(Interesting reading....)

Liberation Forces–Major News 1


Liberation Forces pass the word. Book cover addresses concept only. Image Credit: Monroe Institute



What follows can, and likely will, blow away, freak out, even enrage some of you. Some may be thrilled to know that things they’ve read about, and maybe seen on cinema, are assuredly real.

You may expect many of your deeply held beliefs to be sorely challenged by what’s presented here, but you, and you alone, are responsible for taking what’s presented here within you, feeling into it, then determining, via your gut and heart, whether all, part or none of it rings true for you. In any event, you are responsible for handling any collapse of your own reality tunnels.

For purposes of this post, I won’t be operating in JKI mode, since I’ve participated in certain aspects of what follows. I certainly haven’t grokked in full this head-exploding message received from Ground Contingents about the current situation of the Liberation Forces, of which they form the Earth portion. A message which embodies a large number of telepathic sessions, over a period of months, with  several of their family members and colleagues operating in other dimensions.

You wanted to know what’s been happening with the Liberation Forces. Here you go! Hope you’re up to handling it. NOTE: From time to time I shall include expansion of certain points, as well as my own experiences and insights. All such will be in Italics.

What Ground Contingents of the Liberation Forces Said

The source of all life comes from the child Wah, a conscious matrix none of us had heretofore encountered.

Before we can tell you the absolute significance of what the most grueling and harrowing of fervently seeking the truth uncovered, though, it’s essential that we provide a context in which to place our most valuable discovery ever. Wah may well be the key to decisively clearing up nd out a mess that makes Brobdinagian size seem but a microbe, if that!



The first immediate threat were Lizards aka Reptoids, who have been somewhat defeated and, as shown by the last epistle (refers to prior private information), are still coming in from the Orion system, but that enemy suffered a large loss.

Since it began, JKI has written many posts about the Reptoids, detailing all manner of actions by them and against them. I myself had an unforgettable other-dimensional encounter with the Reptoid king of Earth:

“Operating from a higher dimensional underground base “somewhere near Russia,” the Reptoid boss was fearsome indeed (saw him in my mind’s eye, with details confirmed via Ground Contingent). Standing some 50-60 feet tall, crested, with a triangular head (“viewed” from the top), a mouthful of sharp teeth, fearsome talons and a thick, mottled, battle scarred hide, this thing radiated command presence and power. All that went for naught when it suddenly found itself being spirally sliced (like a Honey-Baked Ham™) from the neck down, immediately followed by a repeat. This time, the cut axis was perpendicular to the first savaging. Thus, you could say the Reptoid boss was first sliced, then diced–clear down to the bone in places. The resulting “sight” of giant flensed Reptoid was ghastly and bloody to behold, but empowering as well. Why? Not only was I “there,” but I was the one who decided, in a moment of mad impulse, to take a shot at the towering monster, supported by a member of the Ground Contingent.”

I was shocked to later learn from the person who watched my back and coached me through the still bizarre to me encounter–that had I died there, I would’ve been dead here, too!  This is a concept found in multiple mystic traditions and is even found in certain fantasy roleplaying games. If the kinds of things described here can happen on a place as damped down as Earth, imagine how quickly things could come to fruition in a place in which manifestation can be almost instantaneous at times. As I’ve said repeatedly, this is no game; this is no joke, and you now know exactly what the stakes are. Except it’s the entire planet at stake, not just individuals!


The next immediate threat was the Insects (huge Praying Mantis type creatures) who had lost their worlds through an exploding sun or other catastrophes. The major creators have created worlds and a solar system for them. The Insects were behind the chemtrails in a grand attempt to destroy the atmosphere of occupied worlds so they could inhabit planets. As previously reported, the chemtrails have lessened, and are thinning out, get less frequent. The Insects said
they could not turn off the timer, but diluted the substance.

The key reason that things like chemtrails and HAARP have been so difficult to deal with on Earth is apparently because their true existence is on dimensions well beyond ours, and we suffer accordingly because we really can’t go the root of the problem. The Liberation Forces are the ones handling this, and in conjunction with confronting , retraining and educating those involved in creating these sorts of problems, progress is being made. The chemtrails are noticeably thinner and fewer; volcanic eruptions in Iceland  and elsewhere which, by rights, should’ve wrecked international air travel (last time grounded three million passengers) and caused enormous disruption and havoc, haven’t (Liberation Forces are sucking up the worst of the ash and other particles and the US HAARP installation is not only dead, but is being dismembered!


