Words from the heart to you

 I  hope this may benefit some of you. Much love




link to pt.2 http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/words-from-the-heart-pt-2






Close your eyes...What is it that you see. Emptiness. Mind, body, sound, feeling, all these things for certain in time will fade. The emptiness will always be for it is you






In meditation there is nothing to learn, nothing to gain, nothing to become. To think there is, is only further empowering the illusion of separation by thinking your self as a separate being needing to achieve a certain experience to be what your supposed to be. Just let go






To know the true self place awareness on what always has been. It is right there when you close your eyes.






no experience is greater nor less then one another for ultimately each experience is an aspect to the experience of eternity. All is one whole.So what are you looking for in this world. Why do you blindly direct your focus from one object to the next seeking a temporary fulfillment when eternal fulfillment is of the self. Direct your focus to you to know you.






There is no one way to be for all ways of being are an aspect of eternal being. What room is there for the judgment of good or bad when it is ultimately all you. Close your eyes and accept. Right here and right now through acceptance rather then analytical judgment is freedom. Freedom to experience the infinite love you always have been, always are, and will always be.






To try and uphold any state is to hold self in limitation. To say if i am not this then I am not what i am supposed to be. But see that this is based on your conditioning with in the duration of your temporary limited physical being with in your true eternal infinite self as existence its self. There is nothing you are supposed to be but rather what is now simply just is and the fact that it exist as it does means it already is accepted by the universe, by god, by your eternal true self. What you perceive now is only a wave with in the infinite void. There is infinite potentiality with in this void that you are and to say you are only one of these waves and nothing else is bondage, limitation, suffering. Let go and finally allow your self to be free. To be all




In order for two things to be separate they could never be aware of each other, they would be of two existences, but that is impossible because 2 different existences would remain with in one existence. that is why there are infinite dimensions of manifestation but one existence, one being, one energy, one god. All is one.



Look, feel, and accept. This is the key to your shackles




You feel alone because you have separated you from you. Close your eyes, feel your breath and allow it to bring you back to you




There is no reason not to love. The temporary limited mind can justify all it wants on why not to love. But truly there really is no reason not to love. Can't you you see this.? Can't you feel this with your heart? There is one Universe, one existence, one being, one god. What with in experience is not part of you?




You create how you experience life through your thoughts. To bypass the analytical thinking mind simply just stop and feel. That is all. Just stop and feel. You will know love in every form, in every moment



Who you become,whether it be a peasant or a world ruler. What you obtain, whether it be great wealth or poverty. Fame, power. none of this matters.It is all a temporary thought of the Universe.It will dwindle away. What you truly are is eternity its self singing a song of love. Do not confuse your self with the ever changing song for what you know now as life is merely a single note of this song. What you are is much greater. Reside focus in the peace between the forms of this world, between the sounds, between your thoughts, between your breath. In time you will remember





The most powerful way of receiving and giving love is through acceptance




The most profound realization is with in extended silence



Truth simply just is and the more one seeks truth the further they grow from truth because truth always has been. As one seeks truth, they seek an idea, a concept. Concepts are of limitation, truth is of eternal infinite potentiality. truth is now before manifested limited actuality.



Let go of your fears, grudges, judgments, and desires. They do not serve you but hold you with in the experience of suffering. Just let go and allow your self to know this very moment.Here lays heaven



Do not resist the flow of life. The more you resist the more the natural flow will churn. Let go and ride the flow.



One to all, all to one



When was the last time you stopped, truly just stopped everything to be happy.



only will you see what always has been when you stop looking for what could be



life is a figment of the universes imagination



There is nothing one can do, think, believe, or say that will change what ultimately all is. Eternity



Know the peace between your breath. know the peace between your thoughts, know the peace behind your closed eyes and you will know the eternal peace that you and all are



Before one can unconditionally love the world with out they must come to accept and love the world with in.Close your eyes.Forget were your are and perceive the emptiness behind your eyes.Now feel.Notice how all thoughts, all emotions, all sensory stimulation is layers upon emptiness.A multidimensional happening coming together to create your experience of now. Accept all with in you. Feel it. love it. Now allow this love you feel with in to radiate with out shining love like a star in the dark



Awareness will always be free no matter what occurs with in it




I love you all



The mind places judgment upon the forms around them, saying this is good bad right wrong best worst. The mind is always looking to place value. thus the mind will never be satisfied. there will always be a roller coaster of emotions and experience as "good things" and "bad things" come and go. The mind is what keeps one from experience love in every moment. Take away the mind and what is there? It is the eternal loving awareness that you are. You can not destroy the mind. You can not make it go away. The only way to ascend the mind and to remain in a state of blissful awareness is to allow the mind to fall back into stillness. Do not judge or try to stop the thoughts that come unconsciously because that is only further feeding the mind furthering its dominance over your awareness. Simply allow all with in this moment to be. Just observe. Through acceptance of this moment that is we allow the mind to fade and there will be profound peace. the ever changing world of forms will no longer determine the amount of peace you will feel.





living is easy, living through the mind is hard





trying to control and plan life is like holding a burning inscent stick expecting the smoke to go up in a straight line




Love, nothing matters but love. Know that and peace will follow




All with out exception is love. Though you can not see this through the thinking mind because the mind is what places values creating the illusion of good bad, right wrong, best worst. This creates a filter of love making you decide what you will feel love for and what is not worthy based on the limited conditioning of the mind. To feel this love that is all you must take focus away from the sounds of your mind and accept all in this moment as it is with out judgment. Just remain aware like a camera. Feel this moment. Allow this moment to be you and it will embrace you with profound peace and love.





he universe we share as one unified being.What room is there for judgments, fears, and desires when ultimately everything with in existence with out exception is you experiencing you. When one hears the word you they relate it to the physical body that they identify them self with.But that is not what I mean by you. When I say you I mean the universe. You are the universe aware of the universe.





