Underground military facility somewhere in the United States

Hi Tapestry.

I know you like this stuff.


"At least 13 very powerful underground explosions rocked the United States Midwest in the last 48 hours. They registered as small shallow earthquakes with the USGS. Many of the underground high explosive detonations registered as 2.6 magnitude earthquakes. The U.S. military is said to be sealing off the tunnels so that the Globalists and the U.S. ghost government (Federal Reserve Bankers, FEMA, DHS, CIA) can’t run and hide from what is predicted to occur within 48 hours of September 27, 2011."

'I am beginning to think there is something to this.'

says georgesilver in comments.


There is a current warning of high levels of solar flare activity, coming from these sunspots (see link at end of post). Is that what the elite are trying to hide from, as they prepare take out the magnetosphere using HAARP, leaving the earth defenceless, deliberately allowing the flares to wreak havoc on the earth's surface. Or are planetary activity threats just a cover story for their real game - nuclear false flag terror?

Rest of article -

Officers in the U.S. military didn’t seem to be aware of Obama and the Globalists’ planned converging on Denver for a DEFCON 1 (nuclear war imminent) “cocked pistol” drill. An email was sent to the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations on September 21, 2011 to alert them to planned false flag nuclear detonations on U.S. soil in the American Midwest. The U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations were the ones who raided Citadel Gun and Safe Store in Las Vegas on August 21, 2011 to recover stolen nuclear warhead detonators. They were the ones who intercepted the transfer of improvised nuclear warheads by the CIA in the tunnels that connected the Deep Underground Military Bases on August 23, 2011. The improvised nuclear bombs (W54 style warheads) were being transfered via those tunnels to Washington DC and New York City when they detonated during a firefight between U.S. military personnel and CIA/DHS/FEMA operatives.

It would appear that the U.S. military had a deadline to meet and has already damaged, destroyed or sealed at least 13 underground tunnels or bases. Perhaps their incentive was the fact that Obama, his shadow government and the Globalists made plans to save their own hides and leave the rest of use to fend for ourselves. Perhaps they investigated and confirmed that another false flag nuclear detonation was imminent and acted accordingly to prevent it.


Aha! georgesilver the sceptic is warming to the fact that the globalist conspiracy is real. I wonder whether this is to do with solar flares as mentioned by Me a few hours ago.

Me wrote -

Earthquakes have been very very quiet but the Earth might be "glanced" by a coronal mass ejection on Sept 26th.

The March 11th Earthquake, which kind of correlated with Elenin's alignment - was also thought to have been caused by solar flare.

Maybe there is a link between the two? Just another coincidence? No earthquakes yet though.

"This animated forecast track suggests Earth might get hit by a good sized CME on September 26th(click image if it does not animate). Note the center panel of the animation:"


EARLIER blogpost describing underground nuclear attacks on main CIA bases causing earthquake in Virginia, rocking Washington DC, and another near Denver.


The artwork at Denver airport gives some idea as to what kind of events the elite believes are going to occur which make the Denver and other DUMBs necessary. In a word terror attacks with mass casualties.

MORE from Presscore on how the elites are running like scared rats to hide in their underground bunkers, while a vast terror exercise is being enacted for the 27th September 2011, called Operation Mountain Guardian, in which a nuclear device is detonated in America's Midwest.


Barack Hussein Obama and his family will be leaving Washington DC early next week and will be heading to Denver International Airport. Obama isn’t taking a International flight from Denver he will be joining other Globalist leaders at the Denver New World Order headquarters. You won’t see them because they will descend underground. Why underground? One reason could be the Comet Elenin Earth Sun alignment on September 26-27, 2011. Another is CIA (Knights of the Holy See) false flag nuclear detonations in the United States Midwest.

NASA recently warned its people to prepare for an outside threat event. In his warning to the NASA families he mentioned that NASA recently participated in a FEMA exercise called EAGLE HORIZON! The 2011 Eagle Horizon exercise, that took place during the week of June 20, dealt with the process by which government transfers all aspects of authority including the personnel responsible for operations, the facilities that will be used, and even the maintenance of oil, gas and mineral operations throughout the country. An outline of the EH11 exercise has been released by the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management:
“This year, EH11 will continue with the EH10 scenario, an improvised explosive device (nuclear) exploded in the Midwest. Threats to other regions of the country will prompt transfers of leadership, authorities, and relocations to alternate facilities in order to continue business operations.”

