I need to say this in thanks to Ben for launching this entire Ashtar Command Crew organization, for his continued efforts in it's progression and for the lovely reception I have received, if even those primarily positive mental thoughts coming from so many of you all here reading what I have shared so far -I get those too! Which is precisely why I am writing this.

I tried another outlet to find and connect with others like myself in the middle of last year which was only met with ridicule and contempt from others. For many months I looked only to the angels and my higher self for support and guidance. For a while, I lost hope for so very many of the failed crew here on the planet as I felt their thoughts were far too corrupted and no longer their own. 

However, I felt a change in the global energies right at or around Christmas time 2011 recently, though it seems like a lifetime ago already as the exponentially growing bliss I feel every day is ever new and ever more! I have been following Ben's Video Blog and receiving his Newsletters for some time now, but for so long, there were only a handful of people I found to be "online" that were actually really doing real genuine work; Ben, obviously among them.

Even though WE are so few in comparison to the masses, WE(those of us embracing love of self and honoring the physical dimension) now have the power and through this shift, I felt like it has become a fully safe place to interact and share my honest most divine source, inner wisdom -as well as hear and welcome in all of yours! Don't be fooled, you too have divine wisdom within you!

Not everyone that is "connected" or "online" is actually doing real work. There is so much cultural history that has polluted our minds and disconnected us from the moment we come into this world. Even some of the most well known speakers are speaking utter garbage. It is not my place to name anyone. You must listen to her own wisdom when someone speaks or when you read something. A good test of this is, "Is this person trying to empower me?" and "Is this person trying to make me feel better about myself?" and anything less is garbage. I'm not saying this is going on here in the least bit, but this just came to me as something to add in this post. So listen to your body and your own intuition and ask yourself how you feel when people are supposedly "helping" you. I wasn't going to list an example on the other end of the spectrum, but apparently it is necessary. So if someone gives you any reason to be afraid or fear anything about anything of what is coming in these immediate coming times, then it is FALSE! It is garbage! Cut them off energetically out of your life and never look back!

Heaven is coming -more like it is here NOW and nothing is stopping it at this point. This will only increase your levels of love, joy, peace and harmony within the full spectrum rainbow self of your being at a progressive pace that we can all endure. That doesn't mean that you cannot have exponentially accelerated growth within your personal self either, if you are wanting it. ;) Yes, we will have uneasy feelings as we work out and shed the old programmed garbage within each of us but, my point is that Heaven, the Angels and the Star People, are all bringing ONLY joy and beauty to you.

And finally, my original point, it became abundantly clear to me that Heaven and the Star People are now in charge of Ben's Movement, Ashtar Command Crew. These breakthroughs are so wonderful to see! I feel more and more hope for so many of even those I felt were lost of the crew.

Thank you Ben! And thanks to all those thinking lovely thoughts about my previous posts. :)


Energy Shifts: The Spheres Are Separating


UPDATE: June, 6th

So, I just read through my 1st two old posts again for fun and wow! This seems forever ago! Not only was I a completely different person at this time, but everything has changed so wonderfully since then from those major shifts we all know about, some huge events not many at all know about, a general ramping up with this exponentially accelerating curve of intensifying energy -I mean really, had all this really happened already in just this past 6 months?! WOW!

I think people need to be reminded of this... and the fact that divine order has returned to Planet Earth. All is truly well and all is truly as it should be. There seems to be a lot of complaining between peers still -and that of frustration between what so many are tired of tolerating the same old game and what so many are tired of waiting for the changes, but hold on to your hats, folks! If all that has happened in the 1st half of this year, I mean "HOLD ON..!" We're in for some real love and joy and peace and harmony and beauty and bliss likely that most may not even be able comprehend when it occurs!  

People need to remember the angels and the star people have a plan. They have a back up for that plan and a contingency plan for that, so many schedules in place just in case, and a backup for that, etc, etc, etc... Yes "disclosure" has been delayed several times, but they got things figured out now. I mean really, wasn't it the mid 70's when the star people were 1st supposed to come in the public awareness? haha From what I see, the angels threw the rule book out! Seems their making new rules and better ones at that! 

