Silly John Lennon Stories.

I find it funny when people claim that they know everything about John Lennon to the point they start knowing all about his horoscope.

I have far more faith in the people I meet in real life than in silly tales of a John kind of Lennon and Marilyn Monroes of Torrino.

I find it sad that some people obsess themselves so much over these stories that they think these persons are their saviors or somehow the key to their concept of heaven or some kind of bliss or some kind of heavenly or other reward.

It doesn´t convince me the tiniest bit that people like this actually existed.

If they did the world would probably a totally different place than it is today.

Apart from John Lennon having been reportedly sighted on all the famous John Lennon concerts where he was supposed to be the man in charge , it appears to be the case that nobody has got any proof that they ever saw the guy in public.

What is this problem with John Lennon?

Did he dislike Americans so much he had to hide himself before all of America and only appear on musical concerts dedicated to his name or image?

Did he hate his fellow British so much he had to treat them the same as he reportedly did with the American people?

If this guy was so much a lover of peace and tranquility as a lot of historians had declared him to be , why was he never there when people really needed him?

I find it really sad what all this Beatles Mania did to so many people.

I haven´t got anything to say against the Beatles in person though - at least not right now.

I´d love to read this or that Beatles book or listen to this or that Beatles song , but I´m not some naive follower of something I feel may be a myth designed to serve the emotional needs of thousands of customers.

What good would be there in that?

Drugs will not take you to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Beatles music will not take you to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Elvis will not take you to the Kingdom of Heaven.

So how can I take anyone to the Kingdom of Heaven?

If Jesus cannot take anyone to the Kingdom of Heaven and create peace on Earth , who can?

Answer; it´s obvious; EVERYBODY!!!

We thus appear to have got absolutely no proof whatsoever that this John Lennon figure actually existed.

I´m not trying to pass on some misinformation or disinformation about Lennon here since I am not trying to hurt the emotional or spiritual interests of the Lennon fans.


I´ve seen this lady who claims to be Yoko Ono and that she was married to John - but who is she really and who was this guy really who claimed to be John?

It´s like with our Icelandic Sylvia Night or Sylvia Nótt as she used to call herself.

But she was so hot damn honest about her business and enterprise she had got nothing to hide , at least not to my knowledge.

Then one day the mainstream media apparently dropped her.

If I was an insane lunatic and I wanted to kill a famous musician I wouldn´t target John Lennon. I´d assume that since he´s being declared to be insane by the federal government (and probably at the request of the actor playing him , provided he did indeed not exist) , I´d not have to attack him. Instead , why not attacking someone who´s got no special interests to protect as I attack the person? And wouldn´t I be making a complete idiot out of myself by turning an otherwise speedy day into a Zapruder film? I think so. And if John Lennon was a myth , that´d obviously mean his shooter was a myth too.

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  • People listen to Malcom here ´you desperately need to appreciate the role of the artist , which is currently going into extinction at a logarithmic pace´- I don´t think artists are going to go extinct , but rather anti - artists.

  • Joshua I am starting to consider that perhaps Mc. Cartney may have been a manufactured product. But I´m not saying that I´m being right in my current analysis of John or Paul.

  • A very lovely comment from you Malcolm. Yes I appreciate the importance of the role of the artist within. I approax what I think is the Jon Lennon myth from the perspective that John Lennon simply never existed. I theorize that the Beatles cult was all about keeping people in line with the status guo. They´d be told they´d be opposing the system while they´d not be told what they were opposing the system for. If they thought for themselves or attempted to escape , they´d be treated as ´apostates´and so on. I do like nonetheless your take on how you presume or are convinced that John Lennon was in fact a real person.

  • Darth: Lennon was a real artist, and Yoko helped him with the experimental side of his craft. You desperately need to appreciate the role of the artist, which is currently going into extinction at a logarithmic pace. To understand an artist, you must get used to the feel for suffering.  And this suffering may be due to the fact that you have to work with people who offer money for your works, which sometimes involves the need for money versus your heart and soul with your expression. And usually you're either not too good in your craft, or you have real talent.

    Lennon was separated from his mother and father at a young age. Hence, he was a tormented soul, and these tormented individuals usually become very popular artists due to their expressive qualities (and don't forget that old expression heard in art school: to be a good artist, you must suffer). Good artists also unfortunately have a problem with policies of certain bureaucrats and sociophobes (or both).  And Lennon had a pretty good reputation for units sold, and we all heard about his "more popular than Jesus comment" which was unfortunately looked at scientifically by a clergy person (and how dare he enter science into his thinking) and then bam: bring back the Inquisition. This war on words continued even after Lennon made a public apology; Lennon would wear a button that said "Moses" on it as a public response to the ridiculous treatment he received from the public, especially from some overly-reactionary Christians. One of these individuals was involved with a radio station that called for a public banning of  Beatle records,and lightening struck the tower during the broadcast!

    Lennon ran into another artist at the height of his commercial appeal who was involved with some avant garde (i.e. experimental) art creations that were truly unique. And I personally loved the telescope creation that Yoko did. For an artist to belong to a commercial group called the Beatles and then see art in its raw experimental mode, I can easily see why The Plastic Ono Band was such a hit with fans of John Lennon after the Beatles broke up.

    John was in love with Yoko, an experimental artist that helped return him to a time when creativity and making music was the important thing, not going to press conferences. Also note that Yoko is an Aquarian, and because Lennon was also an air sign, communications are usually workable between signs of the same element, despite conflicts that may (and will) surface in the relationship. 

    Lennon was getting true love that he was either missing or seeking, and Yoko not only helped Lennon with the love he needed, she also helped him with that experimental aspect of his art that he missed so badly and was seeking, Yoko may also have helped John Lennon deal with some scars of his childhood or teenage years (and yes, John called Yoko mother. And no, I don't think she hypnotized him or was the best con artist in the world). 

    Lennon was an artistic genius in his craft, and unfortunately most voters in a free society listen to them more than they listen to those Versace and Armani dressed public officials. This is real unfortunate for some of these well-dressed politicians, whose dreams for America (and their own offshore bank account) are suddenly threatened by someone who can't be publicly ruined due to their appeal being too hard to ruin (and please remember that favorite quote heard from one President Richard Nixon: "neutralization of Mr. Lennon." I guess the photo with Elvis didn't help him, despite the rumored number of flagpoles needed to keep Elvis standing straight).

    Lennon was a sincere artist, and so was his wife. They unfortunately sold too many units to the public, and this was viewed as a threat by many in the higher levels of government since these units didn't include The Good Housekeeping Seal as a consistent message. This may be why artists of today are packaged and sold as "fads" (with insincere creations) that are designed not to last long: the current sociophobes running our government don't need people in a cultural or expressive context that will get more attention than they do. And that is what made Lennon special, as opposed to such artists as Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber (and Bieber actually started to sound artistically sincere before his star suddenly faded via the commercial powers!) 

    So Lennon was real. He was the real deal regarding sincere artistic creation. This was also unfortunately a problem with the sociophobes in powerful levels of government, and will always be a problem with the sociophobes in powerful levels of government.

  • Thanks for the post - but have you listened to his lyrics?  I'm pretty sure he was a prophet/messanger.  Kinda like Bob Marley, John talked of a LOVE than transcended the world at that time...  From both John's life on earth and channelings I have read in recent years - He feels like the real deal.

    If you are seeking a conspiracy - Google "Faul McCartney" 

  • Yes but I am not asking you to agree with me. I think he was a manufactured product. But I respect your opinion and disagreement nonetheless and am not claiming to be any wiser than anyone else in my post.

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