

We Are Not Alone! By Patricia Cota-Robles


I AM Invoking Archangel Michael’s Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection Beloved Presence of God, I AM, in me and in every Son and Daughter of God.
Beloved Archangel Michael and your Legions of Power and Protection, come forth NOW!
Blessed Ones, encapsulate me and all of Humanity in your invincible Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection.
Prevent anything that is not of the Light from interfering with our service to the Light and our Divine Mission of Loving ALL Life FREE.
Archangel Michael, permanently station one of your Mighty 5th-Dimensional Archangels of Power and Protection within my aura and the aura of every person on Earth.
Direct these Archangels to use their Swords of Blue Flame to instantly... CUT US FREE! ( 9X ) from every line of force that would strive to prevent the Immaculate Concept of our Divine Plans from being fulfilled.
Free us instantly from any blocks or resistance from our own lower Consciousness that might try to impede the God Victorious accomplishment of our Heartfelt service to Humanity and the Light...
CUT US FREE! ( 9X ) from every line of force that connects us with imperfection of any kind and send your powerful Blue Flame to dissolve each line of force to its end.
Place your Cross of Blue Flame in front of us, in back of us, on either side of us, above and below us and...
SEAL! SEAL! SEAL! me and every person on Earth in your Cross of Blue Flame and your Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection now and forever! I so decree it, and accept it done, through the Power of God, I AM. And so it is.
Forcefield of Protection.
Beloved Presence of God I AM in me, I gratefully acknowledge in my mind and accept in my feelings the living reality of your mantel of Electronic Light substance enfolding me in a blazing aura of ever-expanding Protection.
From within your Cosmic Heart I feel the pulsation of the Flame of Divinity, radiating through my Consciousness.
I AM my I AM Presence, through which flows at all times, the virtues, qualities and blessings from my Father-Mother God and their Messengers to me, and through me to all Life everywhere.
I also acknowledge and accept the mighty armor of Light and invincible momentum of Faith so lovingly offered to me by my own 5th-Dimensional Archangel of Protection.
With Loving conviction I decree:
The Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious! (3X)
I live this day in God’s Light. (3X)
God is in control wherever I AM. (3X)
The Harmony of my true Being is my ultimate Protection. (3X)
I do now invoke the added assistance of God’s Divine Will to keep this activity of Light sustained around me and my world, so that only the Will of God may manifest in all of my activities, in all places and at all times.
I make this Call as God’s Most Holy Name I AM. And so it is.
Video Link: We Are Not Alone - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJf9XIsHjLg


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