


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

6 Imix, 14 Mol, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! The process that began in earnest nine months ago continues to progress toward its inevitable resolution, and our Earth allies are close to obtaining the final funding orders for Count St. Germaine's World Trust. As you know, the fund closes annually on Christmas Eve (December 24th) and reopens the day after Christmas (December 26th), unless this date falls on a Sunday. So this year, the fund opens the next day! Europe's Earth allies are ecstatic that the preliminary approvals to go forward have been issued. The next step involves obtaining the actual funding certificate. Once this is gained, the trustees can sign off on it and those responsible for the disbursement can begin their detailed procedures. We are monitoring these activities closely and intend to see that they proceed without a hitch. Our liaisons have already contacted those involved in the coming government transitions and have told them to firm up the final versions of their respective broadcasts. We, too, are preparing the personnel whose job it will be to safeguard the various new governments.

The new-government tasks, in order of priority, are: the disbursement of the new monies, simultaneous with the setting-up of the new caretaker governments, including the new financial system; and the administration of numerous programs that will lead in a few weeks to disclosure. We are confident that all this will not take long to manifest. We are also busy establishing the much-needed communications system by which each of the announcements will be flawlessly broadcast. In addition, our fleet is daily increasing its level of exposure in your skies, to give you enough evidence to prove without a doubt that you are not alone! This activity alone ensures that those who wish to carry on their old ways are doomed to failure. The dark ones are still determined to find a way out of their ever-deepening dilemma, despite our reminding them day after day that any such escape plots will be blocked by us. This includes the horrific scenario of creating an 'incident' to ignite WW III. Heaven and we no longer permit the nuclear option!

The primary goal of the dark is this world war scenario. Whether it starts in the Middle East or in the Far East does not matter to them. They have set in motion a variety of events which can easily expand into major incidents, but this persistence will not pay off. We monitor very closely all those governments that still support the dark cabal and its international intrigues. They insist on pursuing war and this is unacceptable to us. We warn them repeatedly that those incidents deliberately staged to ensure the start of a global war are quite simply, emphatically unacceptable! Yet despite these continual admonitions, their aggressive maneuvers continue to mount. Shortly, we intend to create sufficient snafus to utterly stall these infernal stoke points. Many world leaders say one thing in public while inflaming several incendiary events behind the scenes. These too will be nipped in the bud.

Our fleet has positioned multiple defense craft at strategic locations to uncloak if necessary. The threats we are monitoring require a means to greatly reduce their possible incendiary affects on your world as your current reality is growing more and more fragile each day. Simultaneously, your new reality grids slowly manifest. The effects of these energies are still quite subtle, and predictably, your dark ones are busily engaged in trying to subvert them. Let us inform you, as we have informed them: these grids are building a new reality; this will proceed without interruption. Heaven has drawn up a timetable for this, and we have a divine mandate to complete your return to full consciousness. The dark can play around up to a certain point, and then our options are simple: to terminate fully their interference. You are to be given enough time to discuss and explore what is involved in your return to full consciousness. Then, in joy, you are to be transported to Inner Earth and transformed by the Light into who you really are!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! This is the time of year when many look at themselves and their loved ones in a spiritual way, assessing how the past year went and what growth was seen in themselves and in those they most cherish. Likewise, we take the time to review how humanity has progressed spiritually and assess what still needs to be done to draw all of us closer to our joint goal of a fully conscious reality. We see that much progress has been made! The next step is, of course, to remove the obstacles left by the dark for all of us to surmount. Despite your treacherous world environment, we have moved our Earth associates to the very brink of success. Now we require divine assistance to ensure that your prosperity funds are delivered on time. Our spiritual and space families are ready to comply with the wishes of Heaven, and thus the moment comes for a most sacred miracle to manifest.

This moment in our history is indeed to be treasured. We have all seen the dark cabal's program for the most inglorious objective that it is! Their goal is terrible and infamous indeed, and this baleful vision will be banished by the sacred activities of our spiritual and space family. Our own contribution is nearly finished, and with grace and joy we are handing over this task to some incredible Beings who are prepared to intervene massively and swiftly to terminate this present, crumbling realm. In its stead will emerge a far better world, where we can all achieve our goals and welcome our greater family. This family, in turn, is to ensure that all will be well with Gaia and her peoples. Every part of Gaia will be renewed and returned to its former pristine state. We, the Ascended Masters, welcome this and look forward to being able to greet you all openly.

