There is always so much talk about duality, and the illusion of duality, and how we have to get out of it, because duality is bad, and being in the illusion is what it means to be unevolved basically. And this might be true, in principal, but I think there is much more to it than that. Here is what I believe.



I believe everything is a duality. The entire universe, all of Gods creation, all of life itself, is one big illusion of duality. Without the illusion of duality, there would be no experiencing. God would not be able to manifest himself (or itself). God divided his one still light into sexed pairs, to give form to the ideas of his knowing, via the motion from rhythmic interchange of opposites. All of creation is based on this principal. If we are in creation, we are in the illusion. Until we are completely and utterly at one with God, in the zero-point stillness of cessation of motion, we will still be in the illusion.



Reminds me of something David Icke was told in his ayahuasca state, "If it vibrates, it's illusion". And I believe that, motion is an illusion. Vibration is an illusion. A vibration is an oscillation between two or more points, from a central equilibrium. Vibration depends on duality, if there was only the equilibrium, where "God" is, there would be no vibration. Everything other than complete oneness with God, is an illusion.



Even the ETs are still in duality. They just vibrate a higher, faster frequency. They are still male and female, or androgynous. They are still different colors, and different races, and come from different planets, and star systems. It's not like they are perfect, and are at one with God lol If they were, they wouldn't be here! They may be closer to oneness than we are, but they aren't there yet. How could they be?



If it exists, it is illusion. In reality..there is no reality.



It's like Criss Angel's song, "I am the mind freak! There's no reality! Just this world of illusion, which keeps on taunting me!" Exactly! It's all an illusion! There is no real reality, except nothing. It's the great paradox of life, everything is nothing, nothing is everything, there is no reality except nothingness.



I became aware of that reality, the one and only time I took acid. I kept thinking, what is real, what is real? And I became aware that everything in life is an illusion of thought and motion. From human civilization, to the natural world, to the universe itself. It's all an illusion of thought and ideas. Strip it all away, and you have nothing. Like in the matrix, "Welcome to the desert of the real!" Yes! Except it's not even a desert, it's just plain nothingness, an eternal void of stillness.



Nothing is real, everything is illusion, save the still void of infinite nothingness, where everything comes from. This is where God is. And God, desiring to experience himself (or itself) created the illusion of division, divided his one still light into opposing pairs, to simulate motion via the rhythmic interchange of polar opposites. Everything in this universe is a duality!



I think people want to escape the negative side of duality, where we kill each other, and fight, and vibrate at lower slower resonances. And I don't like it either! It's nasty down here, I want to live in a place with love overflowing, like the song says! I want to live in a world of magic, and wonder, and beauty! I want to get back to God too, it is the nature of all things, to get back to their central equilibrium of rest, from their stressed conditions of dualistic rhythmic motion. Right down to the vibrating strings of a guitar.



But without that vibrating string, there could be no sound. Without the vibration creating sound, there could be no music, no beautiful orchestras, no masterpieces of musical creativity. It's the same with the universe. Without the duality, there could be no masterpiece of Gods creativity called life. Without duality, all things would exist simply as an un-manifested idea within Gods knowing. It would exist as potential only. The point of life is to manifest all of Gods potential. And, that's the point of your life too. To manifest all of Gods potential within you.



So, like Criss Angel's song, I think we are here to play with life. We are here to play around with duality, and experience all that duality has to offer. The good and bad. I don't see duality as some bad thing, or the illusion as some bad thing. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I honor it. I honor the creation. I honor God, I honor experience, I honor everything! I think it's great that there is so much diversity to life.



Like everyone, I am tired of negativity, I want some peace, love, and happiness! I want oneness! It's our natural inclination to want that. But, you know..I still understand the role that negativity plays, I still understand the nature of this duality. I think eventually, once we truly get back to oneness, God will just create another illusion, another play of duality, so we can do it all over again, because God never stops creating, life goes ever onward so God can just experience more and more! So, because of that, I think the illusion will forever be. So, we mays well accept it, and have fun with it!

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  • Hi john j. thanks for that kind reply.

    You said, "I'm just saying, there needs to be a balance, you can be, and just hope things get better, but you need to take action also to try and make things better, and teach people, and stand up to the dark side."

    I have done all of the above and have stood up to the dark side in my own small ways where I live, not much fun, though it gets the job done and it seems they don't want me coming to their corrupt courts anymore, lol, which is fine since we need not attend there false halls of just-us.

