"Look Before you Speak" - Kim Possible Update 6-24-18

To my dearest ALL,

Many speak of a quantum system for them people. I agree, it is. By definition in the parts of the world most consider "unknown" a Quantum System (true Quantum) can span dimensions, draws from past time and future yet to come based on it's ability to "map" through time. It reads brainwaves, knows intention is locked by DNA (Living DNA) sequencing of the individual. Not one individual, but all. Your "wealth" within it is coded to DNA of the individual. In the case of Nations it is RNA of the original source of said asset. It can not go anywhere else. This is for security and safety of our human family. The way it is programmed it is not possible for "the elite" to steal wealth from another person nor another nation any longer. The system DOES NOT recognize any "royal line" only the line of "source" which is present in all of us. We are ALL sons and daughters of the only TRUE King, that is the Creator/God/Source itself. Even myself, as I programmed the system to perpetuate with or without me. Trust me, it knows my intent too, it knows if I am under duress or willingly making a transaction. EVEN IF I "change my mind" and try to allocate funds improperly it will reject. So much for the 9000 snatch and grab attempts cabal won't help a bit.

It reads into all organic lifeforms, understands growth patterns and lastly holds massive amounts of data in a compilation of materials the size of a grain of sand. Technology not even the "Secret Space Program nor the Majestic 12" has/had access to let alone the current antiqued financial systems you are calling "quantum". Gone are the days of data server centers the size of football fields.

It calculates true trade values based on REAL production not what the "elite" wants the world to see, but real production. As of Monday the Market revaluation shall begin to occur. True production of commodities and their respective values will begin to unfold. This program was launched on Friday after business hours.

It's power source is not electricity, it is not dependent on any grid, not even crystals anymore. It is powered by the very source of life itself. Yes, the very source of energy that powers YOU powers it. It can only operate in the light, rejects darkness and evil intent.

Each particle of source courses through it's fiber, some of you may know it as "The God Particle", "The Fifth Element", or Higgs Boson. Each particle is part of a whole, it connects to source itself, it connects to you, it connects to every living thing in this Universe and all the other Universes. Each "particle" is a small part of a "whole". Like a tiny network computer on a mainframe, it easily passes through the time/space continuum. Think of the possibilities if you could access the secrets of the Universe through one small particle.

CERN has made attempts to isolate and access this type of technology. Where they failed, we succeeded.

The system has been running on full source energy for 6 weeks. At the point of convergence of the Two Torus currently flowing through this planet is an incredible amount of source energy. Limitless and constantly regenerating. The SAME technology will power the Global Train. This works, a prototype has already been built and tested.

It knows no space, it knows no time. It knows intention. It is NOT source and was not built to replace source in any way. It currently is harnessing and sharing this source energy with all of you until the original "flower of life" torus pattern can be restored. Essential for our survival. Also a far better way to travel, no need for ununpentium and not harmful to humans.

This IS the beginning of FREE ENERGY, it works, Tesla knew, we know too. Millions of people die every year over Oil and Gas. The genocide must stop. Has anyone noticed the price of food going up over the last month? It has, by 20 to 30%. Why? Because the Cabal Controlled CNN Fake Media reports "Oil Shortages" and "The Middle East will run out of Oil" and gas goes up, transportation costs go up and so does the cost of food. This will no longer be the case, it is not possible to have a shortage of Oil because it is a regenerating resource and we have not even begun to tap the resources of Russia/USA and many other nations.

Sometimes it is better to beg for forgiveness then ask for permission. No one needs the "cabal oil" anymore. It will become worthless within the next couple of years.

To summarize, a "quantum system" has the capacity to map information sources throughout the multi-verse, is powered by a limitless energy source, holds a football field worth of data sourcing servers (hello five eyes, you can google this one) in a substance the size of a grain of sand, accounts for intent via a hyper-permeable "brain wave" component and identifies the individual via DNA/Living DNA and origin of assets from RNA/GNA. Money is just a bunch of numbers in a consistently running algorithm tied to the RNA or origin of it's asset base placing all proceeds into that "bucket" tied to it's origin (RNA) and it's people (living DNA) of that original location. This is what it is programmed to do, can not be stopped or changed until the task is complete. This is why the FED/Families/Cabal/Chinese Elders can not register say assets of the USA/Russia/Africa to a server in say Shanghai (yes I saw you last night). See, RNA is not a match. Simple. Saves me a lot of time in constantly identifying access.

Hope this explains the "new system" which HAS been launched. Not "going to be" but is. Now that it has mapped all living beings on this big rock, distribution shall begin. It is IMPOSSIBLE to steal funds anymore. Even though the "corrupt bankers" may chose to try and steal from you the people (and they have for many years), they can't now. The new system will look for the living DNA of person "x" consent through the hyper-permeable component. If it is not there, nothing will move.

There you have it. To all the Cabal Stooges reading this (I am not addressing any of you in IDC for the record)? You can take your Oil, siphons, satellite diversions and stick them where the SOURCE does not shine.

Peace Out
Kim "Possible"


"Look Before you Speak" - Kim Possible Update 6-24-18 ~ Intel


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  • RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - July 21, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

    The malevolent extraterrestrials have given up and retreated leaving the Cabal to fend for themselves.

