Why not try honesty?

      I don't know how familiar people are with the recent scandal involving Jimmy Saville in England.  He was a popular BBC presenter on a show called "Top of the Pops".  Everything about this man presents evidence of a being a psychopathic paedophile.  Witnesses have been coming from every corner and station of life to tell tales of sexual abuse and rape.  He was placed in charge of a Mental Hospital; the "Broadmoor" where he had access to anywhere in the building.  If I were disposed to such behavior, I would find this to be a highly attractive position to be in.  

     What I was interested in was the fact that in cases such as  his, whether involving child abuse, drug trade, porn, corrupt bankers, etc. it has always stuck with me how everyone who discusses these cases are never absolutely honest about the people or events involved.  I mean if the society you live in is obviously negatively affected by crime, why wouldn't you be honest in talking about it?  At least honest enough to let the truth possibly find you out as having faults as well?  It would certainly be better than not telling the truth - "this person was damaged by his childhood",  "he had wrong parenting"; at least we would be getting somewhere in getting rid of this type of behavior.  What good is it vilifying a person when you have a society containing conditions which merely reproduce the behavior, therefore creating someone else much worse?  I'm really wondering what it it about us that can't seem to use simple logic in our own governance.  

     Employees of the hospital he worked at were questioned as to why they hadn't said anything.  Of course the reply was that "who would believe or listen to us".  This and similar behavior is going on everywhere, obviously, so the answer lies with people voicing to others, anyone.  You must hit on someone sooner or later with enough clout or backbone to do something about it.  The only catch of course is eating a little humble pie because you hadn't said anything, a small price to pay.  I would think the alternative would be much more regrettable.  It's bad enough with all that is going on with the economy, wars on foreign land for no clear purpose, crime, nat. disasters.  Why can't we stop to consider the fact that our children have to live in this world that we are doing god only knows what with?  It's when children are involved that I really get angry.  It's time to do something, not anything, but something of substance that will change things for the better.  People don't grow up thinking of becoming a paedophile or drug dealer, they're fed an image, they're told wrong things about themselves with no one around stopping it.  What quality of life do you have when you must live with this stuff going on?  Why bother with a career?    Please think about it.  Really.


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      • How did you know about the fake nails and makeup?   Anyway, some don't want to lose parts of themselves for no reason, or seemingly not a very good reason.  Some cling to old ideologies and dogma, it reminds them of loved ones, and I think this is what the majority who go to what the NWO have planned, who become trapped by an old sensibility.   By the way, I wonder how much is accomplished in our society (workwise) by people who don't really live for much, I mean are on the edge of becoming awakened and just keep going, hoping for some needed information they may find or hear from someone?    I also strongly believe that many in our gov't are just that - in service to self, and people worship them as leaders.  You don't need leaders who do that.  I never knew that leaders were supposed to try to sell themselves.  Where would such an idea come from,  they're not even selling themselves, they're selling an ideology - what you said, Service to self.  I've heard it everyday in the military, in one form or another.  Either that or be someone's slave.  I thought it was just in the military.  

  • I haven't heard any comments about the fact that "Jimmy" is not only good friends with Prince Charles, but no way can you touch the royal family.  I'll probably be sued by the dude for posting the photograph (royal property).  And no disrespect to his station, but humanity needs to start taking better consideration of each other, and fast.  That was what I was trying to say.  You can't fight this stuff any other way.   Researchers also point to the Royals of England as being a prime purveyor of some insane behavior.  I'm sorry to have to say this, I always looked up to the Queen.  I don't anymore, after I heard about her and her black boyfriends.  Princess Diana's murder should've ended all this nonsense, instead we had a lovely funeral for her.  I bet she enjoyed that, no change, just an elaborate ceremony, and then a ritual burial to clean things for the psychopaths.  I know most people are not aware of much of the behind-the-scenes actions of the elites, and I'm no scholar, but I'm surprised that people will SEEMINGLY accept what can be nothing more than outright murder.  These are evil people who will go to any length of cruelty to get what they want.  They are not human.

    Please at least realize we not only can do better, but we have no choice.  Our Lord made this his life's work to prove this to us.  

