Welcome back to the new AshtarCommand Website...
The transition to the new website went quite quick. I could never predict anything like this would happen. Ive learned that we have to move forward whatever happens. Nothing is Eternal in the physical state, But Love is Eternal....
There are now 2 adresses to visit this website:
"Express your Cosmic Nature".
Thanks for all your support and energizing Emails, im so greatful.
And thanks to Cmdr LightSpeed, for his determination and Action
in this transition.
I have great ideas for this website, the coming months will be blossoming....
I hope you like the new Design, make yourself at home.
Lets get started, uploading videos, images and blogs and ofcourse INVITING people once again. The Global Meditation group will be added the coming weeks and also other things from the old website. Have patience.
2009 Is really a year of Change and Surprises, what is Known Today can be gone tomorrow. Be in the Moment and Be grateful for all that you have, right now.
This text explains quite good what we just gone trough.
By Ben-Arion
Meditating is one wonderful tool, to be, to look within your universe. You eminate a vibration, a tone that calls you back home to mastery of self.
Mastery is to love oneself and what is Right now, be calm in the storm, knowing that outer influences cannot choose for you, you choose with the love you have inside, the heart is All that is, trust your heart.
To love is to surrender to the Higher self, let it flow trough you, let it be one with you. What you ressist persist. Ressist nothing. We want to change things outside of us, repair damaged structures, most do so with a sense of Guilt. To change something its important to Change whats within, choose new higher thoughts, be grounded in the moment, trust that heaven will open up for you. You are here to trust, thats your mission. You are the signs of change.
Can you trust what is right now, that all is perfect, does it feel frightening to know that this moment you experience right now is filled with LOVE. That you are a being of light that forgotten that you cant die, that you are eternal. Does The collective thought patterns make you less free of choice? Go within, laugh and know your eternal heart in this moment.
Be bold and choose your own life, your own thoughts. The new Age is about being yourself 100%. Meditation helps you feel this inner feeling of connectedness and trust. The illusion that all is happening to you without reason is illusion. You create it and mold light from within, by heartfelt intent. Love can move mountains. Its truth.
So glad the GroundCrew is back. However, when i click on www.ashtarcommand.net the site is only in Swedish and looks like a Domain Name blank hosting page. What actually happened to the old www.ashtarcommand.net website? Did the domain name expire? Or was it hijacked?
Please enlighten me.
Blessings to all my dear friends.
New Zealand

Yes my dear if we enjoy the right moment we can celebrate all ...everyting happened at the right time . each of oportunities for some reason..the highest the best for all....I thankful for all ..I know who I am and what I am ..I am 100% responsible for myself....I found peace inside me and now I can share outside too, same s you.......P.s. I am happy the we rebirth today, the amazing date. before my leaving to longer spiritual trip ...but I will be all with you in mine mind by connection with existence....my soul family
I honor divine in you.
I love you another me.
I love LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so happy that this site is now back online agsin :-)
and located here again.....uiiii cool
how came that?