Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009, in Los Angeles, California. The coroner reported the cause of death due to a lethal combination of the pain killer propofol and the benzodiazepines Ativan, Valium, and Xanax.

But MJ's physician (Conrad Murray) claims he didn't give the lethal dosage amount measured by the coroner. Jurors heard from Dr. Paul White, an expert on the surgical anesthetic propofol, who tried to convince the court that Jackson had injected himself with a fatal dose of the drug while Murray was absent. As he did Friday, White also offered that Murray's conduct was unusual and broke protocol but didn't rise to the level of involuntary manslaughter. The other option is that someone else CLOSE TO MJ was there to give him that fatal dose.

This is what the advanced astrology work seems to suggest. Michael Jackson was, in my opinion, murdered by someone close to him per my astrological analysis, and possibly with occult ties.

The astrology interpretations come after the analysis of Michael Jackson's involvement with Sony Entertainment and an examination of occult symbolism in the entertainment industry (below this paragraph). Sony Entertainment is the organization who Latoya Jackson (sister of MJ) claimed murdered Michael Jackson.

Sony Entertainment: In Bed With "the devil"?????

Sony Entertainment has a history of making tremendous profits off of dead artists, Michael Jackson included. Other artists that were used and wasted include Whitney Houston and Phyllis Hyman. And there is definitely some occult symbolism with the artists works. Check out the cover of Michael Jackson's last release "This Is It.";


Check out Sony employee Phyllis Hyman's stage outfit with it's Egyptian priestess symbolism. Keep in mind these artists are "owned" by Sony (and their associates) regarding their outfits for stage shows, and general business related presentations:

8110648101?profile=originalAnd here's Sony employee Niki Minaj wearing a "black priestess outfit" colored in sacrificial red, at the Grammy Awards right after Sony employee Whitney Houston died. Some observers claimed that there was occult symbolism with Niki as a priestess "paying homage to a sacrifice" (of Whitney Houston, whose face appears to be on the lower part of the red dress):

8110648264?profile=originalMichael Jackson was probably introduced to the occult at a young age, prior to signing on with Sony. Below is Jackson at a very young age doing the "okay" hand gesture, and of which is also the "666" hand gesture used as a greeting among Satanists. I am certain Jackson didn't know what the hand gesture meant at that time, just as many University of Texas students don't know the other meaning of the "hook 'em horns" hand gesture to define the "horns of Satan."


And here Jackson is as a Sony employee, doing the "horns of Satan" (and which is also the "hook 'em horns" gesture used by University of Texas students):


Michael Jackson reportedly got fed up with this nonsense. His last videos praised the importance of children; the so-called claim of molestation by Jackson at his Neverland Ranch was proven to be a farce to grab money from him by greedy parents of a young boy who went to his ranch and stayed with MJ.  

I can relate to occult elements present in astrology that really got on my nerves. There were times when I was socially with people heavily involved in the occult (and possibly intelligence operations of some type) and I actually felt that I had to throw up when I was near them and involved in discussion. And on more than one occasion.

Jackson would hire a legal team that allowed him to walk from Sony Entertainment with 1/2 of Sony's publishing catalog, worth 1 billion dollars. This was a very major legal and financial blow to Sony. Michael Jackson was apparently no entertainment law lightweight, as Paul McCartney found out with the lose of his Beatles rights to MJ with the lose of his Beatles catalog. But unlike the reported calm response of Jackson to an upset McCartney ("it's just business Paul"), MJ would angrily call Sony's Tommy Motolla "a devil" and "a very evil man" before a gathering of fans. Here's a 10-minute video of his accusation:

click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr6CRcrQxDw&feature=player_detailpage and go to 5:05 for Michael Jackson's assailing of Sony, and calling Tommy Montolla a "devil" at 7:24.

The Occult And Satanism: Applications With Artists of The 21st Century


I have never rubbed shoulders with super stardom as an artist, but there seems to always be (especially in the 21st century) an ominous element of success and mass public exposure if an artist "sells their soul to the entertainment industry" and "dances the dance and walks the walk"  that is sometimes demanded by these new Satanic and occult elements in the entertainment industry.

Katy Perry and Lady Gaga really come to mind to prove my point. Check out the hat on Lady Gaga and the Egyptian priestess look of Katy Perry.



Latoya Jackson, sister of Michael, would interview with Britain News of the World newspaper three weeks after the death of Michael Jackson and discuss the death of her brother. She pointed her finger right at Sony as being the murderer with this interview. She also accuses Sony employee Madonna of hiring goons trying to run her off the road due to valuable catalogs that she has that Madonna had an interest in. Interestingly, Madonna is a Sony employee with known reported ties to the occult, especially with the study of the Hebrew Kabbalah (and she reportedly makes many trips to Israel for vacations and "learning experiences").

