It is disappointing to me when I see people charging these astronomical amounts to do DNA Activations when in fact, it is only YOU -Your Higher Self that has this control and power. What so many do not understand is that it is within yourselves to do these activations -Why would you give this power away to any other person?! -And it only takes two things; BOTH of which are part of your multidimensional nature. The 1st is your connection to your Highest Self or your God Self and that is your Divine Willpower. The other is your connection to your Higher Self or your Soul Self and that is your Deliberate Intent. It is the KNOWING of God as through your Sacred Mind and your true Soul's FEELING as through your Sacred Heart that unlocks ALL these so called "Starseed/DNA Activations" which are absolutely already within each and every one of us as little light packets within own brains and bodily structures and you need for no other than yourselves to activate these hidden aspects of your multidimensional SELF as a Cosmic BEING.

Now you ask, is this true?! And if so, why would so many people be charging such astronomical fees for a service they are not even doing, nor is there any way for them to prove or disprove this. Or is there? Yes there certainly IS a way to KNOW within yourself and I suggest you check out my Purity Check for invaluable tools to discern the one Truth in this matter as in the inner planes, there are no manipulations or trickery aloud into the ascended dimensions. So why do these people charge so much? Well they do, because they can -because people pay them. That is their free will choice to follow the old paradigm, but this only empowers and strengthens the denser vibrations of the old world in which one seeks out abundance in forms of material and/or monetary value. All the while in the inner or ascended planes, the true form of abundance manifests as ALL THAT IS which comes in forms of friendship, kindness, giving, etc.. as there is simply no use for money in the inner planes. And those whom are grasping for an attachment to monetary gains not only stunt their own spiritual growth, but they directly slow the very expansion of the cosmos and in this case, they're literally empowering a world that is fading into oblivion. So long as these people chose to stay in this 3rd/4th dimensional capitalist mindset, they will never be ascending, because Spiritual Law states that THERE MUST NEVER BE PLACED A PRICE ON TRUTH for one thing and there will eventually come a time where these people will be forced to either play according to the rules or be taken to another world in which they will have the opportunity to sort out their duality in their own time. Now don't get me wrong here. Money is absolutely still part of the world and abundance can certainly come in the form of money, but not at the expense of others. That is the difference here.

Now is the time to look within! You see, as we are in meditation/prayer, we are all feeling specific sensations, individual to each our own experience. These are upgrades to your DNA and to the physical make up of your body, changing the density of ALL that which makes up your body. We do not need anyone, but our own selves to unlock and activate ALL THAT WE ARE. Ascension is an individual and personal experience that is vastly different and specific to each and every single being as we each have our own individual lives, our individual personality and our individual Karmic history to clear and balance.

And we already have our guides and Angels waiting to assist us. Your own intuition will always provide you with that most accurate truth. Yes, of course it is most important to ask your own self through your own heart 1st and to trust in this beyond that of any other source, but it is still important to ask for help. We are moving into a time where all our brothers and sisters will be equally overjoyed to assist one another at the drop of a hat, but nobody likes to be "told" anything. That is why it is important to ask, because asking opens the door for that energetic exchange of Spirit. This is what True Abundance is! ALL THAT IS; providing all the answers you seek through the overwhelming and unconditional love of Spirit that flows within each of us. The more you ask your own higher self, the more you begin to channel Spirit, yet the more you ask others for assistance, the more Spirit flows through those that choose to answer your call. So you see, you do everyone a great service by asking for assistance as each and every time you do, you are expanding the cosmos with the love and light of Spirit/Source/Creator/God. It is only those feelings of unworthiness that holds you back from ALL THAT YOU ARE. ASK ASK ASK! -AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN! So long as you are asking from the heart, in grace and humility, your answers may come from your guardians, your guides, a specific Angel, your Higher Self or even a friend, but that's the beauty of asking; you may just ask a question that someone else has not yet thought to ask and in doing so, you are gifting them the abundance of knowing more of ALL THAT IS all the same. Yet there are still so many that put a monetary value on Truth and in doing so, they surrender their humble nature to greed and place themselves back into the prison system that no longer has to exist other than within the minds of those refusing to release their own attachments to duality.

This time is about YOU and your personal journey to self mastery. Your job is to BE! -Be a beacon of light and to focus on YOU and your personal experience. Continue looking within your heart and Ask! Ask all those questions that you seek answers for and they will be provided for you. You are integrating the Divine Will of your God Self, discerning your Soul's Deliberate Intent and becoming ALL THAT YOU ARE -A Cosmic BEING! There is an overwhelming force of pure Light(KNOWING) and Love(FEELING) that you must now allow to poor into your incarnate BEING, all in a specific order and pace, individual to your personal experience and overseen by your Higher Self. As your Free Will is now transmuting into a Divine Will expression of Prime Creator/Spirit/Source/God, you must take great care of guiding your own awareness into an expansion of consciousness.

