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by J'Tariah En Ra El -- Healer, Telepath, Shaman and Akashic Intuitive
Get registered for *no cost healing* for 4/20 by filling out form on

To fully tap into your intuition -- for self healing, for lightworking, and for all forms of meditation, you need to get -- and stay -- grounded. I call this the root-to-branch exercise, and it is urgently needed for all spiritual work and personal Ascension practices.

Grounding firmly roots you inside your body. If you are not rooted in your body, your lower chakras will not be balanced. Your lower chakras must be balanced, to have the best connection with your upper chakras. The stabilizing Earth energies balance the energies you pull down from the Heavens. The vital link between grounding and using your intuition is why grounding is such an important topic for us Starseeds, Lightworkers, plus every Healer, and all practitioners of reiki and other modalities.

Grounding can be done by visualizing your roots growing down into the earth, eating, breathing, doing physical exercise, or anything else that really centers you in your body. Seems easy to be grounded you say? It is easy. The hard part, particularly at this time, is to stay grounded. I try to remind myself often to ground.

Grounding has everything to do with this phase. Grounding, and re-grounding throughout your day, is more integral to your emotional and energetic well-being now, than it has ever been.

It is important during this time of PLANETARY ASCENSION to let yourself fully feel any emotions that rise to the surface.

In order to fully feel your feelings, you must be fully and completely present in your body. This is where the grounding comes in. If you are not present in your body, it is not possible to fully feel your feelings, and process them. Tom reiterates that by allowing yourself to fully feel your feelings, you have the opportunity to finally comprehend the lessons, that arose from the experience, that caused those feelings.

Time barriers between old emotional issues from this life, as well as past life issues, are collapsing. This means that we may currently experience old issues arising that we thought we have mastered. The purpose for this resurfacing is so that we have the opportunity to learn the lesson contained in these old lessons for the last time.(Thank SOURCE!)

Now is the time for you to be fully conscious of why these feelings are arising, and the lessons to be learned from them. You have the chance to fully grasp the lessons that you chose for yourself, when you came here to Earth.

Now, we are entering the era where we have the opportunity to fully realize that we really are spiritual beings who are gifted with life inside an amazing body. Our precious bodies are fully integrated with, and cannot be separated from our spiritual selves.

Do you see where the grounding is coming in again? To fully experience our feelings, and open fully to our spirituality, we must fully inhabit our bodies. To fully inhabit our bodies, we must feel grounded inside those bodies. This means feeling present in our bodies, not disembodied, not floating around up in the ethers, but fully integrated, with feet planted firmly on the earth.

Another side effect of this transitional time is that it is very intense emotionally. When we are processing lots of emotions, we need time to recover. The more emotion we are processing, the more time we need to recover. So we need to take it easy on our bodies, give them lots of sleep and pay attention to our physical needs. Lots of sleep and healthy food is essential at this time.

Grounding is also a way of keep us in touch with our real, three dimensional world. It keeps us in touch our very “earthy” elements, the elements of our human-ness that we associate with our animal nature. When we are grounded, we are conscious of our body’s needs. This is includes not only those things about our bodies that may be unpleasant – pain, suffering, hunger – but it also keeps us in touch with those things that bring our bodies the most pleasure – eating, sensing our world, sex. Grounding keeps us in touch with how we smell, touch, see, hear, and otherwise experience our three dimensional world. Grounding keeps us “real”. It reminds us that we cannot experience our feelings or our spiritual aspects apart from our three-dimensional physical aspects.

Grounding is about integration, the integration of all of the parts of our selves. Our bodies and spirits have been seen as separate entities for a long time, and now is the time to re-integrate them.

Now is the time for our integration as complete multi-dimensional human beings. We exist as bodies which are meant to be fully integrated consciously with our wide-awake spiritual natures.

Now is the time to integrate and honor all aspects of ourselves, from the mundane to the sacred. We humans who clean toilets, also channel the wisdom that created worlds – and we cannot do one of these without the other.

Now is the time to fully realize what it means to be spiritual beings having a human experience.

Make the most of this amazing opportunity for your own personal evolution. Knowing grounding techniques will help you stay centered, be a solid container for your emotions, and help you master your own personal lessons.

Love and Light,
Your SOUL Healer,
Twin Ray Healing and Star Reports

Do you need help during Ascension right now? Go to -- I offer dozens of life-changing services to assist you, including these healings and more:

Oversoul Life-Stream Correction Healing

20D Cord and Miasm Voice

DNA Coding Healing

Twin Flame Reading

Soul Mate Reading

Star Race Reading

Galactic Portal Reading

Ascension Reading

Dimension Reading

Crystal Reading

Aura Reading

Faerie Reading

Tarot Reading

20D Cosmic Soul Report

20D Soul Path and Starseed
Mission Report

Please email for information.

Ascension Acceleration Report

Twin Flame Past Life Report

Twin Flame Logistics
Rendezvous Report

Merkaba Healing Report

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  • Thank you so much for this support beloved J'Tariah En Ra El.

  • "It doesn't matter because everything inside maya is an illusion" Her words.

    But if it doesn't matter, then neither reason nor the pattern of fear do. Linear coherence and expectation is lost.

    So then you're free from the notion of duality, and the illusion of the self. To become a playful god on earth, beyond a static spectator.

    It's true, I feel unconditional despite all this. Everything is seen as an experience, black and white.

    Vision becomes clear. And there's no division, both love and fear are replaced by a wholeness, which isn't afraid to play with this two sides of the illusion.


