In my daily researching and reading I came across something that I really related to, and it explains so much about why I am the way I am.  It is so nice that they have a syndrome name for what ails me, lol.  I really sat up and took notice when I saw myself in much of what they say....There is so much that is not known to non-experiencers so I hope that maybe some will take the time to read this, because it is not just me that is affected but many of the new age generation as a whole, if you have children this may be of importance to read.  Mighty interesting reading.  Here is the info.

Post Abduction Syndrome (PAS)

Description of an Emerging Syndrome 
Proposed by Rose Hargrove, RN February 14, 2000

This proposal of a new and emerging syndrome will attempt to define the cluster of symptoms and behaviors that develop in some individuals in response to the alien abduction phenomenon. Post Abduction Syndrome (PAS) (Westrum, 1986) is an anxiety disorder that is closely related to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (APA, 1994). It is characterized by the re-experiencing- of abduction related memories, fragments, or distortions of those memories and is accompanied by symptoms of increased anxiety and by avoidance of stimuli related to abduction memories or abduction related events. The affected person may experience levels of anxiety that interfere with functioning in personal, occupational, or social areas.

Diagnostic Features

The requisite feature of Post Abduction Syndrome is the development of distinctive symptomatology in relation to the experience of the alien abduction phenomenon which is often ongoing in contrast to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder or Acute Stress Disorder (APA, 1994) where the stressor is usually a discrete and time limited occurrence that is not repeated in the individual's lifetime. 

PAS in most instances is the result of the sense or memory of being taken away by force or without consent by extraterrestrial or inter-dimensional entities and the associated physically intrusive or invasive procedures by these alleged entities. The Abductee will have a perceived fear of actual or threatened death, serious injury (APA, 1994), threat to their physical integrity. They may witness the abduction of another person, may learn about or have close association with the abduction experiences of a family member or other closely associated person. The person's response to the events must involve intense fear, helplessness, or horror (APA, 1994). In a child or adult with underdeveloped personality structure, the response may manifest as disorganized or agitated behaviors.

Characteristic Symptoms

  • Persistent re-experiencing of the traumatic event characterized by flashbacks (APA, 1994)

  • Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma (APA, 1994)

  • Denial of the event

  • Labeling the event something else-"blackout", being lost, etc.

  • Phobic avoidance of areas or situations where contact occurred.

  • Refraining from sleep at the time contact occurred-sleeping in the daytime

  • Emotional reaction to literature, pictures, or videos about alien entities e.g. turning over books with a picture of an alien or UFO which may include avoiding them. (Bryant, 1991)

  • Numbing of emotions and responsiveness characterized by inability to feel intimacy, pleasure, or to express emotions-emotional anesthesia. (APA, 1994, Bryant,1991)

  • Diminished interest or less participation in previously enjoyed activities. (APA, 1994)

  • May have a sense of foreshortened future -no expectation of normal life events or normal life span. (APA, 1994)

  • May fear abduction with no return or lengthy abduction.

  • Anxiety symptoms that persist-hypervigilance, exaggerated startle response, irritability, and panic attacks (APA, 1994)

Note: PAS differs from PTSD in that as the abductions may have occurred since early childhood it is difficult to determine precisely when the trauma began as in PTSD where [in which]? there is a discrete and identifiable traumatic event.

Anxiety symptoms include but are not limited to(APA, 1994):

  • Sleep disturbances -- difficulty falling or staying asleep Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response Sleepwalking Vivid nightmares Panic attacks Alien phobia Restlessness Worry and rumination.

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Duration of the symptoms is longer than one month

  • Specifiers-The specifiers may be used to specify the onset and duration(APA, 1994).

  • Acute: This specifier should be used when the symptoms are present for less than three months.

  • Chronic: This specifier should be used when the symptoms last three months or longer.

  • Delayed Onset: This specifier would indicate that at least six months have passed between the traumatic event and the onset of remembered symptoms.

Associated Features and Disorders

In contrast to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder where survivor guilt may be present, there may be guilt at being different, or of contributing to the factors that cause the abductions to occur either to the subject or to family members.