This that is here and now has been called a number of words. this that is never truly can be named or identified. It can only be experienced




in meditation you can not create the peace and love you wish to feel. You can only relax into it. Using visuals is like trying to stop ripples in water with your hand. You will only make more ripples. You must allow it to come to peace



There is no one to be. there is only  now




when you forget who you think your are, you are free




What ever happens does not matter. It is whether you choose to love what happens or not that matters




You are free as you believe your self to be




Your are the universe. to hate is to deny what already exist with in you. to deny its existence. see the insanity in this. It is only you hating you.Through acceptance of what is we feel eternal love



Being terminally or chronically ill can be a beautiful opportunity to allow others to share their love. The world has come to fear accepting and giving love. In the time of illness people come together and truth comes out. the only thing that matters is love




In time you will know this as a dream. Rising, happening, fading, and forgetting. You are eternal awareness watching dream by dream going by simply to know self existence




No matter where you find your self, you are with the heart. Here peace lays. Chaos, suffering, and insanity reside with in the mind. Turn focus away from the mind and bring it to the feeling of your heart. Stay here. You will know love. you will know peace. You will know you



Most never get to know what it is like to be with the stars even though we all always have been




This that is here and now is happening. It simply just is., It is based on your perception on how you experience this. It can be all horror, it could be mundane, it could be pure joy. This is your life. your experience. Turn away from all that you have been told and take up the power as a universal co-creator. make this that is as you wish it to be.




Remain empty and still to be eternally full




Your breath will carry you to the heart. Trust it. Allow it to bring you peace




You are far beyond this life you have come to think you know. You are being, you are eternity



The world simply just is yet the thinking mind places conditions upon it. Judging what is right wrong, good bad, best worst. With focus upon these judgments rather then what simply just is we create a limited experience based on the judgment. When you allow what is to be as it is with no judgment you experience all as an individual abstract of the same unified self origin. Infinite potentiality. There was once a Buddhist monastery that was in the forest. Each day the master would go for a walk to a rock ledge to watch the sun set. He would choose a different monk each time to go with him. There was one rule , and it was that you could not speak. One day he chose a young monk to go with him. As they watched the sun set , the monk said "what a beautiful sunset". Nothing else was said. They went back and the master never chose that monk again. A senior monk came to the master and asked him why he would not give the young monk another chance. The master responded " When that young monk spoke of the sun set, he was not watching the sunset. he was watching his words"


Most people place their focus on the forms around them. All things of form are subjected to change. If your happiness is relied upon the world of forms inevitably there will be suffering because what is, will change. What is within will always be. It is the stillness that always has been. Always is, and always will be




Eternal silence is that which all manifest with in. Look and see, is it not stillness that the lights, sounds, and actions of this world travel through. Silence is the infinite potentiality that limited physical actuality rises and fades with in awareness. It is were you come from, it is what you are, what you always have been, and what you will be. That is why it feels good to relax, to take a break. Meditation is to allow your self to fall away from the chaos and to return to your origin of silence . And as you meditate day by day you embody the divine stillness with in your being more and more. You will know all as one being. All as you



Those who base them self on the world around them know nothing but a temporary system of thoughts, beliefs, fears, desires, and ideas. Those who base them self on the world with in only know eternal self





You are the air that is breathed, you are the light that is seen, you are all that is to be experienced. There is nothing that you are not. In this time you have come to beleive the lies of limitation and suffering. Turn away from the world and go with in. Find the eternal love that you are and let it shine. Let your bliss be known and as you do so you shine like a star in the dark






Stop.Just stop , look and see. Where is it you find your self here and now but in the very heart of eternity. In the heart of "god" This that simply just is, this moment is you. Most have mistaken the limited temporary body as their true self. But know that what you hold your self to be is only one limited aspect to the infinite multidimensional experience of now. The experience of being. . It is through meditation do you allow your focus to fall away from the world of forms and to return to eternal stillness that all manifest within. You will then know this moment .There will be no more confusion, fear, or suffering because you will know all as you. You will know all as love






What is there before a sound comes, what is there after a sound goes. It is the eternal silence, the eternal stillness, the eternal peace, the eternal love. It is you. You are eternal. You have mis identified your self with the chaotic forms that rise and fade with in the still eternity that you are. As you focus awarness upon the choas your experience of now becomes chaotic. Turn your focus upon the stillness between the sites and sounds of this world and your experience will become of peace and stillness






When the only thing that makes sense is love, you have found home
Ask your self, what can never be created but always is. With your thinking you will not find the answer. Instead ask "what can never be created but always is" then sit in silence and wait for the answer to come to you. You already know. There is much you know that you do not realize you know. Just ask your self instead of looking through the world. Believe in your self



surrender into the feeling of your heart and never let go




In the end words of enlightenment will not bring enlightenment. You can study under an ascended master your whole life and never experience truth. Words are only labels. A concept may be spiritual, it may speak of truth but at that it still is only a concept. And as one tries to manifest the concept with in their experience they try to up hold the idea the concept holds. An idea is of limitation. You must take the leap your self . Shatter the shell of limitation and know this moment. know life. It takes courage, and trust in your true self . Faith in "god". To allow your trust to grow you must make meditation not of recreation, not of an activity but make it your life. Let go and return to the peace amid chaos.



