Great Holiness - Great Unity Society Doctrine is the supreme doctrine brought down from Celestial Hierarchy to unify mankind in troubled degradation age. Bell has come for the awakening of the people, only the perception of the new Great Holiness Era to bring success to humans set foot on Earthly Heaven. Religions, disciplines will converge and bring permanent peace to this planet. All psychic abilities, religions, disciplines, traditions are just means for spiritual awakening but have caused too many misconceptions, division, grouped that make weaken the unity and solidarity. That is the lesson for the evolution of cognitive development, to help humanity screening prior to the Source, toward universal light block of God.
- Great Holiness Council


All consciousness is all about the only Oneness which survives eternally, immortally and cannot be divided. We divide because of we extracted from great souls, to have the Unity; however we are always unified in fact, whether good or evil, individual or collective. You are separated in here, but you are a part of another bigger one which is also a part of another even bigger one and so on.

For human in the old days, individual differentiation is due to the low level of evolution in all aspects-from natural perception to everything else so the differentiation is about the consciousness of the soul at first, which makes inequality, unfairness and not harmony.

In terms of social organization, due to consciousness in both evolution, ethics or human awareness in general; beside people who deliberately do and maintain the evil with their own institution, there are countless people who are not aware of the exact nature of the laws in general and cannot distinguish between the right and the wrong, good or bad, exactness and chaos ... Therefore, if they follow one theory or one way of understanding, they will be against other theories or other interpretations. People always have their own consciousness though it is simple or complex; even a child has his/ her own perception of the concepts that he/she understands and recognizes.

Human history is also the history of the struggle of consciousness to evolve. Later consciousness is higher than before, standing on the old things complying with the law of vortex.


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