8110242494?profile=originalThis is one of the myriad upon myriad of Illuminati ´pyramids´out there. Yet this pyramid alone is a symbolic depiction of the Illuminati supposing to exist - and thus not an actual depiction of the Illuminati themselves. Note that the title of the pyramid exposes the lie that there is an organization today known as the Illuminati. It refers to a structure, not a society, and therefore not an organization. Note also the fact that none of the society names mentioned in this pyramid is exclusively ´Illuminati´or even ´today´s Illuminati´, ´Illuminati of modern times´, or headlined under ´modern Illuminati organizations´!!!!



I´ve decided to conclude I´ve had it with all this ´Post Victorian Illuminati nonsense´.

Since September 11th, 2001 I have been bamdoozling myself over that there exists some kind of cult out there known as the Illuminati, when we are told on one hand that a) the Illuminati are, or were a network of secret societies, and thus obviously no single cult, and b) that they exist because the Establishment wants me to think they do.

What right does that give the Establishment once it has received my acceptance?

The right to make fantastic films like the ones based on Dan Brown´s books, and promote the idea that there is some kind of one cult out there known as the Illuminati.

Yet we, including most of us beloved users of www.ashtarcommandcrew.net, Facebook users and the whole wide world, are told to ´Occupy´this supposedly existing group.

Yet there is absolutely no credible evidence whatsoever which supports to me the theory, if it is anything else than another lie, that there is an Illuminati organization out there.

Furthermore, we are told that the real Illuminati is one organization, and then many organizations, over and over again.

Whenever we ask what the Illuminati are or why people use this term, we´re sometimes told ´it´s the Illuminati group´, or we´re sometimes told ´well the Illuminati are x, y, z (I could go on with letters from every alphabet in the world if I knew every language).

I think I´d probably be really depressed if I did know every language.

Here are some interesting facts about the Illuminati.

1. I am Icelandic. According to official history and Establishment history, Iceland is an ´Illuminati owned´country.

The fact of the matter is, there is no Icelandic word for ´Illuminati´!

2. We are expected to believe that the Illuminati are behind the September 11th terrorist attacks in the year 2001, when the fact is, that the enemy during 9 - 11 was unofficially the U.S. Federal Government, treating everyone else as the criminals, as the enemy.

Whatever remains the truth about 9 - 11, it is obvious that if it was the U.S. Federal Government, it could not possibly have been the Illuminati for numerous reasons, including the following......


a) the 1776 Illuminati organization is supposedly a Jesuit organization.

b) the United States Federal Government is supposedly as I understand this, and allegedly demonstrably so, the creation of British and American based Freemasons, and thus not Jesuits.

If that is true, then the theory that the Illuminati orchestrated 9 - 11 doesn´t hold a drop of water.

If it is no theory, it is a media confabulation.

c) It was William Cooper who said, shortly before 9 - 11, that when we would be told that Bin Laden was to be blamed for an attack on New York, we should not even believe it, because it was well known then that officially Bin Laden had attacked the Twin Towers in the 1990´s.

Bin Laden´s organization was supposed to be a fraud in the first place, so obviously he could not possibly have been behind 9 - 11, even if he was real to begin with.

An extensive search was carried out for Bin Laden in the famous documentary Where In the World is Osama Bin Laden, and the evidence for his existence was never unearthed throughout the whole documentary!

d) we are told that the Illuminati can be divided officially into the pre 1776 ´ancient Illuminati´, the 1776 Illuminati, and today´s supposedly existent Illuminati, so let´s call them the 21st century Illuminati.




We are given endless pictures, endless books, endless documentaries from Illuminati 1 to Illuminati 5 and beyound, we´re given endless Hollywood films, an endless, infinite infinity which eventually culminates in the U.S. dollar itself, and none of these infinities have actually lead any serious Illuminati researcher remotely close to identifying, and ´fingerprinting the members´of an organization known as the Illuminati.

Let´s face it fellas.

The 1776´s Illuminati is dead.

If there is a 21st century Illuminati it must be titled so and if it is the continuance of the 1776 illuminati then it should rightfully be called the 21st century Illuminati and be centred around the 21st century, 21st century themes and 21st century culture.

If it so be that latin be their official language, or unofficial, so be it.

But Illuminati they must be called for the entire international community to present me with one idiota of a proof, apart from that one which the Establishment wants me to believe in.

Now you´ll probably say ´he´s gone way over the edge! What the bloody hell is he psychobabbling now? No ´Illuminati´?

I am saying that if they do, there´d be an organization known by that title by now!!!!!

