Myself and quite a few of my off-world colleagues have been picking up a great deal of pain and discomfort from many people on earth right now. Predominant is the feelings of "homesickness", Loneliness, isolation, and frustrations and sadness about the big changes that are taking place.I also feel these things when I am on earth, and I had noticed recently it had become more and more difficult for me to return to earth after being home. I desired to just not come back, and this feeling was very strong. For me there is the difficulty of actually having most of my biological family off-world, and being seperated from them even temporarily was becoming very hard. This overrode even my genetic ties to earth (through my earth body), which was unusual.As more people on earth feel frustration, anger, sadness, loneliness etc., the energy becomes amplified until it is easily picked up by empaths on earth, as well as those off-world. What some of you are feeling is the result of this collective of emotional energy, which - if you feel these things yourself - will have the effect of amplifying your own emotions and make it harder for you to balance. So be aware that not all of what you feel is yours. If you are a "sensitive", you are more inclined to be subject to this kind of empathy, and it is not easy to deal with.For Starseeds and incarnates on earth, your feelings of homesickness stems from not being able to live according to the structures of peace and harmony that you have known in other realities and incarnations. Your souls have memories of these things, and so you know something of what you are missing - as opposed to sleeping souls on earth, who have blocked off any such knowledge. Yet to take away your memories would mean that you would not have a blueprint or foundation upon which to work on building a better reality on earth. You would not have the awareness of the knowledge you need to teach others, or lead by example. So having such awareness can in some ways be a double-edged sword, so to speak.It has been said through many teachings conveyed and channelled on earth that the path of spiritual awareness is often a lonely one, because you are expressing something that the "masses" do not feel, or are not aware of at this time. This sets you apart from the status quo, and that includes members of your own family and friends.It may be that you find you can only relate to some people on limited levels, and after a while this frustrates, stagnates and bores you, so you will create something to end the relationship, or you will simply drift apart. The opposite of this is that you will begin to attract yourself to others who are of like mind, and who share common ground. This too may be limited in some ways, since not everyone will agree with you, nor you with them. There will always be some differences because this is the diversity of human existence. Of course the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself. If you do not acheive inner harmony and wholeness, then it will be extremely unlikely you will attract relationships that are harmonious and whole.As a maturing soul, you will get to a point where you recognise the signs of dysfunction, and things that need refining or changing - both in yourself and in others - and your first instinct will often be to avoid the situation by not having a relationship while you work on your own growth and balance. So relationships become optional as a growth tool. Remember that this is why we have relationships. The other person will always act as a mirror for us, and we for them. Some people on a path of spiritual growth will decide not to have relationships because they find them to be a distraction, or not worth having if they are going to be filled with problems to be overcome.Therefore you learn to relate in the ways that you are able, and become more aware of gently touching people's lives with your Light and sometimes sharing your knowledge when you are asked. This is very important, because this is what "Light Work" is truly about. It is not about bulldozing your way through other people's lives and attempting to force them to change (though that may be tempting at times) because that will always backfire. They will resent you in your role as 'the Angel of Change' and simply show their resistance by turning on you. This is because you cannot enforce change upon others. The only thing you have the power to change is yourself.But when you understand how you create your reality with your beliefs, attitudes and actions, then you know that when you make changes on these levels, your outer reality will reflect it. Those that do not resonate with who you are and what you represent will be repelled. Those who do will be attracted. This is one of the laws of the universe. However, sometimes you will attract something that is the polar opposite so that you can learn from what it presents.Be careful about 'wallowing' in these emotions, because they will lead to depression which will instantly act to block your channels and awareness and cause you to burn out or just no longer cope with being on earth. It is one thing to allow the feelings, but if you keep experiencing them long-term then you will need to work on releasing them. By this I mean when you feel this starting to happen, you have to actively and even forcefully change your thought patterns and also do things that will help you to balance and feel better.It can be different for everyone, but you might find listening to a piece of music helps, vigorous exercise, or going for a walk, or just being somewhere beautiful in nature. It might be talking to friends who understand where you are coming from (it helps to talk it out). Meditation always helps as well.When you are strong in your core, your truth, and balanced within, then feelings of loneliness and frustration are rare and fleeting - if you keep using the techniques to bring yourself back into balance.

