Three Days of Darkness - What to Do and How to Prepare by El Ari AN 






The "three days of darkness" is a period of about 70 hours. During this time frame, there will be a complete and total darkness that will envelope the entire Earth. It has been this way since Hu-man consciousness has been on this world and has had recollection of such events.

The most recent of this type of event was recorded in the “The Old Testament”.
Book of Exodus:
“And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt.”

“And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days:”
“They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days’ but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.”

The three days will be pitch dark. There will be a complete absence of any light that can be perceived with the physical eyes. This event will occur suddenly. Those that have prepared their “inner” dwellings will find safe harbour. Those that are caught unprepared will be faced with a test that they may not pass.
For those that will sit in the absolute void without any spiritual preparation, they could experience the following:
○ Absolute Terror from the unknown- for they will confront their worst fears and nightmares, as is projected forth from their minds.
○ As the magnetic field is further weakened, different dimensions will merge into this one and they will experience a myriad of “beings” and “entities” not previously perceived. This is frightening to most and will create what mother Mary has called the “gnashing of teeth”.
○ There will be absolute and total darkness, so that they can not see their own hands, even if placed right next to their eyes.
○ There will be a sub-zero, bone piercing cold, unlike most have experienced in their lifetime.
○ It will be difficult to breathe, since the atmosphere outside will be very thin, as the Earth is being cleansed and purified. Those that have respiratory problems will find this to be a very difficult time for them. Many will not make it due to fear, heart failure, lack of oxygen and being caught outside during this cleansing.

○ Oxygen will be very scarce. It is recommended to leave pets outside or in an area that is not where human beings are. Animals will consume the oxygen necessary for the survival of the humans and will exhale Carbon Dioxide which is harmful to humans.
○ Bringing in Green plants, even if they have no access to sunlight, is a desirous action, since they will tend to give Oxygen and absorb the carbon Dioxide that is exhaled by the humans.
A plant that will specifically help with this is the Snake Plant a.k.a. Mother-In-Law’s Tongue: Of all the different oxygen producing plants, this one is unique since it converts a lot of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to O2 (oxygen) at night, making it ideal to have several in your living area. 6-8 waist high plants are needed per person to survive if there is no air flow meaning you could live in a completely air sealed room if you had these plants present, especially in total darkness. The snake plant also removes formaldehyde from the air.

○ For the first three days, it is recommended not to light anything with a flame. Matches, candles, fireplaces or cooking grills should not be used. The fire will consume the oxygen, thus depleting it for the proper function of the brain and for the oxygenation of the blood.
Therefore, one must not light any fire. Light devices such as flashlights or light sticks may be used, although the batteries in the flashlights may malfunction.
○ Because it will be Arctic-type weather and one must not start a fire, it is recommended to obtain a -40 degree sleeping bag that will keep the body warm.
○ Appropriate winter attire thus needs to be stored in an area that is readily available. This includes Thermal underwear, Thermal socks, hats, jackets, coats, boots, gloves and ski masks if available.
○ Plenty of Fresh water and food that does not require cooking should be kept in the same area as the clothing. It is recommended to have a gallon of water per person per day. Food should not contain high content of sodium and should be of a lighter nature: fresh fruits, dehydrated fruits, fruit juices, nuts and peanut butter ( if one is not allergic to these), fresh vegetables, vegetable juice like V8, apple sauce, etc. Try to keep the meals void of meat products to avoid heaviness, bloating and animal hormones during this time of cleansing and purification.
○ Windows need to be covered to ensure that insulation occurs and doors need to
be draft-proofed.
○ One should not look outside, for there will be things one should not see. The doors or widows should not be open once shut.
○ Prepare to be indoors for past the three days for a total of 14 days, as residue is still on the planet and is not safe to step outside.
○ Have enough food, water and provisions for 14 days per person.
○ Electricity will not function. Food may rot due to lack of refrigeration.

What To Do During This Time:

During the period of darkness, be very Still.
Control your breathing. Meditate. Say your mantras, if it helps you connect to the Higher Realms and to get you into your heart space where there is only Love.
Know that from this Darkness you once came and that you are the balance, for you are the Light.
So, Shine your Inner Light. Be your own Light.
See with your Knowing.
This is the time to reflect, to go inward even more, to express Love to all those you denied it to.
This is the time to forgive yourself and others for any mistakes, misconceptions, judgements, blame, criticism, gossip that has been imposed by you or to you. This is the time to come clean and purge the Ego.

This is the time to find that inner peace and be in joy and gratitude for “Being”.
Be in the moment. Surrender to the All that Is.

Let Go!
Do not think - just BE in the Now.
Connect to all of Creation, to all the Light Beings, to the Ascended ones, the Angelics and Archangelics.
Connect with your Loved ones that have crossed over and are simultaneously in that same space with you.

And even though you may hear with the outer ear, things that are “scary”, even though you may feel with the outer sensations things that are “frightening”, you need to remain in Equanimity and anchored in the heart. Please know that the Federation of Light is assisting in this process. You are not alone in this. The process is normal and has always occurred in this manner in All Worlds that go through this type of purification, as a preparation for their Ascension.
You must also “Know” that not one hair on your head will be touched. For you are a Master, experiencing this moment because you requested this experience. Therefore connect with your “Mastership” and Know that fear is not inherent in you. More than likely, you have been through similar experiences before and everything has always been, and is currently, under Divine orchestration.