    So, for the time being, I live in the moment and hold the highest peace and love in my being as is possible.

    Precisely as you said, these systems need to be completely changed or removed as fast and harmoniously as possible.

    We each have our place and roles to play in this play, no worries my friend, those that can be in NY or where ever will be there, if they have a role to play in it.

    peace love light

    • Well, absolutely. Ideally, I think we should do both. Focus on ourselves and our own spiritual progression into love and light, and, get out there and try to change things for the better. Clearly, there needs to be action taken. I'll use one example, someone has to clean up the litter that litters the streets. I mean, somebody's got to do it! And also clearly, people need to work on themselves, and develop themselves and progress their own spiritually. We need both.


      But, I don't totally buy into this idea that, oh everything is as it should be, you don't have to do anything, or try to "interfere" in others lives, they are on their own path of learning, life is giving them what they need, and it would be a disservice to help them. I mean, come on lol Maybe part of the "divine plan" is for you to go help them, yet you refuse to.


      I can just imagine the children in Africa, who will be dying any day now due to starvation, being told "Okay, sorry, I won't give you this food, because this is Gods plan for you, I can't interfere". Or will die from a disease that a pill could cure, and you tell them "Well life is giving you a lesson, it would be a disservice to you to give you this pill." I mean....just no lol Who in their right mind, honestly buys that nonsense.

  • Hi folks, Hi John J., thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    I would much like to hear what you would suggest people do to change things, as that seems more constructive to me.

    I wish to share my view of how things are and the simple solutions to create harmony again, which is more like undoing things rather than doing.

    Picture in your mind, that I live on a 1 acre, beautiful, lush expanse of land.

    On this land, is a crystal clear water stream with fish and the water is drinkable.

    There are also many large fruit trees, mainly large apple trees of various varieties and many different types of normal trees and bushes.

    There is also a comfortable home that is built from earthen materials, using a cob or adobe type design, very durable and cozy.

    I am virtually self sufficient on this land and living a very content, peaceful, stress free life.

    Nothing needs improving, for it is all perfect the way it is, all my needs are met in abundance.

    Now lets compare this way of living to the way many are living in so called societies. And as many on this site know, many are living in completely the opposite way.

    I am not judging this, only creating a contrasting example with this 1 acre of land paradise.

    So lets apply the ways many are now living to this 1 acre paradise and see what happens.

    These comparisons do not actually apply, though many are conditioned to think they do and so help to enforce these ways of living.

    Now I can no longer live on this land in my homemade earthen home without paying an institution a fee to do so, called taxes or rent, thus I now am controlled and have to somehow acquire what is demanded as payment.

    Of course I could sell my fruits to people and gather the demanded payment, though now I cannot share these fruits with others in the area as i had been up until this point. So now the other people will have to find some way of supplementing there food supplies, since we all shared freely our grown foods and nobody went hungry, ever.

    I could go on with these comparisons, though I think this is good enough for now.

    My intention with this, is to show in a simplified way, that it's not that we have to go out and take some kind of action as so called 'light workers', the human systems of living are what need modifying and undoing. I mean if we tangled up a ball of string, its a chaotic mess, very much like many human societies today.

    The thing is, many people are so conditioned, they do not realize that they are contributing to maintain that tangled ball of string, for varying reasons.

    And so I think this is the dilemma, how do we as a people, undo these ways of living that do not serve the good of one and all in the most peaceful and harmonious way.

    Lets face it, all this talk about duality and such is a hidden way of saying, our ways of living are not serving the highest good of one and all and thus meeting the basic needs of one and all forever.

    That is precisely why these human systems have been created this way, to keep us all separated and in survival mode, so that a relative few could control us very easily.

    I certainly understand that we are all on a spiritual journey of remembering (learning) and probably all these things were meant to happen for us to have something to contrast with.

    And as far as law enforcement, the only reason they appear to be needed, is due to these very ways of living that create lack, servitude, competition, separation, etc., etc.. And these days, the so called law enforcement are very busy enforcing corporate legal rules rather than the true law of the land, in which case, they would barely have anything to do.

    So as i wind down this long winded writing, I come full circle back to the conclusion that it is all an individual journey, be the change you wish to see, though be sure you know what it is that you want.

    peace love light





    • We have to start being true light workers. Notice the word "worker"! How else are we going to get to the Utopian society we all want, unless we get out there and make it happen! We can just be light and love, but, realistically, that's not what it will take to change this world. There's too many people who just don't think that way. And we have an entire system, trying to keep people from thinking that way, and making it hard for people who do, to really accomplish anything. We need to tear this system down before we can get to the work of creating something new.