The next immediate threat were the Vampires (subjects of lots of JKI coverage), and through upgrading the initial group, Cerelian Empire, others were accessed, and then the vampire new food supply became available.

Multitudes of Vampires have flocked to a special food developed for them by the superb scientists at the Universities of Evolution. So many Vampires want this beyond breakthrough food that there have been food wars among rival Dark Vampire groups, who’ve heard there’s some thing wonderful out there and are desperate to get it–food being scarce in their Dark Universe.  This food has provided the means whereby those Vampires who’ve wisely decided to evolve are able to feed without destroying us, as you’ve seen portrayed in such hit shows as “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”  and “Angel.” For those who don’t know, Earth is a Vampire cafeteria, on a Vampire world, with Vampires operating both in and out of this dimension, and the Vampires, large and small, feed upon us in a host of ways.

End Part 1

Liberation Forces–Major News! Part 2

Liberation Forces Finally Report In! Prepare to Be Stunned!

liberation forces

Liberation Forces have kept us alive so, inter alia, we can see the beauty of the Cartwheel Galaxy in this splendid false-color Hubble Telescope shot. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons via NASA/JPL.


What follows can, and likely will, blow away, freak out, even enrage some of you. Some may be thrilled to know that things they’ve read about, and maybe seen on cinema, are assuredly real.

You may expect many of your deeply held beliefs to be sorely challenged by what’s presented here, but you, and you alone, are responsible for taking what’s presented here within you, feeling into it, then determining, via your gut and heart, whether all, part or none of it rings true for you. In any event, you are responsible for handling any collapse of your own reality tunnels.

For purposes of this post, I won’t be operating in JKI mode, for I’ve participated in certain aspects of what follows. I certainly haven’t grokked in full this head-exploding message received from Ground Contingents about the current situation of the Liberation Force, of which they form the Earth portion. A message which embodies a large number of telepathic sessions, over a period of months, with  several family members and colleagues operating in other dimensions.

You wanted to know what’s been happening with the Liberation Forces. Here you go! Hope you’re up to handling it. NOTE: From time to time I shall include expansion of certain points, as well as my own experiences and insights. All such will now be in Italics. The story continues, addressing the vital issues of why it is so infernally difficult to get anything of consequence done here. Anything, that is, which threatens Dark control of the planet. After that, the narrative shifts to covering one harrowing aspect after another of how the lid is ever clamped down upon us, why we really are in a pressure cooker, who’s operating against us, how and why. We are exceedingly fortunate humankind hasn’t been wiped out, and the Liberation Forces explain several of the methods used to keep us going until the principal issues, all off-planet and higher dimensional, can be identified and resolved.

Consciousness Dampeners, Monsanto and Fires

21,000 consciousness dampeners surround Earth.

Per the Liberation Forces via the Ground Contingents, Earth is booby trapped, on an all but inconceivable scale, by fiends whose magnitudes beggar description. Think of there being an immensely powerful force, which, despite its awesome might, knows, in its darkest of Dark awareness, that there will come a time in which certain things, all bad, will begin to occur. They know that, because Earth is the interdimensional key to entire universes seen and unseen, they must hold onto it–or die trying. 

This is why it’s been so incredibly difficult to make progress; it is precisely why one positive initiative after another has been so hard to bring forth; so fleeting in its existence. The levels of redundancy in those systems and devices protecting the Dark here on Earth would make a computer network administrator rejoice, except these are intended to intensify current conditions favoring the Dark, maintain the status quo, or, as a last resort, wipe out the entire planet to keep it from falling in enemy hands.

If you imagine an Earth, say, double its perceived size (includes astral fields and such), densely seeded in every layer, visible or not, with mines–mines capable of obliterating the planet–all of which are interconnected. That’s what the Liberation Forces face even after breaking Reptoid control here. Understand, though, that the Reptoids are but the minions, the creations of the Vampires.  Call this mining to the Nth degree the EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) problem of the ages!  Now that you have the tiniest of handles on the EOD end of the problem, please get that problem is being worked not during a war, but in war after war after war. This is why I’ve had so little to say on ETs/EDs (Extraterrestrials/ Extradimensionals), for people in mortal combat; people who’ve been terribly wounded, or even killed and painstakingly restored to life and undergoing months of rehab don’t have time for interviews and such!