Many have asked me very important questions:

When will this happen, What can we do about those that will not listen to us, what if we're caught outside when this happens?
We are in those days..... The Exact date has not been revealed, but if one is to look at all the postings and the videos, including the troop movement, one can start connecting the dots.
As to how to prepare those people that are not open - you really can't. Part of it is that it is their Free Will to not Awaken. Keep praying for them, visualzing them enfolded in the Violet Flame and protected by Michael. It may be too late for them to grasp the notions and concepts that allow one to be in a state of peace and Love and heart centered. So, Divine Intercession is required. Because we are in human form, when we see or experience something so frightening that will shock us, many could have heart failure and such. Even the "lightworkers" who believe they are prepared, may not be. So, we need to connect with the Higher Light more than ever during this event and maintain the Highest Vibration possible.

If one is caught outside, try to go into a building or shelter - that is, if there is still enough light to see where you are going. Do NOT PANIC and go into FEAR MODE. Use a clear and Level head. Go into prayer or mantras. Stay in a High Vibration.

Since we are in those times already, my suggestion is to carry these glow/light sticks (Sold at Home Depot) with you and carry a bug-out-bag with your essentials: water, food, thermal blanket, warm clothing etc. Place this in your car. If you are caught outside, grab this bag and quickly go into a building and do not leave there for those three days. You may need to stay longer. Food Rations by Daytrec are something to consider. These may be purchased at or

Practice these scenes in your mind, so that when the day is here, you will know what to do:
1) Be Still.
2) Anchor yourself in your heart
3) Surround yourself with feelings of Love, Peace, Equanimity, Forgiveness and Gratitude.
4) Meditate, connect with Source/Creator and BE one with the ALL that Is and with all Creation.
5) Feel and Be Joy.
6) Sleep as much as you can.

This is Your Initiation...


El Ari AN


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  • well i guess that would depend on which side the earth you are on when it stops spinning.


  • I live in the Amazon and surrounded by trees and plants so I feel I will have plenty of O2. My faithful Rottweiler will be my eyes and if need be I'll share doggy biskets with her and ride this thing out. LOVE & PEACE to all.
  • YES..YES..YES~
  • I posted here that I have in my possession authentic Hopi Prophecy..presented to Dalai Lama in 1976 at the U.N. special assembly of World Religious has signatures of then Hopi Elders..tribal Chiefs.  Offered to post if there was interest in reading here on E.T.Only response was from Soulz83 (read above)..saying “Awesome are blessed.”  Did not post for a ‘compliment’…thought people here would want to read case they hadn’t.  Thus far no interest in doing so..other than your message saying:  Yes ljwheat, Drunvalo has mentioned the crossing as well as Mayan and Hopi prophecy.  Perhaps you overlooked or did not read mine.   you also wrote:  . :One should practice looking inward, and prepare, just in case.  And above all stay heart centered. I have heard that October 10th is the last day to turn inward, but I dont know if thats the truth. The only truth is love..:-)”  I AGREE w/your guidance/recommendations..also that most here would already know the only truth is love.  

    Also have in my possession ‘true’ Mayan was researched by a Mayan elder for over 25 years..who proactively wrote the document I received..presented as authentic and real.  Both were sent from unknown sources to me..randomly..separately..some time before the new least 8-10 years apart.  Who sent these to they found their way to me (I had moved several times)..I do not know.  I don’t believe in ‘coincidence’..these were not ‘mass’ mailings..and as either a lightworker myself..or initiated Companion of Mayan order..there was an INTENTION that somehow through the ‘ethers’..sent to me..for what purpose..if not to communicate this information to others of LOVE/LIGHT/LIKE MINDEDNESS??  There is not enough space here to talk of other mysterious mailings, e.g., The Emerald Tablets..I received over the past thirty years..or why?  I am also a spiritual helper/member of international organization which emanates from Subud..which you may or may not have heard of..on island of Java..for almost 50 years.  I would hope that with all these ‘blessings’ now at age 76..I have something of possible value to share..whether any of these experiences have evolved me enough to now be ready to Ascend..have no real clue.  Or why not one here has expressed interest in what I offer to share about any of it..has thus far been pretty much ignored????  For myself can do my keep being in FAITH/HOPE/LOVE & LIGHT.  As far as being a member far get no feedback..and wondering why???????  it is just before dawn on Sunday, Sept. 25th, 2011..was guided to write this to someone here on E.T…you are the one that it is being sent to.  I welcome any comments or reply from you..or anyone else who reads this~  Sincerely..Joyana Suwati

  • THE ASHTAR COMMAND - Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community Network

    I do not believe there was or is ever anything to worry about or cause others to worry about although some still do, i hope to see less and less worry warts on the net ,and do understand what we believe we so create ,so i hope to see more create a new direction one focused on helping things good happen

    • Very wise words R2-D2 :-)

      It's crazyness :)
      • Indeed co-creators.

        to carry this flame.

        We need no acknowledgement, We just neeed to be in Our Heartspace,

        Carry on!


  • NO WAY AM I LEAVING MY 3 CATS OUTSIDE!!!!  they bring me the most joy i could imagine, and sleeping in the same bed all together is our thing, we will keep each other warm with our love :)


    And if it will be arctic type weather how can food rot due to lack of refrigeration?? just a thought..

  • Ienjoyed reading tjis and with our hearts we have to prepare. It will happen.Since oxygen will be low will we be able to use the wax candles as Iwas told by the church many years ago. Yvonne
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