    America dropped to DEFCON level 5 for the first time since the 9/11 attacks.


    The Alliance have now allocated focus on the restoration of the Republic.


    Read in-between the lines "take control of the Federal Reserve".

    Even the mainstream media is promoting peace.


    Israel and Palestine have come to consensus. Both sovereign nations will receive their rightful territories as per GESARA compliance.

    The Alliance have authorized for Syria and Yemen to receive Tier 2 funds for reconstruction purposes.

    World peace is being achieved as per GESARA compliance.

    The announcement of GESARA is close and the RV exchanges/redemptions is even closer.

    The longest Lunar Eclipse in this century will occur on July 27.

    Zimbabwe's general elections will be held on July 30.

    Authorization of all Tiers to begin exchanging/redeeming may be given any time around July 27, July 30, and August 1.



    Current DEFCON Level - 2020 Warning Condition Status Today
    Current 2020 DEFCON level warning condition status today. Alert level information and breaking global news.
  • RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - July 18, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

    The Deep State have launched a counter-attack in response to the conclusion of the Trump-Putin summit.

    The counter-attack is a last ditch effort by the Cabal to delay progress toward GESARA.

    Israel is in the process of being liberated from Cabal influence as per GESARA compliance.

    Once Israel is liberated, the last step will be the internal issues of the U.S.

    Zimbabwe election is one of the very important trigger events required for GESARA.

    The conclusion of Zimbabwe's election will guarantee Zimbabwe's status on the world stage.

    According to sources, we're on the very cusp of the RV releasing.

    No further information about the RV can be shared at this time.

    We can only continue to watch the greatest show on Earth.



  • there is a saying Andromedan: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

    have a nice day

  • RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - July 13, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

    The transition event was set to begin on 9/11/01.

    The Cabal halted the transition event indefinitely with the 9/11 attacks.

    This will never happen again.

    The Quantum Financial System was developed long before 2001 and has been greatly improved.

    The transition event is approaching quickly and is nearly ready to begin once again.

    It has been a long and grueling war.

    It's almost over.

    Nothing's gonna stop us now.



  • RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - July 12, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

    Sources are speculating on possible triggers for the Alliance to release the RV event.

    Possible triggers:

    - Zimbabwe announcing their gold-standard.
    - The U.S. announcing their gold-standard (United States Notes).
    - The announcement of GESARA.

    Currently, all countries worldwide are being reformed from the inside to match GESARA law.

    Whether the exchanges/redemptions of our currencies takes place at banks or facilities, all funds will be directly deposited to our QFS accounts.

    Instructions will be given on how to access our QFS accounts.

    The QFS will be able to identify you based on your energy signature.

    The 800#'s will be used to set up our appointments to redeem your currencies.

    Once GESARA is announced, prosperity packages will arrive.

    The utlimate goal is to give humanity unlimited abundance which will promote creativity and spirituality thus advancing our civilization.



  • RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - July 10, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

    All nations are being reformed from the inside to support GESARA law.

    The Alliance is currently in the process of exposing the Cabal even further.

    This will result in a temporary blackout of intel.

    According to sources, there is a motive to release the RV before the old Cabal financial system goes into a downward spiral.

    A crash of the current financial system will cause mass civil unrest.

    Preventing civil unrest is one of the Alliance's main priorities.

    Direct deposits have been scheduled for QFS accounts of currency holders.

    This is being done in order for currency holders to quickly access funds once the RV event officially begins.

    The method of exchanging/redeeming your currencies remains unclear.

    Bank appointment or quantum mechanics?

    Be prepared for anything.



  • Hillary stuck in the middle of "Q"


  • RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - July 8, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

    According to sources, there are currently two routes the RV can take depending on when the RV is released.

    Route 1 (Pre-GESARA):

    - Zimbabwe announces their gold-standard which triggers the U.S. to announce their gold-standard (USN).

    - The GCR/RV begins overlaying the current failing old financial system.

    - The 800#'s are released.

    - All currency holders receive private appointments to exchange/redeem their currency and historic bonds (ZIM).

    - The currency exchanges/redemptions are processed through the QFS.

    - Currency holders become humanitarians and begin healing the world prior to GESARA.

    Route 2 (GESARA):

    - The RV begins simultaneously with GESARA.

    - The QFS creates an account for every living human being on this planet.

    - Currency holders are given their RV funds via direct deposit into their QFS accounts.

    - The deposited funds will be based on the amount and exchange rate of the currencies you're holding.

    - Prosperity package distribution begins.

    - Cancellation of debt occurs.

    - Paper money is eventually phased out.

    (There will be enough time for humanitarian projects during the phasing out of paper money.)

    - Suppressed technologies are released.

    The Quantum Financial System was created by the Chinese with technology handed down by the Galactics.

    All currencies are revalued and digitally asset/gold-backed on the QFS.

    The announcement of GESARA approaches quickly.

    The Alliance must release the RV prior to GESARA. If not, route 2 will be taken.

    Which pill is harder to swallow?

    Maybe the RV will be a combination of both Route 1 and 2.

    Remember, nothing is written in stone.

    It is your choice to believe which is reality.

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