Here is some infomation channelled from Yadushidumaliyu from his "I know every secret" thread that is open to all questions.

Quote from fryd on May 31, 2012, 18:10
Very happy Birthdays all around! I get to say happy birthday to my beloved Mother myself tomorrow! hehe :) .

Anyways, speaking of birthdays and this is a place for a question....if it's alright with you I would like to ask about what really is in a birthday and what the real scoop is behind the numbers, the when, the stars, the signs and the like. Like how real are our astrological signs and the traits and the star patterns that go along with it. Anything in the numbers? As in, I was born on the 11th day of the 11th month...something I think is really neat, but is there anything more to it? And what about....a real birthday of sorts? Going through different cycles, being born....or do they all just blend into one when everyday is just sort of a creation day for everybody leading to just a massive impossible to break cycle of birthday cake and party candles? Hahhaha, sorry for the packed post, but hey, you sorta asked for it. :D

Love you all <3


School for Souls. Angel lessons. The God program.
12 different course schedules to experience at the souls’ convenience and preference based on selected mentalities that are applied once a singular course schedule is completed.
1 course schedule lasts the span of 1 lifetime.
By the time a soul graduates from their angel lessons they are about 12,000 Earth years old accumulated as a Human Being Student.
12 years old as a Soul
12 months old as an Angel
12 minutes old as a God.
The collected emotions, knowledge, content that contrives a being to be what it is can be calculated down to the exact make up of their inner collective. All it takes is a detailed driven watchful eye who’s mission is to scribe the chronicles.

Horoscopes can be correct if a few things are included when trying to understand exactly what they are intended to depict.

If you really pay attention to the type of emotions they feel most often and keep track of them one can notice what the world has to do in order to get you to feel those emotions.

It is widely known that math can be found behind every single thing in existence. Math is there somewhere and scientists can and will happily prove it.

This is no different.





History repeating.

We all notice the divine touch perfectly present but we take it no further.

Take it further. It is okay. It is not disrespectful at all. It is destiny to learn these things.

To understand the school of life for a soul one must understand the math of it.

For example.

Someone born in janurary does not necessarily mean they are a brand new soul.

Someone born in December does not necessirly mean that they are the elder souls.


Many reasons.

It makes sure that the entire group at one point or another will end up in the same month out of the 12 they must experience.

The soul chooses which is next.

Just so happens that we are at the end and all souls are just about the same age outside of the elder souls who constructed the mainframe for this Bidimensional bridge.

The only way to create a map so that anyone can simply take a look at their course schedule so they know what to expect is if 12 different people get togther and create one.


The group must consist of 4 triangles.

12 people.

1 born representing each month.


Carry journey and complete the experiment.

Track thy own emotions in search of the patterns.

The patters will always be in the shape of a circle.

A rotation.

Spinning Spirals.

I can hear A sea of chime bells ringing in the caverns!

Every single emotion that they personally feel throughout their days

From wake to sleep and including the retained memory from dreams.

The knowledge that would be instilled from this data would be compounding, influential, and revolutionary but without the specific right intention some things would never be found.

We each have a myriad of emotions that we are meant to experience during this and any other life cycle. We don’t know what they are because no one thought it was within our capability to grasp so no one even tried. The point of these emotions are to learn lessons. Not random lessons. These lessons are on a loop and have purpose hence they are there on purpose. That means something!

When it comes to logic and problem solving we are the best. Our minds are naturally analytical and are working on reflex 90% since we are aware that 10% is all we get, or have clearance for. That 10% are the tools needed and permitted for proper learning environments.

If one can sufficiently track their emotions.
Succesfully locate and riddle out the loops, or patterns.

They would be able to simplify the patterns down to one big loop of experiences separated by month of birth.

The comsic relation is how the power bounces. Each month is linked to and from different star constellation locations where the various signals are sent from and through.

I say through because they triangulate.

It is somewhat like the tv signal you get from satelight cable companies.

The human being are the receivers and retrievers.

The celestial bodies are the satelights.

The star constellations are the stations broadcasting their content.

Just so happens that our divine broadcasting show is a perfect balance between entertainment and educational plus we need no tv screen outside of our own eyes.

It is genius!

We have been trained since birth to recognize what?

We all are looking for the moral of the story? Yes…..

If one born in June correctly tracks their emotional loop or acceptable level depiction of their own pattern.

They can cross-reference what lesson is being taught during each emotional experience. Or in other words what was the moral of each story when every single emotions was felt?

What order did they come in and charting the loop categorized by

In the order and form of a clock chart or circle calendar depicting the order of which they come and title it by its month.

1) set of events that led to said emotion being felt
2) exact emotion
3) Lesson being learned
4) Moral of the story

Doing this will tech many things to many people but one of the really big things is that it will enable those born in the charted month to know ahead of time what to expect or what is coming next before it arrives.

This present an entirely new set of options on how to prepare for the future. When one can include their life lessons into their schedules, they can plan their responsibilities in a more strategic manner.

Doing this is how people earn high grades in the school. Overcoming the obstacles using the tools supplied by the approved amounts.

There are many emotions to feel.

One can literally draw a scale from both extremes of good and not so good feelings and fill the spaces based on our own guidelines inside.

If we knew ahead of time which lesson was coming or which set of lessons were coming up then it should be easy to understand how beneficial it would be to test our luck during the time when we are expecting a good emotion or experience to arrive knowing what comes after each emotion. If we are paying attention to our emotions and know which ones to expect than we can memorize the loops and play our hands like professionals in the bisotch right?


Everybody born in January are in the same course schedule.

They are on the same broadcasting signal and are experiencing the same loop of emotional roller coaster ride.

A correctly charted month emotional loop is the key to unlocking the secrets of the world getting the machine to work for you rather than struggling to stay awake in class from confusion and frustration.

Work smarter not harder.

Or work harder at working smarter…hahahaha

When we are to experience the not so good emotions, knowing when to expect them allows us to step aside and prepare for impact and in doing this we can hone a skill of sustaining the most minimal of damages possible. Ironically enough if we get really good at it we can side step every moral lesson and the simulation will PASS OVER under the guidline that that particular person HAS 100% LEARNED that lesson and is in need of no more reminders making the sustained damage upon impact less than nonexistent.

Master thy own coarse schedule for the month you were born in and become a Master of Life this time around.

Your grades are accumulative over the 12 cycle careers with optional extra credit in this cycle for any who can grab a perfect score by releasing themselves from the bidimensional bridge therefore unlocking the other 90% of their capabilities that they know are their destined birth rites. Their trust funds. 10% of you full inheritance is enough to get you through school.

Graduate and the rest is yours.

Graduate with honors and the crowns are earned.

Last one in the sky is a rotten egg!

Dushi out!




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  • This message was somewhat difficult for me to follow.

    But the idea of studying the emotional ups and downs sounds good to me. :)

This reply was deleted.

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