With the above firmly in mind, now we can discuss the 21,000 consciousness dampeners. The Dark forces, the renegade Vampires who won’t, as they say, get with the program, at all hazards must keep down consciousness, for with consciousness comes connection, and with that–power! Power the Dark Ones mortally dread, for it contains their utter destruction and the fall of their system of draconian control of Earth, her people and entire galaxies in our reality and many others. Earth is the linchpin of the Vampire control system over vast regions. Moreover, it is practically the last vestige of the original creation.

Consequently, it is the sine qua non of the Vampires to keep us forever divided: to pit rich vs poor; to keep races and cultures, even villages against each other; to tear apart families and sow dissension, strife and hate everywhere; to engineer wars and ruinous economic cycles; to do anything and everything to distract and disturb the peoples of the world. The goal of all this? To trap them in Third Plane Reality and keep them totally, or at least partially, unaware of who they really are and of their phenomenal power.

Enter the consciousness dampeners. Their job is to do exactly what their name suggests: to keep us from becoming self-aware.  To make sure this doesn’t happen. Ever. There are reportedly 21,000 of them positioned around Earth. The Liberation Forces are making some headway agains them, but it’s anything but easy and the resistance fierce.

Some of you may recall Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Transcendental Meditation™. His worldwide, high profile group used to sometimes do mass meditations, focused on things like reducing crime or bringing peace. And claimed measurable success.

That may seem crazy on the face of it, but when you get right down to it, how, really, does it differ from prayer; from blessings; from visualization or from curses? It doesn’t!  Each and every one of those things amounts to focused Intention.To the deliberate direction of the Will to achieve some specified goal.  As such, they are, by definition, ritual Magick, whether for good or ill. That Magick shapes reality and causes things to happen. Let me explain.

In the Bible, Jesus says: “Wherever two or more are gathered together in my name, there am I.” Why two? Glad you asked!  In The Ra Materials, by Seth, lies the answer to why the people of Earth must be forever divided and at odds with each other. In the above book, it describes how the way the people of the planet decide the planet’s future is by something termed the “Call.”

The Call is–wait for it–the focused Intention of the people of a given planet. Additionally the strength of the Call goes by the square of the number of a given persuasion calling. So an individual calling counts as one, and two count as 1.414, but after that, things take off. Three becomes nine and four, sixteen. Now, suppose 5000 people all come together and decide to focus on, say, reducing crime in the city. The Call for that is 5000 squared, or 25 million!  Armed with what you’ve just been taught, would it be reasonable to expect improvement in the local crime rate?

This is but a nano example of what the renegade Vampires face here. Start running the numbers for even a fraction of your city, state or what have you, and you begin to grok what humankind is truly capable of. What if a million people got together, even briefly in this age of instant connectivity, and simultaneously put forth a demand for peace; for freedom from oppression of body, mind and spirit?!

I know of cases in which a small group of Silva Mind Control™ graduates (am also one), sitting around and bitching about the choking inversion layer which had trapped a terrible smog in Los Angeles, California for days, was challenged by the instructor to do something about it. The grousing members did so, and the next day, and wholly against all meteorological expectations, a hole opened up, the inversion layer started to dissipate, and the people of Los Angeles could conduct their daily doings without respiratory distress able to kill seniors and children; without burning eyes. The program I mentioned is a course in applied psychic functioning; in becoming self-aware. That is how a handful of people was supposedly able to liberate a major city from a health-wrecking situation expected to last many days past when it abruptly began to lift.