In every moment you are born then die. You are not just the body but the wholesome experience of now. As a sound comes and goes so to does the unified experience of self expression





Imagine blank, dark, infinite emptiness.Now imagine a mirror. You see you and only you. Imagine you being mad when you don't do what you want you to do.Sad when your not what you want you to be. See the ridiculous nature of of judging your self. Now seem the mirror fade. What is there? Pure loving, conscious awareness with infinite potential. It is you. There is only you. There only ever has been you. All things you have come to think you know has only been an illusion. All temporary physical manifestation. A reflection of you simply so you know you. With out form you would not be aware because there is nothing to be aware of. You are the one being, the one consciousness, the one god, the one energy. Your idea of being the separate human being you see your self as of now. let go of all your desires and simply allow this moment to be as it is here and now. Allow this moment to be you. When you allow you do not judge. You no longer judge your reflection thus you let go remembering what you truly are. The eternal oneness






Simply be and feel




forever is now, now is forever



This eternal moment does not move, it does not change. Only the forms that appear with in this moment rise change and fade. As you rely your happiness on these forms so to will your happiness rise change and fade. Go with in. Feel this immediate moment. Feel its peace. Feel its stillness, feel the love. Be this. home is in the heart



Enlightenment is here and now. it is beyond the reaches of time. As you continue to chase after enlightenment you chase after a mind made illusion of what should be. Simply stop and and accept what is now. Stay here the illusion will fade and you will see



The world of form is of chaos. You can continue to participate in it or you can turn away. Turn away and remain in your center of being were there is stillness, peace, and pure love. You are the center of the universe. The heart of "god"



Your heart always wants to express it's self. Your thinking mind hides the hearts love with its conditioned fears. Free it through pure acceptance. Allow your self to be the star of pure light that you are shedding light to the darkness



Be not trying to become


You may choose to continue creating with the life that you are or you can remain as the life you are. The choice always has been yours



You are more then what you think you have become. Look inside your self and remember



No persona you can ever create is as great as what you truly are. It will only cover it up



The amount of resistance in your breath is the amount of resistance in the mind.Remember how to truly breath.Simply feel pressure in the core of your body. We repress it in,It is our inner light.Realize it is you holding this resistance.Let the pressure expand through your body.All will be healed.There will be this. One who for gets how to let them self breath freely forgets how to let them self live freely. The pressure in your core is your heart trying to push out to express the love that you are



You are are eternity, infinite potential. With free will you have created the experience of limitation with in infinity. It is only the thinking mind that will continue to uphold this self imposed illusion. Be still. You will see that which you and all are



turn away from the world of forms and turn with in. Feel this immediate moment. Feel you. Know your self and you will know all that is with in and with out



Look around you. See all the forms you have pulled into your life to bring a temporary sense of contentment. Notice how you are in an endless cycle of bouncing from one thing to another getting bord of one thing and moving to another. Texting, then going on the computer, facebook, music. Relise this is you desperately trying to deny the truth that you are in fear. Allow your self to turn away. Allow your self to be still. You must give trust.Just let your self be still. Know your breath and your breath will know you. Once you learn to allow your self to be still you will never need anything but the breath to be eternally happy



The word breath translates to spirit. Know the breath and the breath shall know you. Your breath is your best friend yet you have forgotten. The breath is what fuels your experience of this in every moment. Return to your breath, know your breath, feel your breath, be your breath and you shall know this. The breath is your life rope to guide you out of the ocean of illusion and confusion. Hold to it and never let go. It will bring you to your heart. The star of pure white light. Let it shine



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =EnCvL1wMJA4
e=mc2 all is energy. Energy can not be created nor destroyed. But what is energy. The word energy is only a label to all that is. It has deadened truth. Look past the label. You are the stars, yo
u are the air, your are predator and the prey, you are all layers of being, you are all that there is with out exception. There is nothing that you are not. It is only the temporary form that you have taken in this moment that sees self as separate. You are the one energy, the one love, the one being, the one existence, the one consciousness, the one awareness, the one god, the one light. The one truth. One may ask. how could I know this for certain. how could one be so sure. Know that it can be proven to ones self. it does not matter who you are. You must let go of the persona you have created in this time. The identity you believe your self to be. You must simply let go and be still. Be stillness it's self. In time the holographic illusion will fade and you will know all as you. You looking at you. The one energy. The I am



Any thought is of an imagined separate being with in one being



Words are labels to the infinite expressions of one unified being. They are merely unnecessary distracting noise. Be silent. Be this and simply experience that which just is



Love... Love is of all my teachings. it is whats they all speak of. There are infinite ways to speak of it.Different ways may help individuals understand it. But ultimately there is one meaning to all that I speak and that is love. Love is the most profound teaching. love is truth. Love is this that is all. Love is you.it is only with the judging mind that we filter this love, choosing how we experience it. Look back to a memory of you standing among a beautiful landscape. A jaw dropping sunset. Hearing a song that brings tears. Notice how there is no thought, there is no judgment. You simply sit and enjoy that which is being experienced. You feel a deep loving warmth with in your chest. It is because you have allowed your self to feel this love that is in all. Your thinking mind is only conditioned to seldomly choose what to feel this for. Break free. Let go. Allow the the filters to dissolve releasing a flood gate of love to all forms. To all experience.




there is only this here and now. Look and feel the immediate moment to uphold all that you truly are beyond all thoughts, opinions,and beliefs.



Do something unexpected, uncommon, even crazy. Jump off the train that all ride and be still. Be the true being that you were born to be. Show love in every moment no matter what. Even when all others rage in anger or hide in fear. Your boldness will shake mountains.



This is your creation, your experience. Suffering and confusion will not end untill you accept that you are your own master



To find eternal happiness turn away from the world of forms and turn with in. Feel this immediate moment. Feel the peace that glows with in your body. Feel it in your heart. And once you find it never let go.



