I do believe this post relates directly to today’s Oracle Report.
For your convenience~~ Time Converter
Dear Jean,
Everything started for me on your blog only a few months ago. And now everything has changed and is turned up
25 March 2014
An international team of astronomers, led by Felipe Braga-Ribas (Observatório Nacional/MCTI, Rio de Jan
Read more…Over the years I've come to communicate with and listen to so-called Ashtar Channelers. Most have really positive and hopeful messages. Some have messages of a down-to-earth style realization and some are very ethereal(if you will). there are 2 th
Read more…
What you choose to accept as reality will determine what you’re able to do and manifest, and we can feel that many of you are ready to expand your abilities but feel there still to be a veil between you and us.
We can say
Thanks to Lance and Golden Age of Gaia.
By Jonathan Benson, Natural News – August 13, 2013
A cohort of scientists from the U.S. and Great Britain have made a breakthrough d
Read more…I have numerous alignments in my chart. One is my Neptune in Capricorn at 25.08 degrees which I hear 25 degrees is a pleidian star seed code? I have recently started looking into Sandra Lavender and her mastery in astrology. Apparent 25, 26, and 27 d
Read more…I do believe this post relates directly to today’s Oracle Report.
For your convenience~~ Time Converter
Dear Jean,
Everything started for me on your blog only a few months ago. And now everything has changed and is turned up
-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Can you dear souls imagine that you have plentiful guides all around you at all times, simply waiting to be called upon?
We will let you know that we are with you in the form of synchronicities which can be numeric by na
I have always had very vivid dreams, I have done a lot of research and begun to understand my dreams and what they mean.
For the past couple of weeks I have been dreaming about random things but in EVERY dream no matter what it is about there are ship
Read more…This is part 5 in the series, Becoming the Planetary Human
Solar Time lord, Valiant Ashtar Kumara
V: The inner sun has burned in men (mankind/womankind) always, but for very long, its self-awareness has been tangled up with survival.
There ha
Read more…This is part 5 in the series, Becoming the Planetary Human
Solar Time lord, Valiant Ashtar Kumara
V: The inner sun has burned in men (mankind/womankind) always, but for very long, its self-awareness has been tangled up with survival.
There ha
Read more…I mean, in some deep level what "ingredients" are in the other planets, what is their gravity, their elements, and other details? I mean, we usually conceive life as our own, we say I'm pleiadian, I'm lyran, but I get the feeling we are not alone on
Read more…Hello, maybe some of you are familiar with this info. I just stumble upon it today and i find it very interesting. It seems to contradict a lot of the Ashtar Command info on this site, just more proof we need to follow our inner guidance in these tim
Read more…Last night was one of the most energy felt sensitive nights ever for me. Sleep did not come peaceful all night, my two year old was bouncing admittedly in an amazing mood but bouncing until way past ten. The veil between worlds very thin the thinnest
Read more…Ok, Ok...I feel like I am completely, totally and uterally losing my mental faculties :) Well, the mental faculties that serve me in my day-to-day affairs.
I've been feeling more "magnetized", and have had weird spells of crying for no apparent reas
Read more…The attached NASA images reveals what happened to Elenin as a sudden CME interacted with it, just a few days ago.
It shows that AROUND the actual “nucleus” of Elenin suddenly appeared a stunning GEOMETRIC shape … created by some kind of “force field.”
Read more…While most 13-year-olds spend their free time playing video games or cruising Facebook, one 7th grader was trekking through the woods uncovering a mystery of
In astronomy, the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters (Messier object 45), is an open star cluster containing middle-aged hot B-type stars located in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious
Read more…Hi AC. I am just curious to know how you are ALL feeling with the increasing energies hitting the planet what feels like continuous now. I'll start with how I am feeling, well today exhausted again :(.. I find before massive solar activity my energy
Read more…Very good article indeed. Follow the link for more.
August 8, 2010 by Alex
Filed under Featured, Intel Hub Featured Articles, New World Order, Planetary / Cosmic Overwatch, SCI & TECH
Alex Jones explains…
The time selected for the horoscope chart will be when the gates open, and not kick-off time. The Eagles are expected to wear midnight green jerseys, and the Chiefs will probably wear white. These are the reported…