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  • hey every1
    I'm new in this page and i don't know how this works =)
    I'm agree with commander A says
    Just start to live in this beauty blue planet that we have as home
    and strip of them selves of egos and materialism , those things gets
    in humans stress and illness , and you most to open and expans the
    breeze , in order to see the world and the universe working

    i'm from Mexico
    I kiss u in your souls
  • Thank you for sharing these words of wisdom. I have been going through much of what you wrote. My quickening has caused a great rift in my home situation. I have been looking for a job to support myself so I can leave under grace in perfect ways. I know it is coming soon but I have also been under such pressure at home that it is taking everything I have to remain centered. I share this because the urge to connect with other starseed lightworkers is VERY important at this time. We are all one. I am open to leave Marina del Rey for a more possitive place to work and live so I may better serve all .
    Love and wisdom. Gratefully yours. Samara
  • This is so well timed. This week has been a real melt down, and I by in large have had some major challengces from homelessness to serious panic disorders and I grew thorough all of those.

    I decided due to changes to move across my country to higher ground closer to my children. I felt before I left trepidation over my sons relationship. The move was tough, took me three months to plan, and to visit people and say goodbye including family because I felt if these things happen I might never see them again. I pared down my belonging to 5 plastic totes, and a few boxes for a computer and stuff, and some clohes. It was 1/2 of a quarter ton.

    When I arrived at my destination after having to borrow additional funds I was zapped, emotionally, and ascension symptoms were massive. On trip I hit Toronto and had major energy shifts there, not sure if there is a big ET presences in Toronto or not, but I had to leave the city the pain was so intense in heart chakra that I thought I was having a heart attack.

    So I said to my son, I am taking two weeks off. Then I started applying but no luck. Now I am sure people know what I mean when I say I am looking for the *right* job, in one that I can stay mentally balanced and make some decent money and I have been just laying low, I sleep on a yoga mat, and have my stuff packed up, and try to live on peanut butter and maybe a few meat pies and cerial because obviously my son is supporting me.

    So I get some gas money every week and I string that out. I manage to make quite a few videos for others for my youtube channel, and I have had some great interviews and I am waiting for word now after my final interview.

    However not everyone understands living from higher self. I mean I moved here not knowing if this is my final destination, and I rely on clues and in the past my higher self always gets me the route I need, but these things can take time to put in place, for your desires for what you want to be made firm, etc. Plus often it takes others to be involved and in a new area you have fewer interactions to make these manifests happen, so you really have to get out there.

    So I am sort of in limbo. And it is now over 6 weeks, and I have actually done quite well, I think I have borrowed about $600 including the final funds to drive here, and besides about $30 a week in groceries, and my grandsons room, who is only 5 months. And when I am working I plan on giving them money for the room. I just basically need time.

    Now my son is cool with this, I just said pretend I am here on vacation, you would have sent money for me to fly here so just chill, let me hang in and the process will work out.

    So what is the problem? My soon to be daughter in-law. She comes from a difficult path and is very needy. I try to stay out of their way, spend maybe 15 minutes a day with my grandson, and let them do their thing but she is such an unhappy person. Through the walls I hear profanity all the time, putting my son down, of if I go out you hear this. you can literally sense the energy in the household, and personally, I think this energy is having some spirits handing around. Th second night I was here I was attacked in my a astral state sleep with this massive white bulldog, and I won by holding it's jaws closed, and the energy has been better, but I think there is some kind of opressive energy here. I can feel it when I meditate.

    So being in limbo this week is hard. I have sort of resigned that I need to pick up some kind of quick money, but it really is kind of laughable. I have tried ads for computer repair at half the rate locally, offered energy card readings, my truck for hire, and send out hundreds of resume's, and trust me there is no shortage of jobs here. I just wanted to get one where I would not be run ragged with my vehicle and spirit, because right now at this stage of ascension a few times a day the nergy can get quite intense, nice, but intense.