In this society maturity means to become the socially conditioned figure that is wished of you. To loose site of what is. Ones hair may grow grey yet they still have toys. The toys only change. They still have pointless dramas that have only changed into what one thinks has a point. Maturity comes through meditation. To truly know self. To know this that is



The moment you put effort into your meditation is the moment you fall out of meditation. Effort is putting energy into an idea you wish to manifest in this world. Meditation is to be still. To simply observe that which already is. To know that which you truly are. There is nothing to create


To be stillness is to be that which I truly am. To see. To be the I am that I am.




it just is




you can not create your true nature. You can only relax into it



you can never become more then you already are. Enlightenment is not gaining any thing, it s not becoming something. It is remembering what you always have been, always are and always will be. Eternity its self




Take a deep breath and look around you. What is it that you see. It may be bland , mundane and lifeless. It may be joyful and serene. No matter how you choose to experience this that is, it is miraculous, it it is one being, it is you. Look in this moment, this silence, your heart and you will see




Look up and see the billions of stars above. Know that you are so much more then what this society has led you to believe. Know there is so much more to life then your lifes dramas, money, cars, music, friends, sex, and drugs. As you look to the night sky ask "who am I" The answer is always there in this moment. Listen to the silence



Stop, stop trying to be something and let your self be that which your are. Feel this that is. Feel the peace, welcome to this moment



Allow this to be your experience. All in this moment here and now. Through pure acceptance we shine the love that is



Truth is the simplest thing of all. There is no searching for it because it has always been here and now and will always be here and now. When you stop looking you will finally see. Let go of your desires, beliefs, judgments, and opinions. These will not serve you but further illusion. Just stop, stop and feel this moment for what it is and in your heart you will know



The breath will carry you to that place you have always wanted to be



This will all fade. Know this, embrace and accept this


you are free... freer then the thinking mind could ever understand. return to the breath. return to the flow of life and you will see



Words hold no truth. They merely are a label on what just is here and now. Only through silence is truth experienced





Perfection can never be created through the mind for the mind is what creates the illusion of imperfection through its thoughts, opinions, and desires. This moment already is perfect, it always has been, always is, and always will be. Perfection can not be created but only relaxed and surrendered into



just be being its self not in the mind but with in the heart. Here lays all truth of this that is



How ever you choose to identify this moment will become the experience you come to know



existence is dependent upon the experience that is now



just listen to the song and you will realize how wonderful it is with out your judgment



The amount you think is the amount you are attached to form


Stop and look at this moment. Ask your self Who am I. What is this. The thinking mind may answer with conceptualized answers. Answers based on ones own experience, judgments, and ideas. But know this is illusion. Again, what is this? Can you see your mind can never honestly answer this question for you truthfully. Surrender your thoughts and become this moment. Simply exist as you are here and now. As you do this you allow your self to be this and you will know this



When we praise, we hold on, when we hate, we hold on. When we simply just let it be we let it arise and fade. The experience is had and fades



You are free, you are eternal, you are this




Let the love that is flower through pure acceptance


Choose to know life not limitation




Enjoy your life. Take things not so seriously. Break free from the sense of limitation imposed upon you. Explore this temporary experience called human life and enjoy it for what it is. Shatter the shell and shine


The Universe could be absolutely anything in its infinite potential. But it is this here and now. You and your experience are not separate from the universe. You are the universe. You chose this moment in ways you do not understand. know that this just is


Only know this. This here and now. One must unlearn a life time of false conditioning to learn truth. to learn now



This just is




Their is a vail that covers. It is from associating words with happenings. Creating identification on what truly can only be perceived not identified. Ask your self. What is sound, what is sight, what is feeling, what is taste, what is smell, what is god, what is this. And when you let go you will see you are this. This moment in its wholesome perfect eternity



All things of matter are in a constant state of change. Trying to maintain who you think your self to be. Who you want to be. An identity is only limiting self



You are all looking for something. You are all looking for the same thing. Though it has been so long you forget what that is. It is happiness and fulfillment. You seek this through friendship, material possession, food, drugs,alcohol, sex and relationships.Tme after time you find what is obtained to fall and fade in the river of life. For all manifestation is impermanent. To rise and to fade. That is the nature of form. The absolute truth is here and now in this moment. Not a s econd ago, not not a second in the future. Here and now. And as you remain aware of here and now truth will become obvious. In this truth will be eternal joy, eternal peace, eternal fulfillment and eternal happiness. For the moment of now is eternal. Beyond mind and body is eternity from which the impermanence arises and fades. Place awareness on that which remains forever.


your judgment is a love filter. let it go and you open a flood gate of love

See if you can point your finger to the difference between a memory and a dream



I am born, see me breath with the first breath of life in that is given. Walk with wonder through this world with in the I am that I am. Knowing me.Feeling me. Being me. See me breath my last breath of life out that is giving. Lay me down to the ground. Watch me fade. For that is the nature of form



Infinite bliss is right here right now. This moment is absolutely perfect in its being. Let go of your ideas to what should be, to what you want, to what you wish was here, what you wish to create and just look. Look at this moment with no opinion or judgment. Just let this moment be and you will see.


Seeking to create a different experience then that is now through meditation is only furthering the delusion that you wish to escape. Meditation is to relax, surrender, and become aware of this eternal moment as it is. Here and now lays infinite love. Bring your self here and now.