Through consistent meditation/prayer, you are receiving a great deal of light codes that are breaking open and unlocking the many dormant light packets in your brain and bodily structures, ultimately upgrading your DNA. Take time to examine these new aspects of your being. Continually seek deeper within and ask your Higher Self what those new feelings and sensations mean to your personal experience and you will begin to gain great clarity and remember who you are/who you have been. You will begin to trust in your instinctual process of once again discerning your emotions as the signals they are to unlocking your inner most true feelings.

Each breakthrough of understanding that comes to you whether in meditation or simply going about your day then becomes part of a new and renewed YOU. This process unlocks an exponential wave of expansion within you such as a long line of dominoes falling down as each breakthrough piece that falls against the next is knocking on the door of yet another breakthrough waiting to BE -waiting to be opened -waiting to become part of you! So many look upon the unlocking process of ascension as a great task in picking up up the many missing pieces of your being as a whole, but the process does not have to be a struggle by any means! It is meant to be a beautiful and joyous expression of returning to Spirit, so let those pieces simply fall into you as naturally as gravity, my friends. Then ask what those next set of sensations and emotional signals means to you each time they arise. Ask from the heart and from a place of grace and humility and in your own instinctual process of discernment, you will reintegrate more and more of ALL THAT YOU ARE.

Now is the time to truly look within with absolute loving acceptance and openness to what you uncover as some of it will be difficult to assimilate, however ALL of it will return your BEING to the natural resonance of the love and light of Spirit. Those more difficult to accept aspects of yourself, are simply your past mistakes, but what makes them difficult to look at is that it creates an emotional uneasiness within you which is the process of self-judgment, the only judgment that is constructive judgment, because each and every mistake we make teaches us a new level of mastery on our personal journey in ascension, IF we are willing to transmute those darker aspects of ourselves back into resonance with Spirit. That is why it is so important to ask from the heart in grace and humility as those of us humble in nature can much more easily learn through their own grace, but those who do not remain humble, do not expand anything other than the very shackles they create for themselves. While each and every one of us are in our Lord's loving embrace, we are always forgiven before we ever made any of those mistakes, so through the process of self-judgment, we must find forgiveness and acceptance of ourselves in ALL THAT WE ARE. And in this humility, we discover our sovereignty and reclaim our birthright as Cosmic Beings.

There is a process of looking within to expand your conscious awareness, to merging your sub-conscious and those higher aspects of your Soul Self and God Self with the lower four physical, emotional, mental and energy bodies. ALL THAT YOU ARE must come into balance. This is a personal process of ascension and different for everyone. And you must begin to recognize this balance as a trinity in every aspect of your BEING and ALL THAT IS, starting with Father God/Mother God and YOU. This trinity is everywhere, such as in the Sun, the Moon and Gaia. It is the Sacred Mind, the Sacred Heart and the Living Incarnation. It is in the Light of your Highest Self, the Grounded Strength below and your "I AM Presence". It is the Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine and Procreated Child. You must recognize the KNOWING of the Light, the FEELING of the Love and the Joy of BEING, and in this synergy, you have the base tools to ascension and this is the formula to unlocking the secrets of the universe.

Accessing your Divine Willpower once again must be a goal of your immediate future so that you can move out of your current illusory manifest experience and once again rejoice into the higher frequencies that are already part of this world. Willpower is what drives you to move forward from one moment to the next, but this is a Brain-Based Programmed description. What you need is your Divine Willpower which is your connection to your Highest (GOD)Self, or your KNOWING and you must combine your Divine Willpower with your Deliberate Intent which is your connection to your Higher (SOUL)Self, or your FEELING in order to create a new state of BEING. And in your reconnection to the KNOWING of your Sacred Mind and the FEELING of your Sacred Heart, you will begin resonating Love once again back into your every "Now Moment" experience.