Justly deemed to be perhaps the most reviled company on the planet. Simply put, Monsanto is dedicated, whether anyone but its leaders know it or not, to the systematic destruction of the flora and fauna of the planet, thus creating the perfect environment in which the Dark thrives. Monsanto is one of the key players in externalizing the chemtrails which really have their origins in other dimensions.  “As above, so below.” The chemtrails are a kind of terraforming done by the Insects to prepare Earth for their arrival, but the Liberation Forces found them another planet, so they no longer need to come here. There have been efforts to shut down the chemtrail generation on the Liberation forces end–a critical timer can’t be turned off–but though the good guys significantly curtailed the emissions, these still continue. I’ve been told they’re now wispy and thin, and I’ve directly observed a considerable thinning of what once used to blanket the skies. Reportedly, they’re now much less toxic and whiter. The chemtrails are loaded with the soil killers aluminum and barium, and if the soil dies, we die. Won’t that be a tasty meal for the Vampires as untold millions die slow, agonizing deaths from starvation? That on the heels of wars over food; over water, extending all the way down to inside families.  And let’s not forget, it’s Monsanto leading the charge to patent and bioengineer the very food we eat; to negatively affect us, particularly children at critical stages of development; to deprive us of crops which reproduce from seeds. Instead they seek a “one and done” agricultural model in which they control the seeds–and the pricing– for next year’s crop. Unfortunately for Monsanto, its super duper genetically engineered plants haven’t fared well in the real world, being gobbled up by the far more adaptable insects. And there have also been spectacular crop failures. So great has been the outcry that whole crops have been burned to extirpate this monstrous evil of crops that cripple and kill; which bankrupt the farmers,  from the land. All of the above is readily confirmable with a little research. And it was apparently Monsanto whose actions very nearly wiped out the bees whose pollination keeps the planetary ecosystem functioning. They survive because the ETs/EDs upgraded them. Monsanto’s getting so much flak it’s got whole teams who do nothing but zealously watch all the information channels, especially the Net, for negative comments. They seek to stop them outright or at least offset them with their shills. 


Fires can purify, but they are also very effective at making the air toxic, hurting flora and fauna alike (we’re fauna), causing property destruction, ratcheting up societal stress and even causing mass panic. Fires are an important tool of the renegade Vampires, as seen, for example in the fires raging in California and elsewhere. The Liberation Forces have, we’re told, made some progress there, presumably allowing containment of seemingly unstoppable fires which have taxed firefighting personnel and resources to the breaking point. One other point. Fires burn oxygen-producing plants, not only removing their oxygen production from the overall oxygen supply in the atmosphere, but they also increase carbon dioxide, resulting in a double whammy. Fires are thus a deliberate policy to make the planet unsustainable for humanity. The global oxygen situation is laid out here. The conclusions reached there don’t include the deliberate creation of huge fires over and above the norm.


Weather is a weapon. A single hurricane packs the energy equivalent of some 10,000 atomic bombs; a major volcanic eruption, such as Mt. St. Helens, is the equivalent of a 24-megaton nuke, a device with 1600 times the yieldof the A-Bomb that wiped out Hiroshima, Japan shortly before the end of World War II. I have written about weather warfare myself, and it appears in the anthology Forbidden Science, Doug Kenyon, Editor. A magnitude 6 quake is the equivalent of 1 million tons of TNT all detonating at once. Those who can accomplish these things lash out against their enemies by doing things like moving and amping up a hurricane so it wrecks whole regions; they trigger quakes and flatten cities; push pent up volcanoes over the edge, and eruptions and quakes can trigger tsunamis. Your head’s doubtless spinning over this, but read and ponder what then-Secretary of Defense William Cohen said in 1997 while attending an anti-terrorism conference. This was taken from the amazing Tom Bearden website. For those who don’t know, he puts the “B” in brilliant and may well be smarter than Albert Einstein was. He is a world class expert on the Tesla conceived scalar weapons (simplified discussion; full one on Bearden’s site) able to do what the quote below describes, and he has been visited by government agents who’ve warned him not to talk about them or applied antigravity!

“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”

Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.

And if those scary terrorists can do terrible can do those deeply jolting, enormously destructive things, just what do you think the other power groups, clear up to nations and beyond, have been doing–for decades now?! It’s called environmental modification or environmental warfare. It’s so real there’s a 1976 UN treaty prohibiting it.

Much of the extreme weather oft attributed to “global warming” is, in fact, environmental warfare. Control the jetstream, control the weather. Add energy here, remove it there and you can turn the normal weather pattern upside down. If you do this, you can directly affect agriculture, transportation, power generation and other important things.  