If people could just trust in their own intuition -discern with their inner core self -shine their own light -the world would change overnight! It really is that easy. It really is crunch time -time to climb aboard the joy train already! Just BE THE CHANGE! I endure in my sensitivity, along with my injury, some physical pain that I can see it as on another and watch their light body crumble, quite literally, but I love me! I love my in entirety! I love me in absolute acceptance, without judgment everything I am and everything that is! I love my pain. I lay down each night to sleep, begin meditating and just giggle to myself, because my scalp is flexing tight from my smiling from ear to ear. I am just blissed out happy all day, every day! It is a choice that I made to be happy, regardless the circumstances around me, regardless who is thinking what about me and from what part of the world, regardless of how much physical pain I endure from one day to the next; I know my natural state is to be in joy and I know the way to my salvation is through nature. And in doing so, I know I am doing all I can from my perspective and I just leave the rest to faith in that those things I don't understand completely are being handled by peoples/beings that DO. And the beautiful thing is that I wake up in the same state, holding myself in loving embrace! –less I wake up with a little humility about some silly thing I did in a dream, but then I just giggle once more, because that was me too! –And it is just part of the clearing process as we all are finding our way(together!).  

What it comes down to is that if people would just stop complaining and take a moment to smell the dancing rainbow lights all around them, they just might notice there's a New Earth Sun birthing under their feet. And the way to manifesting it is not by pointing fingers at one another over silly issues that only really are a reflection of one's own issues they're simply either not willing to, or afraid to face just yet. It really is crunch time my dear friends. Choose love! Be joyous in life, as this is your natural state of being! Listen in gratitude, as the correspondence between two souls is a gift, not a battleground. Speak in generosity, as the one's you are addressing are merely an extension of YOUrself! Act in kindness, as that is the "kind" of person that will manifest this new creation system. Be that blazing sun you ARE that your every desire is striving to seek out!  We are half way there my lovely and beautiful friends! Can we “Unite” now please?! How else will “UNITY” reach fruition?!

There is still an ongoing hostility between peers that must be checked. We are the ones supposed to be getting together here figuring out better ways to "Lead By Example" –to "Be The Change" but it is June and this is still going on? Please friends, I ask you all to read my last article about this issue, and can someone with a large email list "Share" that as an email –If it resonate with you?!




Owning the Playing Field of Kindness - Manifesting the New Earth Frequencies

Many continue to struggle with speaking solely through love and kindness, but there are many more of us among the ground crew that can still lead by example helping those others still struggling to catch up, simply by responding in kindness and only to those very specific points of which are among those frequencies of love and acceptance, without judgment.

As we respond in gratitude, and only giving energy towards those very points of others still in the spectrum of love and acceptance, we then own the entire playing field. The best way to stop the hostility between others posting is to NOT give any attention to their negativity. Even if responding in kindness to these unpleasant remarks, we are still fueling the life force of the original negative thoughts and remarks. To completely ignore them will absolutely starve these thought forms from growing in strength at all. . .

Please Read More: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/owning-the-playing-field-of-kindness-manifesting-the-new-earth#ixzz1x2JiFaIG

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  • So, I just read through my 1st two old posts again for fun and wow! This seems forever ago! Not only was I a completely different person at this time, but everything has changed so wonderfully since then from those major shifts we all know about, some huge events not many at all know about, a general ramping up with this exponentially accelerating curve of intensifying energy -I mean really, had all this really happened already in just this past 6 months?! WOW!

    I think people need to be reminded of this... and the fact that divine order has returned to Planet Earth. All is truly well and all is truly as it should be. There seems to be a lot of complaining between peers still -and that of frustration between what so many are tired of tolerating the same old game and what so many are tired of waiting for the changes, but hold on to your hats, folks! If all that has happened in the 1st half of this year, I mean "HOLD ON..!" We're in for some real love and joy and peace and harmony and beauty and bliss likely that most may not even be able comprehend when it occurs!  