And Unconditional Love is balancing the Highest Self/SPIRIT(KNOWING) with the Higher Self/SOUL(FEELING) and then bringing those inner/higher dimensional aspects down into your incarnate nature, creating a Trinity of KNOWING, FEELING & BEING or in other words, SPIRIT, SOUL & BODY. This state of "BEING" is Unconditional Love Incarnate! Mastering this Trinity within as a "Living Meditation" will bring your personal ascension process rapidly forward! But you MUST rise above the old Brain-Based Programming, summon your Divine Willpower, once again THINKING through the Sacred Mind and then begin FEELING with your Deliberate Intent of the Sacred Heart before you can truly begin manifesting a different outcome from your current stagnation in which you may find yourself recycling those very same energetic patterns again and again, one day after another. You are NOT a robot! Why do you accept that "bad dream" as your fate?! YOU choose your experience! You must detach from those programmed labels stating that you are anything less than an infinitely powerful creator being and return to your natural state of BEING once again. And when YOU ARE PRESENT in that "Now Moment" you really and truly are an unconditional loving BEING.

And in this state of BEING, in Unconditional Love, you will also find that you have regained your Faith, which will then begin returning to your daily experience, not only Faith in your connection to your Higher Self/SOUL, but especially Faith in your connection to your Highest Self/SPIRIT/God. Faith is retaining this Knowing within that all our desires and aspirations will be fulfilled through the power of Nature and/or the Laws of the Universe. Faith is one of those things that simply cannot be learned, or taught. It can only be experienced, or chosen through your connection to Divine Willpower and your Deliberate Intent. Just as with happiness, Faith is a choice, but more than simply choosing to be happy, it requires much more than the absolute loving acceptance of ALL THAT IS. Faith is surrendering to the Knowing that your happiness will indeed continue beyond the "Now Moment" allowing us to truly become ALL THAT WE ARE.

So there you have it, between YOUr Divine Willpower and YOUr Deliberate Intent, you are each an Infinitely Powerful Creator Being that manifests ALL THAT YOU ASPIRE TO BE as an Individual Incarnate Expression of Prime Creator. This "Living Meditation" is a state of BEING in balance with ALL THAT IS and ALL THAT YOU ARE and in practice, this can be achieved in YOUr every present "Now Moment" as YOUr natural state of BEING/Becoming a Cosmic Being. This “Living Meditation” involves YOUr God Self, YOUr Soul Self and YOUr Incarnate Self. YOUr DNA activations, YOUr Akashic History, YOUr Emotional Blocks, etc.. are all personal and individual to YOU! Sure, perhaps you can have someone tell you another aspect of YOUrSELF, but until you truly remember for YOUrSELF, it is useless information. Why would you pay money for information that you must eventually remember in your own time regardless? Until you truly begin looking within and Trusting in YOUr own intuition and Inner SELF, you will not ascend as that IS ascension, my dear friends. It is a process of looking within YOUrSELF. Nowhere in this process is there a need for another being as each and every individual is responsible for their own Ascension, their own Mastery and their own Free Will to call upon their Guides and Angels for assistance. It is time to take advantage of the incredible energies flowing throughout Gaia and to reunite with one’s Soul Self through their journey back to Spirit.

All my love and adoration, Jacob

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    • Hello Dear Ivo, I see that perhaps you may have misunderstood some place section of this scribe, so I laid down to meditate on this. I see now the mistake. We are in absolute agreement and it seems that the word "ego" had slipped into your mind somewhere and this word "ego" is labeling some section of this article. 

      1st, I do not write about the "ego" or use this word to describe ourselves in any of my work. So, I had to discern where it was this programming plugged into my article where it did not exist and what I discovered wast this: 

      You mention "uplift" and since I did not use this word either, I can only assume you are referring to the raising of our vibrations in the process of ascension. When I mention Divine Willpower, I am teaching that this stems from God/Source/Spirit. When I mention Deliberate Intent, I am teaching that this stems from the Higher Self or the Soul. Those two things in balance allow you to BE in a "Living Meditation" in which your manifest experience of BEING is that of Unconditional Love.

      As you so very accurately pointed out, neither of those things have anything to do with "ego" or our lower 4 bodies which are at least partially in a state of an illusory duality for some of us. Spirit and Soul are our deepest aspects of who we are. This is what I suggest to tap into in order to rapidly accelerate your ascension process. 

      So I strongly suggest a rereading of the material as there is a grand aspect of BEING that seems to be eluding you, my friend. So long as you are convinced of this,

      "...we couldn't even understand what-and how we shoud handle these forces if we want it..."

      you will only continue having a very difficult time recognizing when others are teaching about such higher vibrational states of conscious awareness, let alone be allowing yourself to break free of those attachments to such linear and limiting beliefs. Ascension is about letting go those old linear, fear-based belief systems of the brain and to rather begin thinking spherically as through the Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart as explained in my teachings. And again, neither of those things have to do with an illusory state of perception as they are your link to highest aspects of YOUrSELF. To put that another way, "The Brain only Thinks while the Mind Knows" as they're two very different things. And to clarify the Sacred Heart, well this is your link to your **Soul's Feelings, which are far from the same thing as Emotions.

