I´ve just begun to create Shairah Free Zones on Facebook and I am actively attempting to encourage others to be so kind to create Shairah Free Zones in real life. Without such Zones , Shairah becomes implemented in the same areas. That is how Shairah is implemented in Europe and how Shairah became a law in over 700 ´no go Zones´throughout France.

If you think that religious tolerance is good for people , you´re being an idiot except in cases where people define religious tolerance as respecting each other´s religious and spiritual views.

Religious tolerance is the reason for why Europe is in the condition where it is today with people not being allowed to go to a specific area because they´re considered ´non moslems´.

The idea of the no - go zone isn´t a moslem idea though but a Zionist one.

These Zionists simply disguise themselves as moslems and then trick the other moslems into having large numbers of areas throughout Europe declared Shairah Zones and thus no go Zones for moslems.

This forced me to declare my home to be a no go Zone for Shairah.

I had already declared one of my first Facebook Groups to be a Shairah no go area , which means that Shairah has been outlawed there.If you who are not reading this are not living in a Shairah controlled zone , OUTLAW SHAIRAH FROM YOUR AREA IMMEDIATELY!!

Shairah is not an Islamic thing in the opinion of a lot of moslems , many of whom support Western Values.

Declaring a special area to be a Shairah zone is illegal according to the Qu´aran because according to the Qu´aran , Mohammad is God´s or Allah´s messenger and nobody else , and thus no moslem , Sunnah or Shiah.

I call it religious intolerance when two people of different faiths live happily together , but religious tolerance when they´re constantly fighting and arguing over each other´s religion at the expense of everyone else.

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