    People need to remember the angels and the star people have a plan. They have a back up for that plan and a contingency plan for that, so many schedules in place just in case, and a backup for that, etc, etc, etc... Yes "disclosure" has been delayed several times, but they got things figured out now. I mean really, wasn't it the mid 70's when the star people were 1st supposed to come in the public awareness? haha From what I see, the angels threw the rule book out! Seems their making new rules and better ones at that! 

    If people could just trust in their own intuition -discern with their inner core self -shine their own light -the world would change overnight! It really is that easy. It really is crunch time -time to climb aboard the joy train already! Just BE THE CHANGE! I endure in my sensitivity, along with my injury, some physical pain that I can see it as on another and watch their light body crumble, quite literally, but I love me! I love my in entirety! I love me in absolute acceptance, without judgment everything I am and everything that is! I love my pain. I lay down each night to sleep, begin meditating and just giggle to myself, because my scalp is flexing tight from my smiling from ear to ear. I am just blissed out happy all day, every day! It is a choice that I made to be happy, regardless the circumstances around me, regardless who is thinking what about me and from what part of the world, regardless of how much physical pain I endure from one day to the next; I know my natural state is to be in joy and I know the way to my salvation is through nature. And in doing so, I know I am doing all I can from my perspective and I just leave the rest to faith in that those things I don't understand completely are being handled by peoples/beings that DO. And the beautiful thing is that I wake up in the same state, holding myself in loving embrace! –less I wake up with a little humility about some silly thing I did in a dream, but then I just giggle once more, because that was me too! –And it is just part of the clearing process as we all are finding our way(together!).  

    What it comes down to is that if people would just stop complaining and take a moment to smell the dancing rainbow lights all around them, they just might notice there's a New Earth Sun birthing under their feet. And the way to manifesting it is not by pointing fingers at one another over silly issues that only really are a reflection of one's own issues they're simply either not willing to, or afraid to face just yet. It really is crunch time my dear friends. Choose love! Be joyous in life, as this is your natural state of being! Listen in gratitude, as the correspondence between two souls is a gift, not a battleground. Speak in generosity, as the one's you are addressing are merely an extension of YOUrself! Act in kindness, as that is the "kind" of person that will manifest this new creation system. Be that blazing sun you ARE that your every desire is striving to seek out!  We are half way there my lovely and beautiful friends! Can we “Unite” now please?! How else will “UNITY” reach fruition?!

    There is still an ongoing hostility between peers that must be checked. We are the ones supposed to be getting together here figuring out better ways to "Lead By Example" –to "Be The Change" but it is June and this is still going on? Please friends, I ask you all to read my last article about this issue, and can someone with a large email list "Share" that as an email –If it resonate with you?!

    Owning the Playing Field of Kindness - Manifesting the New Earth Frequencies

    Many continue to struggle with speaking solely through love and kindness, but there are many more of us among the ground crew that can still lead by example helping those others still struggling to catch up, simply by responding in kindness and only to those very specific points of which are among those frequencies of love and acceptance, without judgment.

    As we respond in gratitude, and only giving energy towards those very points of others still in the spectrum of love and acceptance, we then own the entire playing field. The best way to stop the hostility between others posting is to NOT give any attention to their negativity. Even if responding in kindness to these unpleasant remarks, we are still fueling the life force of the original negative thoughts and remarks. To completely ignore them will absolutely starve these thought forms from growing in strength at all. . .

    Please Read More: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/owning-the-playing-fi...





     I have just posted Prime Creator of all Universes as you see "The White Fire Core of Being of the Great Central

     Sun of Prime Creator and as I realized Prime Creatrix both being Soarce / All That Is Father Mother"

     It was when I looked at this I felt the Androgynous Soft Warm Radiating Energy and then realized all Suns

     were the same. That is what Terra or Gaia or Diamut is returning to and we are all here for the ride. Blessings Kingjeff

  • 8110008287?profile=original

  •  I have just posted Paraleyes  a Pink Gold Thai Chi which is Androgynous both having the inner complement in Balance of each other.

     Atlantis and Lemuria  had the rule of the Mother as did Mu when it sank beneath the waters of the Pacific. The Matriarchal Rule finished and went into decline. The Harsh Patriarchal period took over which brings us to NOW with this year being that of  Community. A community of GOD/DESS being Androgynous. Pictures of Goddesses with no Balance is going back in history to old times. Stay focused rather on that which is union United U-N- are ONE..