There are over 13 organizations and more listed as members of a worldwide secret society network whose existence I have no doupt in whatsoever, yet none of those organizations are exclusively termed Illuminati.

These organizations have names like Skull & Bones, the International Jesuit Order, the Vatican, etc. Each of these organizations is officially depicted as part of a secret society network, and so they cannot possibly be operating 100% as secret society networks.


What if the reason for why John F. Kennedy was killed was the fact that he knew that the Illuminati do not exist, as claimed to.

That´d mean that the vast numbers of people claiming to be Illuminati within and beyound his circles would have no power anymore over this ´meme´and would thus no longer be able to hold their vitally important ´Illuminati positions´.

What if the reason for why John F. Kennedy was killed, was because of a plot to have him removed in an attempt to cover up the fact that the world´s most infamous criminal network does not exist?

It makes perfect sense to me.

It makes perfect sense to me because John F. Kennedy declared war on organized crime - not underground networks.

He said openly in his famous secret society speech that ´the very word secrecy is repugnant......´and that ´we as a people are opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, to secret proceedings´.

It´s about time that John F. Kennedy´s voice be heard once and for all and that this silly Illuminati myth be dismantled!

It is in my opinion a myth created by the Establishment to scare people, that´s the idea.

Much like the Moon Moon.

Think about it.

What greater reason to justify a world war than a global enemy, and what greater reason to justify a global enemy than a globally controlled, centralized media?

You´ve got to create a word for that, a phrase, so what term do you use? ´Illuminati´.

An easily useable term which can be used as a meme to mass program people, including billions if necessary, to go to war with banksters and financiers to keep them from financing projects for them or to help them by any other means whatsoever.

The entire international community demanded us, the people of Iceland, to believe in the existence of the so - called ´vast Illuminati conspiracy´.

We have every right in turn, to demand this entire international community, to provide us with proof!

If there is no proof, even if there is an organization known as the Illuminati, that kind of organization cannot prove it´s existence.

And if it cannot prove it´s existence - at least that´d make it work better as a nearly real secret society.

Or else it´d have no basis in existence whatsoever and thus no need to give itself an account name.

Are you beginning to realize what I am saying?

The meme ´Illuminati´gives the claimant of it´s existence the right to request the State to put a legal claim on the meaning of this term.

The State in turn provides the claimant with the legalization of it´s meaning of the term ´Illuminati´.

What the claimant doesn´t realize is, that if the State sees a boon in this, then it tries to multiply and then dublicate and sell and resell over and over as many versions of this meme as it possibly can.

That is why the State and none other has benefitted more than anyone else from the lie that there was a 20th century Illuminati organization.

I wish to ask myself again; could this have been the reason for why John F. Kennedy was killed?

Do you find this hard to believe?

Consider the fact that most of the claims of the Illuminati today are modern claims, or originate from sometime in the mid to late 20th century.

The meme ´Illuminati´became so successful that after the creators of the 1776 Illuminati died, their descendants had no need to carry on the original ´Victorian Illuminati Tradition´.

What happens when everyone comes to the conclusion that the Illuminati don´t exist today as described?

They go back to square one, just like I had to do when I came to my senses over the Moon Moon.

We´re supposed to believe that the Illuminati are some kind of Moon Moon like ´men´who can be blamed for every stupidity we make, yet they are never captured.


Because we require the mainstream media to work 24/7 telling us stories of Goldsteins whom we´re supposed to be continuously identifying.

In turn, this mainstream media will feed us with the latest ´Illuminati´version of events, or story.

It tells us that it is not interested in hearing our interpreation of it´s story, because it knows that our interpretation is an individual choise each one of us makes individually.

This is how it has become possible for authentic secret societies to thrieve in places like Haiti, while the Skull & Bones can´t turn to the tables without being reported in front of 250, 000,000 people.

And yet the stupid Illuminati believers who had had me in their claws for over 11 years, actually expected me not to grow up from this fantastic fantasy?

What an insane world we live in, and it was all my fault I didn´t grow up from it earlier!

Now I have and that makes me have a right to claim the international community on the existence of what is supposed to be this vast Illuminati organization.

A global conspiracy is real, for sure - but it is the result of a cooperation between many and thus not one secret society and none of them uses the term Illuminati to define the entirety of it´s group members.

Even in the entire history of reptilian research, there is no reference to an Illuminati organization supposedly existing in ´reptilian society´.

So let´s get to the bottom of this.

To keep existing, our fictional Illuminati requires an Establishment and a Mainstream Media to keep reporting on it.