Latoya has called Sony Entertainment CEO Howard Stringer "Satan," as opposed to a son-of-a-b!tch or a similar pronoun depicting someone who is so low they can "crawl under a pregnant ant:" 

Latoya Jackson: Sony Murdered Michael Jackson

July 13. 2009

Michael Jackson

LaToya Jackson, the sister of the late pop singer, Michael Jackson, who died last month under suspicious circumstances, did an interview with Britain’s News of the World paper, on July 11, 2009, proclaiming Michael Jackson was murdered for his 50% interest in the Sony Music catalog. His half is said to be valued at least $1 billion dollars. Sony, with its plummeting sales, are desperate for cash.

Janet, LaToya and Rebbie Jackson

Haven’t I been stating that very same thing on this website regarding me and Madonna/Sony for a couple years now, in that they have been trying to murder me over my Copyrighted Catalog.

Before the stealing started, they invited me to Sony and I did not go - they had famous producers affiliated with them and Madonna, contact me and I did not respond (click here).

On separate occasions, Miami Kabbalah members, on Madonna’s instruction, have made attempts on my life, over my valuable copyrights, via sending individuals from the Miami Kabbalah Center to try and run me over with vehicles in broad daylight (an Anthony Pellicano tactic, who was her private investigator before he was imprisoned).

Madonna is affiliated with Sony through her lawyer, Robert Jacobs, which they both share regarding copyright management and she also has a side deal with Sony/Ericsson for her music.

She gained criminal access to my Copyrighted Catalog through the hosting company of her official website Madonna.com, named Digilink, who were busted hacking into my business computers and copying the Copyrighted Catalog they forwarded to her, which she illegally used without permission.

The very questionable CEO of Sony, Howard "Satan" Stringer, is happy Jackson is gone

I’ve lived in Miami for over two decades, no one broke into my home, mugged me, tried to run me over with vehicles or assaulted me in any fashion, until this Madonna mess started.

Then all this criminal activity, some of it of a very violent nature, was aimed at me, in ongoing criminal misconduct, commissioned by that foul old lunatic Madonna.

Sam Cooke

Hollywood is still the same old awful, prejudiced, racist, debauched place it always was, full of corruption. For years, many have insisted, soul singer Sam Cooke was murdered, because he was a black man that started his own record and music publishing company, seeking to go independent from Hollywood and they killed him for it. I see things haven’t changed.

Howard Stringer

Since Howard Stringer, became the CEO of Sony in 2005, after working in the company for over 20 years, the corporation has taken a precipitous decline in morality, decency, legality and common sense.

Stringer has tried to steal everything in sight from my Copyrighted Catalog, the other half of the Sony catalog from Michael Jackson, dozens of patents, to even the Nintendo Wii, incredulously claiming two years after it was released and became a global smash, that Sony thought of it first, but just didn't do it, which is an absolute lie, as they have no PREEXISTING copyrights or patents to back up these envious, spoiled sport claims.

He is a corrupt, jealous, resentful animal that can’t stand to see anyone else do anything of merit. He is also a desperate wretch, willing to do anything to increase sales, even if it means engaging in corporate fraud and massive SEC violations.

Madonna’s greed and lust for fame and success, is in fact worst than Stringer’s. No one should want to get ahead so badly that murdering off innocent people for their business assets becomes an option.

I will nail Michael Jackson's killers

Jacko's heartbroken sister La Toya vows to prove star's death was foul play. GRIEF-TORN La Toya Jackson last night dramatically vowed revenge on the people she claims MURDERED her brother Michael...

La Toya's astonishing revelations come just two days after the chief of Los Angeles police admitted they were investigating Jacko's death as possible homicide.

In a moving exclusive four-hour interview with the News of the World, grieving La Toya - the closest person to Michael from the whole tight-knit Jackson clan - revealed she and the family are convinced her brother's apparent drugs overdose was "foul play" by a shadowy group out to get their hands on his £1 billion fortune.

"Michael WAS murdered," declared La Toya, 53. "And we don't think just one person was involved. Rather, it was a conspiracy of people. I feel it was all about money. Michael was worth well over a billion in music publishing assets and somebody killed him for that. He was worth more dead than alive."...

"A couple of years ago Michael told me he was worried that people were out to get him. He said, 'They're gonna kill me for my publishing. They want my catalogues and they're gonna kill me for these.'...