     We have to present NEW ARCHETYPES not rely on the Old. Love you all anyway as you know.

     The Strong female will be that girl who is strong rock solid in the Core of her being and totally soft and feminine on the outside be the male attractant she is so that she awakens the feminine heart of the male once more and he will do anything for he will feel wanted again. May a trillion Rainbow Heart Bubbles erupt from all hearts reading this post 24/7 cascading down healing all they come in contact with leaving behind there own special perfume.

     Blessings Light Love Balance Peace and Harmony Kingjeff

  • 8113999852?profile=original

  • hehe already subbed to the 1st! ;) You really rock SeRAphima!

    Let's go Goddesses...! Catch up to SeRAphima!

  • WOW! I am really liking this new feminine movement I am seeing! Both of you saying things that births new hope for many of the oppressed goddesses living among us, still so afraid to simply "BE" for fear that they will no longer be anonymous and therefore lose the little power they have yet retained. 

    The only thing I would say is to remind your class/group/movement that their power IS infinite! And although their power is amplified as a group, they have it within themselves to empower themselves on their own! I did it. Yes, I am a man, but believe you me when I say I have awoken the goddess within me -I am a full spectrum "human" now with the true "male" upper centers in sync with the lower true "feminine" goddess centers also activated and strong! I am now complete. I am the rainbow! We must ALL worship and empower the true goddess/physical within ourselves. I believe that is where the mission is at now. Even as men, we much empower the woman on planet Earth! They must take back their power! 

    This is finally happening! I am finally seeing these little mentionings now become full on movements in the right direction. Funny thing is still yet many will take that previous paragraph harshly as the cultural programming within themselves still find this offensive to think of women being empowered or the possibility of a woman even being in charge... still purposterous for so many. This old neglectful way of thinking is finally being overturned. Yay!!!

    Imagine a world of women waking up in the morning, just brushing their hair and going out for the day with a true value of self worth as they are, simply the way God/Nature made them. Wait.. what...? That's what men do, right? haha Yep. Time for women to make the rules.. Their rules!


  • 8113643062?profile=original

  • thank you for sharing with us another wonderful post...............

    many blessings and hold on tight , things are getting exciting.........................8113450675?profile=original


     Welcome to the Alternative Ashtar Galactic Ground Crew those of us who are in resonance reading and sharing

     our wisdom as we are able. May a trillion Rainbow Heart Bubbles erupt from and cascade 24/7 out of your heart healing and nurturing all those you come in touch with  leaving a delicate fragrance of your favorite aftershave in your passage in the NOW. I know that I work on other levels and will be happy when I re-connect and then I will be communicating  in the plural. this is the year of Mother Earth and the return of the Divine Mother of the Cosmos. There was  Musical called "Cats". Very successful which put Pussy Values in our faces. Problem our Society has been Patriarchal for too long and is returning to the Nurturing embrace of Our Mother. The Rainbow Heart Bubbles I share, I share as I am Androgynous. Look around and observe. Our  Cats have Nine Lives just where did this come from? It is a wake up call to respect the Feminine as it is there to see. Femi-Nine. Nine Lives. Masculine = Mask(ing) the U (cup) Line. Males have a burst of Growth Testosterone.

     The Mother emits waves of energy in Motion in Rings which brings me to another theft "The Lord of The Rings" a Ring is feminine which is why a Ring of possession is placed on a girl's finger at marriage. ou are going to see the "Goddess of the Ring emerge this year the Year of the Community. 2012 is a Feminine Foundation Year. There is much much more to say and I will place it on a Post but at this moment I share it around. We also have the Rays of the Sun which shines on all evenly being Feminine as it is a Sphere not a straight line. Although being Androgynous it is a blend of Both. This goes all the way back to Soarce, All That Is, Prime Creator of All Universes with Prime Creatrix. Blessings Light Love Balance Peace and Harmony Kingjeff

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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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Ashtar, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS  Sunday Call 3/20/2022 (Ashtar, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY Ashtar and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages were given during…

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