The volcanos cannot be stopped, but the ash is being carried away by suction ships and put on other worlds that badly need the substance.

Volcanic ash is rich in soil nutrients, as seen in Hawaii, a collection of volcanoes, some still active,  which grew from the sea floor long ago.

There are many starships used to stabilize our badly deteriorated infrastructure, and watching critical spots where volcanos could ruin America,
while moving other earthquakes so they are not right under heavily populated areas.

Let me translate that sentence. The Liberation Forces are stopping dams from bursting, bridges from falling, tunnels from collapsing and the power grid from imploding. Inter alia. As for volcanoes, if Mt. Rainier near Seattle-Tacoma blows, what happens there?! A Native American prophecy provides something worth knowing.

“A volcano that will devastate the Seattle area is foretold is an ancient prophecy from Washington State’s Puyallup tribe, which says, “The time will come when Little Sister will speak, and Grandfather will answer. And the land will be swept clean to the ocean.” Sun Bear explained that Donald Matheson, a leader of the Puyallup tribe, moved his people to Idaho in 1979 because he believed it was time for this prophecy to be fulfilled. In March 1980, the mountain that we call Little Sister began to whisper. May 18th of 1980, the Little Sister spoke with a cubic mile of mountain that was spread over the northwest area, and many other parts of the world… “The Little Sister is called Mount St. Helens. Soon, the Grandfather is going to answer so much bigger. That one is called Mt. Rainier.”

And do you realize the US has no fewer than three super volcanoes: Yellowstone (occupies parts of three states: Wyoming, Montana and Idaho), Mammoth and Long Valley, both in California? Analyses and field research show that if Yellowstone erupts, for a 600 mile radius, destruction will be complete, reducing thereafter. The western third of the country will have volcanic ash all over it. And you have no idea what it can do to our society. How about shorting out generators, causing cars and trucks to stop working and killing air travel (jet engines die quickly when fed volcanic dust particles). As for agriculture, you can pretty much write off the West Coast, assuredly including California, which grows nearly half of the nation’s produce. And before all those (and many not mentioned) you’ll have pandemic regional respiratory issues affecting people and critters alike. Seniors, the infirm and children will be the first to go, but the survivors likely won’t last either.  How long will the water keep coming when the reservoirs get bombarded with ash? Remember, the filtration systems were never designed to deal with such a problem. 


The Borg, though, are the greatest threat and are now the primary focus. Gene Roddenberry presented the idea with machine-engineered semi-human forms. Maybe at one time, it began that way, but now you cannot tell a Borg from a human, so great is the sophistication. A Borg is different from what I term a
“synthetic,” who are mostly workers. Borgs are programmed to destroy, but not overtly, only covertly. What makes a Borg or a synthetic is the manipulation of the chromosome,  the source of life and consciousness, and evolution.

The Borg has no discrimination; wind it up, and put it in the right direction, everything and everyone is damaged or destroyed. Of late, we have identified most hard-core alcoholics and drug abusers, those unable to stop, or those who have no intention to stop, as Borg. These Borg are used to ruin families and businesses. But why??? Where do they come from, and who created them?

We can now answer those questions, for it all has to do with the deliberate shutdown of creation; the effort to stop all manifest life.It is not the first time I realized and observed creation is destroying itself, and it is suicidal. As my life dwindles further, and the stagnation amplifies, I’ve had to confront the suicide nature of whatever is shutting down everything.

End. Continued in Part 3.

Liberation Forces–Major News! Part 3

Liberation Forces Finally Report In! Prepare to Be Stunned!

liberation forces

Liberation Forces discover the Child Wah. MGM “2001: A Space Odyssey” pic to show concept. Image shownhere and presented under Fair Use.


What follows can, and likely will, blow away, freak out, even enrage some of you. Some may be thrilled to know that things they’ve read about, and maybe seen on cinema, are assuredly real.

You may expect many of your deeply held beliefs to be sorely challenged by what’s presented here, but you, and you alone, are responsible for taking what’s presented here within you, feeling into it, then determining, via your gut and heart, whether all, part or none of it rings true for you. In any event, you are responsible for handling any collapse of your own reality tunnels.