    • royal family are reptilian, Princess Diana very often made comments in public about the 'lizards'. i very much used to look up to the royal family but I, like you, now see them for what they are. They're very much part of the Dark, if not at the top of the darkness. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net has a lot of rather interesting information about the royal family, for example articles on the amount of bodies that turn up on royal grounds which have been sexually abused, tortured and then murdered yet are never ever investigated. these people (men women and children of all ages, races and religions) are sacrificed to the darkness. Some will not agree with me and that is absolutely fine but I chose not to support those who hold such great powers of fear and control over us. Look at how many wars the royal family has started? all those mens lives sacrificed for lies. Its very very sad but their time is coming.

      • There must be a way to stop this, it would obviously require some people losing their lives or livelihood, but I would almost be willing to at least attempt to do something if I knew it would prevent what appears to be on the horizon since it has progressed up to the present day.  I posted the "Tablets of Thoth"; I suppose it only mythologizes something that is very present among us.  I for one think that the only thing that helps is usually the one thing that appears as insignificant.  Just getting in touch with our original selves, sometimes anything more is not a good idea.  The problem is, the elites' know things about the human being that we are mostly unaware of, and will not be, since their friends have hidden and secreted away the knowledge of our spiritual selves.  The "Anastasia" books are all over this subject, she explains about the 6 priest who run the world through their occult powers.  Ever wonder where an environment comes from that allows these negative beings to survive - and thrive?  It's from these priests and their workers who create this atmosphere of evil and confusion, yes, they're witches.  They use the power of the occult, creating an intense climate of fear as much as possible.  \

             Even now, it's a hard concept to digest, the idea that a person can be a hologram created by an alien entity.  They possess amazing technology, and can do quite a lot.  This is actually not a stretch whatsoever.  Even if people chose to believe this was made up stuff, you can't disallow their actions, their weird, strange behavior (of them & their friends),  they disgust me.  They're absolutely ridiculous and sickening with all their formalities and fakery.  Who can buy into this?  No one who doesn't live an illusion, or at least a lifestyle that must include a lot of numbness of the mind and psyche.  Why do they still exist?  How are they still in power?  It's such a question.   I never understood how this could be.  All my life I've wondered about these things.  I can't wait to see their damn arses get kicked off the planet.  It's sick and pathetic.  Wouldn't it be sad if, when we die, to discover that all we had to do was a little bit more meditation or soul work and something would've have given somewhere, something would've have broke or become undone, and they would've just disappeared without a trace?  I bet this is the case. 


        Cathy O'Brien details her interaction with President G.W Bush and his transforming (through a hologram) into a reptilian.  This is confusing because it is not clear whether she's saying he's actually an alien, or posing as one in human skin.  I'm thinking also of the list of politicians who people categorize as either alien or alien-controlled, and it just makes too much sense.  It's scary.  However, the sad truth is that it doesn't matter, we have to take our gov't back (if possible), we have to take our land back,  we have no choice.  It will only get worse.  No amount of sleep medication will be able to erase this fact.

  • ...as J.Krishnamurti said, "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society"...
    ...when we are raised in a false environment, dont expect people to behave like angels...
    and it perpetuates from one generation to the next...
    like u said, "nodoby is born a paedophile or a drug dealer"... our society and social environment produces such behaviors...
    .."socializing" is one of the worst diseases on our planet...

  • its because society is afraid to do the right thing, we have seen countless times what happens to good people who stick up for those who have no voice, against those who are doing the offending. generally those who are behaving horrifically against others are in such a position of power that they are able to literally ruin the lives of those who stand up to them. Honesty would very much help this situation, it would allow all to heal and move on but that would require the wrong-doers to take responsibility for their actions. pedophiles are the very last of all to ever admit they have done anything wrong, they will ALWAYS blame others. Unfortunately I know this through personal experience and just how hard it is to move forward when they won't even admit what they have done, never mind taken responsibility. As a whole, we need to stand up and be honest. If all of us stood up and told the truth about everything all the time, the Light would be so greatly increased that those who hide in the shadows are shown to be exactly that, hiding. Their actions would be shown for exactly what they are and their power would easily and immediately be taken away from them as they are the only coward in the room. Courage to do what is necessary is what is required, no fear of the consequences from the Dark because our actions are for the Light, faith that we will be protected because we are doing the right thing and believing that we each need to do our small part in order to tip the balance as a whole.

