Wilmington, DE
March 18
About Yourself
Interelsted in new spiritual info. Have only found good info on new age sites similar to this. Enjoy sharing new insights and learning previously unknown ideas.
Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration
Deepak Chopra and David Icke are 2 sources. A
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Hi Dave!!!
How are you? Still alive?
I don't need to read books to get my info sorry just got back been in the clouds for quite some time and now i'm ready to rest for a short time.
Hi Dave ;)
Best wishes for the holidays
and for health and happiness
throughout the coming year and always!!
Hi Dave,
How are you?
Hello Dave,
thanks for your welcome! I think it´ll take some more time to acquaint myself with this website...I live in Germany near Cologne and I am very interested of all the "other worlds" around us.
Love and Light
Wishing you a great week :D
Thank you.
Dave,It all started out when I was child.. Ive always had a sense of spiritual amnesia.. even childhood memories do not come easy to me. I had a gap from about 4-9 but I have always loved cats and have had deep connections with Ancient Egypt . What made me look into past lives was experiences of deja vu.. I drove past something and it just clicked in my head .. I had a past life experience through automatic writing where I was previously a man here on earth and it helped me regain other memories. How I remembered lives not on earth were through many many dreams Ive had.. I also channeled ghosts which lead me into channeling other entities such as faeries . Faeries told me to release my inner child to help me remember. After doing this, Archangel Michael actually came to me and said that I was Feline and Aquafarian .. it made sense due to my child like nature and wonderment towards cats and dolphins. So I guess to really answer your question it comes from first the curiosity in childhood and you constantly searching for answers.. the answers are inside you and you can access them from deep meditation and concentration . But its just a deep inner knowing that you cannot ignore. You feel driven to research and thirst for knowledge beyond this realm. I believe there are no chance encounters and you meet people for a reason so thank you for connecting with me and if you have any other questions or want a fairy oracle card reading for yourself Please let me know and I will do one for you! try to do some automatic writing... sit quietly and just write .. no erasing just write whatever comes out! Thank you for your comment =)