It now dawns to me, that the reazon for why the September 11th terrorist attacks happened, and what people term the New World Order, is not because of the Illuminati (provided they even exist in the first place) but because all the special interest groups involved in the engineering and controlled demolision of this event cooperated each for their own reason, with each member for his own reason. So for a global conspiracy to exist, a global network of conspirators is required, and thus not a local one, yet another fall of the ´vast Illuminati conspiracy´theory.

Well, lies aren´t theories - lies are fiction designed to appear as truth.

And thus it is, that the realization that there is no organization existing today known by the name of the Illuminati, points very strongly in my opinion to the direction that post Victorian Illuminati society is a lie - one designed to keep people in line.

And the famous handsakes are not ´Illuminati handsakes´, they´re handsakes of so - called frontmen of the global conspiracy.

The creation of an organization like the Illuminati requires a conspiracy to create it into existence.

Official history accounts that there was no need for a conspiracy as such to create an organization like the supposedly 20th century Illuminati, and give it a name belonging to a 1770´s organization.

If, therefore, Adam Weishaupt´s organization had evolved, and Julia´s organization had evolved, then we should be expecting to see documents which could provide us with proof positive that the Victorian Illuminati requested for their lineage for the continuance of their organizations to be carried out.

Yet there is not a single piece of paper which I have heard of, which could demonstrate beyound any doupt whatsoever, that the Illuminati exists in the manner the Establishment has been trying to lead us to believe it does.

8110243064?profile=originalHere is a sigil of one of the most famous Illuminati organizations in existence - the Bavarian Illuminati. Note that this organization uses the phrase ´Bavarian Illuminati´and therefore not Illuminati because Bavarian Illuminati is a phrase which refers to a singular and not two entities - i.e. Bavaria on one hand and the Illuminati on the other.

Weishaupt´s organization was known in his time as Adam Weishaupt´s Illuminati so if there was an Illuminati today it´d not be known as Weishaupt´s Illuminati.

Yet the entire international community is expecting itself to be capable of believing that all these organizations are one and the same in their myriad forms and that these organizations are somehow immortal politically.

What utter nonsense!

8114360697?profile=originalLike the Moon Moon, we have an Illuminati Illuminati. Yet even officially the group setting for this picture took place at a place known as the Bohemian Grove, and the secret society associated with that place is known as the Bohemian Grove and therefore not Illuminati.

To enlarge an Illuminati conspiracy to the point that it keeps thrieving, an Illuminati Illuminati is required. This is why more and more people are waking up to the blatantly obvious, that there is no organization existing in the world today known as the Illuminati.

If you require proof for the existence of the Bohemian Grove, you know what place to look for.

8110242291?profile=originalJay Z. is not out to eat my ass. This is just him using what the Establishment and the Mainstream Media want me and you to think is ´Illuminati symbolism´. It´s 21st century Mainstream Media Symbolism - that of the Mainstream Media. And which branch of the Mainstream Media does Jay Z actually represent? Mainstream Music!

I´d dare say Jay Z knows that there is no Illuminati. If many enough knew, that´d be the end of his musical carreer as we know it. Are you now beginning to understand why John F. Kennedy was killed? He was killed because he knew that if he could confirm it to over 250,000,000 people that there is no organization known as the Illuminati, that´d have meant the end of the Mainstream Media and Jay Z wouldn´t be using his hands to produce this nice triangle while posing for whoever took his picture.

Why did Lyndon B. Johnson benefit from killing Kennedy? Because I dare say, he knew that with no Mainstream Media to manipulate vast millions of people across the planet, it would no longer be possible to launch needless wars which would bring tons of money into the hands of those ´required´to keep the wars up and running, to name a few things.

So who attacked us on 9 - 11? The Establishment.

What organization did they require to demand a reaction and then offer the solution?

You guessed right........the Illuminati.

As the famous problem - reaction solution scenario says, first you create the Illuminati, then you demand a reaction, then you offer the solution...........

It has to be a today´s Illuminati, not yesterday´s with the global conspiracy being focused on the historicity of events from a global, and therefore not local perspective.

The Establishment and the Mainstream Media go hand in hand together in promoting the Illuminati conspiracy, or the conspiracy to create the Illuminati, first by denying openly or ridiculing anything having to do with the existence of the Illuminati to make the story more believeable, then by presenting news viewers and readers with more and more information which is then presented as fact while it is discussed via controlled opposition.

On one hand, the Establishment says the Illuminati don´t exist, on the other, it says they do, but it does so covertly, while overtly saying that the Illuminati do not exist, or if they do, then they should be referred to as one special interest group.