    • We are all responsible; was what I was trying to say.  This is the trick.  Jimmy Saville's psychological makeup shows (through research into his psych history with therapists) he was a loner, a person who is emotionally detached.  He often spoke of "ultimate freedom", the ability to do anything, no consequences.  His psychiatrist stated he would duck & dodge revealing questions.  One should ask oneself how someone can go so long with this type of absolutely perverted behavior without being found out. I would hope someone would shoot me and put me out of my misery.   And I'll add that this sex abuse need is not the real issue here, the real issue is emotional isolation, distancing oneself from others.  Our society spun out of control decades ago, creating an atmosphere where it is difficult for any healthy interaction to occur between people.  No individuals, no families, no neighborhood, no cities, no states, no identification with a specific group, at least not any meaningful identification.  This is such a perfect picture of what a psychopath in charge would desire.  


           Lisafer, the light doesn't always win.  Good does not always triumph.  Our world is an example of this.  The Dark won a battle (long ago)  here in this part of the universe, and this is a fact that escapes many.  We can decide what occurs, believe it or not. I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm just stating a simple and painful truth.  Ultimately, something will win.  But if you look back at your life, you'll see that you weren't always helped when you really wanted or needed it, least I wasn't.  We'll be able to see why this occurred the way it did, but it's a simple truth I've discovered.  There's a plan in all of this somewhere, just too complicated to really see it, even looking really hard. 

      • I do agree and I don't agree. I chose to believe that the Light will win because that is what I want for my Universe. I've taken beatings for the sake of children I don't even know, I've stood up for those who don't have a voice, I've suffered the consequences of standing up to those who have control over me yet I will still call out a pedo in front of a mall full of people because i want them to be recognised I want their faces to be known.  I've been thrown out of many a public place for doing so and always ALWAYS get thanked by people afterwards for having a voice (note that I don't do it for the thanks, I do it for shared information so people can protect their children; one child saved from molestation is better than none at all)  Most of them will admit to wondering but not having the guts to ask, never mind publically yell out at a pedophile because of the backlash. Pedos have taken enough from me, they will NOT control or silence my voice. I don't have children because I will not put them through this society, not like it is now. Your comment "regimented, controlled military environment" is exactly what we're in and what we will continue to be in if we do not change our thinking but we must actively chose to change our thinking and put it into action. By acknowledging what is going on but then adding things like 'things will never change' look at the energy you're putting out. Assuming everything will only get worse will ensure that it will only get worse because nothing has been done to change it, no change of energy patterns or intent. I chose to believe that we can fix this and that we already are. perhaps that is so I don't feel like everything i've done is a waste, that those broken ribs weren't wasted pain; perhaps i'm merely being as selfish as a pedophile by thinking that we can change the world with energy. Army days, have you managed to rid yourself of their brainwashing my friend? I do hope so xx

        •      I wasn't brainwashed, I was onto most of that, even though it doesn't matter, the lifestyle will affect even the most lively and creative.  It's not known to the civilians all that goes on.  It's a long story, and of course there's the need to prove yourself, to prove you're a man.  Just most guys that go into the military already have issues, I wasn't one of them so much, so I was shocked at the behavior of most.  I just kept to my small circle of friends.  I almost went into the special programs, I did well on tests, unfortunately I'm intelligent and talented enough to do fairly well anywhere, and I know about the secret programs.  Not a lot, but enough that they sicken me with how people will go in for things, as long as it's got the tag: I'm doing it for God & country.  Yes, you're the god, and this isn't your country anymore.  Much more nastiness is in store for us, at least now I'm not part of the military.  Know for all your young male friends to skip it, go work at a restaurant, or be a driver, anything.  You don't have to do the military.   I joined before the Iraq nonsense, it was different.  It was a different military.  Now, it's run by satanists and control freaks, I hate it.  It's a lie.  I always tried to do my best, I didn't do very well at times, to my shame, but I tried.   I learned much from going to Iraq.  What I saw looked like Hell.  It looked like on of the Near Death Experiences of Hell.  I think I went there for a reason.  I'm hoping people will wake up in time, it's coming to this country.  You can't fight this with a weapon, you must have the Spirit.  You must be in connection with the Divine, the Creative Source.  It's really not a joke.  I think most people disregard the spiritual and their soul aspect.  This society seems as if it has a form of godliness, of goodness, but inside it's rottenness and cruelty.  It has gone on long enough that a change must occur to separate the good (Light) from the Bad.  I'll post a link to what I call the "Hell Book".  Everyone should read it. Take it with a grain of salt, but please read:


          I understand it won't appeal to everyone, I don't agree with the way it's presented, but at least you can get a picture of things.  What I saw with the 101st airborne around Baghdad was just like what this woman decribes, many other things I saw in the military were similar to other things I've since learned that our gov't has planned for those who don't awaken for whatever reason.  It's the way of things where there are people who seek only to control through fear.  They fear their own destiny and fulfillment, they don't want to live a real life, they desire illusion and fantasy.  I'm warning you, much more is planned, this is just the beginning.  There are horrors that hide underground and aboveground.  Much is hidden from the public, much is not told.  I had to do digging & searching to find the evidence of what I knew existed.  It is not revealed.  Many have lost their lives, their families, their futures, and you sit absently by waiting for someone else.  Why friend?  When you can do something, even though it feels insignificant, the fact is you can do great things, world changing things you know not.. I was part of the beginning of a church began by a man who had a REAL conversion experience, sorry, you who call yourselves christians (listen)  a man who began a church in Delaware that has gone to other parts of the world with the gospel.  I never knew this would happen, I only went there to make a change, to see what I could do.  I felt entirely insignificant.  This pastor has brought people back from the dead, and heals people with the name of Jesus.  I'm only saying that it's the power of the Spirit of God (Love) that makes a difference.  Much can be said about the churches, I'm skeptical, very, very skeptical about some, but I do know you need some form of protection for the war coming, the spiritual war.  I think our gov't has the ability to mimic and copy a lot of the spiritual aspects of the cosmos.  Through technology, they can copy much.  The Spirit gives you this, your human spirit has all these special abilities, no amount of technology can rival the power of the human spirit.  This is why the elites MUST now do all they can do discourage, disconnect, disallow you from this aspect of yourself.  What they have in store makes the Nazis look like kindergarten - they brag about this by the way. 

               I will add this - that Jesus Christ does things for his name's sake, his name carries the authority because he was the ultimate sacrifice.  His life was the ultimate sacrifice (ultimate freedom), to be able to convert even the satanista and the paedophile.  He said that whoever uses his name in vain he will call to account, meaning it's his name the satanists and santeria and dark occultists fear, they hide it from the churches.  The churches don't talk about the name, they want attention and man's acceptance.  But the name is the only thing that stops evil power, the authority of the name of Jesus.  Many churches are run by the occult power, not the power of Jesus.  Jesus' power is totally different, it's a different spirit altogether.  People, don't worry about the fake churches, they will answer to Jesus, I wouldn't want to have to do that.  Let Jesus take consideration for his name.  Don't even worry about it.  You know the fake churches I'm talking about, that is not the spirit of Jesus (Joshua ben Joseph).  Beware, beware, many walk among you who are not your friend.   If you don't know Jesus, or are disconnected from the Creator, then you won't be able to see people for who they truly are.  Much you will regret.

          I was in the military, in among the Ranger, the Special Forces, the Seals, all of it.  Nothing compares with doing one job with Jesus.  Nothing compares with being brave one time, helping someone with a kind word, or just a smile.  Beware my friend, don't go the fake church.  If you pray hard enough, Jesus his damn self will show up, he only sends a servant so you can listen. His servants are everywhere, there are angels that walk among you, so keep your head up and do not become discouraged.  It's a lie, these people who hand out tracks, and feel "obligated" to tell you about Jesus.  He told us:  'The kingdom of heaven is inside you'. Think about it. 

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