What you look for you will find. If you look for things you don't like in people you will find things you don't like and may suffer. If you look for things you like in people you will find things you like and may become attached. It is best to accept and not judge . To let love flow naturally, not choosing what is worthy of your love


Wishing for things to be different.That is the nature of the human thinking mind. Wishing for something to be the way it once was. Wishing for something to be here and now that is not here and now. Over and over one seeks something of physical manifestation. Experiencing joy once obtained then suffering when it inevitably fades. Only to find self chasing after another thing thinking once I get this I will be happy. All things wit h in manifestation are in a constant state of change. Arising and fading. Seek happiness not in the ever changing forms but seeks happiness with in what does not change. That is being. Being in its wholesome perfection here and now. Eternity it's self. Be here and now one with all. No judgment. No speculation. No wishing for things in this moment to be different. Now is all that is real. Love and surrender into this eternal moment and suffering will peal away and there will only be love, light, and unity


Eternity lost in love life is



Let it go. Let it simply just be. Be here now


This body is not the constant. Awareness is the constant.  God is not a being . It is  being. All that is being here and now is god. All is god
How could anything with in eternity not be eternity itself

Look at yourself and look around you. look at the duration of life and beyond. Is there any anger or resentment truely worth holding onto. Know you only suffer when you hold onto such feelings. It takes away the potential of loving. Let it go. Just let it go


you your self are the permanent happiness you seek in this world of forms. Stop looking with out and look with in


Remain as you are. Desiring to change the dream will only further attachment to the dream. Be here now. Stay here


nothing is mundane, nothing is special. All simply just is



The more we let all just be the faster time will seem to be and eventualy will stop. There will be just now.all will be clear. You will be the I am that simply just is



he universes desire to learn about itself manifest with in children. From the early stages of their lives they can not help but ask why over and over with wonder and fascination with the world around them. As they grow older they become conditioned with the ideas of others in a conformity building an egoic identity slowly consuming what they once were in illusion. The only way back is with meditation.




It is because it is. These words are not precious or worthless. They are not good, they are not bad. They are not right they are not wrong. it simply is because it is




In this moment Ican see
In this moment, in the sun my heart bleeds
Bring me peace
Bring me love
In this moment I will not suffer
...In this moment I am free
Stay here I will when I breath
Stay here and I will be me
Through all deep shadows
Through all raging flames
I remain
I am


What the heart teaches goes beyond opinion and belief. We all know the truth. It is in every single one of us. Just have to stop and listen

Your always welcom to step out of your opinons, your thoughts, your judgments, your mind and join reality. That of which you are is always there waiting, waiting for you to wake up.



The sun will rise. The sun will fall. But not for eternity will it

When all thoughts of resentment are gone. When all judgments are given up. When all is forgiven. when all is embraced with love. One will behold an eternal sense of wonder. Raging storms no longer will ravage with winds and rain. The sun will shine upon your being with love. In this moment you will see. You will see I am. Through all fire and shadows you will be carried in a dome of light

Cry in pain no more. Salvation is with in your breath. With in your heart. Ask your self who am I? What am I? What is all of this in this world I see. Place your hand to your heart and say I am here, this is me. And stay here. stay in awareness of the heart

The breath is the most intimate relationship one will ever have

I am this moment. I am this silence. I am this salvation. I am this breath. I am this heart beat. I am this. I am. I

In meditation there is no experience to create. there is no experience to experience but what is now. Through our everyday life very rarely are we truly here. Our egoic mind is busy analyzing, observing individual happenings,. thinking of past and future. Butt know meditation is simply bringing your self here to experience this moment as a whole

Focus on the silence between waves of manifestation. There true understanding lays



Release all thoughts of wanting to change your self. you are perfect you are here


Right here, right now exist manifestation. isn't it quite curious

In this moment I can see....I can see all there is to be and not to be. I can see me...

The more one surrenders into silence the more addictions will fade. The more order in life there will be


In this eternal moment I existI am

To obtain peace here and now lay down thy hand of creation and observe all that is

To experience true self one must temporarily stop trying to create this moment. One must allow them self to become part of this moment with no identity

I and all is love. love manifested just for the sake of the i am loving self. Looking at self. Expressing self.

your heart will teach you how to see all the beauty with in and with out. You just have to give it permission

This reality doesn't have to be anything at all. It simply just does for the love of it

can you allow your self to be you

judging self is a manifestation of the attachment of needing to be somebody

Seek not to make this moment anymore then it is. For it is already perfect. You just have to stop and feel it. Stop and be it

you are not who you think your self to be. You are not this body but the life that inhabits this body. You are are pure awareness. You are always whole and complete. You are always perfect. Take awarness away from the thoughts and place it on the life that you are and you will will feel it. You will always be happy so long as your in awareness

Don't let your opinions and feelings get in to way of love to all

nothing could express but all

We are all creations of the universe. We are all part of the universe. The universe is infinite making space and separation non existent . We are all one. All the same being that simply just is. To love another is to love an extension of your self . To hate another is to hate an extension of your self. To judge is silly. Just love its the only sensible thing to do


By honoring what is in this moment we allow love to flow from our heart

All you will ever need is right here, right now. Look no further in this world for fulfillment and happynes. All you need is love and love is with in you. love your self. Stop judging your self and your actions. Stop trying to be better in other ways. You are perfect right here right now.

The Universal question is why, the universal answer is, it just is.

Now is the only moment of experience. Now is what it is. Now can not be changed in anyway. You can accept now and be at peace or you can reject now and suffer. the choice is yours. it always has been yours. you hold the key to your shackles

Love is the energy of life. Love is every were and in everything. Love can not be change for love is truth, love is you. You block this infinite love with the dualistic thought pattern of this is good, this is bad, this is right this is wrong. Simply drop these thoughts. Open your heart to all with in manifestation and there will no longer be suffering of the mind

You are you, unfurl your wings and fly

you must take responsibility. Desired change will not happen unless you put your foot down acknowledging who you are in your life. you as a creator

form is the dream of the formless

You need not create or better your self. What is important is to remember what you are

I love you all. i really do. Stay strong

Do not battle your demons. Simply surrender the battle and exist as you are. As pure unconditional love. Just be you here and now

There is ALWAYS something you could do. Infinite experiences through out the Universe. You could party everyday of your life or you could sit at home everyday of your life. Both would be experiencing the same amount. There is no number to express infinity. It is all now. the collective experience of infinity is now. its you. its me. it everything. here and now.you are never missing out because you are part of it. you can experience it or be the wholesome experience itself in silence

I am this wind. I am this light, I am the cars going by. I am the music in the background. I am the air your breathing. I am me. I am you. You are me and you are you. I am this wholesome experience. I am now. I am. I....

