Star Seed Astrology Snapshots

Dear All,

Those of you interested in knowing your potential Star Seed aspects can post your Natal Info of borth time, birthdate and birthplace. I will upload the aspects in this forum itself.

I have been giving free snapshot readings to thousands of people over the years [I do have a paid service as well when I find time from my day job] but of late I am focusing on Star Seeds. Have given dozens of snapshots of Star Seeds here:

So many Star Seeds have a strong 12th House  and exact Galactic Centre Aspects. Many have Sun, Moon or Ascendant conjunct a powerful Fixed Star Exact. Time to analyze this indepth so that silent Star Seeds can KNOW who they are using the power of Astrology. 

For learning Astrology:


I have put together a sequence of links to get each and every Star Seed, Indigo, Crystal or Joe Ordinary Terran like myself up to speed in Astrology.

I strongly feel that every Star Seed in the planet must know the basics of Astrology and Numerology.

Advanced Astrology involves the application of Asteroids, and they are absolutely important in special events.

Pls read my original research on Earthquakes :
Astrology is statistically a Science, and it shuold be taught. I have found many statistical evidences for its working.

One of the best is that 12 out of the top 14 recorded earthquakes with more than 100000 deaths had Asteroid POSEIDON tropically or sidereally in Capricorn. The odds of this being random chance are one in several million.

Let me also remind all that we have a challenging Grand Cross Alignment coming this late July and August. This will catalyze many changes. 

best regards,


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  • Fortunate is the Soul who can comprehend Gurdjieff, bravo!
    You will thoroughly enjoy "Stellar Man" by John Baines.
    <<Is Interkosmos a restaurant in Siberia??>>
  • Brother,
    You are an ex-Atlantean Star Seed [Came from the Stars straight to Atlantis], Star Origin totally unclear, something like a Cosmic Wandering Spirit from another Galaxy.

    ATLANTIS conjuncts Galactic Center exact, and squares Asteroid INTERKOSMOS.
    You have Jupiter conjunct Galactic Attractor in 12th House of Hidden Karma.
    Neptune conj Sun blesses you with an Ethereally Spiritual outlook, and this conjunction is also in 12th but opposed by Saturn in 6th. You owe karmic debts from Atlantis, perhaps you will pay this off by a service of educating others?
    Your KARMA and SPIRIT conjunct exactly, and so does Pluto and KAALI, that is huge potential for Yogic Shakti and Kundalini Rise.

    True Node and Moon are both in Aquarius, your Soul personality could have actually come to Ancient Atlantis from a future timeline. Hope I am making sense!
  • Sample Star Seed/Psychic Detailed Reading
    Yours is an amazing "Cosmic Wanderer Soul" Chart.

    For you have your Ascendant in 2.5 Libra exactly conjunct the Super Galactic Center.
    The Super Galactic Center [SGC] is located at around 2.3 degrees Libra
    tropically and 7 degrees Virgo in sidereal charts.
    Astronomers consider this to be the point around which the Milky Way
    Galaxy and many others are rotating. Trillions of stars will be
    eventually consumed and transmutated by this Super Massive Black Hole.
    The ramifications of having an important object conjunct this point are
    immense, and way beyond just a Galactic Center aspect. Only a high degree of evolution, spiritual practice or intense life experience can attune your Mind to this degree. Souls with this degree strongly aspected are surely Cosmic Wanderers/Inter-Dimensional Wanderers who may have even come from the future to study our Galaxy and Sentient Lifeforms of the various Star Systems in the Milky Way, especially the complex and rich life on Earth.

    Sabian Symbol of Ascendant: "The Dawn Of A New Day Reveals Everything Changed"
    You are a Soul who chose to bring fresh change to our Planet, perhaps seeding it with evolved goals from a Timeline far beyond in the future, and a place billions of light years away from our Galaxy.

    And to prove that your Mission is transformational, the Planet of Transformation Pluto is situated exactly in the Sidereal Location of the Super Galactic Center. What are the mind boggling odds?

    Galactic Center Aspects:
    The Galactic Center is a Black Hole located at approximately 27.00 degrees Sagittarius.