The celebration that will ring out in Heaven and Earth will be most exquisite! Finally, you will all experience full consciousness and become one with all of physicality and Heaven's vast expanse. Millennia ago, what is now about to happen was carefully planned and then executed by the dedicated unfolders of the Creator's divine plan. And as we have stated many times, it will free you from the unending turmoil of the dark and reconnect you with the Light. This mission has proved to us all to be a true mission of Love and we have never swayed from this special task. Now is the time of completion and it will be one of celebration for us all! More importantly, it is a supreme and sacred moment to be remembered with joy by us all. Gaia also intends to rejoice in her return to her natural state of Being. Blessings to you all! Ekta Cresos! (Love and Light!)

Today, we continued our continuing transmissions about the coming changes for humanity and this part of physicality. We are at a point where great and tumultuous change is to happen. This reality is at long last ready to accept the sacred transformations decreed by Lord Surea and the divine plan of this universe. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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  • Thank you Drekx for sharing from your heart.  You have some points I agree with about me and some that I disagree, but respect that you are speaking from the heart, as am I when I express my opinion.  Maybe you are right that I have no business being here, and on that I will ponder.  I love you anyway as I love all my brothers and sisters here, and if my thoughts and emotions are a detriment here, I will gladly leave.  I guess I am like a mother hell clucking over her chicks and not wanting any one of her precious loved ones to get hurt.  But I must refrain from caring so much, and I will try to do that.

    • no marique you belong here, decievers and liars do not belong here, you and i know who those are

      • Thank you John for making me feel a little better, but actually I like to think that there are no deceivers here intentionally and that we all speak from what we feel in our hearts, and sometimes that differs in opinion, that is all.  I love everyone here and I do not want to hurt others with my doubts and personal fears which I do not deny, I can see what Drekx is saying about my presence here.  I have good intentions but by sharing my doubts I am hurting others, which I never meant or want to do.  I am kind of like the atheist in a devout church who says there is no god, not a welcome presence, lol.  What good am I doing the congregation by voicing my doubts?, none actually....  This is a site that believes in the GLF as our saviors and gods and I should not be rocking the boat, it is not good for the parishoners as a whole.  I have to think it all over to see if I am doing more bad than good by being here.  I am willing to stand down for the greater benefit for all.  I have enjoyed all the love and precious friends I have made here, but maybe it is time to go, I just do not know yet.  Maybe I can just stay and shut up about my doubts and fears and keep a muzzle on it, but not sure if I am capable, lol.  All I know is I love each and everyone here, whether we always agree on everything and it has been a wonderful adventure, but maybe it time I moved on for the site as a whole.

        • do not let the negative seeds of another infect your mind, you are doing the right thing here telling the truth about what is happeneing.

          getting people to blindly believe the GFL are here to help us without even the tiniest shred of proof is far more dangerous than you saying that you have concerns

  • Ok, a lot of generalizing in your words Mr. Ed.  First of all I have absolutely no faith whatsoever in the president and want to make that absolutely clear and do not want to be lumped into that generalization, and I have only met a few people who have LESS faith in our government and PTB than I, which was the one and same government that gave the zeta permission to abduct it's own humans including me for lab rats....so now I am certainly not patriotic, far from that and there is probably a room in a fema camp somewhere reserved for me because I have been warned and threatened to shut up about my experiences with the grays and obviously I am not very compliant, lol.  The President is a human, and is controled to do what it is that the PTB want him to do, so no, I have no faith in him whatsoever or the puppetmasters holding the strings, some of which I am not even sure what species they are. 

    What you said about about "God not being able to do everything", I highly doubt that one, my God is omnipotent and there is nothing he/she cannot do, he/she was the creator of all that is of which we are a part, I don't think there are restrictions on the abillities of the God source.  I do not think that the GLF are the devils either, or angels either, lol, that made me laugh, devils are not in the GLF religion silly.....I do not know WHAT the GLF is really, I just have to take the words of humans to draw an opinion and that is my point. To quote a poet I met on campus many years ago... "some men can sell a rat's asshole to a blind man for a wedding band".....sorry that just popped into my mind, I think the poet was TS Eliot as I recall.