“The focus of EH 11. are two aspects of devolution: planned and unplanned. How we devolve the Washington and State office operations is the focus of EH11. Planned is when, based on the threat, there is time to move leadership and key operations to your alternate site . Unplanned is when the event is sudden and without warning. Relocation to your alternate facility, orders of succession, and delegations of authority are immediately implemented where necessary. Reconstitution is the restoration of normal operations from the primary or alternate location. FEMA has templates for devolution and reconstitution that will guide and assist your in developing and formalizing your future plans.”
According to the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management’s report the alternate site can only be Denver International Airport. Obama and his family and other Globalist leaders converging on Denver International Airport early next week is a planned devolution – “based on the threat, there is time to move leadership and key operations to your alternate site“. 

Is the threat the Comet Elenin Earth Sun alignment on September 26-27, 2011 or is the alignment just the official cover story for the real event – nuclear detonation by the Globalists in the United States Midwest? In any case they are planning for something big. 

Why else would world leaders be in recess during the Elenin Alignment on September 26-27, 2011. The Vatican’s World government body, the United Nations has an empty schedule from September 23rd through October 10th, 2011. The UK Parliament is in recess from September 15th through October 10th, 2011. The entire United States Congress is on vacation from September 25th through October 2nd, 2011. Germany’s Angela Merkel’s (Germany was the Third Reich) schedule is empty after September 25, 2011. The Roman Pope will be in Germany until the 25th but after that there is no scheduling. 

On Friday morning the Pope will meet with Muslim leaders in Berlin. But after his trip to Germany there is absolutely nothing scheduled after September 2011. The last schedule entry for September was ” The General Audience of Wednesday, September 21, 2011, has been canceled.” As you can see on www.vaticantour.com.

Is it simply a coincidence that World leaders are on vacation at the same time as the planned DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September? A drill which will be overseen by President Obama at one of the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport. A drill which government transfers all aspects of authority. I don’t know about you but it looks like the rats are afraid of something and are fleeing in numbers and are retreating to their underground nests

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  • i think i have a theory.

    ive read in COUNTLESS channelings from the GFL that they would not let any mass killings happen, either natural ways our specially nuclear weapons. they actually have the power to interven with freewill when it comes to nuclear weapons so i believe that nothing like nuclear explosions will happen. and i believe that the cabal has been told this so they know as well that its hopeless. also there was a date set that the cabal had until they could give up power and pay less for there actions (the date was not given public) but we know that they will not give up there power because thats all they have left so maybe this due date is now and they all are trying to hide in some underground city that they probably have. we all know that hinding down there wouldnt make a big difference for the GFL to catch them but we have to remember that they have no where else to go and nothing else to do, there completely desprate.

    might be jst crap what i said but im jst puting it out there hahha

    love and light!

  • that artwork is sickening..................
    • I don't think our initial conversation was necessarily anti-Obama, I know personally I am not anti-obama, I do however accept reality.  The reality is that the most powerful national leader in the world(Obama) is meeting up with the Queen, in a city well known for its underground bases.  I know what I see in the sky, and I know it is not coincidence that they are all going to be there on the same day.  I don't give a shit if Ashtar, St Germain, and Jesus were joining this meeting, I would still wonder why are all of these major powers meeting in one location, 3 days before the end of the fiscal year.  Something big is going down in Denver today.

      • I wonder why am I dragged into Obama topic ~?~
        • Sorry esseya I just replied at the end I forgot these forums have individual replies.  I agree I think we should start focusing our collective meditation to the non-grounded speakers to give us specific information.  If it is within their capacity I don't know why they would resist especially as that takes our focus away from say... lightwork.
  • I'd have to agree with Marianinia....................
  • I am not buying it for a moment.  Barack Obama is a good guy and you all will look back and see how wrong you were at the end of time.  It is your right to believe what you want to believe and hate who and what you want to hate but I am not taking part in man's madness for millionth of a millionth of one second!  I think he is a white hat and will show the world up.  I will send him love and light and support in his efforts.  I do not believe in conspiracy theories... just God and his divine plan!
    • Like wise, if anything the republicans are tying his hands and discrediting him anyway possible.
    • I think Barak is a good guy too.  He and his family have been living in the dragon's den doing the best they can to advance the cause of enlightenment and peace while surving under constant threat.  I may be completely wrong because I don't profess to know much of anything for certain, except God's love, but I still give Mr. Obama the benefit of the doubt. 
  • and the Queen and Hubby are coming to the land down undfer in november,wonder why,to discuss a safe shelter,as the land down under is going to be a safe haven so it is foretold,and i came across this pic in the past couple of years of the areas that will be affected from the cleansings,the dark shaded green areas are the ones that are suppose to be affected,and the centre of OZ,will have sweet water(i call it artisean) poping up where there has been very dry harsh land near ULURU for as long as humanity can remember in the time line that they are incarnated with at this present time,mmmm, be interesting to see if this does unfold,will add this pic of the dark shaded areas,love,light,blessings eve(solaena)8113901883?profile=original
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