You can not control life. You are here for the experience. Your suffering will not end until you accept what is right here, right NOW.

I..... I am..... I am aware that I am......What can I do? What is possible here? What more could there be? -------> ∞

There is no were in the universe to hide from you. You are you. you are the I am

Its not impossible to know the beyond. You came from the beyond. Silence the mind and look deep with in your self. there the truth lays. No more belief. this goes beyond speculation, beyond opinion, beyond form

There is no good or bad, there is no right or wrong, there is no best and worst. These are perspectives. There is only simply the I am.

Right now, right here you are you. You simply just are

Everything is perfect right here, right now as it is. the egoic mind diludes itself to beleive different by judging what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is bad. But see your are complete, you always have been and you always will be. be here now. Everything is just the way it needs to be for the experience of now. Everything just is.

I love you all. Enjoy the dream


See your self, see the world, see the stars, see all with in the physical universe. now see the world fade see the stars fade, see your body fade, see all creative manifestation fade. What is left? Wake up

Dwell within your heart

You can only loose what you attach too. You can only love what you let be free

Impermanence is who you are, consciousness is what you are

True wisdom is knowing true self. When you know true self you know the universe. you are the I am

There is only you, only ever has been you, only ever will be you.You are the I am

No one is creating for you,you are the creator, you have the power

All your life you have searched this physical world for true happyness, true love. You have searched for this in friendships, relashionships, material possesions. You have searched in all manners of form. Yet you still remain disatisfied.You still remain incomplete. You still remain with the feeling of wanting. Showing you you have not obtained that you desire. Knowing that the external world has not filled your w ishes . turn with in and examine your self. Examine your self as truth, as life as being. Surrender your thoughts. Give up your thoughts and ideas of what you think the world is, of what you think your self to be. Naturally you will return to the state of simply being. Were you will feel life, feel love. Drop your desire to do, drop your desire to fix.Drop your desires to create temporarily. In this act of full surrender all the love, all the happyness all the wisdom of the universe will flow through your being and there will no longer be that void your whole live you have seeked to fill. there will no longer be beleif. there will simply be a knowing.

Life can not be made to fit expectations of the mind. Life can only be surrendered into to realize the beauty that is. The beauty of what life is.

I love you all, stay true to your heart and nothing will bring you down

Doing the work is easy, thinking about it is hard. Experiencing a loss is easy, thinking about it is hard. Life is easy, thinking about it is hard

Experience this moment for what it is before chasing after some mind made idea of what you want.Of what you crave.Of what you think will bring you happiness.You have lived in this manor your whole life yet you still seek the ideas in your mind for the temporary experience of limited happiness.This moment is eternal.As long as you live in this moment and see it for what it is so to your happiness will be eternal

The place is here. the time is now. The only thing keeping you from pure love, pure bliss is your own mental cage of limitation. Surrender thought and be free with in silence

Love is the ultimate power. Not the attachments in life that most are deluded to believe as love but the divine love with in the heart. the love that knows no boundaries. The love that knows no judgment. the love that simply is. Feel this love. let this love manifest with in your being

What always has been, what always is, what always will be is with in. With in you. What is, is you; always you

Being truthful is one of the best things you can do for your self. Do not fear being judged for truth. Do not Be afraid of isolation. When truthful you are simply you. Naturally those who are not meant to be in your life will be repelled and those who are will attract.

All that you know as you is merely an illusion. An illusion based upon the delusional thought of separation. All you think you know. all you think your self to be is based on limited egoistic thought. limited egoistic experience. You falsely believe your experience to be limited from the duration of birth to death. But see, this is not the nature of what is. The nature of what is, is eternal. You, you your self not as a physical being but  awareness are eternal. Eternal in this moment that is you, only you

Realize its all just a dream. Always has been, always will be. With awareness we create. We can make it a pleasant dream or we can make it a nightmare. Or in an act of surrender we can simply observe.

Everything is sacred, nothing is sacred

Right now, right here is you. The truth that you are is not dependent on your past. The truth that you are does not wait for a future moment to be experienced.You are you here and now.You have always been your self here and now and you will always be your self here and now.You mistakenly believe you are the subject of your thinking mind. You mistakenly believe you are only physical form. You are the universal conscience that all forms are experienced. Are minds believe that the religions of the world hold the truth  for us by teaching us concepts that may seem foreign to our own immediate experience. The religions of the world may teach us about far of beings, about many gods or one god. the religons of the world may teach us about far off places about many heavens or one heaven. Yet our selves never confirmed these answers with in our own lives.Yet we choose to believe the "truth" that they give us.Believing that we are infact defined by somthing that we have never seen, by somthing that we have never known. Can you see the ridiculous nature of following somthing that has not been proven by your own self. can you see the fallacy of religous and spiritual systems that base them selves off of some past or future knowledge of a future experience that has never been proven in ones life and yet these teachers stand among the masses proclaiming these things to be true that has never been proven by them self. That has never been proven as truth by those who listen. See that it is all within you To know truth, to know what is thought to be incomprehensible or impossible to know we simply have to return to the nature of what we truly are. We can do this by removing focus from the personal ego and putting it on the silence between all waves of manifestation. The silence that all comes from. We become aware of the Universal awareness that is through out all space, all time. Awareness that is not bound by personal mind, personal experience, personal beliefs. Simply let go. Simply surrender self into awareness, surrender self into silence. This is were all the love of the universe lays, this is were all the wisdom of the universe lays, this is were all the happiness of the universe lays. It is not instant. Patients is a virtue. but the more we find our selves surrendering personal self the more we will find higher self. The more we surrender who we think we are the more we will discover truly what we are.beliefs will fade and there will only be knowing. And once this knowing is obtained it stays with in your being, with in your heart

It's tricky how deep the mind can work. Stay true to the Spiritual Heart and you'll be fine. Enlightenment will happen according when it's supposed to, not when your mind thinks it should.