    So I think this article is right. I am also picking up the other energies and it is adding to my discomfort, and it is overload. The the last two days my ever present pitch in my ears is back to the stage of where it is almost painful as the enegy comes through, and the sun even seems more intense out there in causing my ears to ring really loud.

    I think there on some level here is a plan, but I just had to rant a little cause I am finding really difficult to get this together. It is really hard to bite your tongue when you hear such negative put downs towards your children, or to see behavior as a parent in how they are inflicting energy onto a young child. They have the most beautiul baby boy, he is a 9 9 9 for name, and 9 birthdate numerology. And the energy coming out of that mouth of hers, that has to warp that sensitive little souls energy. However in the end it is not my business, there is a reason my grandson chose her.

    However, it is getting intense. I am really really really tired of the confusing situation here on the planet, and people are hurting so much and so fear behind and literally things seems like it is going to pop it's lit anyday. I was thinking last night when I was out in the field, ok, that is is, take me, eat me, nourish me, take me home, whatever you want, cause I am literally tired of this planet and it backwards attitude. Yet in many ways I want to do more.
    • I normally do not like to give advise on these relation matters but when you said your grandson had a reason why he chose her i do get itchy. There is always a reason, and this one is shure not a good one by what i read. Some people think there is nothing to do about it but i do not agree. This is not Karma or ascention help or whatever else, this is down to earth abuse and the only way to stop it is to leave the person inflicting it. And it is of no use to ask for help in oblivious. I had a teacher fired once because she was teaching my daughter and 40 other kids racisme and al my hair used to raise when i would enter her classroom. Do i care she lost her job? NO. At least she did not go on putting venom into my child and 40 others because my daughter and al the other kids will afect others who on their path will afect more people and so on. So if you feel you want to do more, you should. I am shure you can do at least the best that you can at this point.
      • So glad you took out the fighter in you cederic for these children's sake, and also to select the teacher that this is not ok! And I really agree in your wise words.
        Sometimes I think we do not really know what true love is! Because when we remain silent instead of saying, and be our truth, where is the love then?

        Sometimes ports many of us in various forms of debt traps and do not think we deserve better, and so here it should be! I find myself there at times and has an old idea as turning the other cheek. Why is it, and where it leads nowhere? And where is the love of oneself and the others?
        Perhaps the lesson in this Jeffery, is that you and your son mirror each other's appeasement, while his wife actually stand there and cry out her despair. Perhaps she is also channeling out your sense of despair and hopelessness?

        With Love and Respect from me
    • Jeffrey

      I have no good advice to you dear friend, because I think deep down you know better why you are where you are ....
      But your story touched me deeply to hear!
      However, I can pray for you if you want it?
      With love and respect is for you and the path you have chosen
  • Very good advice you have given, I like [love] the meditation bit as this is a very powerful helpful tool I learnt in 1991 & it pulled me out of the rabbit hole so to speak there is lots of info on meditaion, love to u and all ..
  • these last days portals were/are open
    so one can go to the home planet
    and get messages from there
    it is very supporting to know about the how what and whatever else ...
    to talk to my home people
    to know they are with me
    and that they are wating for me so that i can live all that i brought with me to here
    and the ther way round
    and "my" planet is "sitting" in another universe....
    l like to know that even if it is sooooooo far away i am not alone---

    enjoy riding the waves
    • I can 100% relate to everything you've said Captain A. I've felt like this for many years now.

      Sometimes it's hard to know if what you're feeling is 'your stuff' or picked up from others. I have a hard time deciding how to deal with what I feel - do you feel it to release it but risk making it worse (as feeling it involves focusing on it more/giving it more energy), or as you say change your thought patterns and literally not give it a second thought - but is that suppressing/ignoring the feeling?

      There are so many modalities out there now focusing on releasing yet I have found that the old adage is true 'What you focus on increases' so I guess that means we have to be more responsible than ever for choosing how we think and feel and consciously choose to change the feelings and thoughts that cause us pain and focus on what we are - which is love.
  • Yes I have been feeling unbalanced lately. I try and emit as much positive and loving energy as possible through it all. Sending Love and Light to All, Anita aka Angelwingss7
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