For purposes of this post, I won’t be operating in JKI mode, for I’ve participated in certain aspects of what follows. I certainly haven’t grokked in full this head-exploding message received from Ground Contingents about the current situation of the Liberation Force, of which they form the Earth portion. A message which embodies a large number of telepathic sessions, over a period of months, with  several family members and colleagues operating in other dimensions.

You wanted to know what’s been happening with the Liberation Forces. Here you go! Hope you’re up to handling it. NOTE: From time to time I shall include expansion of certain points, as well as my own experiences and insights. All such will be in Italics. If you’re still here and sane after Part 2, brace yourself!

This part of the report concerns the Child Wah, who is Child Matrix, understood by Ground Contingents to be the wellspring of life. This is very deep primal stuff and goes to the core of why, to those who truly understand what’s going on, why things are so unbelievably screwed up in general, but with Earth as perhaps the most glaring individual expression of that dire state.

Child Matrix

There was only one place to go, and that is the source of all life, the Child Matrix, but who would know how to connect with it? Even the thought seemed obscure, but I had to put some effort in to sort it out.I attempted, with true intention and oceans of tears, to image a child with whom I could speak, but what I got was a black ball with a chopping knife sticking out of it. I immediately knew this was the destructive rage, and I aligned with it.

“I can see you are angry.”The knife appeared to rapidly stab something I could not see.”You are jealous.”The knife kept stabbing, and the sensation of now it wanted to kill everything prevailed.”When you are jealous, you hurt others, and this makes the matter worse.It is your jealousy that has destroyed creation.”

The knife stopped.

“When you are jealous, then the sibling is hurt, and then the sibling hurts others.”

It listened, and I continued to process waves of tear-driven emotion undulating through me.

“You always blame your sibling for stealing the affection of your parents, but that isn’t the truth. The parents are the ones who seem to favor one or the other. “It considered these words.

“This jealousy has to stop because it brought down everything. It causes murder and punishment, and it damns all life. Parents are an extension of the child, they are created by you. You are creating the parents that ignore, or favor, their children. It is a dead end loop.”

I continued.

“Those of us who put together creation didn’t know how to do it right.We did not understand what was needed. We are considering several ways to handle the parent/child relationship better. One of them is not to allow births closer than seven years, so we can get past this innate jealousy that destroys everything.”

“We do not understand, when we are making such effort to get creation right, why you continue to oppose us.”

That seemed to get through, and I dropped into a deeper meditation.Fimwah, one of the Wah leaders, told me the conversation was being broadcast telepathically to everyone. So deep into the emotional contentof this particular focus, I hardly comprehended what she said.


“Five of the Daywalkers, the children of the former witches and vampires now upgraded, were abducted. I know you did that, I know you took them,and you infected them with the Borg mechanism. Why would you do that to the solution we are working toward; why would you take the best of our effort and seed it for destruction?”

There was no answer.

“They were returned, but I know what they will grow up to be. You created the Borg to shut down life on the level of the chromosome; I know you did that because you are the only one capable of doing that. You are life, but you are destroying yourself. It already happened, you did destroy creation in the future. Is that what you wanted to do?”

I heard an answer,


Gobs of tears gushed from my eyes.

“I am here to restore life to this creation, and all you do is fight me. I need you to cooperate. You need to stop shutting me down.”

The answer was visual; the knife was laid down. By this time dimensions had opened, and I could see several creators looking at me, so I know the message was received. I also have no idea who these creators were, but there were at least three of them at some highly positioned place.That seemed to be the end of that session.


I understood a couple of hours later yesterday, after the closure of that experience, a group of high-end psychologists and creators gathered to assess the situation, and further explore this rare opportunity. Today, the grief started up all over again as the feedback from the work of those skilled in child psychology descended on me. They spoke.

“The Child Wah shut down to save itself. In physical reality, each abuse of a child broke its matrix. The violation against children is so widespread it will kill all life. The Child Wah lost hope, and when you arrived, it did not believe you would help, so it kept manufacturing the Borg and shutting off all your avenues on Earth to create something that would be viable.”