You as a physical being  are a cocreator with the universe. Step into your your power and create that which your heart guides you

Big changes are happening. Don't be afraid its ok

Nothing lives long but Earth and Sun. When I die birds will continue to chirp. When i die river will continue to flow. When I die ocean waves will still roll onto shore. When i die wind will still blow through grass meadows. When i die children will continue to laugh and play. When I die this body will fade and return to all life we know. When i die the light will take me home

Everything that happens is necessary. Every tiny event to every large event is life changing . Setting the stones for future experience. Some times things happen that we don't like. But it is all for a reason. Think back to something you remember vividly from when you were very young. 4-5. Relive that moment. look at you now. Look how much you have grown. Look how much things have changed. Its all necessary

relax into this moment. This moment that is you. Not who you wish to be but what you are. Be as you are. There is no need to change. There is no need to manipulate. Surrender. Peace can not be created by thoughts. Peace can not come through physical actions. True peace, true happiness, true love comes from surrendering into this eternal moment that is you and all are.As you surrender all the wisdom of the Universe will shine through

There is mind and there is emptiness. Creative conscience that just is. In this there are infinite possibilities. This manifest in are dreams. Were anything can be. Life is a playground for mind. Take nothing serious. Its all a dream

You are part of the universe. The universe is infinite and in infinity size does not exist. You are everything and you are nothing. you are the macrocosm and you are the microcosm. You are the universe. You have only forgotten. The noisy egoastic mind has distracted you from self. It is only an abstract of true self. You being the universe it is not hard to understand the univers. you don't need all the complicated mathmatics, and quantum physics to understand. The egoastic looks for complicated answers. But the truth is its not complicated at all. It is the simplest thing there is. SILENCE. Learn to silence your mind and in that the fogged window will come clearer then ever imagined. I promise you. The answers and understaanding are with in you.confusion is with in the mind, truth is with in the heart.

Were ever the Universe takes you in life don't feel sad, don't feel lonely, don't feel unloved. There will always be somebody there for you in this experience called life And that person is you. Look into your heart. That is were infinite love lays

The breath is the life. Give it attention

Take time in silence to remember your mother, the Earth. Take time in silence to remember your father, the Sun. Take time in silence to remember the mother and father of Earth and sun. the Universe. Take time in silence to remember not who you are. That is an illusion, an impermanence but what you are. You are silence, you are eternal. You are all. All is one. You are silence. Take time in silence to remember silence

forget your troubles, forget what you want. Do not look for fulfillment for the moment you begin to look for fulfillment you separate your self from true self. Just be. let the love of the universe flow through your heart

The frustration and pain that we sometimes feel within ourself is not caused by others, but rather by our own resistance to the Here-Now moment and what is occurring within it.When we can see the frustration arise within, we can break it's pattern and create clarity. Then we can consciously choose to act, rather than react from our subconscious programming

Everything falls into place, be patient

Happyness is the way. it is peace and harmony. So long as we try to make things are way, so long as we manipulate to in attempt to acheive, happyness will not come. Trees grow high and mighty with out trying. Grass grows lush and green with out trying. Are heart beats with out trying. And soon as you stop trying happyness will manifest it self.

∞-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4- 3- 2- 1- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10∞
Be here now. All lifes wisdom, all lifes answers can be obtained if you let your self be here right now and you listen. Being in the past and being in the future will only blind you. Be here now

We are thought manifested fruit upon the tree of life. We are the tree of life. We are the thought.

Everything in life is only an experience. Take them not serious but content, open and ready for the next to come

Best way to have last say in an argument is to admit being wrong even if you are not wrong

In the infinite universe there is no me, there is no my or mine. We do not own our selves, we do not own things, we do not own people. we simply just are

Don't allow what you think you know to blind you from truth

If you ever want to see the sunset you must put all words and thought aside

The future is uncertain so lets wait till tomorrow to see what happens and what does we shall love and embrace in the experience of life

To have an enemy is to only see a fraction of who they are. To bask in ill memory

Who is right, who is wrong, who wins, who looses, who is the best, who is the worst is not what is important. What is important is how kind, how loving, how peaceful you can be. That is more important then being right

Cycles will never be broken unless we defy what is desired

If confronted with a problem and there is something you can do, do it. If there is nothing you can do sit down and have a cup of tea

I am the Sun
I shine my love from here to the ground
Watch me grow
watch me feed
Now see me stand
 walking the ground
I look down to the ground and see my light
I see my shadow
I see my essence
I see me

Tryingto control life is like trying to control smoke with the hand.

Acceptance is to be in harmony and to be in harmony is to be in bliss.


To hold any type of negative emotion towards something or some one is to hold an ember

greed in infinity is true insanity

now that you are home and snuggled in, do not let the chaos of the day follow. Close your eyes. breath deeply and slowly.Count the cycles. Focus on the air coming in and leaving filling every cell of your body with life. Feel the peace and smile

You CAN do this on your own



This is YOUR reality. You are you. Let it shine. Do not be afraid. No matter your actions you WILL be judged by others. That does not matter. If you are in a crowded store and get the urge to dance, then dance. Whether you do it or not some one is judging you already. It may be for the way your face looks, the way you dress, the way you walk, anything.So just be you :)

We are a wholesome eternity. Love your self to freedom

with the universe beening infanant, for all I know tomarow i could die and simotaniously awake up and in a life were I am a talking cracker. The dream then fades and I the talking cracker go on with my life

Do your self a favor. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and let go. It your chance to live your life in this moment.

