Hello there,


I am writing a dramatic novel which I am not sure if I am writing since it´s going to involve 19 authors. Two authors have been picked up to write chapters 1 & 2. 17 other authors are required to compose anywhere between 5 to 25 pages of written material on their latest flight travel experience , preferreably some experience which took place later this year or the next........it is also ok if you wish to write about older experiences but they have to be post 9 - 11.........If we publish this book , it may be turned into a movie by somebody. We could get some money for it.


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  • OK - 19 Flights deals with international flights across airports , some of whom are notorious for being extreme and rude to the passengers. The idea is to explore the useability of some airports and see which airports can be trusted the most.

    Each chapter of 19 Flights is to be written by a person who is not myself. That is , somebody out there who has travelled on board an airplane some time after 9 - 11.


    Storyline; in the year 2011 , 19 people decide to write down their experiences with the world´s airports. Some will enter airports whose staff are positive and respectful towards humanity , while some will undergo extreme checking measures which are a daily happening on some of the world´s most traffick packed airports. Airports have been criticized very seriously lately , especially after some airpots began to request people to go through doors that would display them naked before each checkup as a part of bizzare and potentially illegal ´anti terrorism´measures. Some airports are ok and do not feature such scans , and yet others will refuse to use extreme security checkup measures because their authorities are confident that each passenger will be responsible for their own life , and that if a terrorist attack occurs , the airport´s security staff can deal with the attack without the need to use extreme force........

    Each chapter is to be between 5 and 25 pages long , mazimum 25 pages , minimum 5. Each chapter will have one author which means that no author is to have more than one chapter. As far as I am concerned , I will write the introduction.

  • Amelia if you wish you can have chapter 3 , and Keith can have chapter 4.....
  • I won´t be the one to see it as a movie before it´s made into a book - that has to be a movie director´s bussiness....
  • yep Amelia
  • yep
  • If you see it as a movie before you even write the book, beware delusions of grandeur sullying the work itself.
  • ok - you writers do it. Then you check out the spelling and the rest. I may write the introduction and the afterward maybe.......
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