The following manifestations of PAS may present:

  • Reluctance to enter into relationships

  • Phobic avoidance of situations that remind the person of abduction such as: elevators, escalators, doctor's offices, physician's procedures (many women avoid gynecological exams or become extremely anxious when gynecological procedures are performed), dentist's chairs and procedures. (Jacobs, 1992)

  • Persons with PAS may engage in avoidance of medical care to the detriment of their health.

  • Avoidance of pictures and or books about UFOs and aliens

  • Marital or relationship problems such as: guilt at the possible involvement of their partner feelings of anger and resentment by partner regarding the sexual/gynecological aspects of abduction and/or feelings of guilt by partner related to inability to protect the abductee. (Jacobs, 1992)

  • Parents may experience guilt and anger at the possible involvement of their children or grandchildren.

  • Occupational difficulties-may have loss of job due to constant obsession with remembered abductions activity and level of PAS symptomatology. (conversation, Jacobs, 1999)

  • Self destructive and impulsive behaviors

  • Social withdrawal

  • Personality changes

  • Panic disorders, Agoraphobia, Obsessive-compulsive Disorder, or repetitive behaviors or rituals

  • Depression

  • Somatization Disorder

  • Substance Abuse/Dependence in an effort to self medicate, to reduce anxiety or sleep which may start at an early age

  • Constant searching for answers to questions they may not be able to voice (conversation, Jacobs, 1999)

  • Abductees may feel some part of their psyche is alienated from itself due to inaccessibility of memory of abduction experiences or partial or distorted memory of abduction.

Some remedies abductees may employ are:

  • Joining fundamentalist religious groups (Bryant, 1991), new Age spiritual groups, self-help programs, altered states therapies

  • Repeatedly returning to areas where abductions occurred (Bryant, 1991)

  • The person may develop an obsessive interest in aliens and UFOs. (Bryant, 1991)

  • The person may seek help from the psychotherapeutic community only to be labeled as mentally ill. (Jacobs, 1992).

Evaluation of PAS

  • Suggested laboratory tests (APA, 1994)

  • Serum glucose, calcium, phosphate levels, thyroid studies and electrocardiogram

  • Urinary catecholamine levels may help exclude other disorders Urine drug screen may be useful.

Examination Findings

  • Insomnia, trembling, muscle aches and soreness, muscle twitches, clammy hands, dry mouth, generalized tachycardia and subjective sense of palpitations, dizziness, hyperventilation or difficulty breathing, urinary frequency, dysphagia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, possible hypertension

  • In females: gynecological problems, possible positive pregnancy tests with unexplainable missing fetuses, unexplainable appearance of strange lesions, scars, bruises, or burns (especially genital) (conversation, Jacobs, 1999), abdominal tenderness, abdominal adhesions, malposition of ovaries, joint or back pain without memory of physical injury, sinus problems, and possible eye irritations.

Specific Culture and Age Features

Young children may vividly recall monsters who come into their bedroom at night. Children, adolescents, and adults may develop fear of going to bed at night and fear sleeping in their own bedroom. (conversation, Jacobs, 1999). 
Children might express their abduction experiences in their art work or style of play. (Bryant, 1991). Children also might express the fear that they might be taken away from their parents by the aliens. There exists also the real possibility the children could be taken from their parents by social service agencies if parents openly divulge their own abduction experiences. Often children report that they have been told by the aliens that the aliens are their real parents. (This has been frequently reported by children and adults re-experiencing childhood memories and in fact may be a ploy to gain the child's cooperation as children of a young age are more difficult for the aliens to control.) (conversation, Jacobs, 1999). 

Children might harbor the belief that they will not grow up to be adults. Children might also be exposed to witnessing the abduction of their parents generating feelings of shock, intense fear, and anger that their parents are unable to protect them. They may also harbor the belief that they in some way caused their parents or siblings to be abducted. Children may grow up with a strong sense that they do not belong there and that the earth is not their "real" home, or that one or both of their parents are not biologically related to them. (conversation, Jacobs, 1999). 
It would be difficult to assess cultural variables as this phenomenon has not been studied in mainstream psychology and in the Western World persons who report their abduction activity are usually regarded as having psychopathology (Jacobs, 1992). [For] [In the case of omit?] indigenous peoples, abduction reports are regarded as a sign of contact with the spirit world or magical phenomena.


PAS may occur at any age and the length of the disorder may vary from three to six months to several years. The frequency of abductions and the variable of conscious memory of abductions may influence severity and resolution. The disorder can develop and often does in the absence of other psychopathology.