Millions of people would have ceased wanting to do any business with the Mainstream Media once they would have come across proof positive that the Illuminati do not exist today as an organization.

That´d have meant to them, that the United States has no threat which can require the creation of international law designed to create multiple treaties between multiple governments on issues like cross - country travel regulations, etc.

What do people fear more than one terrorist organization capable of throwing off terrorist attacks globally no matter in what country?

A Staged Alien Invasion.

8110243257?profile=originalSupposedly this document proves that Aleister Crowley was an Illuminatus. In fact, Crowley is referring to the title Baphomet, not Illuminatus, on the document. Yet the Mainstream Media insists that Crowley was initiated into an ´order of the Illuminati´having existed sometime prior to the closure of WWII.

Even mister Aleister Crowley seems to be having serious difficulty convincing me that he´s an Illuminatus on this picture, because there is no photo or ´record´of him to my knowledge having had a confirmed Illuminati initiation. The names the secret societies he founded, did not even begin with ´I´but had titles like Order of the Eastern Star and such. Not one of these groups he founded ever used the word ´Illuminati´on any of their logos - at least not to my knowledge or to my knowledge that of any Crowley researcher.

The authoritarian position he has on the picture is dedicated to the memory of the Victorian era and it´s associated symbolism.

Crowley´s official title as a magician was not Illuminatus, but Ipsimissus. This anybody knows who is remotely familiar with Crowley - so not even Crowley to my knowledge can prove that there exists an organization which could be termed Illuminati.

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  • So i must go...

    I have other problems to solve...that the History will judge them all..and my sword it is The Word...and cut deep like a blade..

    Remember from the Big Book?......At  first it was the Word...the Word it is a power tool who The Father in His Wisdom give to us all...

    But not many know how to use his magic...his power...

    • Ok but I´m still waiting for you to come up with proof positive of the existence of the organization I am talking about here. According to official mainstream history mister Pindar does not belong to the Illuminati as such, but sometimes to the Rotchild Family or some other families. If he belonged to an Illuminati Family they´d title themselves something like ´Illuminati Rotchild Family´. We´re told repeatedly that there is a mysterious figure who goes by the name of Pindar, who appears to be killing thousands upon thousands of civilians. Yet there is not an ideota of proof of his existence - no picture, no birth certificate, nothing. It appears that this ´Royal Penis of the Dragon´has no basis in existence whatsoever, anymore than Jesus. The only historical Pindar I know of is the famous poet Pindar. Even he did not belong to any ancient Illuminati order to my knowledge and I am asking for proof positive of the existence of a 20th century one. I am sorry my friend, but you must try harder.
      • As i said from the begin...the answer it is hire..

        8113859671?profile=original8113859480?profile=original8113753470?profile=original8109952265?profile=original8113859497?profile=original8113859262?profile=original8113749294?profile=original8113861085?profile=originalAll this show it is to old for my taste...and go back from the begin..

        I let you alone to discover by yourself....i must take a break and smell the roses...as a friend of mine use to say that..

        • Such a beautiful reply! Thank you so much!!
  • The Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch

    The Rite of the Memphis

    The Rite of the Mizraim

    The Ancient and accepted Scotish Rite of Masonery

    The Hermetic Brotherhood of the Light(for the first time the word Brotherhood appear..)

    The Hermetic Order of the Golden Down

    It is more but you need to work for it..

  • So the list..

    The Order of the Knights of The Holy Ghost

    The Gnostic Catholic Church

    The Order of Illuminati(the fake Illuminati tittle)

    The Order of the Temple

    The Hidden Church of the Holy Grail(Hmmmm..)

    Rosicrucian Order

    The Holy Order of Rose Croix of Heredom



    • The list you specifically refer to is of all kinds of organizations, none of whom bear the title of The Illuminati.



        I´m sorry my friend, you´ve gotta try harder........

        • You will never find out what it is all about...

          I told you....you must SEE the Big Picture...

          So you can SEE it my friend?...i do...

          But for that you must have an Eye like me..the 3-rd Eye..the Eye of the mind and soul..

          And you do not have it yet...

          Now you understand?....that i can not give you...

          That it is your part to do..

          Only who are clean can open the 3-Eye...not them..

          I SEE in you tormenting yourself with those things...and in fact it is so simple..

          But for that you need to SEE...and to know the History...and the begin...

          And i was there in the begin...all i must do it is  ...to remember..

        • The really the Illuminated One can not be negative...just positive...

          So they twisted the meaning of it..


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