
Thien Dao Dai Phap Tam Cong (Celestialism - Great Discipline - Heartful Cultivation) is the (Thien Dao) Celestialism’s Training Book, the humanity’s most powerful and lastest occult cultivation discipline and supreme truth enlightenment.
These are the level 1-2-3-4; there’re also more 3 levels has not widely teached. The practitioners are lucky to receive this cultivation method, if not practicing, please respect. Whether practicing, please try to progress, not show on the public media and the Web, not talk or debate on the net, because of the nature of occult and spiritual realization himself. Of course there are too many cultivation disciplines like this as practice of kundalini and pineal gland activation, but this is the latest occult way, so it should not confer tranferred to unserious people . Practitioners adhere comply to the teachings of the Master. The discipline’s hanging is the salvation way for human beings during the Great Eschatological Age, to neutralize and salvate themselves, increase vibration of body and soul and for others, while many other occultism ways, including Yoga, Reiki, Tantra, etc. must also have classes. Due to the mass awakening and human evolution high up in the universe, we still give this cultivation method, so that practitioners can learn without a trainer, the higher direction and teaching of the colleagues. 
                         THIEN DAO DAI PHAP TAM CONG
1- Thien Dao Dai Phap Tam Cong (Celestialism Great Discipline Heartful Cultivation) is also known as Thien Phap (Celestial Discipline/Celestial Occultism)
The discipline and practice associate with meditation, qigong, spirituality and medicine practice, taught by the High Spirits, Father God through Grand Master, and learn more through the essence of knowledge of other disciplines. 
2- This is the Celestialism’s official cultivation way.
3- Inheriting humanity’s cultural tradition, qigong, medicine’s quintessence, combined with the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, spiritual science.
4-The practicing results: Improving health, nurture essent-qi-spirit; both ideologies, soul and body, achieving enlightenment, Truthfulness-Compassion-Harmony; towards a new cognitive science of God, life expectancy increased. To the advanced levels, he/she will have psychic abilities, occult magics, etc., as leaving earthly world will go to higher realms, become Advanced Enlightened Being and Ascending Master. 
• This is an invaluable asset, given by God, so would like to preserve and practice to achieve the highest ladder of evolution in this lifetime,  Nirvana in the future.This is the way to approach our harmony: Heaven-Earth-Human, Upper-Middle-Lower Realms as One.
On September 9th, 2008
Trung Phuong Thien Ton (The Central Celestial Master)
1-Do not give up: Worshiping King Father God
2-Not accounted for: others’ wealth, benefits, happiness. 
3-Do not take trivial sex, material, ineligible fame and benefits
4-Do not say: deceitful, malicious, confused words, chicanery. 
5-Don't forget: miserable, ignorance people. 
6-Do not cause: hatred, war, living beings killing. 
7-Not: filthy and environmental harm. 
8-Not addict: heavy stimulant. 
9-Non-stop: Constructing the Earthly Heaven (Holiness). 
                            THIEN DAO DAI PHAP TAM CONG’s SYLLABUS
(The discipline to practice celestial mind, cosmic awareness and transcendent occultism)
1- Introduction to The Discipline – ‘Thien Phap’ - Celestial Occultism
2- Learn about the important human body meridians and points 
3- The Yin Yang Five Elements Theory; qi, bio-energy. 
4- The meditation-breathing-massage, exercising lessons
5- Great points-stars activation 
6- Collection and discharge of Qi through the legs, hands stars. 
7- Small and Big Functional Circles. 
8- Yin Yang Qi . Yin Yang balance. 
9- Simple psychic self-defense. 
10-Introduction of Three Celestial Dragon Practicing Lessons 
11- Practicing Celestial Dragon Earthly Cultivation
1- The nervous system and spinal cord. 
2- Dragon Fire (Kundalini) Activation - Dragon Fire Rising 
3- Astral Cleaning and Filtering. Bad Qi Purge through stars. 
4- Body structure. Viscera cultivation 
5- Simple non-drug curing 
6- Yin Yang Qi Harmony Cultivation and Inner Prana Increasing
7- Practicing Celestial Dragon Human Cultivation
 1- Nature of thought, thinking. 
2- Third Eye. Pineal Gland Activation. Third Eye Cultivation
3- Advanced non-drug healing 
4- Prana. Optical Prana. 
5- Magic cleaning the environment. 
6- Nine Dragon Occult Cultivation
7- High Noble Cultivation Level 1
8- Practicing Celestial Dragon Celestial Cultivation
1- Cosmic Cultivation (High Noble Cultivation Level 2) 
2- Improving demon, devil, and death souls magick ceremony 
3- Adjusting Magick
4- Remote healing and therapy, psychic surgery
5-Telepathy, apportation, psychokinesis, psychometry
6-Astral projection, mental projection, soul projection
7. Mind-Soul cultivation on the high realms, on the Astral Pyramid, reaching the status of nirvana, enlightenment. 

 Request upon receipt of this material: not debate the Discipline publicly online or offline, only discuss personally, together or with the Master, to receive remote assistance. Who receive this document if engaging, please cultivate well. One is not suitable, then regarded as a recreational reading, also most bring a perception. The occult cultivation is very careful, if not serious or arbitrary, will result in consequences for physical and astral body. The Dragon Fire (Kundalini) Activation is different from the other ways, it is much easier and safe, so should not worry, let's do it right. 

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