Reduction of anxiety and treatment of depression are primary considerations. In those individuals for whom denial is not essential for the maintenance of a functional lifestyle restoration of memory may lead to normalization of their lifestyle. 

Hypnotic regression must be approached with great caution utilizing appropriate screening and with an attempt to minimize confabulation (Jacobs,1992). Currently hypnotic regression with a competent hypnotist/therapist/researcher is the method of choice (conversation, Jacobs, 1999). 

A support system is an essential factor in the resolution of PAS. 

Individuals with frequent and intense abduction activity may approach normalization, however when activity is intense symptoms of PAS may increase (Jacobs, 1992). 

An important factor is sleep. Sleep disorders are a common occurrence in the abductee population caused by sleep phobia and very active abduction activity. Sleep deprivation when prolonged can result in decreased serotonin levels predisposing the person to clinical depression and compromise of the immune system (conversation, Jacobs, 1999).


Most abductees are unaware of their abductions and those with partial awareness regard their experiences as spiritual or occult phenomena. In the population of abductees that are aware of or suspect that abductions are occurring, some will regard their experiences as spiritual events and another portion of abductees will view their experiences as traumatic and a portion of those will develop clinical symptoms of PAS.


American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Fourth Edition, Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 1994. Posttraumatic Stress Disorders: A Handbook For Clinicians. Edited by Tom Williams Psy.D. Cincinnati: Disabled American Veterans, 1987. Healing Shattered Reality: Understanding Contactee Trauma. Alice Bryant and Linda Seebach, M.S.W. Tigard, OR: Wildflower Press, 1991. Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions. David M. Jacobs, Ph.D. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992. The Threat. David M. Jacobs Ph.D. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.

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  • Back in my early twenties I was sleeping in my friends room and during sleep I experienced sleep paralysis, while sleeping I felt that there was a robber in the house. I could not wake up. I remember seeing a light above me and figured some how that it was a headlight someone was wearing or a flashlight. It was not until after my awakening that I thought back to that experience. I tried to a hypnotherapy session in regards to this but when the hypnotherapist asked me about it I was resistant and a big "no" came out. We covered other abduction type dreams. I have so many questions that need to be answered......

    Thank you for posting this list.

  • Thank you Guarka, I am definitely going to get the book you have mentioned.  I was fortunate that about 15 years ago I was able to connect with a physchotherapist who was licensed to do regression hyponosis and my insurance paid for her as she "labled" it post traumatic stress disorder" which is so very similar, almost the same. I also had a wonderful psychiatrist as well who worked with abductees.  I worked with them for twelve years and it made all the difference in the world.  I stopped having the flashbacks for the most part,  although smell especially is a big trigger for me (grays have the most pungent and acidic smell that takes your breath away like a really sulfuric metallic smell) as is certain lighting like flickering light or extremely bright intense light. I could NEVER be in a room with strobe lighting....ever. 

    I have an implant, this I know because it is apparent in the brain scans I had when I started to experience extreme seizures after my last taking.  It looks like a tiny pill and is inorganic in nature, and it is in my frontal lobe.  I did not dare to have it surgically removed due to its location and damage that could be done to my brain so I am on strong antiseizure medication.  I have a constant high pitched squeeling in my head constantly to the point it is difficult to hear tv or on the phone.  I have been to the ENT countless times, and they say that I will just have to get used to it, and for the most part I am used to it, although it is a nuisance. 

    I relate with what you said about not telling people about my experiences, that is for sure.  You are met with disbelief, labeling as a lunitic, delusional, and people avoid being around you if you tell them of your experiences..And there are people who have not been abducted that have false memories too, and that takes away from credibility as well because people just assume that what you went through is merely a mind constuct, thereby more labeling.  That is why I joined new age online groups about 6 years ago.  I figured I could talk freely about what I went through and was shocked actually that even on New Age groups that the reaction was not so much different.  People are able to believe in benevolent ETs quite easily but "bad ones" not at all...I was so surprised to find this but I guess it is human nature.  Easier to accept there being "angels" than "devils", lol.  I was able to find some good groups for abductees, and that is when my healing growth started to really take wing.  I found people who were not labeling and shunning.  It was amazing to find people who "got it".  And I finally realized that it does not matter at all if someone believes me, it is my journey and not theirs.  I stopped trying make people believe me for the most part, people can think what they will.  That is why I joined here.  I wanted to hear the other side of the spectrum about benevolent and lighted ETs, and has helped so very much.  I am very human too so I have to sometimes stifle myself because I have as much trouble realizing there are benevolent ETS as many people do believing that there are less than benevolent ones. Ah human nature.  Are we not complicated devine creatures.  Thank you Guarka for sharing this information.