    According to noted Astrologer Philip Sedgewick, The Galactic Center acts like a satellite dish, directing divinely inspired information straight to the potentially receptive gray matter of our brains. Which is primarily the Pineal Gland, ruler of the 6th Chakra.
    'When an individual ignores this transpersonal link he can experience stress and confusion, but when the link is consciously utilized the individual can grasp information that they may seem to have no outward way of knowing' says Sedgewick. And he is right.
    A Black Hole is said to absorb all matter, even photon particles.
    Many astronomical theories exist regarding black holes, one interesting theory is that the content of Black Holes becomes the input material for birthing of new stars and galaxies in another part of the Universe through what is called a "White Hole".
    Symbolically, it is as if the Galactic Center will collect all the thoughts and emotions and experiences of each and every Sentient Form in the Milky Way Galaxy, process them and create a more advanced Galaxy in some other timeline or even parallel dimension. Then transmit this new info like the allegorical Satellite Dish back to our Galaxy, like a sentient knowledge feedback loop. So all of us, all Sentient Beings are co-creating a new reality thanks to this point, and those like you have an important Asteroid or planet aspect this point can be said to be highly "attuned" Souls to this process.
    Your Mission has Intra Galactic transmutation goals and consequences. Your thoughts, feelings and "inner light" will affect the new realities a lot more harmoniously than others who do not have Galactic Center aspects.

    You have VESTA in Aquarius exactly sextile GC. VESTA rules dedication. In ancient times, she was worshipped by Sacred Temple Courtesans. You are dedicated to new paradigms of thought.

    You have Uranus trine GC [a bit weak but Uranus is strong enough to receive dazzling insights beamed by the GC ]. Interestingly, Aquarius is ruled your Uranus and your VESTA is in Aquarius, cementing the dedication to new thought patterns and futuristic thinking.

    Part of Fortune or Secondary Moon sextiles GC exact! Confirming that your Subconscious Mind is highly attuned to the GC. And beneficially attuned I must add.

    Asteroid KARMA and Saturn are conjunct GC in the Sidereal Chart [SIdereal Chart is the exact astronomical position of your Tropical Natal Chart. It indicates "completion" of karma.] You are destined to fulfill Galactic Level Karma initiated by your advanced Incarnations and Existences, perhaps from the distant past, like even pre-Atlantean Times when Earth was seeded by Star Beings? This Karma is no the action-reaction 3D karmic debt type. It is on a colossal scale with ramifications across Time, Space and Dimensions.

    Other Prominent Aspects:
    1.Asteroid AURA conjunct SPICA-Arcturus: The Arcturus Star System is said to have a Civilization very advanced and benevolent, sincerely guarding the Earth from very destructive Dark Vibrations, though they cannot interfere in the free will politics within the planet. Your Aura here indicates that you can Channel knowledge from the beings here. It is also possible that you have had a past lifeline in this Star System prior to Earth Incarnations.
    Sabian of AURA: "An Eagle And A Large White Dove Change Into Each Other"
    The knowledge of Transformation and Transmutation at will from Light Warrior to a Harbinger of Peace and vice versa are embedded in your Aura.

    2. We already saw that the Planet of Transformation Pluto is situated exactly in the Sidereal Location of the Super Galactic Center, but there is more amazing news. Pluto conjuncts True Node. The True Node shows you where you need to focus to move forward and attain Spiritual Self Actualization. in this particular Earth Incarnation. So the focus should be on "knowing" what it is to be an Inter Galactic Soul. Real Gnosis, Real Connection to God who is beyond all Dimensions. Safe and Successful Kundalini Rise is probably another destined event, considering KAALI and Neptune exactly conjunct.
    Interestingly, Pluto and True Node are in the 12th, the House of Hidden Karma and Mental Imprisonment. You must free yourself of any limiting beliefs regarding your Spiritual Immortality and Soul Mission.
    Look at the power of Astrology, you are finding out/confirming your inner powers when the skies have Transit True Node again conjuncting Pluto, mirroring your Natal Chart Mandala :)

    3. Sabian of Neptune conjunct KAALI in 11 Scorpio:
    "An Official Embassy Ball"
    Kaali rules Kundalini Enregy, she is the fiery aspect of the Divine Feminine who will burn out all karmic debts. Kaali is very powerful in Scorpio, the sign of sexuality.
    Neptune rules Spirituality, dissolution of concepts, Soul Connections and Spiritual Dreaming/Astral Plane Connections. KAALi also quincunxes Asteroid SPIRIT in 11 Aries and completes a sacred YOD Formation with Asteroid ISIS in 11 Gemini.
    These aspects shows you have very powerful psychic skills in assessing paranormal entities, connecting to the Upper Astral, probably dreaming lucidly, getting messages in highly Spiritual States. The Sabian is indicating that as you grow more confident in your gifts, you will meet more "divinely appointed" people and members of your Soul Group who are here to provide spiritual changes/Divine Feminine transformation.
    The link with ISIS hints at a powerful Ancient Egyptian Lifeline for you.

    4. Asteroid ATLANTIS opposed Asteroid DNA: Very high probability that you have DNA inherited from Ancient Atlantean Bloodlines, but it needs practice for you to activate and utilize the gifts from such DNA. Atlanteans were gifted in Visualization based magic and usage of Crystals and Sound together for magical feats.

