



Cedar Rapids, IA


May 6

About Yourself

I--like many others here--had a serious awakening through several experiences with what I would describe as a Christ-like energy in 2011. Ever since then I haven't been the "same" and am working on finding out how I can best serve Creation. I writer, homeschooling mother, and careful philosopher and observer of the interplay among worlds. My primary (and close to being ONLY) interest in life is to understand how Creation perceives itself to create realit(ies). I have a PhD in Sociology in which I absolutely did not study what I wanted to--I have a very scientific yet scaredy-cat brain sometimes :)

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

American and European Enlightened thinkers such as Voltaire, Emily Dickinson, Rousseau, Henry David Thoreau, Emerson. Joseph Campbell, Ernest Holmes, Martin Luther King, Ian Haney Lopez, Gandhi, Robert Moss...I am almost ashamed all of these people are old white males. I really have to step it up in this department.

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  • Hello, I know it's been quite awhile since we met on this site. You had some questions as to the location on the work I was doing on a Sacred Tablet that fallows the Hopi and Mayan Prophecies and more, now I finished my research into my findings beyond the the two Prophecies it also involves a third, The Bible. The Sacred Tablet when you apply the Bible in the Missing Corner Piece it now becomes the Lambs Book of Life meant for Jesus Christ Gods Son. I am currently Translating it because it's all Images and not words. I started a Website to post it all on, I am only a portion of the way in completing the whole thing. It's Free to anyone who wants to see the Truth as to what's happening in today's World. View it here at themessenger.world I will be adding to it as i progress. 


  • 8113982690?profile=original

  • 1155639_o.gif

  • Just stopping by to see how you are doing...Have not heard from you in awhile and was thinking about you. How is your new baby? You must be very busy....I remember it well..
    Well have a great week and let me know how you are doing when you get a chance. I want to hear all about your bundle of joy...

  • I've been compared to Glenn Beck too no biggy we all resemble some body, we've been doing this for eterity, like trying to find a new Hallmark card, it tuff -- been there done that life. LOL

  • Congratulations little mama, I just got the news.  I am so happy for you!  Tell me all about the birth and how you  and your beloved baby are doing.  I would have commented earlier but had hand surgery and still am having a hard time typing on handed.  My hand will be in a cast for a month so not condusive to much typing right about now.  I am so happy for you sweet friend.  Would love to see some pictures, hint, hint....Love you and take care...email me any time...love to hear from you.

  • The Paradigm Shift is Here & Now... Temet Nosce 247


    “You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.” ~Alan Watts

  • I am just stopping by to say that I hope you are doing well.  Have been thinking about you as you are on the last stretch.  Have a wonderful week. 

  • 8114321696?profile=original

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somesayimnot left a comment on ASHTAR Cáfe
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somesayimnot replied to happy person's discussion COBRA- Quarantine Earth Endgame, Monday, March 10, 2014
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