  • The situation is bad, conscience in this zone is getting lower, the grid is filled with debris of impurity, a crushing tide on my spine everytime I sleep. Silent noise bombarding the mind, unbearable.

    Higher conscience makes the cracks on the wall visible.

    People is getting violent here, suspicious of each other, arising conflict and fear. They use life as a resource, unaware of their actions, surrounding themselves with solid illusions. Corruption.

    Signals on the sky, hope, but our electromagnetic fields make contact, and I become like them, tainted and shallow.

    It's hard to know myself anymore, but when I do, I miss home, and can see the sequelae of unconsciousness on earth.



    friend me on facebook --

    by J'Tariah En Ra El -- Healer, Telepath, Shaman and Akashic Intuitive
    Get registered for *no cost healing* for 4/20 by filling out form on

    To fully tap into your intuition -- for self healing, for lightworking, and for all forms of meditation, you need to get -- and stay -- grounded. I call this the root-to-branch exercise, and it is urgently needed for all spiritual work and personal Ascension practices.

    Grounding firmly roots you inside your body. If you are not rooted in your body, your lower chakras will not be balanced. Your lower chakras must be balanced, to have the best connection with your upper chakras. The stabilizing Earth energies balance the energies you pull down from the Heavens. The vital link between grounding and using your intuition is why grounding is such an important topic for us Starseeds, Lightworkers, plus every Healer, and all practitioners of reiki and other modalities.

    Grounding can be done by visualizing your roots growing down into the earth, eating, breathing, doing physical exercise, or anything else that really centers you in your body. Seems easy to be grounded you say? It is easy. The hard part, particularly at this time, is to stay grounded. I try to remind myself often to ground.

    Grounding has everything to do with this phase. Grounding, and re-grounding throughout your day, is more integral to your emotional and energetic well-being now, than it has ever been.

    It is important during this time of PLANETARY ASCENSION to let yourself fully feel any emotions that rise to the surface.

    In order to fully feel your feelings, you must be fully and completely present in your body. This is where the grounding comes in. If you are not present in your body, it is not possible to fully feel your feelings, and process them. Tom reiterates that by allowing yourself to fully feel your feelings, you have the opportunity to finally comprehend the lessons, that arose from the experience, that caused those feelings.

    Time barriers between old emotional issues from this life, as well as past life issues, are collapsing. This means that we may currently experience old issues arising that we thought we have mastered. The purpose for this resurfacing is so that we have the opportunity to learn the lesson contained in these old lessons for the last time.(Thank SOURCE!)

    Now is the time for you to be fully conscious of why these feelings are arising, and the lessons to be learned from them. You have the chance to fully grasp the lessons that you chose for yourself, when you came here to Earth.

    Now, we are entering the era where we have the opportunity to fully realize that we really are spiritual beings who are gifted with life inside an amazing body. Our precious bodies are fully integrated with, and cannot be separated from our spiritual selves.

    Do you see where the grounding is coming in again? To fully experience our feelings, and open fully to our spirituality, we must fully inhabit our bodies. To fully inhabit our bodies, we must feel grounded inside those bodies. This means feeling present in our bodies, not disembodied, not floating around up in the ethers, but fully integrated, with feet planted firmly on the earth.

    Another side effect of this transitional time is that it is very intense emotionally. When we are processing lots of emotions, we need time to recover. The more emotion we are processing, the more time we need to recover. So we need to take it easy on our bodies, give them lots of sleep and pay attention to our physical needs. Lots of sleep and healthy food is essential at this time.

    Grounding is also a way of keep us in touch with our real, three dimensional world. It keeps us in touch our very “earthy” elements, the elements of our human-ness that we associate with our animal nature. When we are grounded, we are conscious of our body’s needs. This is includes not only those things about our bodies that may be unpleasant – pain, suffering, hunger – but it also keeps us in touch with those things that bring our bodies the most pleasure – eating, sensing our world, sex. Grounding keeps us in touch with how we smell, touch, see, hear, and otherwise experience our three dimensional world. Grounding keeps us “real”. It reminds us that we cannot experience our feelings or our spiritual aspects apart from our three-dimensional physical aspects.

    Grounding is about integration, the integration of all of the parts of our selves. Our bodies and spirits have been seen as separate entities for a long time, and now is the time to re-integrate them.

    Now is the time for our integration as complete multi-dimensional human beings. We exist as bodies which are meant to be fully integrated consciously with our wide-awake spiritual natures.

    Now is the time to integrate and honor all aspects of ourselves, from the mundane to the sacred. We humans who clean toilets, also channel the wisdom that created worlds – and we cannot do one of these without the other.

    Now is the time to fully realize what it means to be spiritual beings having a human experience.

    Make the most of this amazing opportunity for your own personal evolution. Knowing grounding techniques will help you stay centered, be a solid container for your emotions, and help you master your own personal lessons.

    Love and Light,
    Your SOUL Healer,
    Twin Ray Healing and Star Reports

    Do you need help during Ascension right now? Go to -- I offer dozens of life-changing services to assist you, including these healings and more:

    Oversoul Life-Stream Correction Healing

    20D Cord and Miasm Voice

    DNA Coding Healing

    Twin Flame Reading

    Soul Mate Reading

    Star Race Reading

    Galactic Portal Reading

    Ascension Reading

    Dimension Reading

    Crystal Reading

    Aura Reading

    Faerie Reading

    Tarot Reading

    20D Cosmic Soul Report

    20D Soul Path and Starseed
    Mission Report

    Please email for information.

    Ascension Acceleration Report

    Twin Flame Past Life Report

    Twin Flame Logistics
    Rendezvous Report

    Merkaba Healing Report

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