      I am very well understood on this topic as I am devoted nearly 24/7 of my being to this over the past years. I speak about these things from a place of Truth in Spirit and Purity of Soul and I would never write any of the material I teach unless I have already proven and verified this information from within my own experience. 

      And please understand Dear Ivo, while I have responded to your post, I am not suggesting there is anything wrong with you, okay. In fact, please review in the 1st paragraph as I want it to be clear that "We are in absolute agreement..." However, I was led to elaborate on a few things here so that others can gain clarity on this topic as well. I see you as a Master in your own right, making sense of ascension in your own way and pace and to me, this is a beautiful thing for all of us. It is also individual, specific and personal to each of us and so I can and will not judge yours or anyone else's experience of viewpoints of perception. However, I it is my responsibility to set boundaries and to be absolutely clear in my teachings. It is my goal to empower our brother and sisters while providing proven tools and techniques for others to use towards the ever-greater and exponentially expansion of their own conscious awareness. <3 Jacob

      **Knowing the Difference Between Feelings And Emotions

      Copyright © Divine Willpower. You may copy and redistribute the above material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include a link to:

      • I do thank You Jacob for this reply,and yes we are in agreement...I brought up the ego part,because I strongly feel that it still is a common issue.Of course there is no existance or need for ego when we are aware of our Divine one-ness.And yes sometimes the difficulty arises to allow someone the freedom to expres and evolve in their own beautifull way..thank you again for the reminder Jacob,it seems we speak the same languauge with different words... Love from Belgium,Ivo

        • Thank you for warming my heart this lovely afternoon! :) Yes, I do use different words. The reason I do this is because I am speaking from my Higher Self and through the many experiences I've gathered in researching the science of matter and the secrets of the universe. I read/research very little from outside sources and rather focus on what I receive from remembering/unlocking memories of my past knowing as well as focus on creating more of my own individual expression of Spirit and in doing so, I create my own Soul Song, my own Poetic "Living Meditation" to shine unto the world, etc.. You see, it is our individuality that we must focus on if we truly want to create something new for the world. Then of course, we can combine with those individual notes of inspiration that resonate with ourselves as well and then we co-create harmonies that echo unto all of creation in yet another entirely new and individual way even greater than our own individuality on it's own. However my point is that I do not ever allow those teachings of others to overwrite my own beliefs without 1st proving those theories within my own being. That is a big part of my on-going message, that we remain students as well as teachers, but always true to ourselves foremost, because if we accept the teachings of others without setting those boundaries and proving their validity within our own beings, we may only end up polluting the world as through our own ignorance.

          <3 Jacob

    • Ivo I will write on English for the sake of others, but i must ask you do you come from Croatia, because I do and at the moment I dont really have anyone to properly discuss topics such as these and therefore feel a bit isolated when around my friends sometimes. Im from Zadar. Love and Light to all my brothers and sisters!

      • Hi Mosquito...I do come from Belgium and I do Like a good conversation about these matters...I know your feeling when the world doesn't understand you...I feel that we on one hand must turn around to our brothers and sisters whom are evolved into the possition of light to find our understanding and Divine friendship,and on the other hand give that love and light to all lighten their way as well...Love and Blessings from Belgium,Ivo

  • I totally agree Jacob! it is time to reclaim our power and remember who we truly are!

    Happy 2013 Everyone.......Happy Ascension!

  • haha You might notice my response was not so much for him as it was for everyone else. The message for him was encoded and he received it at the soul level without anyone having to stick it in his face. ;) 

  • Yeah, the beauty in all of this is that it doesn't matter what anyone says or believes individually, because at this point, they're beginning to seek out that proof for themselves regardless. It is my goal and intention to provide tools and techniques for those people on the verge of discovering that "AHHA! Moment" in which they learn the value of looking within for ALL THAT IS. 

  • We ALL are feeling this desire to be with the same types of peoples resonating as ourselves. Very soon, we will be back with our soul families. Very soon indeed, as MasterofLight has also mentioned. 

  • Yes I can assure you that I fully comprehend the level at which the Divine Feminine has been oppressed in this world. I hold the empowerment of the Goddess very dear to my heart. And have written a great deal about this topic. That is indeed part of our mission here, my brother.

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