  • I think anything we go through - negative or positive - has the ability to make us stronger.  It really depends on what we do with our experiences.  Someday I hope that all suffering will be a thing of the past!

    I hope that your soul is comforted on the deepest level Marique, and that you let every experience empower you!

    Keep the good energy flowing and keep laughing when ever possible :)  

    • I totally agree with you.  I always loved the statement "that which does not kill you makes you strong!"  And laughter is definiitely devine.  My sense of humor is what has keep me sane (well maybe that is too strong a word, lol) over the years. 

  • You are truly Brave ONE Marique, to be able after your experience to allow Love in your Heart for all beings. This is Courage to live with it every day and be kind not only to yourself but also the Worlds.

    Much Love and Light to you.

    • Thank you Ara.  I do not look at myself at all as brave at all, just the opposite.I just try to survive and keep trying to get past it all all the while shaking and falling apart inside.  For me forgiving comes far easier than forgetting....As for having love in my heart for all beings that is easier because we are all part of the one godsource all doing what we are supposed to do, learning and growing and working our souls back to the one.  Trusting is however a huge thing that I struggle with I cannot deny and to love unconditionally one has to trust as well and that is where the hard part comes in.  That is the lesson I need to learn, but it is not easy to do being so dam human.   

  • That's heavy stuff Marique.


    I can't work out the purpose in your abduction, nor would I have thought that this horrible thing to happen to you - would ever have been allowed.  It's certainly a violation.


    Just no words to say other than you're such a strong woman with a fighting spirit.  I don't know how I would have coped.

    • Thank you Butterfly. I am fortunate that not all of the things discussed in this article have been a problem for me, but many of them fit me to a tee.  I has been a process working through all this and I have made many gains, but have a long way to go.  Trust and blind acceptence does not come at all easy to me, and sleeping has always been a major major problem as are flashbacks..I guess I have to say that most of my baggage is similar to someone who has been repeatedly raped and violated.  Trust and intimacy are issues I truly struggle with.  Anger and bitterness is always just under the surface for me and it is something I have to work very hard on keeping it contained, as is fear.  I really do want to love and trust freely but for me it comes a little more difficult for me than some.  Guess all I can do is just keep trying. When people tell me that I chose to have these experiences I say to myself what to hell was I thinking, haha.

      • Marique, just reading about some of your feelings that are still with you....


        I wanted to share how I've started the raw food diet in the last 11 days.  One of the side effects that I'm feeling is less fear. I was scared to death of 2012 but on this diet, I'm just feeling placid, as if everything will be ok.


        I'm just sharing in case it may help you to feel more calmer and relaxed.


    • Your post does have value, very much for me, it speaks of wisdom. I certainly do not think of you as foolish at all.  The orb of light within us is indeed strong and a part of the oneness.  Well said. And it so true that the spirit can heal all wounds, we all have to just help that spirit along as well I am finding. 

      I too, when I was little, felt that if someone would travel from the heavens that surely they would be full of God's light because to me, as child, up in the sky was where heaven and God was. I used to lay on my bed and dream about angels coming down to comfort me and even play with me and it always made me so happy, that dream. Alas that innocent trust was so quickly snatched away from me replacing that wonder and trust with pain and fear.  I learned that life was not always as it seemed and that not necessarily every that came from the skies had wings and played harps and halos and I had to put that dream away shattered, and that was so disappointing to me.  I began to view life with fear and shame for what had happened to me.  It has taken me years and years to begin to release that pain and trust in my heart that love can transcend all pain, fear and suffering, but it has definitely been a challenge.  All I can do is keep love and hope in my heart, but my caution will never leave me, it is who and how I am.  Thank you for having compassion and for understanding, it is a wonderful healing thing for me.

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