Michael's Basic Horoscope

Michael Jackson's horoscope features five planets rising over the eastern horizon, along with Archangel Raphael (Regulus). The midpoint of Sun/Mercury equals the star of Regulus and success with communications to others was evident, but only after much service (12th House placement). Mercury is close to opposing the U.S.A. MC (Midheaven) at 26 degrees Aquarius, suggesting an important role in communications with the U.S.A.

Pluto in the 12th house indicates much suffering at the hands of powerful people; it was reported that his father enjoyed physically beating him up and threatening him with guns when he was a young boy. Saturn in the fourth house (and squaring the Ascendant (ASC; "the environment")) definitely indicates conflicts with "the father figure in the home," as represented by Saturn in the fourth house.

Power struggles was evident as he got older and richer. Jupiter and Neptune in the second house suggests incredible financial windfalls and loses; he was reportedly $400 million in debt prior to obtaining the Sony catalog worth $1 billion.

The Moon in the 6th house (criticism, analysis) is sesquiquadrate with the North Node in the 2nd house (money, tangible assets). Because the Moon on a man's chart usually represents the "female in his life," Michael would have connections to many women that would feature tension and criticism (the sesquiquadrate meaning) over money.  This was true with Marie Presley.

Mars (the traditional ego) in Taurus (traditional symbol of money) in the 9th house (law, travel, philosophy) indicates potential disputes over money and religion with possible court involvement.

Uranus and Venus together in the 11th house (aspirations, associations) indicates lots of unusual friends, as well as unusual romances that derive from such friendships. With both in the sign of Leo (traditional sign of entertainment), entertainment venues or environments are very important for meeting and making such unusual friendships.


Advanced Astrology Analysis


Here we go with the 90 degree dial work.  I suspect, as does Latoya Jackson, that this was "a very mean act" done by some really evil people who view murdering other people as "business." We will look at the midpoint of Uranus/Hades for this on his natal chart, with the Uranian planets included:


Now let's look at the death of MJ. Dr. Murray claims 10:40 AM was the time of death or the last dose of propofol. The midpoint of North Node/Venus equals this point of "a very mean act" on MJ's natal chart, and this may indicate the presence of someone there he really trusted to administer the "hot load," such as a business associate or a close friend.

"FOLKS, I smell a rat."


The traditional formula for death or cease of activity is the Mars/Saturn midpoint. LOOK AT HOW CLOSE THIS MARS /SATURN MIDPOINT IS TO THE SUN POSITION, JUST AS WAS THE CASE WITH MY BUDDHA TIME OF DEATH CHART!!!!


Here's one of three midpoints on Jackson's natal chart that equal this midpoint of "death or cease in activity" on MJ's "time of death" chart:


And the other two:


My interpretation is as follows:

"The death of the individual is a result of a change or transformation in one's feelings regarding the science of music or art (of which may have an international impact or desire) based on one's actions that may have a negative impact on third parties involved."

Here are my notes and interpretations (highlighted in yellow) of other Uranian formulas.






I am convinced that Michael Jackson was murdered, and that his personal physician was made into a patsy similar to Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan. Physicians know dangers of certain medications and can have their license removed if they fail to follow proper protocol with such medications. And this MD had a very lucrative position as MJ's personal physician; it is simply ludicrous to claim that he would OD his client with a scientific-based hot dose at the behest of his money-source.

The demands that the 21st century entertainment industry makes upon it's employees (a.k.a. "artists") is a direct assault on the creativity and bias functions needed by artists to express their craft to their audiences. These 21st century entertainment employees are hence not artists but are choreographed performers who answer only to their employers regarding what they may express to their audiences. These are also the same 21st century artists who receive demands from their employers on what types of expression is allowed in order to receive their paychecks, and we are currently witnessing a lot of occult symbolism by these artists. Michael Jackson may have gotten fed up the Satanic elements in Sony Entertainment, and he took a legal-based walk from them with a clever financial grab of their financial holdings. And this may have been what got him killed.

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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  • It has been my experience that MD's who risk their license do not last long in the field. Conrad Murray had an established reputation, and people like him simply don't risk their license at the behest of AEG promotions, aa claimed by the Jackson family. Also note that Latoya Jackson and her mother (the mother of Michael Jackson, also) told Sony to "go to hell" (their natural home) with the offer promised to them after MJ died, while all the other family members voted for it and thus out-voted Latoya and MJ's mother. This offer would make the Jackson family unbelievably wealthy.

    Conrad Murray is scheduled to get out of jail soon for his sentence of involuntary manslaughter, without his MD license. Unless we hear about a miraculous payoff or comeback (or awarding him with a new license or an unusal suicide),  it is safe to say that someone close to MJ gave him that lethal dose that turned off his heart.  

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