I also felt the shattering of the Child Wah matrix. What should be a glowing being, is now mostly dark splinters.The Fix? As of today, we have answers, but the fix is an unknown path, and there are no promises. In fact, there was uncertainty about what could be done, if anything. So we wait, and watch to see what might happen.The ETs did report there was a tremendous shift in ET land.  What it was,and how it was experienced, I have no information. We are in a dampening prison.

END Part 3

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  • 8114856060?profile=originalJealousy is childish but also evil and I feel that it is the root of all of the problems on Earth. I really like how he dealt with it. Evil tyrants lack in the love that is also their birth right, only it's forgotten. I pray that they look for the love, and that they find the love, that is there for everybody. Nobody is left out. Actions might not be forgivable, but souls are. In this hellish existence, people who have suffered so much, especially from a young age, may know nothing else. However, all negative emotions are lies, and illusions, and not the Real Us. The Real Us is extraordinary, beautiful, unique, loving, and lovable. This is great news :) The game is up :) 

    Whether this information is true or not, it is a fascinating read, happy person :) Thank you. I am glad that this man put in such an effort, and had this profound and amazing experience, and that he shared it with us. I am intrigued to find out what happens next.

    The key is in forgiveness, of self and of others.

    Love and light :)

  • My moo poo detector is going off the charts. What a great way to take the blame off the people responsible for these crimes. Blame lizards and bugs.
  • It's really hard to put this information into comprehension. It could well be made up from someones fantasy with drops of truth in it.

    What do you suggest one to do with such information? Is it anything that will help anyone? Because it's not going to reach many, and those that it reaches I imagine only a small percentage will be able to accept any of it.

    I'm quite open minded, but when I read this it really de-rails me and I keep getting warning signals all the time. Maybe it's because my lack of understanding, I have no reference of personal experience in these matters. So it all becomes like reading a fairytale, that is based on some things going on with the Earth.

  • I don't believe the vamps are in charge, they're far too low on the food chain! The Draconians are the ones running the show, they're the overlords of the lizards. The greys & mantids take their orders from these lizards.

  • Seems like a good place to put this:

    All about the secret gov, alien(reptile, grey & mantid) partners, jump gates, time travel, remote viewing assassinations of key high val targets etc etc...

    The Mars Records

    Detailed records of Clearing sessions with a biofeedback meter, where a man who had been in the U.S. Navy regained hidden memories of military service on Mars, Time travel, Killing with Remote Viewing, Mind control, and Military and Alien Abductions.


    The Mars Records - Home - The Mars Records
    • Thanks for the link.

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ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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Ashtar, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS  Sunday Call 3/20/2022 (Ashtar, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY Ashtar and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages were given during…

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Views: 738

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Drekx Omega left a comment on Music for your soul.
"😎"Why Must You," by Souldoubt....A nice groovy number from 2006-04-01...Composer: Alex Dean

18 minutes ago
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
The pedo-blackmailed and bribed acting troupe that pretends to be the US government just bought itself a little more than a week’s survival time by means of outright crime. The Rothschild/Rockefeller owners of the US Corporation did this by fooling…
42 minutes ago
Drekx Omega replied to Justin89636's discussion All About Billy Meier and the Plejaren
"Ah yes, that link is the source material for the video, which I provided to my friends at "Family of Light" to post, on my behalf, on YouTube, back in 2015...If you look on the cover image, it has both my logo, as well as that of FOL......Those guys…"
3 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything Ufo Or Et Related
"Gulf Breeze sighting back in 1992. Communication between those on the ground and the crafts was made here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp0BaS21r68"
3 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Gulf Breeze sighting back in 1992. Communication between those on the ground and the crafts was made here. https://youtu.be/rp0BaS21r68?si=VbczGAkXB_mQgYa-"
3 hours ago
Drekx Omega replied to AlternateEarth's discussion The Dark Origins of the Davos’ Great Reset
"The one thing that this mostly factual collation of data, has not mentioned, is the why...WHY...?? Creating the new paradigm...?? Why...?

Basically, the dark cabal commenced the process, in serious momentum, during the early 1970s....Indeed, the…"
3 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion All About Billy Meier and the Plejaren
"Thanks for that Drekx. Great info provided here. I also found this one not too long ago that was made by you as well that is almost the same as what you posted, but does not have a video. Ill post it right here for all to check out. Definitely a…"
3 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
3 hours ago