We are infinite, we are beautiful. I love you all

We are the nothing, we are the everything, we are the light that shines from above, we are the night that creeps from every corner. we are the love that brings tears of joy, we are the hate that brings pain, we are the unknown that catalysis imagination and we are the mundane that brings bordum. We are the great paradox, we are existence, we simply just are....

For the sake of inner peace, one should forgive everyone and forgive them self every night before slumber

To follow your heart simply just do what you dont have to think about doing

Never let some one tell you that your ways are wrong. NEVER It doesn't matter who. Not your mother not your father, not your pastor, not your best friend. For your way is YOUR way. Of course another may not understand. Im not saying close your ears and go lalala. Just dont let others say your ways in your life in your existance is wrong

Have faith in all changes

life is absolutely incredible and the more you open up, accept ,and love the more incredible it becomes

What you think manifest into who you are

I love you all for what and who you are, I love you for your place and purpose in the Universe. Just be your self, just be

To love not hate, to be happy, to simply just be

Most live their lives as a war for happyness. Most will never be happy. One must not fight what simply just is but live in harmony. Yin and yang

The Universe is so incredible yet so simple

Being in love is a mere attachment to an indevidual, an illusion. Love has no boundries, love has no expectations, love has no rules. Nothing in the Universe flows smoother then love. Nothing harmonizes as well. Love can not hurt you

To the unwoken eye life seems to be a constant war against suffering.That is why most will not feel happyness. War can not bring happyness. Simply just let ALL be


Life is as simple as raising a finger if one can simply accept the circumstances given by the Universe.Everything is EXACTLY the way it is supposed to be

just let every thing be. its ok. do not fight the inevitable but embrace with love

nothing of matter will bring true joy. Not a place not a thing, not a person. True joy is with in the light of your center being

The Universe has no start or end. Meaning time is non existant. You at one point were not here and again will not. So how is one to ever exist. How could anything be real other then imagination. A dream upon a dream in a never ending river of change

Who we were yesterday is different then today. What we clung to yesterday is the same as today. That is the common misunderstanding

No matter the circumstance, all will be lost. You will lose every thing
you love, you will age and you will die. But everything is all right and
as soon as your realise that you will feel it. Life is not to be taken
serious but only an experience in infinity

For the truths that are held within, one could not say enough

ego is the state of illusion. To believe that you are separate from
nature, from me and from others is a mistaken idea. We are all a part
of a living system, the same system. Every atom in your body was part of
something before you and it will be part of those who come after.

For get yesterday and stop worrying about tomarrow for reality is NOW. The less your mind is clouded by yesterday and tomarow the more clear today is and the more clear today is the more beautiful



I am here I am now, a projection of a reflection for observation. The fact that each one of us exist proves that each one of us are perfect. Maybe not perfect for another or our selves, but perfect in a wholesome unity of cause and effect. Perfect for our place and time of purpose to the next stepping stone of Universal evolution

In order to have peace, we must have self confidence. The mere fact that we exsist means we are accepted by the Universe.We do not need to strive to be appreciated. As consciencness we already exist as everything we wish to be loved for. We only need to appreciate our selves and our self in all manifestation and all people

The most important thing you can ever find in life is love.Not love for another but love from the inside. Know what you are and you will know the universe because you are a creation of the universe. All is = and came from the same thing which is 0. An absolute nothing that abstracts to everything. A river of cause and effect. Ride this river, do not dam it and everything will alays be alright


Everything thing just is. Nothing makes sence but yet makes perfect sence. A universe of infinite paradoxs. A never ending river of cause and effect. I love you all good night

We will all find are place in the path of harmony


Life is fragile and beautiful. And for each and every one of us wether we are ready or not it will come to an end. There will be no more sun rises.No minutes hours or days. All things you have collected will be treasured or forgotten.All your wealth fame and power will shrivlle to irrelivance.It won't matter what you owned or owed.Your jelousies, judgements, and resentments will disapear...e. So to will your hopes, plans, ambitions, and to do list will expire.The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.So what will matter? It will not be what you built or what you bought, but what you gave. What will matter is not what you learned but what you tought.What will matter is the love you spread. Because love will forever echoe. So please live for now. Please stop hating because it does nothing but ruin the experience of life for all. Just live for now


Every second your a new person in a new place in a new time. Only you choose to hold onto who you were

If I am to perish please do not be sad.That is the last thing I want. I
dedicate my life to love and happyness.Don't even hold onto the memory
of me.Only hold onto the love I have spread in my time and forever
expand apon it. I am but a dream of collective conscience.A wave of love Keep following the sun. Keep following your heart.Whe...n the time come I will not greiv and neither should you.I love you all good night

Its time for us to stop judging eachother. Its time for us to realise we to are a product of nature. its is time to break free from the technilogical blind fold of the modern day. Its time to open your eyes. Stop fearing and start loving

If you have trouble letting go, a good way to help your self is every month draw a picture that takes a very long time to do. Put a lot of detail into. Put your heart and soul into it. Do not let anybody ever see it. And right after you finish and get done and look at it with satisfaction burn it...

Words with out meaning are all around, singing their song of Om. The silence, the space, and the stars. The nothing and the everything all is so beautiful anymore

Life is like a vast ochean. If you try to swim to get some were your not going to get anywere and just tire your self out. Just relax and let the current carry you and see were it takes you







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  • Wow, that a long message!  I'll try and read it all eventually :) Sounds like good energy though, it's refreshing :)
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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

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