    5. Chiron in 29 Aquarius, a very Sacred Degree.
    Sabian: "Deeply Rooted In The Past Of A Very Ancient Culture, A Spiritual Brotherhood In Which Many Individual Minds Are Merged Into The Glowing Light Of A Unanimous Consciousness Is Revealed To One Who Has Emerged Successfully From His Metamorphosis"
    Chiron is the wounded healer, and the teacher of the gods. So you will receive healing knowledge from this sacred group, knowledge that will further help your transformational Soul Mission.

    6. Asteroid PALLAS rules Pineal Gland/3rd Eye Awakening. PALLAS is exactly squared by Neptune and KAALI. This means your awakening in this lifeline could have occured after emotionally stressful events. Venus in 6th indicates that some heartbreak could also have been involved in spite of your devoted love.

    7. SUMERIA conjunct VESTA. High probability of having an Ancient Sumerian lifeline after the Ancient Egyptian Lifeline.

    8. Sun quincunx Uranus: This is a very prominent Star Seed aspect, one that indicates adjustment of the Ego with new evolutionary knowledge that wants to set the Ego free from limitations and Worldy "karma" causing life choices.
    Sabian of Sun: "A Store Filled With Precious Oriental Rugs"
    I will rephrase that for you: You are a Soul filled with Precious Oriental Wisdom gained from excellent past lifelines and the Super Galactic Center awareness :)

    • Your Soul Origin is Pleiades. Ascendant conjunct Plieades exact, and Saturn conjunct Ascendant from 12th Cusp.
      However, you are an Old Earth Soul who started out from Pleiades, meaning you have had many Earth Incarnations. You seem to be having a very bright evolutionary future, possibly an Ascension that sees your next lifeline in a civilization far more advanced than Pleiades in some other galaxy.
      Pluto conjuncts Super Galactic Center, Jupiter conjuncts Galactic Center and Moon in Sagittarius is close to the Galactic Attractor.

      Your son has the chart of a visionary, humanitarian inventor. Pisces Sun with Aqua Ascendant with KARMA and ICARUS conjunct, plus PROMETHEUS conjunct Galactic Attractor. He might be have an Aldebaran Soul Origin, at least his DNA has Aldebaran Codes because Asteroid DNA is exactly conjunct this Royal Star.
    • Excellent Star Seed Aspects!

      1. Saturn and SPIRIT conjunct exact, 1 degree from the Galactic Center.
      2. KARMA conjunct PLEIADES exact
      3. Pluto conjunct REGULUS exact
      4. Jupiter one degree from Arcturus.

      Other aspects show heavy karmic debts:
      Sun square ATLANTIS exact
      Sun opposition Neptune
      Jupiter square INTERKOSMOS exact
      Moon opp KAALI exact, you must be very careful if you do Kundalini Yoga.

      Hints of spiritual mistakes that had very huge consequences in the past lifeline.
    • I love this kind of confidence!
      Here is something very important from your date of birth. Something that defies all mathematical probability, and even I do not know how I know this.
      27 + 4 = 31
      1+9+5+8 = 23
      Total = 54. Numerologically, this adds to 9 but focus on the compound number 54.
      In Chaldean Numerology, every alphabet has a number from 1 to 8. Kabbalists use this with great success.

      In English, the word CONSCIOUSNESS = 54
      PHILOSOPHER = 54

      All related words!
    • Thank you so much for your quick reply TMS. I take it this applies to those of "starseed waves" in the 80's? This matches my "hunches" exactly.. about arcturian origin and such. :D

      My fiance' Oscar would like a reading as well if you can...

      Caracas, Venezuela, South America
  • Dear TMS:

    Thank you for your gift. I would like your respone to my info:
    9-18-1953/ Wurtzburg, Germany/ Time-?

    • Greetings OrbSeeker,
      You have the capacity for "Emotional Healing" as Moon and Chiron Conjunct.
      However, you have to develop new techniques of your own, as your North Node in Aquarius will help you whenever you think like an innovator. The ruler of Acquarius is Uranus and guess which Asteroid conjuncts Uranus? HYGIEA, the goddess of Healing in all forms. As a Virgo Sun, you can do perfect and accurate healing. No vagueness.
      You also have Venus-DNA and Pluto conjunct in Leo, this indiates a very high probability of having Atlantean DNA inherited. Interestingly, your HYGIEA sextiles Atlantis exactly. Healing knolwedge from Atlantis could be present in your genetic memory.
      Star Origin is unclear, but clues exist that you have the Mind of a Cosmic Nomad because Mercury conjuncts the Super Galactic Center.
    • Will reply soon. Fantastic Numerology in your birthdate. 9-18-[1+9+5+3] or 9-18-18.. all 9s
      999 the anti-Beast, number of the Evolved Human or Stellar Man.
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