      And I know people don't feel like they can, or don't want to, and will wait for others to do it, or wait for the Federation to get here. And fine, they can have it their way. But I don't want to do that, I want to be part of the force that changes this world. I'm just saying, there needs to be a balance, you can be, and just hope things get better, but you need to take action also to try and make things better, and teach people, and stand up to the dark side. And also, you can't just take action, without having that vision, being love and light and being the example for others. And of course you need time to rest and relax and all of that.


      I don't disagree with you, I just think in order to get there, we will have to roll up our sleeves and get to work. We have cleaning up to do, we have a world to change, people to teach, new heights to reach. And you can't climb a mountain without actually getting out and climbing it! lol But I do thank you for commenting!

      • There does have to be a balance I believe it goes back to balance between head and heart maybe. The heart knows the truth and the way to go (active visualisation etc..) and the head knows the actions we need to take (rolling up of our sleeves and getting to work clearing up the mess). I have always seen myself as an activist for like Greenpeace or something similar, strapping myself to an iceberg or trees lol. What a feeling that would be standing up to the masses that are hell bent on destroying our beautiful planet :)

      Alright, I think I understand what you're trying to say, Violet. I think you're looking at it from a very idealistic..high point of view. Which is a good thing, don't get me wrong. But bring it back down to Earth a little bit, view it from the micro. How are we supposed to get back to that original way of living, from where we are now? Look out at the world, there is much to be done, and only by taking action, can we truly hope to change anything!


      Look at the protestors on Wall Street right now. They are getting out there and taking action, they are letting the system have it, and are demanding justice and freedom! That's what I mean! Imagine if they all decided to just stay home.


      We can take all sorts examples, from all over the world, in all areas of life. People protesting government, people opening up soup kitchens, or opening up schools in rural Africa, or going on lecture tours trying to bring higher awareness to people. People creating new and better technologies, and more efficient ways of doing things. This is what moves human civilization further! People doing something to make peoples lives better, and to expand the collective consciousness and collective state of being!

    • Wow. Well Violet Ray, Well well. How do expect these Starseeds and Awakening ones to know who to trust when they do learn the truth on things. For an example. What if one who is under age, or one that isn't aware of things, realize that they have dug themselves into something they can't get out of. For example. What if one on here watches a video of the Ra Man, and decides to head over to Sedona for the weekend, to have fun and mingle with those they have met on this site. I'm just using this for an example. 

      What this person goes to Sedona, buys the airline tickets, gets there and realizes that there money slipped away before them, without even realizing what was going on, because the rest of the folks on this site here were telling them things like LOVE LOVE LOVE is the answer and there is no Planet Earth. 

      What happens to the member on here, after they realize that there money slipped away, from going to Sedona, and buying some items there that the Ra Man has been selling on youtube. The member then thinks to themselves. Hmmmmm on the youtube video that Ra Man said that it was our free will to come out there, and own free to buy these things, but he is making the money from these items, and here I'am left with nothing to show for, expect a Ra Key. I mean there should be things on these youtube videos that say hey u buy the tickets, and purchase the items. 

      Okay think about this. What if there was someone on here who was being asked to cyber with them on webcam. What if there was a funny man on here, who was making all of the ladies giggle who came online, and before they knew it, they were cybering with this man online. I bare in mind that most females can be pulled into things like this. What happens when the member starts to feel violeted from doing this sort of thing with the man on here. Who is going to help them in the long run of things. It sure isn't going to be members on here who are still saying LOVE LOVE LOVE now is it,.

      Bless the Nite, 


      • Bless the Nite? April, has SC been squirting you with his water pistol? Okay, go get a balloon and blow it up and then like a pigeon, go pooh pooh on his head! UH OH! <SC IS reloading with orange juice!
  • Yay!
  • Negativity: I don't approve of this word, so God most certainly gives me no idea, whatsoever that I can count on Its 'Famous' Palace etc., It still didn't approve of me, therefore my own idea, if anyone dares to treat me like whatever good 'optiman,' the one is quite welcome to receive any of my further & most relevant information, so I can find out & so on, greetings, 'J.A.,', note: Its Lawyer, Gerry, Utah, still doesn't oblige me that I can rely on Any Religious Idea.

This reply was deleted.

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