitimate U.S. Federal Government.

All I´ve got to do when presented with claims that there really is such an entity , is to ask one simple question; ´WHERE?´

This must probably be one of those ´WTF´posts where people stumble across something and they´re having a big problem trying to explain to themselves what it´s all about or what is the case for it´s reasoning.

Why create a U.S. Federal Government then?

My theory is , to keep ´the Sun and the Moon´afloat among other things.

Why is it that so many U.S. Presidents and various persons claimed to represent a ´legitimate U.S. Federal Government´are having a huge problem providing people with their birth certificates , including ´Obama´?

Why is it that the person or persons identifying themselves publicly as ´Obama´are having huge problems providing people who doubt the nature of their birth certificates with ´valid´information about their purported birth certificates?

When I began to start doubting that the U.S. Federal Government exists as described , even more things began to make sense to me than merely the Sun and the Moon not existing.

It´d explain how the mainstream media can create myths such as that the American People owe far more than they really do.

It´d explain why there are certain people who´ll do anything they can in their power to keep everyone else convinced that there is a ´legitimate U.S. Federal Government´and that this entity can then be declared by the people working for these individuals as their ´place - men´, as being an independent entity created to serve the interests of the general , overall American population.

If the U.S. Federal Government really does represent the interests of the American People why do they then reportedly oppose public service?

Are people beginning to get the big picture?

If the United States had gone bankrupt in the year 1929 and before , it´d have meant that there´d be no money to pay for a legitimate Federal Government.

So why not invent one?

The invention of a ´U.S. Federal Government´and it´s presentation as being America´s number one public enemy would result in the inability of tens of millions of American people to  present themselves with the defenses required to protect themselves against hostile , ´domestic enemy´takeover.

I am beginning to find it rather funny that today people seem to be able to believe that , the United States can carry itself off on a boat with a trillion U.S. dollar debt to trillions of trillions of U.S. debts in U.S. dollars´which the American people never see.

How can the American people then be expected to believe that this debt actually exists and is owed?

If it is indeed an Urban Legend that there is such a thing as a legitimate U.S. Federal Government , doesn´t that make it the biggest of all Urban Legends? The mother of all Old Wives´Tales? The Flight of all Flights of Fancy? How can the tons of people claiming to be ´politicians´operating in the USA actually convince large numbers of people that the represent the interests of a legitimate , federal power......if there´s no money to run it?

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  • Yeah Super Dave , maybe there was some sun - moon occultation going on in some solar system in some galaxy , far , far away when the mainstream media was trying to brainwash people to think there was a Gabby kind of Cliffords somewhere.......no?

  • If no one really understands how governments operate it means there are no governments , just what people are told are governments because otherwise somebody would understand how they operate.

  • The "gov't" isn't what it appears to be.  I heard once that noone really understands how the gov'ts of the world operate.  Through much research & study, I've drawn my own conclusion that the gov't is composed of people who possess an ideology that "the strongest & quickest survive".  Plain and simple.  The ends justify the means;  By any means necessary.  Most are followers, not leaders; acting out the orders of those above them with the real power.  Power that's only been given them through the weaknesses of human nature.  Basically, they've sacrificed who they are to be in that power position when really all they are is a bunch of clowns.  The Creator is simply using them as a means of producing the negative impetus for spiritual growth. 

         You'd probably find there to be occult significance of some type to the date Sen. Gifford was "shot".  Possibly also the location.

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