    All I know about them is just what I read and I do not trust the words of mere men because often they lie and distort and deceive (I learned that from our own government, haha).  I do like your quote however "somebody tells you he is of the light you eat it up" and I see that could also apply to you as well, lol" and am laughing about the comment "Sheldon Nidle is trying to sell us a line of bull and trick us into entering some light chambers so they can fry us like a potato in a microwave oven."  I am not sticking my head in any device to find out if you are right...euiiii what an image.....my head popping like a baked potato, but I have been strapped to a hard cold table in an alien ship with horrendous looking medical devices coming at me, so maybe you can understand why I a hesitant....and that was by aliens that man said did not exist, so maybe you can see why I don't really take humans words for things......that head nuke explosion thing could happen inn my mind (walk a mile in my shoes..).  And as for Sheldan selling us....I checked Sheldon's financials with a private detective program on the net called Net Detective and it is amazing what you can find out about a person and how easy it is... and he has amassed considerable wealth and net worth from selling the GLF concept and channelings to the masses, so that part of what you said kind of resonated with me, he is selling his channeled information about the GLF for quite a price and his financials say he is doing a really good job of selling them...which I certainly do not think less of him for selling all that hope and shiny promises ( feel good stuff is always a good seller, it appeals to humans vanity and wish to be loved and rescued).....guys got to do what a guys got to do to make a living...He does it well so I will give him credit for being a good businessman and all. I am proud of him, profit is the American way.  As far as the GLF being angels, I highly question that simply because there again I have only human beings telling me so...guess it boils down to my mistrust of humans more than of alien species... but that is ok if the GLF is your religion and that they are your saviors and angels, I respect that, and I am not going to argue with you anymore, I promise, and I made that same promise to my Catholic friends and I have honored that, so not to worry, lol.  I love you and wish you well, and hope that you will be happy always and most of all free to use your free will always, and i wish you to never be decieved because that really sucks, take it from one who knows.  I actually envy your absolute faith and wish I could tap into it but something inside always holds me back...  Sorry I am so argumentative, it is something I have to really get a handle on. 

    • This is disgusting ME back with one more sharing.  I feel the need to apologize for my comments about Sheldan.  I try to make it a point not to talk about anyone behind their back because I feel that a loving person would not do that.  So I apologize for stating my doubts about him without his being here to hear what I had to say.  I owe him that respect as a human being.  I still think it is ok if I do not believe every thing he or others puts out there, but it was indelicate for me to say things I believe about him without his being here to speak his mind.  And for that I am sorry.  I got angry because I felt I was being condescended to and being sent to my room for being a bad child, lol, so I lashed out at Mr. Ed, which was wrong of me to drag Sheldan into the discussdion, but he was brought up by Mr. Ed and from there I kind of got on a roll.  For that I feel badly, so will not persist any further.  And I have decided to stay here on the forum even though my thoughts on things are not welcome (I hear groans and oh craps...sorry people,lol), but in the future will try to temper my sharing with love and humanity in a more appropriate way, and I suggest that maybe some others might follow my lead about getting personally insulting because they disagree.  It is something that maybe we all need to work on. 

      • I see the comment where I was getting called all sorts of vile names has been deleted by the poster, so if my comments do not make sense then that is why my comments may seem out of context.  I am very thankful for that person removing those inflammatory personal comments,I sincerely thank you.  I do tend to really get impassioned and am sorry that some feel I am stepping on toes and belittling peoples galactic families, and for that I truly apologize.  I have to remember that I am not the only one who is passionate about things.  I am working on tempering my mode of communication to not be like such a bludgeon, but I still will maintain my thoughts on things, but will do it maybe not so heatedly and tempered with love.  

  • This I believe is why they have interduced the nude exray tubs in the airports all over the world and the TSA here in the USA get really upset when you opt out of going threw there little microwave faciitys as they handle us like cattle threw a transfer shoot. In to well-----------?

    Very cold very and forboading, exspiriance these TSA chambers are. I feel its just another form of terra forming only on the people at this time of harvesting our planet------ just before Mother earth ascends into light and radiates here love to the universe were I will be part of Her ----now and then.

    So when the real deal shows up from the GFL , If the TSA is at the entrance of these light chambers too----- well you get the picture.  and thats only my take on it.     If i was ment to fly, i would have birthed here as a bird.  and since i birthed here with my own light chamber.   Ill stay out of the TSA's Genesis machines.

  • Also the thickest part of the Foton Band is a Universal Chamber..lol

    You know the Foton Band Mr. Ed

    • Can you post some information on that Rune.  That is really interesting.. Science I love...

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